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    1、Unit 4 Global warming. 单元教学目标技能目标 Skill GoalsTalk about global warming, pollution and the importance of protecting the earthPractise expressing agreement, disagreement, blame and complaintHow to use“it” for emphasis in a sentenceWrite an essay on environmental problems. 目标语言功 能 句 式Expressing agreeme

    2、nt, disagreement, blame and complaintYes, I agree with you.Yes, I think so.I believe that youve got it right.I dont think so.I dont think thats right.Im afraid you are wrong.Im sorry to bring this up, but . Im sorry to have to say this, but .They shouldnt have done it.They are to blame.Why dont you

    3、do something about it?Perhaps they should / ought to do .词 1 四会词汇compare, graph, phenomenon, fuel, quantity, per, data, catastrophe, climate, consequence, state, range, glance, widespread, decrease, steady, steadily, average, existence, outer, electrical, motor, can (n.), microwave, nuclear, disagre

    4、ement, title汇 2 认读词汇renewable, greenhouse, Fahrenheit, Sophie, Armstrong, Janice, Foster, methane, Charles Keeling, measurement, Celsius, famine, destruction, George Hambley, speculation, environmental, hectare, emphasis, individual, appliance, heading, imperative3 词组compare to, come about, quantiti

    5、es of, result in, build up, keep on, on the whole, make a difference, put up with, so long as, and so on4. 重点词汇data, quantity, catastrophe, climate, consequence, compare, per, range, glance, average, existence语法“It” used for emphasisIt is human activity that has caused this global warming.重点句子1. The

    6、re is no doubt that the earth is becoming warmer. P262. Without thegreenhouse effect, the earth would be about thirty-three degrees Celsius cooler than it is. P263. They also agree that it is the burning of more and more fossil fuels that has resulted in this increase in carbon dioxide. P264. Togeth

    7、er, individuals can make a difference. P305. It takes a lot of energy to make things from new materials. P306. Remember your contribution counts. P30. 教材分析与教材重组1. 教材分析本单元以 Global warming 为主线,旨在通过单元教学使学生经过思考、学习,认识到全球变暖的起因和它所带来的种种后果。同时鼓励学生进一步阐述地球所面临的其它严重问题,激发学生的环保意识。引导学生运用所学语言、句式表达自己对这些现象的看法,培养他们为自己的观

    8、点辩论的能力,并能运用所学知识写一篇有关环境问题的论文。1.1 Warming Up 通过直观的图片,使学生对能源的用途和种类有一个基本的了解。让学生对当今人们开发和使用能源以及随之而来的种种影响有更深一步的思考和认识,从而为本单元主题 Global warming 作了很好的铺垫。1.2 Pre-reading 是 Reading 的热身活动。通过组织学生对这些问题的讨论、回答,激活他们头脑中相关的内容模式,为下一步阅读做好准备。由于 Global warming 是当今世界的一个热门话题,学生已从多种渠道对此有了很多的了解,因此教师可以在安排预习作业时让学生分组做 a project on

    9、 global warming , 这样既符合了新课程的要求体现学生的主体地位,激发学生自主学习的热情,又能得到很好的教学效果。1.3 Reading 是一篇从杂志节选的文章。它讲述了全球加速变暖的原因人为温室效应,后果以及人们对此的不同观点。要求学生在理解文章大意的同时注意它的写作技巧:提出问题分析现象阐述各方面的不同观点以疑问句作为总结引发读者深思,自行做出判断。这为 Comprehending 中 Exercise 3 的分组辩论活动留出了很大的空间,埋下了很好的伏笔。1.4 Comprehending 包含了三大部分。前两个部分中设计了诸多细节性的问题,旨在检测学生定位、理解细节及对文

