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    1、Unit 9 综合能力检测卷听力部分(20 分)一、听句子,选择最佳的应答语。(每小题 1 分,共 5 分)听力材料:1.Can you come to my birthday party tomorrow?(B)1.A.Yes,I do. B Sure ,Id love to. CNo,I am not.听力材料:2.Whats the date today?(A)2.A.Its March 15th. BIts warm. CIts Wednesday.听力材料:3.Heres an invitation card for you.(B)3.A.Welcome to my house. B

    2、Thank you very much.CDont forget to come.听力材料:4.Can you play pingpong with me,Eric?(C)4.A.Next week. BGoodbye. CSorry ,I cant.听力材料:5.Why is Jenny your best friend?(A)5.A.Because she is funny. BI met her last month.CShe didnt like it.二、听小对话和问题,选择相应的图片。(每小题 1 分,共 5 分)听力材料:6.W:Ed,can you go to the bask

    3、etball game with me?M:Sorry ,I must do my homework first.Q:What must Ed do first?(C)6.A. B. C.听力材料:7.M:How many guests will come to the party this evening?W:About forty.Q:Where w ill the guests go this evening?(C)7.A. B. C.听力材料:8.M:Lisa,we have no vegetables left.Lets go to the supermarket to get so

    4、me.W:OK.We can go there in an hour.Q:Where are the two speakers going in an hour?(A)8.A. B. C.听力材料:9.W:Bill ,did your friends invite you to the New Year party yesterday?M:Yes.I had a great time.Q:How did Bill feel yesterday?(A)9.A. B. C.听力材料:10.W:Dave ,lets go to the concert.Li Yundi will play the p

    5、iano at the concert.M:That sounds good,Mary.Q:Where w ill they go?(B)10.A. B. C.三、听较长对话,选择正确的答案。(每小题 1 分,共 5 分)听下面一段较长对话,回答第 1112 两个小题。听力材料:W:Can you go to the zoo with me,Tony?M:Great!How can we get there,Jenny?W:We can ride our bikes.M:But its too far from here.W:We can also take a bus there.M:Tha

    6、ts a better idea.(B)11.Where are they going?ATo the park. BTo the zoo. CTo the restaurant.(C)12.How are they going there?ABy bike. BBy taxi. CBy bus.听下面一段较长对话,回答第 1315 三个小题。听力材料:W:What are you planning to do tomorrow?M:Im not sure.W:Would you like to go to the City Library with me?M:Sure.When should

    7、 w e meet?W:How about 8:30 in the morning?M:I think 9: 30 would be nice.W:Then I will meet you at the subway station.M:OK.(A)13.Where will they go tomorrow?ATo the City Library. BTo the City Sports Center.CTo the City Museum.(B)14.When will they go there?AAt 8:30 am. BAt 9:30 am. CAt 10:30 am.(A)15.

    8、Where will they meet?AAt the subway station. B At the train station.CAt the bus station.四、听短文,选择正确的答案。(每小题 1 分,共 5 分)听力材料: January 10th is Kates mothers birthday.Kate will have a party for her.Yesterday Kate gave her aunt,her grandparents and her mothers friend Mrs Green the invitations.Kate will as

    9、k her grandparents to prepare for the party with her.They will buy lots of food and drinks.Kates mother likes to eat fish best so they will buy a big fish.Kates grandmother is good at making birthday cakes.Kate will make a birthday cake with her grandmother.The birthday party will start at 1:00 in t

    10、he afternoon.Kate thinks the party is the best way to say “Thank you” to her mother.(B)16.When is Kates mothers birthday?AOn January 2nd. B On January 10th.COn January 12th.(C)17.Who is Mrs Green?AKates grandmother. BKates friend.CKates mothers friend.(A)18.What will Kates grandparents help her to d

    11、o?ATo prepare for the party. BTo send the invitations.CTo clean the house.(C)19.What does Kates mother like to eat?AChicken. BFruit. CFish.(C)20.Why does Kate want to have a birthday party for her mother?ABecause her grandparents ask her to do so.BBecause she wants her mother to have fun.CBecause sh

