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    1、外研初一上学期 Module7试题Class: Name: Marks: (满分100分)一、单项选择(10 分)从下面所给的选项中,选择一个能填入句中空白处的最佳答案。( ) 1. We can use a computer to search _ some information on the Internet. A. of B. at C. from D. for( ) 2. _ do you sometimes put the keyboard? I put it in front of the computer.A. Why B. Where C. When D. How ( ) 3

    2、. I have to (不得不) _ a computer with my brother. What about you? I have _ brothers, so I can use it every day. A. play; some B. use; any C. share; no D. learn; many( ) 4. If you want to listen to music, please _ the radio first. A. look after B. look at C. turn off D. turn on( ) 5. When _ your aunt c

    3、ome to visit you?She visits us _ Saturday afternoon. A. do; this B. are; next C. does; every D. is; next( ) 6. My parents _ my homework every night. A. check B. connect C. click D. save( ) 7. _ do I print the document? Click “print” here and “_” here. A. How; No B. Where; Yes C. Why; No D. How; OK (

    4、 ) 8. Does Lily watch movies on Sundays?No, she _ do that. She usually _ emails.A. dont; send B. doesnt; sends C. doesnt; send D. dont; sends( ) 9. Wow! There are so many letters. _They are from my uncle, my cousin and my friends.A. How many letters are there? B. Where do they come from? C. Why do y

    5、ou have so many? D. How do you write them? ( ) 10. _ My best friend Nancy. A. Who do you come to visit? B. What do you want to do?C. How do you come here? D. When do you visit your friend?二、完形填空(10分)先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的三个选项中选择最佳答案填空。My mother has got a brother. 11 name is Wang Jun. He is my 12 . He

    6、is a taxi driver (出租车司机 ). He works 13 Monday to Friday. He 14 at half past seven. He 15 to work at eight oclock, 16 he doesnt have any 17 to have breakfast. He finishes work at 5:30 in the 18 . He has dinner at 19 and takes a walk after that. He reads books or 20 TV in the evening. He goes to bed a

    7、t about ten oclock. Hes busy, right? ( ) 11.A. His B. Her C. Your ( ) 12.A. brother B. uncle C. aunt ( ) 13.A. on B. in C. from( ) 14.A. gets up B. goes to work C. does the housework ( ) 15.A. stays B. opens C. starts ( ) 16.A. or B. so C. but( ) 17.A. plan B. dinner C. time ( ) 18.A. morning B. aft

    8、ernoon C. evening ( ) 19.A. six B. five C. four ( ) 20.A. sees B. looks C. watches 三、阅读理解(20 分)阅读下面所给材料,选择最佳答案。AI am Jason. My parents have some rules (规定) for my using the computer at home. First, I cant play computer games on schooldays. I can only play them at weekends. Second, I cant use it more

    9、 than(多于) two hours each day. Third, I can only watch English movies. They say watching English movies is good for my English study. My father is a writer. He spends a lot of time in front of the computer and he always searches for information on the Internet. And my mother is a housewife and she us

    10、es the computer once a week. ( ) 21. There are _ rules for Jason to use the computer. A. one B. two C. three D. four( ) 22. Jason can play computer games on _.A. Monday B. Tuesday C. Wednesday D. Saturday ( ) 23. Jasons father is a _.A. teacher B. painter C. writer D. singer ( ) 24. Jasons father al

    11、ways gets information from the _.A. computer B. mobile phone C. newspaper D. television ( ) 25. Jasons mother uses the computer _.A. once a week B. every day C. twice a week D. once a monthBMy name is Jack. I get up at seven oclock. And then I put on my clothes, and brush my teeth. I have breakfast

    12、at half past seven. I often have some bread, an apple and milk for breakfast. I have maths, English and art in the morning. My favourite lesson is art because (因为) I like drawing. Now Im in the art room. There are many pictures on the wall. Its 12:00 and its time for lunch. I have school lunch in th

    13、e dining hall. There are seven students in it. We eat different food here.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。( ) 26. Jack gets up at _.A. 6:00 B. 6:30 C. 7:00 ( ) 27. Jack has _ for breakfast.A. some hamburgers and juice B. some bread, an apple and milk C. some carrots, pork and oranges ( ) 28. How many lessons does Jac

    14、k have in the morning?A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. ( ) 29.Where does Jack have school lunch?A. At home. B. In the classroom. C. In the dining hall. ( ) 30.The underlined phrase “brush my teeth” means _ in Chinese. A. 洗脸 B. 刷牙 C. 洗澡 四. 词汇运用(10分)A. 根 据 句 意 及 中 文 提 示 , 完 成 单 词 拼 写 。31. Lilys favourite su

    15、bject is _(数 学 ). 32. Have you got any _ (历 史 ) lessons today?33. They draw bananas in the _ (美 术 ) lesson today.34. I like doing the _ (家务劳动) for my grandparents.35. Im tired (累 的 ). Lets have a _ (休 息 ). B. 根据句意及首字母提示,完成句子。每空限填一词。36. The shop is very popular, so many c_ come here to buy things eve

    16、ry day.37. I usually l_ to play the guitar on Saturdays. 38. Just c_ “OK” and you will send the picture to him. 39. Come here and lets p_ for our weekend. 40. Would you please s_ your computer with me today?五. 选词填空(10分)阅 读 短 文 , 用 方 框 中 所 给 单 词 或 短 语 的 适当形式填空。go home, park, take, have breakfast, get

    17、 up There are two dogs in my home. The black one is Alex, and the white one is Sara. Every day, they (41) _ at 6:30 and run with me for about 30 minutes. They (42) _ at eight. They like meat and milk. After breakfast they play in the house. In the afternoon, my grandpa often (43) _ them to the (44)

    18、_. They like playing there. There are many flowers and trees. They (45) _ at 5:00 in the afternoon. 六、改写句子(15 分)根据所给要求,改写下面的句子。46. I usually save my homework in a document. (对划线部分提问)_ do you usually save your homework?47. Jenny usually makes a travel plan before every holiday. (对划线部分提问)_ _ Jenny usu

    19、ally make a travel plan? 48. Tom chats with his friends on the Internet every day. (改为否定句)Tom _ _ with his friends on the Internet every day. 49. Do you have a computer at home? (作肯定回答)_ 50. Does your father often play computer games in his room? (作否定回答)No, _ _. 七、书面表达(25 分)你有属于自己的电脑吗?平时你都会在什么时间使用电脑

    20、呢?你用电脑主要是做些什么事情呢?请根据所给提示,写一篇短文。提示:do ones homework, send, by email, listen to English news, watch English movies, never play computer games要求:1. 条理清楚、意思连贯、语句通顺、标点正确。2. 50-60 词。_参考答案:1-5 DBCDC 6-10 ADBBA 11-15 ABCAC16-20 BCBAC 21-25 CDCAA 26-30 CBBCB31. maths 32. history 33. art 34. housework 35. bre

    21、ak 36. customers 37. learn 38. click 39. plan 40. share41. get up 42. have breakfast 43. takes 44. park 45. go home 46. Where 47. When does 48. doesnt chat 49. Yes, I do. 50. he doesntOne possible version: I have a computer at home. I use it almost every evening after school. I often use the computer to do my homework and then I send my homework to my teacher by email. To learn English, I listen to English news or watch English movies on the computer. I never play computer games because my parents dont like it.


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