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    人教新课标高中英语必修5《Unit4 Workbook》课件

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    人教新课标高中英语必修5《Unit4 Workbook》课件

    1、Unit 4 Workbook,Listening,Many people think that doing a radio or TV interview is fun and interesting. But there may be problems.,What problems do you think you might have? Discuss it with your partner. Then listen to the story about Gregs telephone interview and see whether he had the same problems

    2、 as you discussed.,Listen to Part 1 and tick the correct time and place of the interview.,Day MondayThursdayYesterday,Time 2 pm6:15 am6:15 pm,Place home radio stationBBC TV station,1. Why did Greg have to go to the radio station and not use his home telephone?,Listen again and answer the questions.,

    3、He had to go to the BBC radio station because the sound effects are better there.,2. How did Greg describe the windows of the house? What does that show?,The windows are described as large, tired eyes. It shows that Greg was apprehensive. He felt that the windows were like people watching him who we

    4、re not very confident.,Listen to Part 2 and fill in the blanks below.,1 _ just at that moment a man _ and opened the _ for me. As soon as I entered the room, the _ rang. It was the _ from the “Today” programme.,Luckily,appeared,studio,telephone,interviewer,2 Never was I so relieved to see anyone!I r

    5、eally _ I was going to miss the programme. But _ I was on the _ everything was fine.,thought,air,once,A TRUE STORY It is Thursday and Greg (G) has just come home from a radio interview on the “Today” programme. He is talking to his wife, Susan (S).,Listening text,Part 1 S: Hello. I heard you on the

    6、radio and it all seemed to go very well. G: Yes, it did as soon as we got started. But I had a bad time before they phoned me. S: Why? I thought you fixed it up yesterday!,G: Yes, I did. You remember I told you that they didnt want to phone me at home because the sound effects were better at the BBC

    7、 radio station here in Reading. S: Yes. I remember. G: Well, I arrived at the buildingbefore 6 am. They were going to ring me in the studio at 6:15 to check that all was well.,S: So what was the problem? G: When I arrived I found that there was nobody waiting to let me into the building. It had many

    8、 windows but they were all dark. They reminded me of large, tired eyes. S: Oh dear!,Part 2 G: Th building was so tall and old. S: Did you feel frightened? G: No, but I did get worried. I wondered if Id got the right day or the right time and place. S: Did you ring the bell?,G: Yes, I did. It sounded

    9、 very loud and echoed through the empty rooms. I began to feel very anxious. I was sure I must have got things wrong. S: But you hadnt. I heard you on the radio.,G: Luckily just at that moment a man appeared and he opened the studio for me. As soon as I entered the room, the telephone rang. It was t

    10、he interviewer from the “Today” programme. S: So alls well that ends well!,G: Yes, thank goodness. Never was I sorelieved to see anyone! I really thought I was going to miss the programme. But once I was on the air everything was fine.,Arrange a meeting on the phone,Which day would suit you best? I

    11、would like to arrange What time would be most convenient? That will / wont be convenient because I can / cant do that because ,Where would you like to meet? I suggest that we meet I may be able to see you at Please, can you tell me ? I look forward to seeing you.,S1: Good afternoon. This is the secr

    12、etary of Wang Xinjie, star of stage and screen. Can I help you? S2: Is it possible to make an appointment to interview Wang Xinjie? S1: Which organization are you?,Sample dialogue,S2: “Lookbright” beauty products. We would like to arrange for Wang Xinjie to do some work for us and help sell our good

    13、s. S1: OK. Wang Xinjie is very busy at the moment working on a film. What about next week? Which day suits you best?,S2: Tuesday and Thursday are better for me. Does that suit her? S1: Well, her diary is empty for Tuesday so she may be able to see you then. What time would be most convenient? S2: I

    14、think perhaps lunchtime.,S1: Im afraid she cant do that because she always has relaxation classes at lunchtime. So I suggest you meet at 2 pm. S2: That will be very convenient. Where would she like to meet?,S1: At the Apollo Theatre perhaps? S2: I look forward to seeing her at the Apollo Theatre at

    15、2 pm on Tuesday. Thank you. Goodbye. S1: Goodbye.,Answer key for exercise 1,accused of robbed of warned of break of asked of,Using words and expressions,Answer key for exercise 1 on page 63,I dont agree with Alexs way of showing his landlord he was wrong because I think he will have become unnecessa

    16、rily worried about losing his money. remind of, tell of, inform of, rid of,George was a gifted student in science and technology. The chancellor/president of the university approved his appointment to the department. His family was/were delighted with his choice of profession. Teaching Alex how to s

    17、ki is a painful process. The senior editor emphasized that this article needed further polishing.,Answer key for exerciser 2 on page 63,The news reports of journalists of radio and TV stations need to be concise. Some of the admirable wartime journalist lost their lives in order to inform people of

    18、the true situation. My assignment today was to give a thorough clean/cleaning to the flat. Do you know where to buy an updated edition of the Chinese dictionary?,Using Structure,Now your chance to shine comes. He didnt come again and he didnt write to her, either. He didnt realize how disappointed s

    19、he was. She had hardly arrived home when it began to rain heavily. We can finish our task in time only in this way.,Answer key for exercise 1 on page 64,I didnt find out he was a liar until I saw his letter. Following the roar, a gizzly bear rushed out from behind the rock. The cuckoo flew off. Many

    20、 old castles are around the lake./ There are many old castles around the lake. She seldom went to the Wangfujing Department Store for shopping.,Never before had he seen such a technically accurate drawing of the building. Only after the housewife made her accusation did the police take up the case.

