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    牛津译林版英语必修一Unit2 Grammar and usage 2教案

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    牛津译林版英语必修一Unit2 Grammar and usage 2教案

    1、第 1 页 共 4 页牛津高中英语教学设计单 元:Unit 2 Growing pains板 块:Grammar and usageThoughts on the design:本节课是以读、写为主的语法教学课。语法教学的方法各有不同,本节课的设计除了语言知识的传授外,还着眼于培养学生对于学习策略的掌握。本节课按照“呈现思考归纳巩固”的模式,在语言知识的传授过程中,强调让学生独立思考并归纳语言规则,从而掌握独立的学习策略。此外,本节课在内容的选择上参考了 05-08 年各地高考题,对教学内容作了适当增补。Teaching aims: After learning this session, t

    2、he students will be able to grasp the basic rules for attributive clauses relative adverbs used to begin attributive clauses. Besides, the students will be able to learn the studying strategy for language learning. Teaching procedures: Step 1 Review what the students have learned in the previous cla

    3、ss, and check the assignments.Fill in the blanks with “prep + relative porn”.1. Do you remember the day _ we left you in charge? (on which)2. I often think of the moment _ I saw the UFO. (at which)3. I remember the time _ Eric won that speech competition. (at which)4. It rained the whole day _ he tr

    4、aveled with his family. (on which)5. The police searched the house _ the thief had stayed. (in which)6. Mike wants to work in a country _ there are a lot of rainforests. (in which)7. This is not a family _ bad behavior goes unpunished. (in which)8. The study is the place _ I often have talks with my

    5、 father. (in which)9. I wont listen to the reason _ you didnt do your homework. (for which)10. This is the reason _ my parents got home earlier. (for which)Explanation本步骤是对上一堂内容的回顾,并为下面教授新知识作铺垫。Step 2 Review the first four sentences of the assignments, using “when” to replace “prep+which”.1. Do you

    6、remember the day on which we left you in charge? (when)2. I often think of the moment at which I saw the UFO. (when)3. I remember the time at which Eric won that speech competition. (when)4. It rained the whole day on which he traveled with his family. (when)Then ask the students to think about the

    7、grammatical principles in the sentences, and then make a conclusion as follows: We often use the relative adverb “when” to begin attributive clauses after nouns like “time”, “moment”, “day”, “season”, “year”, etc.第 2 页 共 4 页Explanation本堂课继续延用上堂课“练习思考归纳巩固”的模式来传授新的知识。Step 3 Review the next four senten

    8、ces of the assignments, using “where” to replace “prep+which”.1. The police searched the house in which the thief had stayed. (where)2. Mike wants to work in a country in which there are a lot of rainforests. (where)3. This is not a family in which bad behavior goes unpunished. (where)4. The study i

    9、s the place in which I often have talks with my father. (where)Then ask the students to think about the grammatical principles in the sentences, and then make a conclusion as follows: We often use the relative adverb “where” to begin attributive clauses after nouns like “place”, “house”, “city”, “co

    10、untry”, “world”, etc.Explanation同上。Step 4 Review the last two sentences of the assignments, using “why” to replace “prep+which”.1 I wont listen to the reason for which you didnt do your homework. (why)2 This is the reason for which my parents got home earlier. (why)Then ask the students to think abo

    11、ut the grammatical principles in the sentences, and then make a conclusion as follows: We use the relative adverb “why” to begin attributive clauses after “reason”.Explanation同上。Step 5 Ask the students to finish the following exercises as a consolidation. Meanwhile, use the exercises to explain the

    12、difficult point the choice between relative pronouns and adverbs.“when” or “which”?1. I still remember the days _ we stayed together in Beijing. (when)2. I still remember the days _ we spent together in Beijing. (which)3. I still remember the days _ we enjoyed ourselves in Beijing. (when)4. I still

    13、remember the days _ we enjoyed in Beijing. (which)“where” or “which”?5. That blue house is the place _ I lived yesterday. (where)6. That blue house is the place _ I visited yesterday. (which)7. That blue house is the place _ I paid a visit yesterday. (where)8. That blue house is the place _ I paid a

    14、 visit to yesterday. (which)“why” or “which”?9. Do you know the reason _ he told me the news last week? (why)10. Do you know the reason _ he told me last week? (which)11. Do you know the reason _ he was late this morning? (why)12. Do you know the reason _ he was late for this morning? (which)After f

