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    1、U3 Is this your pencil?,a pencil sharpener,a pen,an eraser,a ruler,a pencil,a pencil case,Whats in the pencil-box?,three notebooks,a backpack,two dictionaries,Whats in the schoolbag?,a school ID card,a computer game,An ID card .,a bed,A quilt .,Whats on the bed?,Whats in the chair?,is on it.,a chair

    2、,/e/,(is in it).,Whats in his room?,some books,a chair,/e/,Here is a picture of Jims room.,/u:/,/,a desk,(this),Its a picture of a library.,Whats in it?,Some books .,are in it .,(in the library),Are those books yours?,No,they arent .,Its a picture of a classroom.,Whats in it?,Some desks and chairs .

    3、,(are in it ).,Are they yours?,No,they arent .,U3,(in the classroom),/e/,Its a picture of the Lost and Found case.,Whats in it?,/au/,Is the basketball yours?,No,it isnt.,Its his.,U3,A baseball.,Whatre these?,soccer balls,basketballs,baseballs,volleyballs,a ping-pong ball,/i/,/i/,Excuse me, whats on

    4、the desk?,Is that a desk,too?,Yes,it is.,A computer.,Excuse me, whats on the desk?,A computer.,Is the computer yours?,No,it isnt (mine).,U3,Its hers.,(=Is it your computer?),(my computer),(her computer),Are those your teachers?,No,they arent.,Theyre their teachers.,/i:/,what,who,whose,whom,which,how

    5、, where, when, why,WH/特殊疑问词,一般疑问句(be动词或助动词放在句首),特殊疑问句(特殊疑问词放在句首),陈述句(主语+谓语),疑问句,感叹句,祈使句(行为动词放在句首),肯定句 否定句(含not/no等否定词),根据句式分,(Yes,they are.),(Yes,it is.),Is the basketball yours?,)Those chairs are hers.,Is this his pencil?,Are those your teachers?,)The basketball is mine.,Are those chairs hers?,(Yes

    6、,it is.),Those are my teachers.,)This is his pencil.,一般疑问句,This is my photo.=,These are her baseballs. =,Those are your pictures.=,我来归纳,n.物主代词=adj.物主代词+n.,The photo is mine.,Thats his notebook.=,That notebook is his.,These baseballs are hers.,Those pictures are yours.,(-s),U3,adj.物主代词(+n.) my our yo

    7、ur your his her their its,n.物主代词(-s) mine ours yours yours his hers theirs its,U3,主格人称代词(主语) I we you you he she they it,宾 格人称代词(动宾,介宾) me us you you him her them it,U3,指示代词:this,that,these,those,主格人称代词(主语) I we you you he she they it,宾格人称代词(动宾,介宾) me us you you him her them it,adj.物主代词(+n.) my our

    8、your your his her their its,n.物主代词(-s) mine ours yours yours his hers theirs its,A: 1. _ me, Jenny. Whats this in English? B: Its a school-bag. A: 2. _ do you spell it? B: S-C-H-O-O-L-B-A-G. A: What 3. _ is it? B: Its red. A: Is it yours? B: No, it isnt. 4. _ is blue. A: And Sonia, is this yours? C:

    9、 Yes, 5. _ you.,Excuse,How,color,Mine,thank,Exercise,Fill in the blanks.,用所给词的适当形式填空 1. The dictionary is _(her). 2. Excuse _(I ).Is this _ (you) desk?Yes,it is. Its _ .(my) 3.Is this his baseball? No. That one is _.(his) 4.Jim,is the eraser _ ?(you),hers,me,your,mine,his,yours,相信自己,你一定行!,根据汉语提示填写单词

    10、, 补全句子。 The _ (棒球) is yellow and white. 2. Is it your _ (手表)? 3. This is my _ (钥匙). 4. Its a nice _ (戒指). 5. The _ (学校) is good.,baseball,watch,key,ring,school,U3 Is this your pencil?,1. pencil _ 2. pen _ 3. book _ 4. eraser _ 5. ruler _ 6. pencil boxes _ 7. schoolbags _ 8. dictionary _,c,f,b,g,e,d,

    11、a,i,dictionaries,keys,s,s,s,boys,an,a,watch,es,/i/,class,es,/i/,A: Is this your pencil ?B: Yes, it is. Its mine .,A: Is that your schoolbag?B: No, it isnt. Its his.,A: Are these your books?B: No, they arent. Its hers.,2,3,1,Listen and number the conversations 1-3. 听录音,给下列对话编号1- 3。,1b,Listen and chec

    12、k ( ) the things you hear. 听录音,在你听到的物品后打勾( ) 。,2a,Listen again. Complete the conversation with the words in the box. 听录音,用方框里的单词补全对话。,2b,Tim: Excuse me, Grace. Is this your _? Sonia: Yes, thank you. And that is my _. Tim: And Jane, is this your _? Jane: No, it isnt. Its her ruler. Tim: OK, and these

    13、 are my _. And this is your _, Jane.,pencil,eraser,ruler,books,pencil case,Listen again. Complete the conversation with the words in the box.,2a,T: Hi, Anna. Are these your pencils? A: No, theyre Bobs. T: And is this his green pen? A: No, it isnt. The blue pen is his. T: What about this dictionary?

