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    1、,This is my sister.,Unit 2,Yes,it is.,What are these?,They are computers.,Is this a computer?,Is that a notebook?,No,it isnt. Its a dictionary.,What are those?,Theyre baseballs.,Yes,it is(her eraser).,No, they arent.,They are his erasers.,Is this her eraser?,Are these her erasers?,Thats Helens book.

    2、,Those are Helens books.,Those books are Helens.,Helen,=,=,That book is Helens.,A: Is this Yao Ming? B: No, he isnt. Hes Michael Jackson.,A: Is that Guo Jingjing? B: Yes, she is.,A: Are these SHE? B: Yes, they are.,A: Are those SHE?,B: No, they arent.,They are F4.,this/that 指单数,回答换it; these/those指复数

    3、,回答换成they.,Whore they?,This is a photo of Daves family.,/f/,/,My name is Dave. This is my father/Dad/Daddy.,/,/,/a:/,Thats my mother/Mum/Mummy.,/,These are my parents.,/e/,Thats my grandmother/grandma.,This is my grandfather/Grandpa.,/,/,Those are my grandparents.,Thats my sister.,And those are my b

    4、rothers .,/,These are my friends.,/e/,This is my aunt, my fathers sister. Thats my uncle, my mothers brother.,/a:/,/,This is the girls family photo.,Whore they?,/:/,Joy,This is my father.,Thats my mother.,These are my parents.,Im Joy.,And thats my grandfather.,This is my grandmother.,Those are my gr

    5、andparents.,This is my sister.,Unit 2,Is this your father?,Is that her mother?,Yes, she is.,No, he isnt.,Theyre Ginas parents.,Gina,Hes Ginas father.,/e/,Here is Ms Whites family photo.,This is a photo of Ms Whites family.,Eric,Grace,Eric is her . And Grace is her .,daughter.,son,/,/:/,Ms White,=,Er

    6、ic and Grace are _ and _. The baby is their _, their aunts _.,brother,sister,cousin,daughter,/,/:/,/e/,Eric,Grace,1. This is my brother. (改为复数)2. Those are my sisters. (改为单数),根据要求,完成下列句子。,These are my brothers.,That is my sister.,Exercise,Im Lucy. This is my father. Im his _. My uncles daughter and

    7、son are my _. Tom is my son. Im not his father. I am his _. My father and mother are my _. My _ are my parents parents. Im Jim. This is my mother. Im her only _.,daughter,cousins,mother,parents,grandparents,son,7.This is my _ photo. These are myparents and this is me. 8.I am a boy. Im my parents _.

    8、9.My fathers/mothers mother is my _. 10.My fathers/mothers father is my _. 11.My fathers/mothers sisters are my _. 12.My fathers/mothers brothers are my _. 14.My parents _ is my sister.,grandmother,grandfather,aunts,uncles,daughter,son,family,1. mother_ 2. father _ 3. parents _ 4. brothers_ 5. grand

    9、mother _ 6. grandfather _ 7. friend _ 8. grandparents_ 9. sister _,1a,Find these people in the picture. Match the words with the people in the picture.,a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,1b,Listen and circle the words you hear in 1a.,1. Mother 2. father 3. parents 4. brothers 5. grandmother 6. grandfather 7. friend

    10、8. grandparents 9. sister,a ring,Whatre these?,Theyre keys.,No,they arent. Theyre notebooks.,Are those dictionaries?,(dictionary),辅音字母+y,How do you spell it?,=Spell it, please.,a watch,W-A-T-C-H, watch.,Is this your watch?,No, its hers.,her watch.,Look at the photo of Tonys family.,Whore they?,These

    11、 are his _ . And those are his_. The girl is his_.,parents,grandparents,/:/,sister,Mary,Jim,Marys family tree,We know a lot about Bushs family. Lets learn Sth about Marys family tree. Please add the wordsin the box to the family tree.,sister son cousin grandfather mother aunt,grandfather grandmother

