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    人教新课标高中英语选修六《Unit5 Workbook》课件

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    人教新课标高中英语选修六《Unit5 Workbook》课件

    1、listening,Page 69,Answer key for Exercise 1:,c e g d a f b,Answer key for Exercise 2:,Using words and expressions,Answer key for Exercise 1:,fog rainbow appreciation documents arrows guarantee,page 70,Answer key for Exercise 2:,panic, anxious, actual, unconscious, tremble, waves, absolutely,Suggeste

    2、d answers to Exercise 3,Glancing through the newspaper, I found a news report about a typhoon in Guangdong. When I realized the precious necklace had gone, I panicked. House construction varies from country to country. However, in China you can find many diverse styles. He was unconscious after bein

    3、g shot and falling off the balcony.,The novelist wrote a wonderful short story about a candidate who wanted to become President of the United States. After playing basketball youll sweat a lot. If you bathe, I guarantee that you will feel much more comfortable. “Thunderstorm anxiety” is common among

    4、 dogs, and some dogs tremble with fear under the owners beds during thunderstorms. The pilot came out of the plane in his flying suit and boots, with his helmet under his arm.,Examine the sentences below and tell the similarity and difference between these two sentences. Looking carefully at the gro

    5、und, I made my way to the edge of the crater. Having experienced quite a few earthquakes in Hawaii already, I didnt take my notice.,The present and perfect -ing form,The ing form can be used as an adverbial in a sentence to give information about time, reasons or results. We use the construction hav

    6、ing+past participle to refer to an action that took place before the time expressed by the main verb.,Using structures,Page 71,Answer key for Exercise 1:,Watching the volcano erupt, John became worried about his safety. Knowing the children were bored, I tried to make my talk interesting. Knowing th

    7、e view from the top of the mountain was absolutely fantastic, Sue encouraged her friends to make the steep climb.,Gathering all my courage, I ran back into the burning house to rescue the baby. Hearing the volcano was about to erupt, they cancelled their trip. 8. Having made a huge effort to impress

    8、 the judges, I was disappointed when I didnt win. 9. Having swallowed the nuts too quickly, I began to cough.,Having guaranteed that we would get there before five, I panicked when the car broke down. Having watched Peter training for the race, I knew he had the potential to win the race. Having spe

    9、nt two years writing her book, the novelist went on a holiday.,Analysing, fishing describing opening glancing through shooting arriving,Answer key for Exercise 2:,Listening task,Page 73,Suggested answers:,9:40 am 9:50 am 9:57 am10:45 am 5 pm 6 pm,Sara climbed onto the roof of the car climbed onto th

    10、e roof of the house fond a place to sit and took James out of her backpack Rosie climbed up the house roof to join Sara saw a helicopter coming arrived at hospital,Reading task,New words in the context:,Sigh, sandbag, overflow, (the) lead (on the dog), plug, underneath, drain,Suggest answers to Exer

    11、cise 2:,1.She could have waited quietly upstairs in the house. If she had done this: she would have been above the level of the flood water. she would have saved her car opening the door to climb onto the roof meant that the car ruined by the flood water.,2.She could have left the house before the w

    12、ater came. Her husband knew about the water and had told her to go to her mothers house. Sandbags had been put as a barrier to the water so a flood was expected. 3.She could have left the house as soon as her husband phoned. She had not prepared well in advance. She was too slow in her preparations

    13、once she had decided to leave.,Suggested answers to Exercise 3:,I was in the house by myself. Tony phoned and told me to leave the house right away because the river was going to flood. Suddenly I noticed that water was coming into the house. I was really worried because I knew that the house would

    14、soon be flooded. I put Brian into his backpack and the cat in its basket and we rushed out the front door as fast as we could, the dog swimming beside me. At first I couldnt think what to do, then I ran over to the car.,First I pushed the cat and dog onto the roof then I climbed up on it myself. I l

    15、ooked down and saw the water was still rising. I was frightened. We stayed on the roof for about two hours and all the time the water was getting higher and higher. I didnt know what to do next. Then all of a sudden I saw a motor boat coming towards us. It was Tony! We were going to be rescued.,Thin

    16、k of a powerful natural force (such as an earthquake, flood, thunderstorm, typhoon, tsunami) that you have experienced or heard. Tell your partner about your experience and how you felt. Use expressions from Exercises 4 and 5 as well as other ones you can think of.,Speaking (8m),Homework,Form a group with another pair and tell them about your dangerous experience.,


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