    12、e wants to thank her mother.笔试部分(100 分)五、单项选择。(每小题 1 分 ,共 15 分)(B)21.Why not go to _ movies this weekend?Its _ good idea.A/;an Bthe ;a Cthe ;an Da;the(A)22.Matt,is this your book?Yes, I left the classroom _ taking it yesterday.Awithout Bby Cfrom Dfor(B)23.Is this bookstore open on Sunday?Sure.In fac

    13、t,it is open both on _ and weekends.Adaytime Bweekdays Cholidays Devenings(B)24.I feel so bad that I lost my phone when I hung out.Dont worry._ will be fine.AAnything BEverything CNothing DSomething(D)25.Can we go now?No,we wont go back home _ the rain stops,or well get wet.Abecause Bif Cwhen Duntil

    14、(A)26.I heard Tony will come out from hospital tomorrow._ to hear that.AGlad BClear CSorry DPoor(C)27.Its raining outside,so we _ go to play football.Acan Bmay Ccant Dmay not(C)28.Did Ben do well in the _?Yes, he even got the highest grade in the class!Aconcert Bdiscussion Cexam Dopening(C)29.If its

    15、 a long way and you dont have enough time,you can _ a plane.Aprint Bhang Ccatch Dstop(B)30.Did he _ your idea?No,he never listens to others.Arefuse Baccept Cdelete Dprepare(B)31.Bob looks forward _ the party this weekend.Ato join B to joining Cjoining Djoin(B)32.I myself will take a trip to Shanghai

    16、 next week.Its so cool but you have to _ yourself.Aturn down Blook afterCturn up Dlook for(C)33.Would you like to go to the concert with me?Id love to,but Kelsey invited me _ her prepare the party.Ahelp Bhelping Cto help Dhelp(B)34.Miss Li _ soon to teach math in America.I will miss her.She is a goo

    17、d teacher.Acame Bis leaving C left Dis coming(A)35.Can you come to my party on Sunday?_.I have lots of homework this weekend.AIm sorry.Im not available BSorry to hear thatCIm glad to help you DSure ,Id love to六、完形填空。(每小题 1 分 ,共 10 分)Mrs.Black is in the supermarket.She is _36_ some gifts for the Brow

    18、ns.The Browns moved into a new house.Yesterday Mrs.Black got their housewarming invitation,and she _37_ it.Mrs.Black first gets some candles.She hopes the Browns new house will _38_ be filled with light.Different shapes of candles are _39_ here.She puts some heartshaped ones into her basket.Then Mrs

    19、.Black takes a broom (扫帚)_40_ the gift,the Browns will always have a healthy and happy life,_41_ it can sweep (扫) both dirt and bad luck away.Next,Mrs.Black takes a bottle of _42_She wants the Browns life to be as sweet as it.Finally, Mrs.Black decides to _43_ some bread after she gets home.The deli

    20、cious gift will be great, because it has a good _44_,too.The people living in the new _45_ will never go hungry.Mrs.Black believes that the Browns will love her gifts.(A)36.A.choosing Bopening Changing Dcatching(C)37.A.refused Bthrew Caccepted Ddeleted(A)38.A.always Bprobably Calready Dmainly(B)39.A

    21、.traditional Bavailable Csimple Dfree(D)40.A.After BUnder CAbout DWith(C)41.A.though Bbut Cbecause Dif(D)42.A.yogurt Bbutter Csalt Dhoney(A)43.A.make Bbuy Ceat Dcut(B)44.A.look Bmeaning Ctime Dspace(D)45.A.park Bsupermarket Chotel Dhouse七、阅读理解。(每小题 2 分 ,共 30 分)ADebbies 15th birthday party will come

    22、this Saturday,November 14th.Shell have a meal in a restaurant with a few friends and then theyll have a party at her house.Her mother will make a birthday cake for them.If her friends need a place to stay for the night,they can sleep on the floor in the sitting room and they should bring sleeping ba

