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    人教新课标英语选修十Unit2 Learning about language课件

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    人教新课标英语选修十Unit2 Learning about language课件

    1、Unit 2,Learning about Language,1 Before I travelled abroad I _ all my furniture and put it in storage. 2 He _ at the meeting to tell them he did not like their decision. 3 She _ her sisters children as well as her own.,packed up,spoke out,cared for,1 Complete the following sentences with the correct

    2、 form of phrasal verbs from the play.,4 Dont say no until you have _me _ . 5 They wont _ the keys until we pay the rent. 6 He _ all his money and wentto live alone on an island.,heard,out,hand over,gave away,1 I am always _ in the morning until Ive had my coffee. 2 He wont help you, hes too _.,bad-t

    3、empered,hard-hearted,2 Complete the following sentences with compound adjectives from the unit so far.,3 The _ boy ran into the road and pushed the child out of the way of a speeding car. 4 The _ son was the tallest of the brothers. 5 Youre so _ , you never stop to think before you act.,warm-hearted

    4、,third-born,hot-headed,3.Can you think of more compound adjective you have learned so far?,warm-blooded; cold-blooded; man-made; warm-hearted; mid-field; mouth-to-mouth; eight-year-old; one-way; part-time; post-impressionist; simple-minded; so-called; so-so; sun-blind; well-done; well-behaved; well-

    5、bred; well-chosen;,well-fed; well-informed; well-known; well-made; well-off; well-paid; well-to-do; well-written; good-looking; worn-out, .,Replace the underlined words in the following sentences using words from the play with the similar meaning.,1 I have decided to retire and hand over the heavy l

    6、oad of responsibility to you three. 2 I have decided the kingdom into three parts, and will allocate one part to each of you.,burden,distribute,3 I beg you, speak. 4 Here is a map of my kingdom with all boundaries drawn on it. 5 I forecast that such actions will cause conflict throughout your kingdo

    7、m.,pray,frontiers,friction,Revising useful structures,Rewrite the following sentences with nonfinite verbs or phrases. The first one has been done for you.,1 After he left Stratford-on-Avon, he went to London to become an actor.,After leaving Stratford-on-Avon, he went to London to become an actor.,

    8、Being allergic to cat fur, he started sneezing when she brought her pet into the room.,2 He was Being allergic to cat furand started sneezing when she brought her pet into the room.,3 He sat quietly in the armchair and waited for his friend to return.,Sitting quietly in the armchair, he waited for h

    9、is friend to return.,He sat quietly in the armchair, waiting for his friend to return.,4 Once the flight is confirmed, you can pay for it.,Having confirmed your flight, you can pay for it.,After confirming your flight, you can pay it.,5 Until its rewound, the tape cant be replayed.,Not having been r

    10、ewound, the tape cant be replayed.,6 Before you cash that cheque, make sure it has the correct signature.,Before cashing that cheque, make sure it has the correct signature.,7 He knew the air terminal well because he had worked there for ten years.,Having worked there for ten years. he knew the air

    11、terminal well.,8 The house had been vacant for along time and so it was very dusty.,Having been vacant for a long time, the house was very dusty.,What do you think will happen in the story? Will King Lear be happy be happy with his new life? Will his daughter look after him well? What will Cordelia do now?,In pairs make some notes of yourideas and write a short paragraph paying special attention to the use of adverbials in your sentences. Give your paragraph to another pair to check .,


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