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    人教版高二英语必修五:Unit 1 Language points 优秀课件

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    人教版高二英语必修五:Unit 1 Language points 优秀课件

    1、人教课标 高二必修 5 Unit 1,Language points,Unit 1 Great scientists,1. What do you know about Dr. John Snows being well-known in London?,He attended Queen Victoria to ease the birth of her babies.,Questions,3. Did people know how to cure the disease?,2. From what disease did Londonerssuffer in his age?,They

    2、exposed themselves to cholera.,No, they didnt.,People absorbed this disease into their bodies with their meals.,4. What was the second theory explaining how the disease killed people?,5. How serious was the disease outbreak in London?,The cholera outbreak was so severe that more than 500 people had

    3、died in 10 days.,Many of the deaths were near the water pump in Broad Street.,6. Where were many of the deaths in Broad Street?,7. Why did some houses have no deaths?,These families worked in the pub at 7 Cambridge Street. They were given free beer and so had not drunk the water from the Broad stree

    4、t pump.,It seemed the water was to blame,8. What did Dr. Snow think was responsible for the disease?,He told the people to remove the handle from the water pump so it could not be used.,9. What did Dr. Snow advised the peoplein Broad Street do?,10. What else did Dr. Snow find in another part of Lond

    5、on that were linked to the Broad Street outbreak?,In addition, he found 2 other deaths.,11. What conclusion did Dr. Snow tell the public?,He announced that polluted water carried the disease.,12. What did Dr. Snow tell the water companies?,They were instructed not to expose people to polluted water

    6、anymore.,练习题,attend 【匹配】 阅读下列句子,并在其后的括号中填出attend的含义。出席,参加 b. 照顾,护理 c. 经常去,定期去,Mary invited about 30 people to her party, but only 12 attended it. ( ) 2. All the six members of my family attend church every Sunday. ( ),a,c,3. The nurse attended the patients with great care. ( ) 4. If you go out, who

    7、will attend to the baby? ( ) 【点拨】attend常作及物动词(句1至句3),也可作不及物动词,构成attend to sb. / sth.结构,意为“处理;对付;照料;关怀”(句4)。,b,b,【拓展】attend, join, take part in都可意为“参加”,区别如下:attend后主要接meeting, conference, school, ceremony等作宾语;join后的宾语主要是表示团体、组织(如军队、党派)、一群人、游戏等的名词,如party, army, club等;take part in后的宾语主要是某项活动,如discussio

    8、n, movement, revolution, debate等。,【小试】 将下列句子翻译成汉语。Many children in the poor village cant attend school although they have reached the school age.2. Daniel is sick now and he needs someone to attend to him.,丹尼尔现在生病了,需要有人照顾他。,那个穷村子的许多孩子虽然到了上学的年龄但却上不了学。,e.g. 1. The wolf opened its mouth to _ a row of s

    9、harp teeth.,2. Dont _ your skin to the sun; your skin will be hurt.,expose,expose,expose,e.g. The police began to look into the case, but the eyewitness was afraid to _ the murderer. Meaning?,“to make known; to tell the truth”,expose,揭发,* When you have a pain in your shoulders, you will go to see a

    10、doctor. The doctor will _ you. He will _ the pain in your shoulders. Aspirin is said to be a wonderful _ for the pain.,cure,cure,cure,cure,v. 治愈,n. 疗法,* Although the boy was beyond _, his parents tried to _ him of bad habits. * The prices are going up every day, but there is no _ for rising prices.,

    11、cure,cure,cure,不可救药,n. 对策,e.g. Clever children absorb knowledge easily. 聪明孩子容易吸收知识。Aspirin is quickly absorbed by /into the body. 阿司匹林很快被身体吸收了。The strong states often absorbed the small states in the past. 过去大国兼并小国。,absorb 吸收; 吸引; 使专心; 合并; 吞并,He is absorbed in his business. 他专心致志的处理业务。,be absorbed i

    12、n = concentrate on表示“专心于某事” e.g. He is absorbed in the research of Chinese history recently. absorb ones attention e.g. Chinese history absorbs his attention recently.,be absorbed by 被吞并;为所吸收 absorb into 吞并;吸到 absorb ones time 占用某人的时间,Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome 严重急性呼吸道症候群,Do you know the full

    13、 name of SARS?,severe,severe用作形容词,当它的意思为“严重的;严肃的”时,和serious相近;当它的意思为“严厉的;严格的”时,与strict 相近,常用结构be severe on (upon) / with sb. 表示“对某人严厉或严格”;此外它还有“剧烈的;尖锐的;朴素的”的意思。,e.g. The drought is becoming increasingly severe. 旱灾日趋严重。He is severe with his children. 和对子女很严格。You are too severe on (upon) the boy. 你对那个

    14、男孩太严厉了。I felt a severe pain in the chest. 我感到胸口剧烈疼痛。,表示“伤势严重”要用severe, 不用serious; 但指“疾病严重”时, 两者都可与illness连接。 e.g. She received severe head injuries in the accident.在事故中她的头部受了重伤。I was laid up for six weeks with a severe /serious illness.由于重病,我卧床六个星期。,此句不可用serious。,泵 (油泵; 气泵), 抽水机, 打气筒,pump,If have a

    15、flat tyre, you will pump air into the tyre. (You will pump up your tyre.) When my car was short of gas, I went to the gas station, where the guy pumped gas.,pump,v. 打气,v. 打气,We had a debate yesterday. The lively debate really pumped us up. His heart was pumping fast. During the drought last year, th

    16、e villagers had pumped the well dry, but got no more water.,v. 给打气,v. 心跳,v. 用唧筒抽(水等); 用唧筒抽吸中的水等,酒馆bar,旅馆; 小店,pub, public house,blame 【观察】 仔细观察下列句子并体会blame在句中的词性、含义及用法。Many children are afraid of being blamed for making mistakes in speaking English. 2. Its no use blaming our defeat on the player.,3.