    14、A: Its Helens. And the green pen is hers, too. T: And the eraser? Is that yours? A:Yes, it is. T: Thank you for your help, Anna. A: Youre welcome.,Role-play the conversation.,2d,=Are these pencils yours?,Is this green pen his?,What about =How about,=Thats OK/all right.,=,Read the notice on the board

    15、 notices and circle the lost things. 阅读公告牌上的布告,圈出丢失的物品。,2b,Is this yourwatch ?My phone number is 495-3539. Call me.John,Lin Hai, A computer game is in the school library. Is it yours?Ask the teacher for it.Mike,lost: I lost my school ID card. I must find it.Call me at 685-6034.Tom,Found: Some keys a

    16、re in Classroom 7. Are they yours? E-mail me at maryg2 .,in,for it.,介词:in, on, of, at, for,Seven,Please call me Amy.,请叫我Amy.,He lost a set of keys.,他丢了串钥匙。,Read the notices again and work downthe items. Then check( ) lost or Found.,a computer game,keys,a watch,a school ID card,2c,3a Complete the not

    17、ices with the words or phone number in the box.,name yours found 284-5486 lost call,_:My notebook My_ is David. Please_ me at 679-8871.,_:A set of keys Are these_? Call Jenny at_.,Lost,name,call,Found,yours,284-5486,Complete the questions and answers about each picture. 根据图片补全问句和答语。,3a,this,isnt,the

    18、se,they,that,is,those,arent,Read the questions and complete the answers. 阅读问句并补全对话。,it is,hers,it isnt,Its,they are,his,they arent,Theyre,3b,Sonia: _, is this _ eraser? Tim: _, it is. Sonia:What _the watch? Tim:Thats not _ .David,_ this your _? David: Yes, its _. Is this your _? Tim: No, it isnt. It

    19、s _. David: OK. Jane, is this_? Jane: Yes, it is. _ _.,your,Yes,watch,dictionary,hers/Janes,Thank you,is,Fill in the blanks.,yours,mine,mine,about,Excuse me,Exercise,Section B,1.baseball _ 2.watch _ puter game_ 4.ID card _ 5.key_ 6.notebook _ 7.ring_ 8.pen_,a,c,f,g,d,b,h,e,1a,Match the words with th

    20、e things in the picture. 将下列词语与图中物品匹配。,PAIRWORK,A: Whats this? B: Its a watch. A: How do you spell it? B: W-A-T-C-H. A: Is this your watch? B: Yes, it is.,1b Ask and answer questions about the things in the picture.,1d Listen again. Write the things that belong to Linda or Mike.,her ID card,his pen,

    21、his baseball,1c Listen and circle the things you hear in 1a.,her,今在十二教室丢失一张学生证,有拾到者请打我电话135-119。我叫Jack。不胜感谢。,Lost: I lost my Please Im Jack. Thanks a lot.,.,135-119.,.根据所给提示,完成下面的招领启事和寻物启事。,Please,Mr Smith,Bob在图书馆捡到一串钥匙,请打电话 找Smith先生。,?,168-120.,168-120,Bob found,.,.,Are these,3b Write your own lost

    22、 or found notice with your name and phone number.,Lost My baseball.Please call Cindyat 63752148.,Found A basketball.My name is Jack.Phone number 63017047.,Helen, Is that your new watch in the lost and found case?Kim,Write your own bulletin board message. 写一段自己的公告信息。,3b,Kim, Yes, it is.Helen,2. Compl

    23、ete the chart with pronouns.,you,your,she,her,his,his,SELFCHECK,Look at the picture and write the conversations.,3,1,2,3,4,Is that your backpack?,No, it isnt.,Is this your book?,Yes, it is.,Is that your key?,Yes, it is.,Is this your ball?,No, it isnt.,Is this / Is that ?,Yes, it is. / No , it isnt.,

    24、今在十二教室丢失一张学生证,有拾到者请打我电话135-119。我叫Jack。不胜感谢。,Lost: I lost my Please Im Jack. Thanks a lot.,.,135-119.,in Classroom Twelve,call me at,school ID card,U3,.根据所给提示,完成下面的招领启事和寻物启事。,Found:,Please,Mr Smith,Bob在图书馆捡到一串钥匙,请打电话 找Smith先生。,?,in the library.,yours,ask,168-120.,Phone :,Are these,168-120,U3,Bob foun

