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    外研版高中英语选修6 Module6 Everyday English & Reading and Vocabulary & Reading Practice & Cultural Corner课件

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    外研版高中英语选修6 Module6 Everyday English & Reading and Vocabulary & Reading Practice & Cultural Corner课件

    1、Module 6 War and Peace,?,Read the lines and answer the questions.,Everyday English,1. -Did any of the bombs drop near you?- Not on the first night. No, and I often wonder why. If you wonder about something, it means _.a) you feel lucky about somethingb) you ask yourself a questionc) you ask other pe

    2、ople,2. If I remember rightlyYou say this if_.a) you are completely sure about somethingb) you think you are probably rightc) you dont usually get things wrong.,3. We werent supposed to do that.This means_.a) we didnt plan to do it.b) the government didnt want us to do it.c) we were very unhappy to

    3、do it. 4. We appreciated the opportunity to talk.It means_.a) we wanted an opportunity to talk.b) we wanted the opportunity to talk.c) we were thankful for the opportunity to talk.,我很想知道他是谁。 I wonder who he is. 我记得聚会是在下午8点开始。 If I remember rightly, the party starts at 8 pm. 他应该懂得法律。 He is supposed t

    4、o know the law. 我们感谢你们的帮助。 We appreciate your helping us.,翻译句子,Reading and Vocabulary,to ones astonishment company baggage bedding comb confidential mess,令某人惊讶的是 n.连,连队 n.行装,行李 n.被褥,寝具 n.梳子 adj.机密的,秘密的 n.混乱的局面,Words Preview,perfume razor scissors shave stockings tractor yell,n.香水 n.剃须刀 n.剪刀 v.&n.刮胡子

    5、 n.(复)(女式)长袜 n.拖拉机 v.大叫,呼喊,Words Preview,barbershop stroke chin moustache wax sharpener unload,n.理发店 v.抚摸 n.下巴,下颌 n.小胡子 n.蜡 n.磨器,磨具 v.卸下,Words Preview,jar carrot cheers liberation constitution vinegar worthwhile,n.罐子,广口瓶 n.胡萝卜 int.(用于祝酒)祝你健康! n.解放 n.宪法 n.醋 adj.值得做的,有用的,Words Preview,Reading,1 What d

    6、o you think the title of the passage means? Two days after the D-Day landings. 2 Why do you think the writer says, “To our astonishment”? Because they were very surprised by the sudden change in events. 3 How do you think the soldiers felt when they first saw the people in the main street? They felt

    7、 frightened.,4 Who was with the writer before the rest of the company arrived? The lieutenant. 5 How do you think the villagers felt when they saw the American soldiers? They felt happy. 6 How old do you think the writer was? A teenager of less than 18 as he said he was too young to have a girlfrien

    8、d. 7 How did the writer feel at the end of the day? He felt happy and sad at the same time.,Vocabulary,5,1 (b) 2 (a) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5 (c),Discussion,1 What do you think the soldiers would have done if there had been enemies in the village? 2 What do you think the soldiers did next?,Reading Practice,Win

    9、ston Churchill,statesman toil retreat encourage surrender strategy quote,n.政治家 n.辛劳,辛苦 v.撤退,后退 v.鼓舞,鼓励 v.投降 n.策略,战略 v.引用,引述,Words Preview,Read the words and answer the questions.,air force army Britain defeat Germany leadership navy politician prime minister speech statesman the Second World War vic

    10、tory,1 Who was Winston Churchill? He was a statesman, a politician and a British Prime Minister.,2 When did he live? During the Second World War against Germany. 3 What did he do? He led Britains army, navy and air force during the war. 4 What is he famous for? He is famous for his leadership and hi

    11、s speeches.,Skimming,main idea,His speeches are still remembered and quoted today, and remain some of the finest examples of spoken English.,温斯顿伦纳德斯宾塞丘吉尔爵士(Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill,1874年11月30日1965年1月24日),政治家、演说家及作家以及记者,1953年诺贝尔文学奖得主,曾于19401945年及19511955年期间两度任英国首相,被认为是20世纪最重要的政治领袖之一,带领英国

    12、获得第二次世界大战的胜利。被公认为世界上掌握单词词汇量最多的人(5万多)。,Careful Reading,4,1 (c) 2 (a) 3 (b) 4 (b) 5 (d),Discussion,Think of a Chinese statesman or stateswoman and write a short passage describing some lines from their speeches or their ideas.,Cultural Corner,helmet peacekeeper arm disagreement personnel civilian desp

    13、ite,n.头盔 n.维和人员 v.装备,武装 n.争论,矛盾 n.全体人员 n.平民,文职人员 prep.不管,不顾,Words Preview,As we know, war is a terrible thing to all the people in the world.Where there is a war, there is miserable thing happening. People will suffer a lot from the war. So in the world most of people prevent the war and how do peop

    14、le prevent the war? There is an organization which can help prevent the war and save the people who suffer from the war. Do you know its name? Lets look at some photos.,The organisation is the United Nations.,Kofi Annan, the seventh Secretary-General of the United Nations,Ban Ki-Moon, the eighth Sec

    15、retary-General of the United Nations,United Nations peacekeepers,Peacekeepers,Parts of this passage and the main idea of each part.,Part 1Part 2Part 3,Para. 1 the uniform and the idea of the United nations,Paras 2-3 the place they were sent to and the numbers of the joined countries,Para. 4 successe

    16、s and failures they have got,What is the purpose of UN peacekeeping forces? To prevent wars starting, or to keep a difficult peace which has just been made.,Discussion,Suppose you were Annan, the seventh Secretary-General of the United Nations.You think of the following questions. And how do you solve them?,1. Does the United Nations help to keep peace in the world? 2. What are the best ways to keep peace between countries?,Thank you!,We Want Peace! May the world full of Peace, without war!,


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