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    2018年秋人教版新目标七年级英语上册Unit6(第2课时)Section A 3a_3c课时练习(含答案)

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    2018年秋人教版新目标七年级英语上册Unit6(第2课时)Section A 3a_3c课时练习(含答案)

    1、Unit 6 Do you like bananas第二课时 Section A (3a3c)A 基础起航 .写出图片中各物品的英语单词。1I like _eggs_ for breakfast every morning.2She likes eating _carrots_ very much.3My mother likes having some _rice_ and meat for dinner.4_Chicken_ is his favorite food.5I love having some _fruit_ very much.根据句意及首字母提示填写单词。1We usual

    2、ly have rice and chicken for dinner_ in the evening.2There are seven days in a week_. 3What food_do you like for breakfast?I like bread and eggs.4My brother doesnt like vegetables, like carrots_ and tomatoes.5What fruit_does your father like? Apples.6When is your birthday_? Do you have a party on th

    3、at day?7Do you like milk?Yes. You are right_I like milk and bread for breakfast.用方框中所给的单词或短语填空。How about, think about, next week, birthday dinner, Sure, Then1.My brothers _birthday_dinner_ is at 6:00 pm. on Sunday.2Lets _think_about_ the food for the party.3Can you help me? _Sure_4Lets go to the cin

    4、ema _next_week_. Why not today?5_How_about_ some chicken with vegetables? OK.6I dont have time to go shopping today! _Then_ lets make it tomorrow.用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。1What are these?They are _bananas_ (banana)2We have nine _oranges_ (orange)3My mother_likes_(like) apples, but she doesnt like pears.4My si

    5、ster and I _dont_(do not) have bread for lunch.5The little girl _doesnt_like_ (not like) pears.6Does he have_rice_ (rice) for breakfast?7What_do_ you often _do_ (do) after dinner?B 语法扬帆 .单项选择。( C )1.I have some _ for dinner.Astrawberry BeggCchicken Dcarrot( C )2.I eat some vegetables, like _Astrawbe

    6、rries BeggsCtomatoes Dhamburgers( B )3.I eat_ egg in the morning. What about you?I eat_ chicken.Aa; the Ban; /Ca; / Dan; a( B )4.Its Toms birthday. Tom likes salad._. Lets get some salad. AYoure welcomeBYoure rightCYoure all rightDAll right( C )5._ your brother like hamburgers?No, he _ADo; doesnt BD

    7、o; dontCDoes; doesnt DDoes; does .句型转换。1They like some_healthy_food. (对画线部分提问)_What_ _do_they like? 2Tom has some oranges for breakfast. (改为否定句)Tom _doesnt_ _have_ _any_ oranges for breakfast.3My brother likes tomatoes. (改为否定句)My brother _doesnt_ _like_ tomatoes.4Do you like bread and rice? (作否定回答)N

    8、o, _I/we_ _dont_5They have some oranges. (用 he 作主语改为单数句子)He _has_ _an_ orange. 6They play basketball in_the_park(对画线部分提问)_Where_ _do_they play basketball?C 提升冲浪 .完形填空。My younger sister is Cindy. Today is _1_ birthday. My mother _2_ her a big cake. She is eight years old now. She likes cakes. _3_the

    9、table in her bedroom, you can _4_ the nice cake. Her_5_ is on the cake. There is other _6_ for her birthday, too. _7_ are some apples, salad, icecream, strawberries and oranges. _8_ she wants to have something to drink now. Her _9_, Kate, Barry, Bill and Frank are coming to her birthday party now. S

    10、he likes to eat these things_10_ her friends.( C )1.A.his Bmy Cher Dyour( D )2.A.thinks Bwants Cfinds Dgets( B )3.A.At BOn CUnder DWith( B )4.A.look Bsee Ceat Dhave( A )5.A.name Bbook Cbackpack Dthing( D )6.A.vegetables Bfruit Ccakes Dfood( A )7.A.They BThese CThose DIts( B )8.A.Because BAnd CSo DBu

    11、t( C )9.A.parents Bteachers Cfriends Dbrothers( A )10.A.with Bfor Cto Dof.阅读理解。You eat much food every day, but do you eat good food? Its important! You need oranges and bananas, but you dont need icecream. You need salad and broccoli, but you dont need French fries. You need bread and milk but you

    12、dont need hamburgers. And an egg a day is also necessary(有必要的). Write a list of the food you eat. Is it good food? Do you eat right every day?( D )1.Its important to eat_Aoranges BbananasCicecream Dgood food( B )2.You dont need _ every day.Abananas BicecreamCmilk Dsalad( A )3.We need _egg(s) every d

    13、ay.Aone BsevenCtwo Dthree( A )4.According to(根据) the writer, we need _Abroccoli BFrench friesCicecream Dall of the above( C )5.The passage talks about _Awhere to eat every dayBhow to eat every dayCwhat to eat every dayDwhy to eat every day猜出画线单词的中文意思及词性,并收入自己的小词典。读 后 词 汇 拓 展1other _ adj./pron.其他的_2important _ adj.重要的_


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