    23、gs.The meal is at Mama Mias,a good Italian restaurant.It will begin at 7:30 pm.After the meal,they will have the birthday party at Debbies house at about 8:30 pm.Her friend Jack has some nice CDs.He will bring them to the party and let everyone enjoy the music.And Mary will also play the piano for e

    24、veryone.She is a good pianist in their class.Debbie thinks they are sure to have a great time.(B)46.Where will Debbie and her friends have the meal?AIn Debbies house.BIn a restaurant.CIn the school dining hall.DIn Debbies best friends house.(C)47.What should Debbies friends bring if they want to sta

    25、y for the night?AQuilts. BClothes.CSleeping bags. DPillows ( 枕头)(D)48.When will the birthday party begin?AAt 7:00 pm. BAt 7 :30 a m.CAt 8:30 a m. DAt 8:30 p m.(C)49.What may Jack like to do in his free time?APlay basketball. BDraw pictures.CListen to music. DPlay computer games.(B)50.Which of the fo

    26、llowing is NOT true?ADebbie will be 15 years old this Saturday.BDebbies father will make a big cake for her.CMama Mias is a good Italian restaurant.DMary is good at playing the piano.BAll of us enjoy getting invitationsto a meal,a party,or a concert.Usually,when the invitation is printed on a little

    27、 card,there are some big letters (字母) on it:RSVP.We know the meaning of those letters.They are an abbreviation (缩写) of a French “Rpondez sil vous plait.” It means “Reply to the invitation.” However,not everyone knows that.Many years ago,a man,with his wife (妻子) moved to America because of work.They

    28、came from Eastern or Central Europe,and they were not wellversed in American culture.One day they got an invitation.They were very happy because it was the first invitation they got in America.This was a birthday party invitation,and at the bottom (底部) of the card were four letters: RSVP.The husband

    29、 asked, “Dear,what does it mean:RSVP?” His wife thought for a few minutes and said, “Oh,I know what it means: Remember Send Valuable (贵重的) Presents.”“But we dont have enough money to buy a valuable present, ” the husband said.So they decided not to join the birthday party and lost a chance (机会) to m

    30、ake some new friends.The wife thought that they must take valuable presents to the party.In fact,the party was free.(C)51.RSVP is an abbreviation of _.AEnglish BGerman CFrench DJapanese(B)52.What does the underlined word “wellversed” mean in Chinese?A陌生的 B熟知的 C感兴趣的 D有天赋的(B)53.Why didnt they join the

    31、 party?ABecause they forgot to reply to the invitation on time.BBecause they misunderstood (误解) the meaning of RSVP.CBecause the husband didnt agree with his wifes idea.DBecause the wife didnt want to buy a valuable present.(D)54.Which of the following is TRUE?AThe man and his wife had many friends

    32、in America.BThe man felt worried when they got the invitation at first.CThe wife knew the real meaning of RSVP.DIf you see RSVP,you should reply to the invitation.(B)55.Which is the best title of this passage?AA Funny WifeBA Valuable InvitationCAn Important MessageDAn Expensive Birthday PartyCAndy w

    33、as born on July 6th and now he is thirteen years old.Yesterday was Andys birthday.His father prepared a birthday party for him.He invited lots of friends to his birthday party.They bought him a birthday cake and some of them took many beautiful presents.And there were some bananas,oranges,strawberri

    34、es and apples on the table.Andy was very excited because so many friends came to his party and they had a good time together.Then his father gave him a box and said, “Happy birthday to you,dear Andy.I love you so much!” Andy opened the box at once.A beautiful model car came to his eyes.He was happy

    35、and showed it to his friends.It was a nice present for him because he is_crazy_about cars.How glad he was!(D)56.Whats the date today?AJune 6th. BJune 7th.CJuly 6th. DJuly 7th.(C)57.Who took part in Andys birthday party yesterday?AHis grandparents. BHis teachers.CHis father and friends. DHis mother a

    36、nd friends.(B)58.What kind of gift did Andys father give him?AA birthday cake. BA model car.CLots of fruit. DA computer.(C)59.The underlined words “is crazy about” mean “_” in Chinese.A对困惑 B对厌烦 C对着迷 D对伤心(A)60.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AAndy was excited because so many f