    10、章大意的总结归纳的能力。最后一项要求学生在读完整篇文章后,仔细思考并树立自己的观点:“We should do nothing about global warming”还是“We should do something to decrease the speed of global warming”,并利用所学知识进行分组辩论。此项活动旨在激发学生的学习热情并体现学生在课堂中的主体位置。1.5 Learning about Language 分词汇和语法两部分。词汇部分设计了两项练习,一项是具有一定情境的 10 个句子,引导学生加深对新词汇的理解和记忆。语法部分主要是通过练习加强学生对强调句

    11、式的掌握并能真正体会强调句的作用。1.6 Using Language 部分设计了包括听、读、写的活动。Reading and writing 是Reading 的一个延伸。通过读者和杂志社之间的两封信件,学生可以更多地了解如何控制全球变暖。同时通过课后练习可以让学生更多地联系自己的生活习惯,树立从自身做起倡导环保的观念。其中课后练习 make a poster 更是激发了学生自主学习的兴趣,而且很有实用性可将所做的环保内容的海报贴在校园或社区中,将课堂的抽象知识变为了社会实践,实现了真正意义上的学以致用。Listening and speaking 部分是关于能源使用的一篇电台采访。要求学生

    12、在理解大意和主要细节的基础上回答听力练习中的几大问题,提高学生的听力水平。2. 教材重组2.1 将 Warming Up 与 Listening and speaking 整合在一起,设计为一节听说课。2.2 将 Pre-reading, Reading 和 Comprehending 整合在一起,设计为一节阅读课。2.3 将 Using Language 中的 Reading and writing 设计为一节泛读课。2.4 将 Learning about Language 与 Workbook 中的 USING WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS 和 USING STRUCTUR

    13、ES 整合在一起,设计为一节语言学习课。2.5 将 Workbook 中的 LISTENING,TALKING, LISTENING TASK 和SPEAKING TASK 整合在一起,上一节听、说练习课。2.6 将 Workbook 中的 READING TASK 和 WRITING TASK 整合在一起,设计为一节写作课。3. 课型设计与课时分配1st Period Speaking and Listening2nd Period Reading3rd Period Extensive Reading4th Period Language Study5th Period Drills6th

    14、 Period Writing. 分课时教案The First Period Speaking and ListeningTeaching goals 教学目标1. Target language 目标语言a. 重点词汇和短语energy, light (v.), heat (v.), renewable, non-renewable, fuel, blame, run outb. 交际用语Expressing agreement and disagreementYes, I agree with you.Yes, I think so.I believe that youve got it

    15、right.I dont think so.I dont think thats right.Im afraid you are wrong.2. Ability goals 能力目标Enable the students to talk about different sources of energy and express their own ideas.3. Learning ability goals 学能目标Help the students learn how to give their ideas about the use of energy.Teaching importa

    16、nt points 教学重点Enable the students to express agreement and disagreement.Teaching difficult points 教学难点Enable the students to learn how to express agreement and disagreement.Teaching methods 教学方法Brainstorming, listening and group work.Teaching aids 教具准备A tape recorder and a computer.Teaching procedur

    17、es Group B discuss why they disagree. Group A and B get together. Tell each other the reasons why agree or disagree with the statement.T: We dont have time to do it in class. Please finish it after class. Try to collect as much information as possible on the Internet and share it with the others in

    18、class. Next class Ill get some groups to act out your debates. Step Homework1. Read the passage again and review the new words and expressions.2. Prepare the debate in groups.3. Preview Using Language WHAT CAN WE DO ABOUT GLOBAL WARMING?The Third Period Extensive ReadingTeaching goals 教学目标1. Target

    19、language 目标语言a. 重点词汇和短语pollution, electrical, motor, can (n.), microwave, disagreement, title, make a difference, put up with, leave an electrical appliance on, so long as, and so on b. 重点句式 P30Together, individuals can make a difference.It takes a lot of energy to make things from new materialsReme

    20、mber your contribution counts.2. Ability goals 能力目标Get the students to realize what individuals can do about global warming.3. Learning ability goals 学能目标Learn what to do in daily life to reduce the carbon dioxide content in the air.Teaching important points 教学重点Enable the students to know what to d

