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    牛津译林版选修11《Unit3 The secret of success Reading》课件(共39张PPT)

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    牛津译林版选修11《Unit3 The secret of success Reading》课件(共39张PPT)

    1、Sir Clive Sinclair,Unit 3,3. What society was Clive chairman of?,Read the radio transcript quickly and answer the following questions:,On 30 July 1940.,An assistant editor for a magazine called Practical Wireless.,British Mensa (the High IQ Society).,1. When was Clive Sinclair born?,2. What was Cliv

    2、es first job?,Read the text quickly and decide which of the following can best express the main idea of the text.,Sir Clives stories. B. Sir Clives mini inventions. C. How Sir Clive ran his company. D. Sir Clive Sinclairs life and inventions.,Skimming,【解题点拨】,Reading Strategy: Understanding the topic

    3、 sentence or theme. 精确地概括全文,防止外延太大或以偏概全。如上题中的A项:Sir Clives stories. 外延太大;B项 Sir Clives mini inventions.和C 项How Sir Clive ran his company 是本文当中的具体事例,为以偏概全。只有D选项,能够精确地概括全文。,Read Paragraph One and choose the correct topic sentence.Sir Clive Sinclair was a famous Britishbusinessman and inventor. B. Cliv

    4、es brilliant childhood. C. Clive got a job at 17. D. Sinclair invented the calculator.,Read Paragraph Two and choose the correct topic sentence. Sinclair was unfortunate. B. How did Clive run his own company? C. Sinclair produced his pocket radio in bulk. D. Sinclair registered his own company.,Read

    5、 Paragraph Three and choose the correct topic sentence.Sinclair was the first to make pocket-sized things in the world. B. Sinclairs computer cost only 100 pounds. C. Sinclairs company expanded rapidly. D. Clive was very talented at making little things.,Read Paragraph Four and choose the correct to

    6、pic sentence.Sinclair studied Economics atCambridge University. B. The advantage of Sinclairs newinventions.Sinclairs new invention was laughed at in the newspapers. D. How Sinclairs career underwent a downward slide during the 1980s.,Read Paragraph Five and choose the correct topic sentence.Sinclai

    7、r became chairman of British Mensa. B. How Sinclair saved Mensa as chairman.Sinclair paid personally for an annual Mensa conference at Cambridge. D. Sinclair has been an inventor and a businessman.,The following is a timeline of important dates in Sinclairs life. Fill in what happened in each year.,

    8、He got a job as an assistant editor for a magazine.,Sinclair registered his own company.,He launched the worlds first pocket calculator.,He launched the worlds first pocket TV.,Sinclair showed off the ZX80 computer. He became chairman of British Mensa.,He was honored with a knighthood from the Queen

    9、 of England.,He launched the worlds first digital watch.,Read Paragraph Six and fill in the blanks.,Sinclair has been successful because _,he possessed a combination of intelligence and determination that allowed him to realize his dream of making electronic goods available to everyone.,Fill in the

    10、blanks,arithmetic,calculator,saddened,assistant editor,registered,pocket-sized,restarted,folded,launched,showed off,1980s,Economics,Electronic,fame,respected,C1: How well did you understand the details of the transcript? Answer the following questions. Read the text again if you do not know the answ

    11、ers.,What did Sinclairs grandfather and father do? _ 2. Why didnt Sinclair go to university?_ 3. What was the first thing that Sinclair made and sold?_,They were both engineers.,Because he thought that universitywould teach him nothing new.,The pocket-sized radios.,4. What was Sinclairs big picture?

    12、_ 5. Why was the ZX80 computer so popular?_ 6. What did the ZX Spectrum prove most useful for?_,To produce in bulk and to sell cheaply sothat everyone could afford electronic goods.,Because the computer was very cheap,which cost less than 100 pounds.,It was good for playing computer games on.,7. Wha

    13、t was Sinclairs failure?_ 8. What did the growth of Mensademonstrate?_,His Sinclair C5 car.,It demonstrated that Sinclair had skillful leadership and strength of personality.,D: Find these new words in the transcript of the radio programme. Guess their meanings from the context. Then match them with

    14、 their correct definitions.,Answers,1. b,2. f,3. h,4. c,5. e,6. g,7. d,8. a,E: Li Cheng wrote an article about Sir Clive Sinclair for the school magazine. Complete the article with the words in the box below.,(1) inventing,(2) educating,(3) electronic,(4) registered,(5) radio,(6) expanded,(7) electr

