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    牛津译林版 五年级上册 Unit7 At weekends课件

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    牛津译林版 五年级上册 Unit7 At weekends课件

    1、,Saturdays and Sundays,weekend,s,/dz/,What do you do at weekends? I .,当主语是第三人称单数时,动词别忘了用三单形式哦!,What does she/he do at weekends? She/He .s/es,Mike,Su Hai,What are they talking about?,Watch and answer,Mike,Su Hai,What are they talking about?,They are talking about .,their weekends,Listen and circle. 听

    2、录音,圈出SuHai周末活动的短语!,I usually visit my grandparents. Su Yang and I like playing with their cat Kitty very much. We often have dinner with our grandparents at weekends.,What do you do at weekends, Su Hai?,How often?,用来提问某动作或状态 发生的频率,Do you know? 你知道频率副词(always/ usually/often/sometimes)的区别吗?,用星星来区分频率的高

    3、低,She often has dinner with her grandparents.,She usually visits her grandparents at weekends.,Read and circle what they do at weekends. 阅读课文,在文中圈画出他们在周末所做的事情的短语!,What do they do at weekends?,Complete the form with stars. 用表示周末活动的频率完成表格!,Discuss: What if you meet new words? 讨论:遇到新单词怎么办呢?,Teach each

    4、other Try to guess from the context Ask the teacher ,Mike: What do you do at weekends, Su Hai? Su Hai: I usually visit my grandparents. Su Yang and I like playing with their cat Kitty very much. We often have dinner with our grandparents atweekends. Mike: My grandparents live in the UK. I usually ch

    5、at with them on the Internet at weekends. Su Hai: What does Helen do at weekends? Mike: She always has dancing lessons. She sometimesgoes to the cinema with their friends. Su Hai: What about you, Mike? Mike: I usually play football with Liu Tao at weekends. Isometimes go to the park with my family.

    6、We usually fly a kite and have a picnic there.,(注意模仿人物的语音、语调、语气哦!),Mike: What do you do at weekends, Su Hai? Su Hai: I usually visit my grandparents. Su Yang and I like playing with their cat Kitty very much. We often have dinner with our grandparents at weekends. Mike: My grandparents live in the U

    7、K. I usually chat with them on the Internet at weekends. Su Hai: What does Helen do at weekends? Mike: She always has dancing lessons. She sometimes goes to the cinema with their friends. Su Hai: What about you, Mike? Mike: I usually play football with Liu Tao at weekends. I sometimes go to the park

    8、 with my family. We usually fly a kite and have a picnic there.,Lets read,Read and judge. (根据课文内容思考,判断对错),1.Su Hai and Su Yang care(关心) about their grandparents.,3.Mike and Liu Tao dont like sports.,4.Helen loves dancing lessons.,2.Mike doesnt care about his grandparents because he doesnt often visi

    9、t his grandparents.,Lets think,Introduce his/her weekends.扮演课文中人物介绍他/她的周末活动。,Lets say,Hello, Im ,你可以利用课文信息进行重新组合,也可以添加想象哦!,You may use:What do you do at weekends?I always/usuallyI sometimesHow about you ? I Weekend is coming. Have a nice weekend!,Lets talk,Talk about our weekends,别忘了用上频率副词哦!,The weekends of English people,Plan your study well, enjoy your weekends as well! 安排好学习,享受好周末!,Homework:Read the story and do some exercises. 读故事,完成书P70的练习。2. Try to introduce the weekends about your family. 试着介绍你的家庭成员的周末活动。,Thank you !,


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