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    人教版新目标七年级英语上册Unit1 Section B(第2课时)课件

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    人教版新目标七年级英语上册Unit1 Section B(第2课时)课件

    1、My names Gina.,Unit One,Section B Period 4,Read the list of names. Write F for first name and L for last name.,2a,L LL LL,F FF F,Read the message and match them with the pictures. Circle the first names and underline the last names.,2b,1.My name is Jenny Green. My phone number is 281-9176. My friend

    2、 is Gina Smith. Her phone nnumber is 232-4672. 2.Im Dale Miller and my friend is Eric Brown. His telephone number is 357-5689. My telephone number is 358-6344.,3.My name is Mary Brown. My friend is in China. Her name is Zhang Mingming. My phone number is 257-8900 and her number is 929-3155.,Names Er

    3、ic Brown Gina Smith Dale Miller Zhang Mingming Jenny Green Mary Brown,Match the names with the telephone numbers. Then find three pairs of friends in the name list.,2c,Telephone numbers 358-6344 929-3155 281-9176 257-8900 357-5689 232-4672,Friends 1._ and_ 2._and_ 3._and_,Jenny Green,Gina Smith,Dale

    4、 Miller,Eric Brown,Mary Brown,Zhang Mingming,Use the information on the ID card and answer the questions.,3a,PEP Middle School First name:_ Last name:_ Phone Number:_,Alice,Green,951-3397,Her first name is_ Her last name is _ Her phone number is _,Alice,Green,951-3397,Fill in your own ID card and wr

    5、ite about yourself.,3b,First Name:_. Last Name:_. Phone number:_.,My first name,1 Write out the numbers. 120_ 10086_ 114_ 12315_ 119_ 17951_,Self Check,one two zero,one zero zero eight six,double one four,one two three one five,one one nine,one seven nine five one,2 Match the sentences to make conve

    6、rsations.1.Hello. Im Cindy. 2.Whats you name? 3.Hello. Im Grace. 4.My names Eric. 5.Whats his telephone number?,C,A,E,D,B,A.Im Chen Kang. B.Its 876-9548. C.Nice to meet you,Cindy. D.Nice to meet you, Eric. Im Bill. E.Hi,Grace. Im Alice.,1.first name 名字 last name 姓氏first name与given name同义, last name与

    7、family name同义。Her name is Mary Smith; her family name is Smith.她的姓名是玛丽史密斯, 史密斯是她的姓。,Explanation,2.telephone number 电话号码Whats your telephone number?你的电话号码是多少? 3.ID card 身份证ID是identity 的缩写形式。,4.动词be的自述我叫动词be, 别看个子小, 本领可不少, 句中会变形, 大家要区分:I后am, you后are, is跟着他、她、它, 单数后面用is, 复数后面一定用are。,生活中有很多和自己相关的数字, 如年龄

    8、、身高、体重、住址、QQ号、公交车等,请收集有关自己的数字。,幸运数字:8 eight 家庭楼层:5 five 家庭电话: 4916888 four nine one six eight eight eight 号: 5524139five five two four one three nine 最喜欢的球星的球衣号: 23 twenty three,Exercise,1.Find proper responses in Column B for each sentence in Column A.,( ) 5.Spell your name, please. ( ) 6.What colo

    9、r is it? ( ) 7.What is this in English? ( ) 8.Whats your name?,E.Hi. F.Im fine, thank you. G.Good evening. H.My name is Gina.,C,B,D,H,( ) 1.Hello! ( ) 2.Good evening. ( ) 3.Good morning. ( ) 4.How are you?,E,G,A,F,Good morning. Its black and white. JACK. Its an orange.,A,B,2. A:Hello, Nemo.B:_, Dory

    10、. _ are you?A:Im _, thanks. And how are _?B:_ fine, _.A:Whats _ _ English?B:_ a _.A:_ _ is it?B:It is _.,Hello,How,fine,you,Im,too,this,in,Its,key,What,color,yellow,Sample answers,His name is _. His first name is _. His last name is _. His telephone number is _.,David Beckham,Beckham,David,281-9176,

    11、Sample answers,_name is _. _first name is _. _last name is _. _telephone number is _.,Her,Sun Yanzi,Her,Her,Sun,Her,929-3165,Yanzi,1.My _ (名字) is Jack. 2._ (什么) is this in English? 3. How are you, Helen? Im _ (好的). Thank you. 4. Whats it, Tom? Its a _ (钥匙). 5.Mary _ (和) I are girls (女孩).,.根据括号中的中文提示

    12、填空。,name,What,fine,key,and,. Choose the best answer.,( ) 1. Hello, Jack! _A.Hi, Alice! B.Nice to meet you, too. C.I am OK. ( ) 2. Hi, Grace! _ Im fine, thank you.A.How do you do? B.How are you? C.Good morning.,B,A,( ) 3. Good evening, Frank! _, Alice.A.Good afternoon B.Good morning C.Good evening,C,

    13、解析:问候时,如果别人问候你早上、中午或晚上好,都应用相同的表达方式来回答对方。在此题中,别人问候你晚上好,你也应答晚上好,故选C。,( ) 4. Whats this in English? _A.Its a key. B.Its yellow. C.Yes, it is. ( ) 5. Spell “map”, please? _A.Its an orange. B.Thank you. C. M-A-P. ( ) 6. How _ you, Mike? Fine, thanks.A.are B.is C.be,A,C,A,( ) 7. What _ that in English? Its a book.A. is B. are C. be,A,解析:在一个句子中,一定要注意主谓一致。本句主语是that,为单数。谓语动词也要用be动词的单数形式is,故选A。,


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