    15、icity,(8) Unfortunately,(9) membership,(10) honoured,Answers,F. What do you think about Sir Clive Sinclairs life and success? Discuss the questions below with your partner. Use the following conversations as an example.,1. Why is it important to learn about successful people?,2. What does success me

    16、an to you?,3. How do you think you can achieve success?,Clive Sinclair, born in England in 1940, is a remarkable inventor and businessman. When he was still a child, Sinclair was very talented at inventing things. Sinclair was blessed with brains and spent much of his time educating himself. He hope

    17、d that in the future, everyone would be able to use electronic goods. Sinclair registered his first company in 1961.,Summary of the Reading part,Unfortunately, his financial partners withdrew and the company closed down. A year later, Sinclair restarted his company. He got numerous orders for the po

    18、cket-sized radios. After that, he expanded his business, selling other small electronic devices. He launched cheap home computers in the 1980s and a battery-powered car, which used electricity as its,energy source. Unfortunately, the car failed in the market. Despite this setback, Sinclair became th

    19、e chairman of British Mensa, the High IQ Society, in 1980. Under his leadership, the societys fame and membership increased dramatically. Sinclair was honoured with a knighthood in 1983.,Language points,the man who brought technology to the man in the street.句中the man in the street意思是“普通人”, “常人”, “大

    20、众”, 也可为“man on the street”。,2. Sinclair was blessed with brains and spent much of his time educating himself.,短语“be blessed with”意思是“赋有(能力等)”,“享有(幸福等)”。比如:,Though in his eighties, he is blessed with good health.,尽管他八十多岁了,身体却很好。,3. Sinclairs big picture was to produce in bulk and to sell cheaply so t

    21、hat everyone could afford electronic goods.短语in bulk意思是“大量地”,比如:,她喜欢批量购买东西,比如面巾纸。,She prefers buying things like tissues in bulk.,4. As soon as he advertised, the company was flooded with demands for the little, cubic-shaped radios.“was flooded with” 如洪水般涌至, 如:,办事处收到如洪水般涌至的投诉信。,The office was floode

    22、d with complaining letters.,5. The company expanded rapidly, and he even had to open a new center in the USA to cope with the increased demand.“cope with” 对付, 应对, 比如:,There was too much work for our computer to cope with.,我们的计算机要干的事情太多, 简直 应接不暇。,名词“demand”在这里是“需求”,比如:,There is a growing demand in Ch

    23、ina for environmentally-friendly cars.,中国对环保汽车的需求量越来越大。,6. When Sinclair joined in 1959, membership was falling, and the society was on its last legs.短语“on its last legs”意思是“奄奄一息”比如:,公司在经理退休后到了快解体的地步。,The company was on its last legs after the manager retired.,7. He was honoured in 1983 with a knigh

    24、thood from the Queen of England in recognition of his efforts and achievements.recognition 在这里意识是“承认”,“认可”,比如:,他被奖励加薪,作为他为公司所做贡献的肯定。,He was rewarded with a pay increase in recognition of his contribution to the company.,Writing practice,最近你班同学就“现代社会是否需要孔子精神”进行了一次讨论。讨论结果如下所示。请根据表中内容写一篇150字左右的英语短文。参考词

    25、汇:孔子思想:Confucian thought 正方 60%的同学认为,世界各国对孔子的研究愈来愈热,反映了人们对其思想的重视;孔子思想推动了世界和平的发展。 反方 40%的同学认为孔子思想诞生于几千年前,早已过时。孔子思想在某种意义上限制了社会的发展。 你的观点 1. 2.,Recently we have had a discussion about whether we still need Confucian thought in modern society. About 60% of the students in my class think it necessary to s

    26、tudy Confucian thought. For one thing, more and more people in different countries are bursting to study it, which shows that it is still treasured in the world. For another, Confucian thought is believed to have made great contributions to the peace of human beings. It is not difficult to find that

    27、 many ideas in Confucian thought are persuading people to keep a peaceful mind and be generous to others.,But every coin has two sides. About 40% of the students in my class insist Confucian thought is outdated. They believe that Confucian thought was created thousands of years ago and was only suit

    28、ed to the then society. In their view, Confucian thought limits peoples thinking, thus slowing down the development of the world. Different people have different opinions. I think Confucian thought still has some positive effects on our society.,Read the passage again and again.,Homework,Thank you! Bye!,


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