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    牛津译林版英语必修一Unit1 Reading 1教案

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    牛津译林版英语必修一Unit1 Reading 1教案

    1、第 1 页 共 3 页牛津高中英语教学设计单元:Unit1 School life板块:Reading教学内容浅析:第一模块第一单元的主题为“School Life”, 整个单元内容的设计围绕高中生活这一主题展开,本节课的教学内容为“Reading School life in the UK”课文理解。在这一部分,学生将学会 skimming 2. to learn to apply two basic reading skills: skimming and scanning;3. to learn some expressions about school life;4. to get s

    2、ome information about what school life in the UK is really like. Teaching procedures:Step1 Lead-in Play the song of High School Life and show students photos. Can you guess the name of the song?What can you think of when we talk about school life?Now we are going to read a magazine article which is

    3、written by Wei Hua, an exchange student. She has been studying in the UK for one year. She will give us a brief introduction of her school life there.Lets first preview the words that will be used in the article, the definition of the word is given, please match the meaning with the word. Step2 read

    4、ingBefore we read the article, we are going to learn the reading strategies: skimming and scanning. 1. Reading strategyscanning We scan the text when we want to find certain information in a text quickly.Apply scanning to finish PartC1.C2.2. Reading strategySkimmingWe skim a text when we want to get

    5、 a general idea of what it is about.Apply skimming to find the key sentences of the paragraph. Find out the main idea of each paragraph and answer questions concerning the content of each paragraph. Part1:School hours:1. Was she happy with the school hours? _2. School in Britain _ around 9 am and _

    6、about 3:30 pm, while schools in China begins before 8a.m. We believe that _早起的鸟儿有虫吃。Part2:Attending assembly:第 2 页 共 3 页1. Who was the girl sitting next to her on the first day?_2. The headmaster told them about _ during assembly.3. The best way to earn respect from the school was to _and _. Because

    7、_(知识就是力量)Part3:Teachers and classmates:1. Who was her favorite teacher?_.2. Was it easy for her to remember all the Ss faces and names? Why ? _.Part4 / 5 / 6:Homework and subjects:1. The homework was not heavy, but why was it a bit challenging for her? _.2. Why did her English improve a lot? _.3. Di

    8、d she enjoy cooking? How do you know? _.4. Do Ss have to learn all the subjects even if they dont like them? _.Discussion: Do you think we should learn more foreign languages?If you have a chance, would you like to learn a foreign language?Part 7:British food and her activities:1. Why did she miss C

    9、hinese food a lot at lunchtime?_.2. She usually played on the school field. Sometimes _. Sometimes _.Discussion: If you are abroad, what kind of Chinese food do you think you will miss?Step3 Detailed readingRead the text again carefully and find out the similarities and differences between lives of

    10、British and Chinese students.Step4 Consolidation1. Task-based gap filling exercise(1)_ life in the UKOn the first day, all students went to attend (4)_. During it, the headmaster told us about the rules of the school and the best way to (5)_ respect from the school was to work hard and (6)_ high gra

    11、des.My(7)_ teacher taught us English Literature. Homework was not as (8)_as what I used to get in my old school. My English (9)_a lot as I used English everyday and spent an hour each day reading English books. The (2)_and (3)_experience of school life in the UKStudents can (10)_some subjects if the

    12、y dont like them.2. Comprehension of the whole text. Finish some multiple choices Step5 Discussion第 3 页 共 3 页What are the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad?Step6 Homework1. Write a short passage about 100 words according to the discussion“What are the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad?”Prepare to interview Wei Hua.


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