    12、,father _(1),daughter (_)(3),_ (brother)(4),uncle_(2),son/daughter (_)(5),mother,aunt,sister,son,cousin,(dad),(mom/mum),(grandpa),(grandma),parents mother father sister brothergrandmother grandfather friend grandparents,2a,Listen and circle.,4.Bob _ 5.Linda _ 6.Mary _,2b,Listen and match.,b,e,f,Jenn

    13、y_ Jack _ Tom _,d,a,c,Role-play the conversation.,2d,Bye!,This is my sister.,Unit 2,This is my family. Can you see me?,grandmother,grandfather,grandfather,grandmother,aunt,aunt,uncle,uncle,father,mother,I,brother,cousin,cousin,cousin,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,Whore they?,3a Complete the conve

    14、rsation and practice it with your partner.,A: That _ my family. Thats my mother. B: _ he? A: _ my father. B: Whos _? A: Shes _ sister. B: And who _ they? A: _ my grandparents.,is,Whos,Hes,she,my,are,They are,Section B,2b,Listen again. Which picture are Dave and Lin Hai talking about?,Playing a game,

    15、看谁反应快?,fathers father,grandfather/grandpa,fathers brother,uncle,fathers sister,aunt,fathers mother,grandmother/grandma,uncles son,cousins mother,cousin,aunt,uncles daughter,cousin,mothers daughter,sister,mothers son,brother,Male,Female,Bob Jack Tom Eric John Paul,Jenny Linda Kate Jane Helen Cindy,2a

    16、 Find the male and female first names in the unit and write them.,Who are they?,2b Read about Jennys family and circle the names.,Hi, Im Jenny. Here are two nice photos of my family. My grandfather and my grandmother are in the first photo. These are my parents, Alan and Mary. In the next picture ar

    17、e my brothers, Bob and Eric. These two girls are my sister Cindy and my cousin Helen. Coco is in my family, too.,My family,2c Read the passage again and complete the sentences.,My name is _. Alan and Mary are my _. Bob and Eric are my _. Cindy is my _. Helen is my _. _ is the name of my dog.,Jenny,p

    18、arents,brothers,sister,cousin,Coco,Read the passage again and answer the questions.,Who is Alan? Jennys father. 2. Whats the name of Jennys mother? Mary. 3. Who are Bob and Eric? They are Jennys brothers. 4. Is Cindy Jennys sister? Yes, she is. 5. What is the name of Jennys cousin? Helen. 6. Is Coco

    19、 a boy? No,it isnt. Its a dog.,Read the passage again and answer the questions.,3a Complete the passage with the words in the box. Then draw a picture of Pauls family.,brothers parents Cindy family,Hi! My name is Paul. This is a photo of my _. These are my _ and these are my _, John and Bob. This is

    20、 my sister _.,family,parents,brothers,Cindy,Hi. I am Sally. Here is my family photo. These are my grandparents. This is my father. And thats my mother. Those are my uncle, Tom, and my aunt, Lucy. Tony and Jim are my brothers. Who is the baby? Its me! I have a happy family. I love my family.,3b Show

    21、your family photo and write about it.,Self Check 自查,1. Group the words for family members you have learned.,male,both,female,father,parents,dad,brother,grandfather,uncle,grandparents,mother,mom,aunt,sister,grandmother,grandpa,son,grandma,daughter,cousin,Self Check 自查,2. Complete the conversation.,Bi

    22、ll: Heres a photo of my family. Dale: _ he? Bill: _ my uncle. Dale: _ this girl? Bill: _ my cousin. Dale: Are _ your parents? Bill: Yes, _ are. And these _ my grandparents.,Whos,Hes,Whos,Shes,those,they,are,冠词冠词是英语中的一种虚词,常用在名词前帮助名词说明所指的人或物。在它们家族中有三兄弟: a、an和the。其中a、an是双胞胎,叫作不定冠词,the叫定冠词。它们兄弟三人性格各异、爱好

    23、不一。不信,听听它们怎么说: a 和an均可表示“一”、“一个”,一般用在可数名词的单数形式前,表明人或事物的某一种类或某一个。如: Whats this Its a clock an 和a有明确的分工:以辅音音素开头的单词前用a,以元音音素开头的单词前用我an。如: There is a “u” and an “s” in the word(单词) “us”,the 的意思是“这(那)个,这(那)些”,可用在名词的各种形式前,起以下几种作用: 1特指某(些)人或某(些)物。如: The book is under the desk 2指说话双方都知道的人或事物。如: I cant find