    37、riends came to his party.BAndy didnt like the present from his father.CAndy opened the box and threw (扔掉) the model car away.DAndy was unhappy because the party was too noisy.八、词汇运用。(每小题 1 分 ,共 10 分)A)根据句意及汉语提示写单词。61Bills teacher asked him to print (打印) the article in the office.62When leaving home,

    38、he said goodbye (再见) sadly to his mother.63We plan to go to a concert (音乐会) on the evening of New Years Day.64This kind of glue (胶水) doesnt work well on such paper.65Very slowly,Steve walked forward (向前) in the dark.B)根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。66In fact ,he didnt do any preparations (prepare) for this ex

    39、am.67Martin refused (refuse) to accept the invitation of his best friend.68My pen friend didnt reply (reply) to my email the day before yesterday.69The opening (open) of the new school library will be at three oclock.70I was surprised (surprise) to see Nelly at the party.九、句子运用。(每小题 2 分 ,共 10 分)根据汉语

    40、意思及括号内所给提示完成下列句子。71我们会另找时间去上海旅游。(another time)We_will_take/have_a_trip_to_Shanghai_another_time.72汤姆将会帮助我准备我的生日聚会。(prepare)Tom_will_help_me_prepare_for_my_birthday_party.73文斯拒绝了去开幕式,因为他感冒了。(refuse)Vince_refused_to_go_to_the_opening_because_he_had_a_cold.74我和朋友们经常在周末闲逛。(hang out)My_friends_and_I_ofte

    41、n_hang_out_on_weekends.75莉莉每个月都会收到父母的来信。(hear from)Lily_hears_from_her_parents_every_month.十、任务型阅读。(每小题 2 分,共 10 分)从方框中选择适当的句子补全短文,使短文完整、通顺。Birthdays are some of the most important events in peoples lives.76._B_ In fact, there are almost no birthday parties without birthday cakes.However,do you know

    42、 when it first appeared? Here is some interesting information about birthday cakes.77._D_They were made with nuts (坚果) and honey.The Greeks also made a cake called “satura” that was very heavy.78._E_ It is also for this reason that candles are placed on the cake to make it glow (发光) like the moon.79

    43、._C_ They called the cake “placenta”The Romans celebrated three kinds of birthdays.With each birthday,there were different kinds of birthday cakes.In England,birthday cakes carried symbolic (象征性的) things,such as coins.80._A_ During the 16th century,cooks in Italy and France started making cakes with

    44、 eggs and sugar.No matter (无论) what the cake is made of,it makes the birthday very special and interesting.AIt is said the person that got a coin in his piece of cake would become rich.BA wonderful thing about a birthday is the birthday cake.CThe Romans made a little change (改变) in the name of the c

    45、ake.DAt first,cakes were called “plakous” by the Greeks.ESome people said that this kind of cake was for the Goddess of Moon.十一、书面表达。(共 15 分)假如你是刘丽,你们班要给新来的外籍老师史密斯(Smith) 举办一次欢迎会。请你根据下面的提示,写一封邀请函给 Mr. Smith,邀请他来参加这次聚会。提示:Time:6:00 pm. next SundayPlace:in the classroomPeople:All the students in Class

    46、 9Activities:Telling stories,playing games and tasting nice Chinese food要求:1.语句通顺,符合逻辑,可适当发挥;270 词左右。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Mr. Smith,Im very glad you come to our school and become our new English teacher.Actually,I_write_this_letter_to _invite_you_to_the_“Welcome_Party”It_is_at_6:00_p m._next_Sunday_

    47、in_the_classroom.All_the_students_in_Class_9_will_come_to_the_party.We_want_to_say, “Welcome_to_join_us! ”_to_you.We_can_tell_stories, play_games_and_taste_nice_Chinese_food_together.We_can_also_talk_with_each_other.I_think_we_will_have_a_good_time_next_Sunday.Im_looking_forward_to_hearing_from_you_soon.Yours,Liu Li


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