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    1、第 1 页 共 6 页 2018-12-26U2 重点词汇讲解一、重点词汇列表 动词act, surprise, bend, touch, explain, leave, trust, punish, test, mix, score, insist, chat, suggest, fight, forbid名词act, vacation, curtain, mess, sink, garbage, can, charge, adult, reason, behaviour, teenager, fault, scene, explanation, cash, grandparent, mar

    2、k, test, score, cafe, chat, period, argument, freedom, relationship形容词mad, hard, rude, boring, upset, silly, valuable, crazy, spare, selfish重点词组be supposed to, do with, trash can, in charge of, go out, notanymore, be hard on, now that, stay up, after all, mix up, as though, insist on, Internet cafe,

    3、 at present, like crazy二、精选词汇讲解1. cant wait to do something 迫不及待地想干:I cant wait to tell them the good news!I just cant wait to be king! (from Lion King) Jim cant wait to see the girl again!* can hardly wait to do somethingI can hardly wait to see the movie. We can hardly wait to read his latest nove

    4、l.2. be supposed to do something 应该做,被期待做 :You are supposed to be here by eight.Everyone is supposed to bring a dish to the party.Professor Smith was supposed to be the guest speaker today. 3. charge* in charge (of something) 主管、掌管 the position of having control or responsibility for a group of peop

    5、le or an activity:He asked to speak to the person in charge.Tom is in charge of the Marketing Department. * take charge of 主管、掌管Jerry came in and soon took charge of the situation. Stern let Terry take charge of the research team.* in/under somebodys charge 被照管,受照料if someone or something is in your

    6、charge, you are responsible for looking after them:第 2 页 共 6 页 2018-12-26Ill put the office in your charge when Im away. Things are getting better since the project is under Peters charge.The documents were left in your charge.4. go 联系动词(1)to be in a bad state or condition:He went crazy at the news.

    7、The milk has gone sour.He went blind in his fifties.(2) go +带否定前缀的过去分词 :All the emails went unanswered.Their hard work went unseen.He hoped that his nervousness would go unnoticed.His complaints went unheard.5. feel like * 想(做) ,愿意 to want to have something or do something:feel like +名词 / doing:I fe

    8、el like a cup of tea now.Do you feel like a walk after dinner?I feel like going to bed. Im tired.I dont feel like drinking beer tonight.* 摸上去像,感觉像:This material feels like silk.It feels like spring today.I feel like a fool.I was there for two days but it felt like a week. 6. insist 动词“ 坚持”(1) insist

    9、 on + 名词I insist on an early reply.The customer insists on an explanation.(2) insist on + doingHe insists on seeing me off at the airport. They insisted on wearing a suit.(3) insist + that-从句* insist 表示“坚决主张 ”,that-从句中动词用 (should) do:He insisted that she (should) come.She insisted that we (should) s

    10、tay for dinner. * insist 表示“坚持一种事实 ”,that-从句不用虚拟语气:Mike insisted that he was right.She insisted that her son had nothing to do with the crime. 第 3 页 共 6 页 2018-12-267. allow 动词“允许、准许”to let someone do or have something, or let something happen:(1) allow somebody to do something:His parents dont allo

    11、w him to stay out late.She only allows the children to watch TV on weekends.(2) allow somebody somethingWe allow passengers one piece of luggage each.Im on a diet, but I allow myself a thin slice of cake every morning.(3) allow doing:We do not allow eating in the classroom.They shouldnt allow parkin

    12、g here.8. suggest 动词 * suggest 表“建议” ,to tell somebody your ideas about what they should do(1)suggest + 名词He suggested a better idea for the work.She suggested a walk after dinner.(2) suggest + doingJenny suggested doing it in another way.My friend suggested me getting a job in a bank. (3) suggest +

    13、 that-从句 ,that-从句中动词用 (should) do:The doctor suggested that he (should) stay in bed for another day or two.Tom suggested that we (should) leave early for the airport. * suggest 表示“暗示” , to indicate, to make someone think that a particular thing is true:(1) suggest + 名词His pale face suggested bad hea

    14、lth.Dark clouds in the west suggest rain.(2) suggest + that-从句,that-从句不用虚拟语气:Are you suggesting Im telling a lie?Her expression suggested that she was very upset. * suggest suggestion 名词9. forbid 动词* 禁止 to tell someone that they are not allowed to do something, or that something is not allowed:过去式 f

    15、orbade 过去分词 forbidden 现在分词 forbidding (1) forbid somebody to do somethingFather forbade them to mention the topic again. He was forbidden to leave the house, as a punishment.(2) forbid somebody from doing somethingFather forbade them from mentioning the topic again.He was forbidden from leaving the

    16、house, as a punishment.* forbid forbidden 形容词第 4 页 共 6 页 2018-12-26the forbidden books 禁书the forbidden fruit 禁果the Forbidden City 紫禁城三、词汇拓展训练(一)单项填空:1. - Where is Frank?- He is _ his car painted in the garage.A. taking B. doing C. having D. giving2. - If you like I can do some shopping for you.- Tha