    24、the broom Can you see it Yes, I can 3指上文提到过的人或事物。如: I can see a bird in the picture The bird is on the desk,单数名词前,可用 a或an; 泛指某一类,用法记心间; 辅音前用a, 元音前用an; a,an不特指, 特指用定冠; 泛指复数前,冠词多不便; 碰到代词时,它们不出现。 词组短语中,特殊记心间。,( )1Is he your friend? Yes, _. Ait is Bit isnt Che is Dhe isnt,( )2Is this your father? No, _.

    25、 Ait is Bit isnt Che is Dhe isnt,( )3Is that your _ ? A.a picture B.picture C.pictures D.nice pictures,( )4Are _ Kates _? A.this, book B.that,book C.these,books D.those,book,( )5.Is Guo Peng your brother? _. A.Yes, it is B.No, it isnt C.Yes, she is D No,he isnt,( )6Anna is not my sister. _ my cousin

    26、. A. He BHes CShe DShes,C,B,B,C,D,D,( )7Is _ your aunt? Whats _ name? Ahe,his B.she,her Che,her Dshe,his,( )8What are those? _. AThey are apple trees B.They are apples treesCThose are apple trees D.Those are apples trees,( )9. Your father has a brother. He is your _. A. aunt B. uncle C. cousin,B,A,B

    27、,( )10. That _ my sister. And those _ my brothers.A. are; is B. is; are C. is; is D. are; are,B,( )11. Are _ Kates _? A.this, book B.that,bookC.these,books D.those,book,C,( )12. Are those your bags? A Yes, they are. B. Yes, they arent C. Yes, those are D. No, they are,A,1. -Is this your jacket? -_ A

    28、. Yes , this is. B. Yes, thiss.C. No , this isnt. D. No, it isnt. 2. -Is that a ruler? -_. Its a pencil-box. A. Yes, that is. B. No, it is. C. No, that isnt. D. No, it isnt.,D,D,. 单项选择,3. Is that your ruler? _, it is.A. Yes B. Thanks C. No,A,3. -Whats this? -_A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isnt.C. Its a e

    29、raser. D. Its an eraser. 4. -Whats _ name? -_ name is Ma Ling.A. your; My B. your; myC. your; I D. you; my,D,A,6. _ M-A-R-Y.A. How do you call it? B. Are you Mary?C. How do you spell your name?,C,5. -How do you spell ball? -_.A. Yes, I can B. No, I cant. C. B-A-L-L D. Yes, B-A-L-L 6. This _ a book.

    30、That _ a pen.A . am/is B. is/ is C. is/ am D. are /are 7. Is this _ pencil? - Yes, _.A. your, its B. you, its C. your, it is D. you, it is,C,C,B,1. Its her a pen. ( )A B C D 2. Thats a English dictionary. ( )A B C D 3. What do you spell book? ( )A B C D 4. What is you last name? ( )A B C D 5. Is it

    31、your ruler? Yes, its. ( )A B C D,a,C,B,an,How,A,C,your,D,it is,找出句中错误并改正。,Exercise,按要求转换句型。,1.This is a pen. (变为一般疑问句)2.Is this your pen? (肯定回答)3.How do you spell “ruler”? (回答)4.Can you spell “ruler”? (回答)5.Is that her pen? (否定回答),Is this a pen?,Yes, it is.,R-U-L-E-R.,Yes, R-U-L-E-R, ruler.,No, it i

    32、snt.,Exercise,1.这是你的电脑吗? 是的,它是。_ _ your _? Yes ,_ is. 2.那是他的尺子吗?不,不是。那是我的尺子。Is _ _ ruler? _, it _. _ _ ruler. 3.这个东西用英语怎么说? 这是字典。_ this _ _? Its _ _. 4.你怎么拼写棒球? _ _ you _ “baseball”?,根据汉语提示完成下列句子。,Exercise,How do,spell,in English,Whats,a dictionary,that his,No,isnt,Its my,Is this,computer,it,A: What