    21、Seldom is it possible to have twins twice.,Answer key for exercise 2 on page 64,Hardly had the mother opened the door, when her son rushed up to her. Not until you have finished your project, can you go out to play. Not only did Karin read the novel, but she also watched the film. No sooner did her

    22、get home than he had to go out to see his sick mother.,Unit 4 Workbook,SEARCHING FOR THE TRUTH,Read the passage and try to find out the main idea of it.,Main idea: The passage tells us what a primary source and a secondary source are and the difference between them.,A primary source needs to have tw

    23、o things: 1 _ 2 _,being there on spot,witnessing the happening of the event,Primary sources and secondary sources are very important for finding out the truth. The closer a person is to the event they describe in time or geographically, the more likely they are to be accurate.,Tips,Read the passage

    24、again and determine whether the statements are true or false.,When we read about Jia Sixie in our textbook we are reading a primary source. 2. As we watch the news on TV, the person presenting the programme in the studio is the secondary source.,F,T,3. Photographers sometimes are both primary and se

    25、condary sources. 4. Knowing the difference of primary and secondary sources can help us decide what is a fact and what is an opinion. 5. Often facts and opinions are mixed in any report.,T,T,F,Read the following information. Which are primary sources (P) and which are secondary sources (S)?,S,P,S,Th

    26、e primary source is_ because_. I think _ _will have more opinion than facts because_.,The Garlic Wars,it was written at the time,Plutarchs Life of Julius Caesar and Shakespeares play about Julius Caesar,because they were written long after the events happened,Before listening, discuss with your part

    27、ner the occasions when eyewitnesses are important for finding out the truth in news reporting. Give some examples if possible.,Listening task,Listen to Parts 1 and 2 and write down the main idea in one sentence.,The story of two football teams fighting shows the importance of eyewitness in finding o

    28、ut who really started the trouble.,You are the police officer and you must fill in this report about the fight between the British and the Turkish fans. Listen to Part 1 again and fill in the first items of the report. Then listen to Part 2 again and fill in the rest of the report.,Beijing, China,Fi

    29、ghting broke out between fans supporting the two teams.,When the police arrived it was impossible to tell. There was an eyewitness.,Fred Smith says he saw the Turkish supporters throw bottles at the British supporters first. Then it developed into a serious fight with everyone involved.,Fred Smiths

    30、eyewitness account and his photographs,It was started by the Turkish supporters. The British fans were not in the wrong.,Fred Smiths photographs support his idea that the Turkish fans started the fight.,Li Da,THE IMPORTANCE OF EYEWITNESSES Zhou Yang (ZY) and his photographer Fred Smith (FS) are talk

    31、ing about a story they are going to cover. FS: Have you heard? Were going to Moscow to cover the international football match tomorrow.,Listening text,Im getting my camera ready. Isnt it exciting? ZY: Yes, and its the Chinese national team against the Russians. FS: I think China will win, dont you?

    32、The team did very well against Mexico last month. ZY: Did you go to that match?,FS: No, but I went to the one when Britain played Turkey in Beijing. That was a good match, but something unpleasant happened. ZY: What happened? FS: Well, our British fans were not happy that their team lost.,They becam

    33、e more upset when the Turkish fans began calling them rude names. I wondered what would happen and started taking photos. ZY: What did happen? FS: The Turkish fans started throwingbottles. I kept taking my photos as evidence.,Part 2 ZY: Did the police come? FS: Yes, but by the time they came it was

    34、serious. There were fighting each other. It was terrible. ZY: How did it end? FS: Well, police took them to the police station.,They accused the British fans of starting the fight because they had lost the match. And the British fanshave a bad reputation for fighting. But I was able to put them righ

    35、t. Notonly was I an eyewitness but I had my photographs as evidence too.,ZY: Gosh. So it was lucky you were there. FS: Yes, and that I had my camera with me. Without it I wouldnt have been able to show the police they were wrong. So you see why its so important to be on the spot when something happe

    36、ns.,ZY: Yes. Youre able to get the right end of the stick. Did you give a statement to the police? FS: Yes, I did. I helped set many British fans free.,Now that you understand how important eyewitnesses are, you can role-play a situation. Imagine that you are the organizer of a local fishing competi

    37、tion. A person tells you he / she has caught a fish the size of a bicycle.,It will win him / her first prize at a local fishing competition. But an eyewitness says he / she cheated. He saw the fisherman buying it at a fish shop. Do you believe the eyewitness or the fisherman? Give your reasons.,Now

    38、work in groups of four and play one of the following roles each.,Explain the exciting story Stick to facts rather than opinions,CCTV news presenter,Prepare interview questions for the fisherman and the eyewitness Find out truth through your own analysis,Reporter of Local Evening News,Accept the inte

    39、rview with the reporter Account for his behaviour,Fisherman,Eyewitness,This chart is for you to make notes for the questions in the TV interview and news report.,has to explain about the fishing competition and how important it is to the winner.,history and importance of this competition,needs to pr

    40、epare questions to ask the fisherman and the eyewitness,about how fisherman caught fish about what the eyewitness saw,a professional fisherman who needs to win a competition to improve his chances of good jobs in the future,fish caught in the river early in the day no witnesses very large and rare f

    41、ish,a person who says he saw the fisherman buy the fish in a fish shop,may be friend of another fisherman may want to help his friend,Now write the story as a newspaper article. List the facts and the opinions that go with them. Write about each fact and then write about opinions: Did the fisherman

    42、cheat or not? To help you, read the chart below and write Yes or No in the correct box. Add your own sentence if you want to.,Writing task,yes,yes,yes,Sample chart,yes,yes,yes,1. Ask the students to interview a student of Senior Grade Three and write a report about their present study and life. 2. Report a thing that has recently happened in your neighborhood or in the local area.,Thank you!,


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