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    人教新课标高中英语必修2《Unit3 Warming up》课件

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    人教新课标高中英语必修2《Unit3 Warming up》课件

    1、Computers,Words and expressions,words and expression,数学的 计算器 信息技术 个人电脑 依.看,据.认为 优点 缺点 算盘 掌上电脑,Vt.,Calculate,Information Technology,Personal Computer,advantage disadvantage abacus palmtop,In ones opinion,Mathematical,Calculator (n.),IT,PC,How much do you know about a computer?,Give the English name f

    2、or the computer components (组件),keyboard,mouse,monitor,screen,speaker,host computer,1,2,3,4,5,6,What is it in English?,Main board(主板),What is it in English?,CPU (central processing Unit) 中央处理器,RAM(随机存储器) (Random Access Memory ),What is it in English?,Power supply (电源),What is it in English?,display

    3、card 显卡,What is it in English?,What is it in English?,hard disc 硬盘,DVD ROM 数字通用光盘,What is it in English?,floppy disc,USB Flash Disk,modem,scanner,printer,monitorscreen mouse keyboard hard diskDVD-ROM,(1) the part of the computer that looks like a television. (2) the part of the monitor that you look

    4、 at. (3) something you use to click on things (files, etc.) (4) the part of the computer that you type on. (5) the part of a computer that stores information. (6) The part of computer that we can put a CD in.,Work out the names,Computer and Internet,type my homework,draw pictures,play games,communic

    5、ate with my friends.,gather information for my lessons,listen to music,watch movies,Besides computer, what else can we get information from?,Information Technology,How much do you know about computers?,information technology,science and technology,artificial intelligence,Personal Computer,personal d

    6、igital assistant,World wide web,notebook computer /laptop,Do you think the computer really helps to your study? Why?,I think that In my opinion I believe that I agree because I disagree because,Giving an opinion:,Make good use of it but never get trapped by it.,Conclusion There is no doubt that comp

    7、uter has two sides, too. If we make good use of it, it will make our lives more colorful and convenient. But dont lose yourself in playing computers. Just remember: Keep fit, study well and work hard.,A toy?,A handbag?,Computers,Riddles(谜语):,Warming up,Page 17,I am very old now. I was born in China.

    8、 Many people used me for calculating in the past, but now I am a bit lonely because they dont like me now. Do you know who I am?,abacus,Riddles(谜语):,I am very small. I can be used for calculating. In China, a lot of students use me when solving mathematical problems. Do you know who I am?,calculator

    9、,Riddles(谜语):,I can be used for calculating. Besides, I can also be used for watching DVD, sending e-mail and communicating through the Internet. However, I am not a PC, because Im small enough for you to take me with you.,Notebook / laptop,Do you know who I am?,Riddles(谜语):,In pairs discuss what th

    10、ey have in common.,The history of the computer,An abacus is an old calculating machine used in China until now.,A calculator is a new calculating machine which can solve a large number of mathematical problems.,A huge computer is built to solve some mathematical problems. But it is too big.,A PC is

    11、a personal computer which can solve all kinds of problems and is widely used now.,PDA,A laptop is a kind of useful computer which can be taken conveniently like a notebook.,仿真机器人,robot,(What do they have in common?),I think that In my opinion I believe that What s your reason? Why do you think so?,1

    12、.They can be used for calculating. 2.They can deal withmaths problems. 3.They are our friends. 4.They are useful and helpful.,Discussion,abacus,huge computer,PC,calculator,laptop,PDA,Whats next?,What do they tell you about the development of computers?,robot,What do you think will be the next develo

    13、pment?,Discussion,有人预测现行的计算机体系将在2010年遇到无法逾越的障碍。 但从目前的技术发展趋势来看,新技术不断被应用到计算机行业,Moore定律至少到2010年仍会有效,届时计算机的基本构造应不会有大的改变。,另一方面,在沿着传统框架发展高性能计算机的同时,一些新型的计算机体系也已被提出,有些已从根本上突破了冯.诺依曼计算机体系与电子技术的局限,这方面的工作得到了多方面的重视。 未来高性能计算机目前可分为量子、超导、光子和DNA计算机四种类型。,in common: for or by all of a group 共同的;共有的;共用的 the land owned

    14、in common by the residents 居民共有的土地 in common 常常同have连用,如: have nothing in common 无共同之处 have little in common 几乎无共同之处 have something in common 有一些共同 have a lot in common 有许多共同之处,What do you think will be the next development?,do you think 为插入语, 位于特殊疑问句中间,不必用逗号隔开。 作插入语的其他的动词还有 believe,imagine, suppose, consider, suggest等。 注意:疑问词在句中作主语时, 将插入语放在疑问词后、谓语动词之前,其他不变,如将插入语撤走原句式不变: What will be the next development?,疑问词在句中不是作主语时,如作状语, 将插入语放在疑问词后,其他成分要成为的宾语从句,即要用陈述语序。,Why do you think she was late again? When do you consider she will arrive?,


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