    33、s your_? B: _ name is Jim. A: Whats your _ name? B: _ Smith. A: How do you _ it? B: S-M-I-T-H. A: _ this your ring? B: No, it _. Its Bens ring. Please _ him. His _ _ is 7998480.,name,My,last,Its,spell,Is,isnt,call,phone,number,根据上下文完成下列对话。,Exercise,a.- _ me, Tom. Is this _ ID card?- _, it is. Its _

    34、ID card. b. -Excuse _, Nancy. _this your _?-No, it _. Its Jennys eraser.Its _eraser. c. -_ that _ schoolbag?-Yes, its Jims.,Excuse,your,Yes,my,me,Is,eraser,isnt,her,Is,his,. Fill in the blanks.,. Complete these sentences with “am”, “is”, “are”.,1. _ this his book?,Yes, it _.,2. What _ that?,It _ a b

    35、ook.,3. How _ you?,I _ fine, thank you,Is,is,is,is,are,am,根据句子意思填入适当的代词。 _ is my mother. _ is my father. They are teachers. Are these your brothers? Yes, _ are. _ name is Gina. _ am a student.,She He,they,My I,4. How are _? Fine, thank _! 5. Whats _ name? His names Tony. 6. Whats his telephone numbe

    36、r? _ is 643-0274.,you you,his,It,This That,按要求完成下列句子。 1. This is a pencil sharpener. (对画线部分提问) _ 2. Are those her cousins? (作肯定回答) 3. Is that your daughter? (作否定回答),Whats this?,Yes, they are.,No, she isnt.,4. This is his CD. (改为一般疑问句) _ 5. 那是你的铅笔吗?(翻译) _,Is this his CD?,Is that your pencil?,.Choose

    37、the best answer.,( )1Hello, Tom. _my new friend.A. He is B. This is C. She is ( )2. _their names?They are Lucy and Lily.A. Whats B. Who are C. What are ( )3. My father is a teacher. _name is Mr Green.A. Hes B. His C. Him D. Its,B,C,B,( )4. These are _ parents.A. he B. she C. her ( )5. Look! Is _your

    38、 brother, Guo Peng?A. that B. these C. she ( )6. Whos that?I think _is Mrs Green.A. he B. she C. it D. this,C,A,C,解析:it 通常用于指时间、天气、距离 和不知性别的婴幼儿等。但在表示猜测时, 也可用it指代人。C项是正确答案。,( ) 11. Is this your backpack? _. Its _. A. It is my pen;hers B. Yes, it is;mine C. No, it isnt ;his ( ) 12. _, Tina. Is that yo

    39、ur baseball? A. Excuse me B. Sorry C. Thank ( ) 13. Whats this _? A. in Chinese B. at English C. of English,C,A,A,( ) 14. _ my book. _ her book. A. Thiss; Thats B. This is; ThatsC. Thiss; That is ( ) 15. _? It is a watch. A. Are those watches? B. Is it a watch?C. Whats that?,B,C,( )7. My family _all

    40、 at home.A. am B. is C. are D. be,C,解析:My family显然是第三人称, 所以首先 可排除干扰项A,D。当family作为一个整体时, 应为单数,动词要用单数形式;若family指家庭 成员时, 谓语动词用复数形式。本题句中有all 暗示三人或三人以上,排除B。因此,C项是 正确答案。,用适当的代词填空。 1. Im not Eric. _ name is Dale. 2. Whats _ name? Im John. 3. Are _ eight? No, Im not. 4. The girl is Alice. _ phone number is 234-986. 5. Is the boy Frank? No, _ name is Alan.,My,your,you,Her,his,. 改错题,解析:英语中,表示“我和”时为了表示 礼貌, 通常将“我(I)”放在最后,如:Jim and I, My sister and I。但是在承担责任 或承认错误时,则习惯把I放在最前面。如: I and she are wrong.(我和她都错了。) 答案: 调换I和 you的位置并大写you的第一个 字母。,I and you are in the same class.,That is her orange.,


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