    21、o in daily life to reduce the carbon dioxide content in the air.Teaching difficult points 教学难点Enable the students to learn how to make a poster.Teaching methods 教学方法Listening, skimming and group work.Teaching aids 教具准备A recorder and a computer.Teaching procedures B=Group B)A: We think people should

    22、do something about global warming. Because it could have many negative effects on the earth. With temperature increasing, the polar ice caps eventually would melt, causing sea levels to rise by several meters. Coastal and low-lying cities would be submerged. Some scientists predict severe storms, dr

    23、oughts, famines, the spread of diseases and the destruction of species. Dont you think these are terrible? So dont hesitate to take action to reduce the carbon dioxide content in the air. Only in this way will we be able to save the earth and save ourselves.B: We dont think so. Some scientists conce

    24、rns about global warming are just speculation. I want to remind everyone to pay attention to what Group A has just said. You said a lot of “could” and “would”, which obviously indicates that you are not sure about the bad effects you just mentioned. In our opinion, global warming will be mild with f

    25、ew bad environmental consequences. Whats more, more carbon dioxide is actually a positive thing. It will make plants grow faster; crops will produce more; it will make a greater range of animals, all of which will make life for humans better. So theres no need for us to reduce the carbon dioxide.A:

    26、It is true that no one knows exactly what the effects of global warming will be. But dont you think it will be too late for us to take action after the bad effects come out? Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.B: .Step Lead-inT: Group A did a good job and showed us the importance of reducing

    27、 the amount of carbon dioxide in the air. But what shall we do in our daily life?Sa: Save energy. For example, if we are not using the lights, the TV, the computer and so on, turn them off.Sb: Cars use a lot of energy, so wed better walk or ride a bike. Sc: Buy things made from recycled materials be

    28、cause it takes a lot of energy to make things from new materials.T: Right. Youve done a good job. Next open your books and turn to page 30. Today well read two letters and learn what we can do about global warming.Step Listening and ReadingGet the students to read the two letters and then fill in th

    29、e table on page 30.T: Skim the letters and find who the writers are and what their purpose of writing the letters is. Sd: The first letter is written by a student who is asking for suggestions for his project global warming.Se: The second letter is written by an editor of Earth Care magazine. He off

    30、ers the student some suggestions on what to do about global warming. T: Good answers. Now scan the letter and list Earth Cares suggestions and then in groups, discuss whether you think you can carry out each suggestion. Give reasons for your answers.Sample answers:Earth CaressuggestionsCan you carry

    31、 it out? ReasonsIf you are not using electrical appliances, turn them off.Yes Save energyIf youre cold, put on more clothes instead of turning up the heat.Yes Save energyMotor vehicles use a lot of energy, so walk or ride a bike if you can.Yes Save energyRecycle cans, bottles, plastics and newspaper

    32、s and buy things made from recycled materials.Yes Save energyGet your parents or friends to buy products that are made to save energy.Yes Save energyPlant more trees. Yes Plants absorb carbon dioxide from the air.Talk with your family and friends about global warming and tell them what youve learned

    33、.Yes Together, individuals can make a difference.Step Making a posterHelp the students learn how to make a poster. The teacher may collect some posters or pictures about the environment and show them to the students in class. T: Now in groups of five, make a poster for your school that tells the stu

    34、dents various ways they can reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the air. Remember the following: give your poster a large heading, use imperative sentences to list the ways we can reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the air. Whats more, try every possible way to make your poster impressive, wh

    35、ich is the purpose of a poster. If time is limited, you can finish it after class.Step HomeworkFinish the poster.The Fourth Period Language StudyTeaching goals 教学目标1. Target language 目标语言a. 重点词汇和短语glance, widespread, decrease, steady, average, existence, outer, on the whole b. 重点句式It is human activi

    36、ty that has caused this global warming. P29it is the burning of more and more fossil fuels that is resulting in this increase in carbon dioxide. P262. Ability goals 能力目标Learn about “it” used for emphasis.3. Learning ability goals 学能目标Help the students learn how to use new words and expressions of th