    25、d,a set of keys,for it,.,#,1.-Is this your _?-Yes, _ you. _ that is _ _. 2. -_ this _ key?-Yes, _ is. _ mine.,pencil-,box/case,thank,And,my,schoolbag/backpack,. 根据图片完成句子。,Is,your,it,Its,解析:Its是It is的缩写形式,It指代this;“ Its mine.”=“Its my key.”,Exercises,4. 失物招领橱里的那支铅笔是你的吗? Is that your pencil _ the _ _

    26、_ case? 5. 请拨打电话678-8996找尼克。 Please _ Nick _ 678-8996.,根据中文意思补全英文句子,每空一词。 1. 这个电子游戏还可以。 The _ _ is OK. 2. 这是你的学生证吗? Is this your _ _ _? 3. 那是一串钥匙。That is _ _ _ _.,computer game,school ID card,a set of keys,in lost and found,call at,. 变为疑问句,1.This is my clock.2.That is your ring.3.These are her books

    27、.4.Those are his oranges.5.Those are my backpacks.,Is this your clock?,Is that your ring?,Are these her books?,Are those his oranges?,Are those your backpacks?,.将下列句子变为一般疑问句,并作简要回答。,1. This is Gina. 2. That is his brother.,Is this Gina? Yes, she is./No, she isnt.,Is that his brother? Yes, he is./No,

    28、 he isnt.,3. He is my good friend. 4. These are nice pictures. 5. Those are school things.,Is he your good friend? Yes, he is./No, he isnt.,Are these nice pictures? Yes, they are. /No, they arent.,Are these school things? Yes, they are./No, they arent.,3. Is this your brother? (肯定回答) 4. Im Cindy. (同

    29、义句)5. Is that a soccer ball? (否定回答),1. This is her eraser. (改为一般疑问句, 并作肯定回答)2. That is his pencil sharpener. (改为一般疑问句, 并作否定回答),Is this her eraser? Yes, it is.,Is that his pencil sharpener? No, it isnt.,.句型转换,No, it isnt.,My names Cindy.,Yes, he is.,computer game it isnt spell “computer ” in English

    30、your computer game,A: Whats this _? B: Its a _. A: How do you _? B: C-O-M-P-U-T-E-R. A: Is this _? B: No, _.,in English,computer game,spell “computer”,your computer game,it isnt,Fill in the blanks with the phrases from the box.,) 8. My bag is _. A. no B. not C. lost ) 9. When you meet a new word, pl

    31、ease use (用) your _. A. key B. game C. dictionary,C,C,(新单词),( ) 7. If you find my book, please call me _ 31397671. A. in B. at C. for,B,. 连接句子,1.Is that your notebook? 2.How do you spell ring? 3.Whats that in English? 4.Is this a baseball?,Yes, it is.No, it isnt.R-I-N-G. Ring.Its a schoolbag.,1. 请原谅

    32、, 这是你的铅笔盒吗?2. 那是她的英语字典吗?3. 这是他的书吗?4. 它是我的钥匙。,Excuse me. Is this your pencil box?,Is that her English dictionary?,Is this his book?,It is my key.,. Translation,5. 这是Sonia的铅笔吗? 不, 它不是。6. 那是Cindy的英汉字典吗?7. 这是一本英语书吗?8. 它是一块桔红色的橡皮。,Is this Sonias pencil? No, it isnt.,Is that Cindys English-Chinese diction

    33、ary?,Is this an English book?,It is an orange eraser.,adj.物主代词:my, your, his , her ,its复数:our, your, their,主格人称代词: I, you, he, she, it复数: we, you , they,n.物主代词:mine, yours, his , hers ,its复数: ours , yours, theirs,宾格人称代词: me, you, him, her, it复数: us, you , them,baseball,watch,New words,key,notebook,r

    34、ing,pen,bag,baseball,key,ID card,computer game,notebook,pen,ring,watch,1a Read the words in the picture.,各种各样的“球”,棒球:baseball 足球:football 英式足球: soccer 篮球:basketball,排球:volleyball 乒乓球:ping pong 网球:tennis 高尔夫球:golf,Game: Who has the best eyes? 谁的眼睛最亮?,Practice the conversations above with your partner

    35、. Then make your own conversations.,Its my schoolbag.,Its his book.,1c,Is that your pen?,Yes, it is. Its mine.,Is that your pencil box?,No, it isnt. Its hers.,Its my pen.,Its her pencil box.,A: Is this your pencil ? B: Yes, it is. Its mine .,A: Are these your books ? B: No, they arent. Theyre hers.,A: Is that your schoolbag ? B: No, it isnt. Its his.,Lost and Found: 失物招领,lost 丢失 I lost my key.我丢了钥匙。 found 找到 I found it on the desk.我在桌子上找到了它。,call v.打电话 call sb. 给打电话 call + 某人 + at +电话号码(用这个号码打电话给某人) Please call John at 035-7328.请打0357328找约翰。 call还可以表示“称呼”。 They call me Tina.他们叫我蒂娜。,


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