    15、inishing the exercises, ask the students to think about the common points in these sentences, then make a conclusion as follows: The choice between relative pronouns and relative adverbs 第 3 页 共 4 页doesnt depend on the antecedents before the attributive clauses, but on the verbs or verb phrases in t

    16、he attributive clauses.Explanation此处继续延用前面的模式来解释学生学习定语从句的一个难点:关系代词与副词的选择。这里选用了三组十二个句子来阐明该要点。由于学生新学关系副词,在应用上仍然生疏,故用红色字体标明做题关键。在最后归纳完毕后,教师可以用“BACKSPACE”键回到前面几页,带学生重新回顾一下这十二个句子,加深理解。Step 6 Show some multiple-choices selected from NEMT of year 0508 as consolidation.1. If a shop has chairs_ women can par

    17、k their men, women will spend more time in the shop. (2005 上海) (D)A. that B. which C. when D. where 2. Some pre-school children go to a day care center, _they learn simple games and songs. (2007全国) (D)A. then B. there C. while D. where 3. Those successful deaf dancers think that dancing is an activi

    18、ty _ sight matters more than hearing. (2007 天津 ) (D)A. when B. whose C. which D. where 4. They will fly to Washington, _ they plan to stay for two or three days. (2008 重庆) (A)A. where B. there C. which D. when 5. The Science Museum, _ we visited during a recent trip to Britain, is one of Londons tou

    19、rist attractions. (2008 江苏) (A)A. which B. what C. that D. where 6. Anyway, that evening, _ Ill tell you more about later, I ended up staying at Rachels place. (2004 浙江) (D)A. when B. where C. what D. whichExplanation此处围绕前面所讲要点,选用近年高考题作为巩固练习。前几题先出现提示,后让学生回答;后几题先回答,后出现提示作为解释。Step 7 Ask the students t

    20、o complete the following conversation. (students book, page 31)Explanation此练习选自课本,由于篇幅较大,难以处理,故没有做入 PPT。但并非该练习不重要,这是对学生近两堂语法课以来所学内容的一个综合的回顾和巩固。所以,该练习不宜略过。第 4 页 共 4 页Step 8 Give out a test paper for attributive clauses, ask the students to self-test after class.Explanation课后练习在新的语法知识教授之后是必要的,教师可根据各自具

    21、体情况来考虑,此处附练习若干仅供参考。需要注意的是,练习的量不宜过多过难,以至打击学生学习的兴趣与积极性。鉴于学生初学定语从句,具体难度可参考高考题,相应略低,选材应基于课本内容。练习的形式应注重多样化,而不是单一的选择题。1. Join the two sentences into one with attributive clauses.1) The money has disappeared. I wanted to buy a new T-shirt with the money.2) Matt solved the problem in a strange way. We had a

    22、 good laugh over it.3) Daniel lives in that room. It is in a mess.4) We left you in charge of the house on that day. Do you still remember the day?5) Eric is looking at a strange woman. The woman has her arms crossed and looks angry.2. Fill in the blanks with relative words.1) Who is the boy with _

    23、you were talking a moment ago?2) He is my favorite student, Leo. I cant understand the reason _ you dont like him.3) Give me a reason _ is different from the one you gave me last time.4) The boy likes writing letters. The man to _ he often writes is the editor of a teenage magazine.5) Leo and Philli

    24、p met in a teahouse the other day. The teahouse _ they met is called “Sweet Home”.3. Fill in the blanks with proper words to match the pairs of sentences in meaning.1)I like the way he speaks English.I like the way _ _ he speaks English.2)This museum is the one where we paid a visit last week.This m

    25、useum is the one we _ last week.3)Yesterday MrGreen met two friends, and one of them told him the good news.Yesterday Mr Green met two friends, one of _ told him the good news.4)Is there a shop nearby where dog food is sold?Is there a shop nearby _ sells dog food?5) The club of which the members are

    26、 music fans meet in the school garden every Saturday afternoon.The club _ members are music fans meet in the school garden every Saturday afternoon.Keys: 1. (one possible version)1) The money with which I wanted to buy a T-shirt has disappeared.2) We had a good laugh over the strange way Matt solved

    27、 the problem.3) The room in which Daniel lives is in a mess.4) Do you still remember the day when we left you in charge of the house?5) The strange woman Eric is looking at has her arms crossed and looks angry.2. 1) whom 2) why 3) that / which 4) whom 5)where 3. 1) in which 2) visited 3) whom 4) which / that 5) whose


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