    17、ts a very kind _.A. offer B. service C. point D. suggestion3. - I feel like _ for a walk. Will you go with me?- If Mary goes, _.A. to goI also B. to goso do I C. goingso will I D. goingso do I4. - Who told you about Dads illness? - The doctor in _.A. connection B. turn C. public D. charge 5. We insi

    18、sted that the sick children _ to hospital at once.A. must be sent B. be sent C. will be sent D. is sent6. Does this meal cost $50? I _ something far better than this!A. prefer B. expect C. suggest D. suppose 7. Mary wanted to travel around the world all by herself, but her parents did not _ her to d

    19、o so.A. forbid B. allow C. follow D. ask8. _ youve got a chance, you might as well make full use of it. A. Now that B. After C. Although D. As soon as9. You are not _ to take the newspapers and magazines out of the reading room.A. hoped B. imagined C. supposed D. wished10. Mr. Lee suggested _ to the

    20、re instead of _ by bus.A. cycling; going B. cycling; go C. to cycle; going D. cycle; go(二)单词拼写:1. Can you take out the _ when you go off to work? (垃圾)2. Such _ is unacceptable in public. (行为)3. Various _ for these changes in climate have been offered by scientists all over the world. (解释)4. In the f

    21、inal _, Harry expressed his love to Julia. (场景)5. Teachers in this school are given complete _ in their choice of teaching materials. (自由)6. I think we all learned a _ lesson today. (宝贵的)7. After a brief _ of silence, the students started their discussion. (时期、时段)第 5 页 共 6 页 2018-12-268. She drew ba

    22、ck the _ to let in the light, and then sat down to enjoy a cup of tea. (窗帘)9. Students at our school generally have the highest test _ in the city. (分数)10. In this country, women are _ to enter the temple. (禁止)(三)词组填空:Abe supposed to be hard on in charge oflike crazy now that as though1. Generally s

    23、peaking, a lot of successful people _ themselves. 2. Who do you think will be _ the company when Mr. Luck retires this June? 3. With Tom away and Jenny ill, were going to have to work _ to get this taskfinished on time.4. I understand him much better _ Ive seen his living conditions. 5. Mike is impo

    24、ssible! He treated me _ I was a complete stranger! 6. Im sorry, but you _ hand in your paper last Monday.Bstay up mix up insist on do with go out feel like1. I had a very bad day at the office, so tonight I dont _ doing anything. 2. We went to bed, but Julie and Kate _ talking and playing cards.3. S

    25、he _ following me all the way here, though I told her not to. 4. Be careful not to _ those papers on the desk.5. What shall we _ the dog if we go off on vacation?6. Suddenly all the lights _ and it was pitch dark. (四)综合填空:1. - Whats up, honey? You dont look happy.- Sorry, nothing serious. I just had

    26、 an a_ with my boss this afternoon. 2. - Why didnt you hand in your homework, Jeffery?- Im sorry, sir. But its not my f_. My dog ate it.3. - Copy the text ten times! Every one of you! - But sir, its unfair to p_ a whole class for the actions of one or two students.4. - I give up! Physics is simply d

    27、riving me c_!- Why dont you ask your teacher for help?5. - Whats wrong with Bob these days?- I think he is still u_ that we forgot his birthday.6. - How are you paying? By credit card?- No, in c_.7. - Are you close to your parents?- Yes. I have a good r_ with them. 8. - We still have a s_ ticket for

    28、 tonights game. - Then can I go with you? 第 6 页 共 6 页 2018-12-269. - May I speak to Dr. Henderson please?- Im sorry, but Dr. Henderson is away on v_.10. - What a m_! Cant you clean up a bit?- Sorry. Im too busy with my exam this week. (五)短文填空: Mom and Dad were away on _1_ and left Daniel in _2_ of t

    29、he house. Unfortunately the dog Spot fell ill so the brothers had to take Spot to the vet. They spent a whole day with the dog so they did not have time to clean the house. When Mom and Dad returned early to _3_ the boys, they found the house in a _4_. They were so _5_ that they shouted at Daniel. O

    30、n the other hand, Daniel felt _6_ that his parents did not _7_ him and gave him no chance to _8_. Mom and Dad thought their son was too _9_ to them while Daniel thought his parents were too _10_ on him.KEYS(一)单项填空:1-5: CACDB 6-10: BBACA(二)单词拼写:1. garbage 2. behaviour 3. explanations 4. scene 5. free

    31、dom6. valuable 7. period 8. curtains 9. scores 10. forbidden(三)词组填空:A1. are hard on 2. in charge of 3. like crazy 4. now that 5. as though6. were supposed toB1. feel like 2. stayed up 3. insisted on 4. mix up 5. do with6. went out(四)综合填空:1. argument 2. fault 3. punish 4. crazy 5. upset6. cash 7. relationship 8. spare 9. vacation 10. mess(五)短文填空:1. vacation 2. charge 3. surprise 4. mess 5. mad/angry6. upset 7. trust 8. explain 9. rude 10. hard


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