    17、Its you who are to blame for the accident. 4. You must take the blame for the mistakes in the report. 5. The boss always puts the blame for the failure on us.,【点拨】blame作动词,意为“责备;谴责”,可构成:blame sb. / sth. for sth.,因某事而指责某人/某事(句1);_ _ 把某事归咎于某人/某事(句2);_ 对某事负有责任(主动表被动)(句3); blame作名词,意为“过失;责备”,可构成:take th

    18、e blame承担责任(句4);put the blame for sth. on sb. 把某事归咎于某人。,blame sth. on sb. / sth.,be to blame for sth.,【小试】 将下列句子翻译成英语。 1. 那次事故怪不着孩子们。2. 警察把那起交通事故归咎于Jack的粗心驾驶。,The police blamed the traffic accident on Jacks careless driving.,The children were not to blame for the accident.,handle,handle v.,Choose th

    19、e Chinese explanations in the box.,1. Ms Hawkins, the chief accountant of the company handles the companys accounts.,C. 管理,2. The children are so naughty that I cant handle them. 3. She handled a difficult argument skillfully.,F. 控制; 管,E. 应付,4. Handle children kindly, if you want them to trust you.

    20、5. This shop handles paper and stationery. 6. He learnt how to handle the axe.,D. 对待,B. 经销;买卖,A. 操作;运用,in addition also as well as besides,used when adding another fact to what has already been mentioned,e.g. In addition to apples you asked for, I bought you some oranges.,in addition,2. The two town

    21、s are linked by a railway. v. 连接,1. A lot of links fitted together form a chain. n.(链状物的)环, 节,3. The new bridge will link the island to the mainland.,link,4. 研究人员发现了吸烟和心脏病之间的关系。Researchers have detected a link between smoking and heart disease.,1. The captain announced that the plane was going to la

    22、nd. 2. The government announced that they would build a new highway to the mountain. 3. The army announced a cease-fire.,announce,4. It has been announced that Mr. A and Miss B will be married next week. Meaning?* to make known publicly; to give information using a loudspeaker, esp. at an airport or

    23、 railway station,5. The announcer announces three programs a week.* to introduce a program on TV or radio,* train approach announcement * He waited for the announcement of the result of the competition. * make an announcement,announcement,instruct,instruct 意思为“命令;指示;嘱咐;吩咐;教导(教授知识或技术);训练”。其名词形式为instr

    24、uctor(教员;教练)和instruction(命令;指示;说明)。,e.g. The teacher instructed him to start early. 老师命令他早动身。,Ive been instructed to wait here until the lecturer arrives. 我得到指示在这儿等到讲课老师到来。 He instructs a class in history. 他教授一个班的历史。 Read the instructions on the pocket. 看一下袋子上的说明。,instruct in,instruct 指向一个人或一组人传授知识,

    25、 但并不清楚他们是否学到什么。 teach 是最普通的词, 可指或不指学术方面的学习; 作不及物动词时, 表示教书生涯。 tutor 指一学生与一老师的关系, 常指课外的一个教师对一个学生的补习工作。,辨析,educate指范围更广泛的学术过程, 完成比teach更大的结果。 train指使一个人或一组人在某一专门的技能或职业方面达到必要的水平, 也可指训练动物。 coach 指在普通的教育体系之外训练或培养一个人或一组人, 常为了通过某项专门的考试。,e.g. I taught history for many years. 我教历史好多年了。Who taught you to ride a

    26、 bicycle? 谁教你骑自行车的?He instructed us in English, but some of them made little progress. 他教我们英语,但我们有些人几乎没有进步。,是指学术的,不是指学术的,In his spare time, he tutored me in English. 在课余时间,他教我英语。 The writer was educated at a very good school. 这位作家在一所很好的学校里受过教育。 It takes several years to train a doctor. 培养一名医生要花好几年时间

    27、。 He coached her for the English examination. 他辅导她英语考试。,根据提示将下列句子翻译成英语。,1. 如果有人该承担责任, 那就是我。(blame)2. 不要把皮肤直接暴露在阳光下。(expose . to),If anyones to blame, its me.,Dont expose your skin to sunlight directly.,3. 黑色墙壁在白天吸收大量的热。(absorb)4. 此外, 你还可以利用业余时间学一门外语。 (in addition),Black walls absorb a lot of heat du

    28、ring the day.,In addition, you can learn a foreign language in your spare time.,5. 这条丝绸之路在古代把中国和西方连接起来。 (link . to)6. 这种疾病就是通过咳嗽传播的。 (spread . through),The Silk Road linked China to the west in ancient times.,The disease is spread through coughing.,7. 他看到他父亲时很吃惊。(过去分词作表语)8. 我每天早上吃一个煎鸡蛋。(过去分词作定语),He was astonished to see his father.,I have a fried egg every morning.,9. 我们决定马上离开。(determine to)10. 我无意暗示你错了。(suggest),I dont wish to suggest that youre wrong.,We determined to leave at once.,


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