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    人教新课标高中英语选修六《Unit3 Workbook》课件

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    人教新课标高中英语选修六《Unit3 Workbook》课件

    1、Listening,Page 55,Name: Li Yue Age:18 Occupation:_ Todays date: Symptoms: Possible problem:_ Proposed action:,Student,headaches, tired all the time, not sleeping and eating well,stress,Do some tests to rule out anything physical (make sure there is nothing seriously wrong.) Discuss ways to relax.,Us

    2、ing words and expressions,Answer key for Exercise 1:,ashamed of sth/sb/oneself embarrassed about sth disappointed with sth/sb grateful to sb for sth angry with sb about/for sth delighted with/by sth nervous about sth upset (with sb) about/by sth bored with sth/sb shocked at/by sth,Suggested answers

    3、to Exercise 2:,I felt awkward hearing my uncle praise smoking and hoped that others would make their own judgement and not follow his example. The boy felt ashamed of his behaviour. He fainted when the doctor put a needle in his arm and took out some blood.,When Jack threw away his last packet of ci

    4、garettes, he immediately began to feel like a non-smoker. The specialists are considering a proposal to ban the sale of alcohol and cigarettes to adolescents. In spite of the cold, he jumped into the river and pulled the fallen boy out of the water. He took a great risk but the survival of the boy m

    5、ade him feel extremely happy.,It is illegal for parents to decide to have an abortion because they do not like the sex of their unborn baby. I am so angry that this prejudice against female children continues even today. Due to the sponsor of CHARTS (China AIDS Roadmap Tactical Support) project, man

    6、y famous people like Pu Cunxin has been active in the campaign against HIV/AIDS. Some sentences in the texts which cause students comprehension difficulties are further explained in the notes of the appendix at the end of the textbook.,Suggested answers to Exercise 3:,Cigarette smoking, drinking alc

    7、ohol, HIV/AIDS, drug taking, poor diet, stress, physical and mental problems, obesity, heart and lung disease,determined, physically addicted, embarrassed, sick, bad-tempered, happy, relaxed, awkward, desperate, persistent, nervous, stressed, shamed, confident, angry, eager, decided,Suggested answer

    8、s to Exercise 4:,un fair unfair; necessary unnecessary dis able disabled; honest dishonest ir regular irregular; rational irrational il legal illegal; considered ill-considered im possible impossible; patient impatient in active inactive; accurate inaccurate,Using structures,Answer key for Exercise

    9、1:,havent written have been get/are getting, have not been, seems, have been doing, getting, was shocking, was suffering,told, wont be, seem, said, was, would get, didnt take, Do, know,spend, do, study, is, isnt, have worked, stop, take, watch, have, started,is, get, feel, have, is, is, will take/am

    10、 going to take, study, write, have,Answer key for Exercise 2:,c f d a g e b,Listening Task,Page 58,Answer key to Exercise 1:,Stress and how to avoid it.,Well, I am here today to tell you that its OK to worry a little, but be careful about worrying too much. I never relaxed properly and in the end I

    11、became ill. I started to have headaches, I didnt sleep well, I didnt feel like eating and I was tired all the time. Finally I went to the doctor and thats how I learned about stress.,Answer key to Exercise 2:,The doctor told Li Yue to keep a balance in her life between work and relaxation. Li Yue sa

    12、ys you could become ill. Li Yue suggests that the students have fun, keep in touch with friends and do some exercise every day.,Answer key to Exercise 3:,What two things does the programme do?Who teaches people in the community?,Reading Task,Read the newspaper article and answer the questions.,It pr

    13、ovides care and support for people suffering from HIV/AIDS and trains young people to teach other people about AIDS.,Volunteers who come from a similar group and are about the same age.,Page 60,Because they are being taught by people very much like themselves.,Why is the programme so successful?What

    14、 has recently changed in the way the virus is spread?,In the past it was mainly drug users and people who had been carelessly transfused who were becoming infected with AIDS. Today, an increasing number of young people are becoming infected through sexual activity.,The government believes that if th

    15、ey do not act quickly to stop the spread, the number of people in China infected by HIV/AIDS could be as high as 10 million by the year 2010,Why is the Chinese government concerned about HIV/AIDS?,Activity,Suppose the Students Union(学生会) require you to design a poster about how to publicize AIDS and

    16、 how to treat the infected people.Now work in groups of four to design the poster. You poster should include the following parts: (1)A slogan, a picture. (2)Introduction of some information about AIDS. (3)Knowledge about how to prevent from AIDS. (4)Opinions about how to treat the infected patients.,slogan,


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