    37、is unit and how to use “it” for emphasis.Teaching important points 教学重点The structure of “It is . that .”.Teaching difficult points 教学难点Teach the students how to master the use of “it” for emphasis.Teaching methods 教学方法Explanation and practice.Teaching aids 教具准备A computer.Teaching procedures buy thin

    38、gs made from recycled materials. Buy products that are made to save energy such as fridges and microwaves. Plant trees in your garden or school yard.Together, individuals make a difference. Its time for us to do something about carbon dioxide. Talk with your friends or family about global warming. L

    39、ets work together and care the planet we are living in.Step Discovering words and expressionsT: Now please open your books and turn to page 28. Lets do some exercises. Step Discovering useful structuresT: Next lets turn back to page 29. Well learn a useful structure. Now compare these two sentences

    40、below.Show the following two sentences on the screen.Human activity has caused this global warming.It is human activity that has caused this global warming.T: Who can translate them into Chinese?Sa: I think they are the same. They both mean“人类行为引发了全球变暖 ”.Sb: I dont think so. They are a little bit di

    41、fferent. The latter one should be “引发全球变暖的正是人类行为”. In the second sentence, “human activity” is emphasized.T: Quite right. This is the structure we are going to learn today.Present the structure on the screen and give some explanation.由 it 引导的强调句结构:It is (was) + 被强调部分 + that (who) + 句子其他部分注意:此结构强调的成分

    42、仅限于主语,宾语和状语。如:原句:My father did the experiment in the lab yesterday evening.强调主语: It was my father who did the experiment in the lab yesterday evening.强调宾语: It was the experiment that my father did in the lab yesterday evening.强调时间: It was yesterday evening that my father did the experiment in the la

    43、b.强调地点: It was in the lab that my father did the experiment yesterday evening. 又如:It was in that city that we met for the first time. It was not until he told me that I knew the truth.典型例题分析:1) It was last night _ I saw the film Star Wars.A. who B. when C. that D. which答案 C. 强调句的结构是: It + be + 强调部分

    44、+ that (who) + 主谓句。强调句的连词只有两个,that 和 who。当强调的部分是人,且为句子的主语时,才用who,其余用 that。2) It is ten years _ Miss Green returned to Canada.A. that B. when C. since D. as答案 C. 考点是连词用法。 本题易误选为 A. 其实本句不是强调句。若是,去掉 It be . that 还应是一个完整的句子。而本句去掉It is .that,只剩下 ten years Miss Green returned to Canada 不成句。因此本句不是强调句。 It i

    45、s + 时间 + since ., 其中 is = has been.T: In the article there are two sentences in which “it” is used for emphasis. Can you find them?Sc: Yes. One is “It was a scientist called Charles Keeling who made accurate measurements of the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from 1957 to 1997.” The other

    46、 is “It is the burning of more and more fossil fuels that is resulting in this increase in carbon dioxide.”T: Good. Next lets do some practice about this structure. Turn to page 29, Exercise 2. Please rewrite each sentence with “It is . that .” to give more emphasis to the underlined part.Sample ans

    47、wers:1. It is greenhouse gases that have warmed the earth by trapping heat energy in the atmosphere.2. It is the greenhouse effect that gives the earths surface the average temperature of 15.3. It is fossil fuels that much of the energy used to light and heat our homes comes from.4. It is the United

    48、 States of America that the biggest producer of greenhouse gases is.5. It is for centuries that carbon dioxide stays in the atmosphere while other greenhouse gases stay in the atmosphere only for a day or less.6. It is their very existence that low-lying countries feel is in danger from rising sea l

    49、evels.7. It is human activities that many scientists believe that have caused the earths temperature to rise.8. It is future climate changes and their effects on our environment that scientists want to find out about.9. It is by several meters that the level of the sea could rise because of global warming in the years ahead.10. It is outer space that might provide us with new energy sources in the future.Step IV Using structuresGet the stu


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