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    1、Unit 1 单元检测卷一、单词拼写。 (20 分)1. My brother doesnt like to go fishing. He is an _(patient) boy.2. My cousin is a _(practice) boy. He always pays attention to details.3. To make yourself more _(power), you should practice harder.4. Sam always makes mistakes because of his _(careless).5. The towns are _(c

    2、onnect) by train and bus services.6. Excellent teachers are usually _(interest) in their students.7. A good writer should have _(create) power. 8. We all think David is the most_(suit) person to be the monitor in our class.9. The woman is one of the most important _(energy) members in the club.10.My

    3、 sister and I bought _(we) a new computer last Sunday.11. It is you who _(塑造) your life and your future.12. His teachers are full of _(赞扬) for the progress he has made.13. I have a _(总的) idea of how a car works.14. The people of the USA have a high _(标准) of living.15. Whats the date today? I dont ha

    4、ve a _(日历).16. I think Peter is much _(活泼的) than before.17. A year can be _(分成) into twelve different star signs.18. Who made the wonderful _(演讲) at the meeting?19. When the star (出现) on the stage, the fans all screamed excitedly.20.The name on the list are in alphabetical(字母) _(顺序).一、单项选择题。 (20 分)(

    5、 ) 1. I know smoking is bad for my health, _ I just cant give it up. It is easier said than done. A. for B. or C. but D. so( ) 2. John, when shall we meet again, on Thursday or Friday? is OK. Ill be free from Wednesday to the weekend. A. Either B. NeitherC. Both D. All( ) 3. How do you like the movi

    6、e series The Amazing Spider-man? Fantastic! the first the second movie of the series is wonderful.A. Either; or B. Not only; but also C. Neither; nor D. Both; and ( ) 4. The words that we should pay attention to _ on the blackboard. A. being written B. are writtenC. is writing D. writing( ) 5. I bel

    7、ieve it is important for us to spend _ on our hobbies.A. sometime B. sometimes C. some time D. some times( ) 6. The kind teacher devoted all her time she had _ her students.A. help B. to help C. helping D. to helping( ) 7. The Smiths are praised _ the way they bring up their children.A. from B. by C

    8、. at D. for( ) 8. -Roberts never late, _? -_. He always comes on time.A. is he; No, he isnt B. isnt he; No, he isnt C. is he; Yes, he is D. hasnt he; Yes, he is( ) 9. Not only Mr. and Mrs. Green but also their daughter _ abroad twice.A. have gone B. have been C. has gone D. has been( )10.Dont _ lear

    9、ning English. English is very useful.A. gave in B. gave out C. gave up D. gave away( )11. -Why was your mother unhappy _ you this morning? -Because I went to school _ breakfast.A. with; with B. of; for C. with; without D. of; without( )12. Its quite clever _ you _ out the problem.A. for; working B.

    10、for; to work C. of; working D. of; to work( )13. Paul isnt as _ as Sandy. He often makes mistakes in his hometown.A. careless B. more careful C. more careless D. careful( )14. -Many people think women are better at cooking than men.-_. Most top cooks in the world are men.A. I agree B. Thats not the

    11、case C. Not at all D. Maybe youre right( )15. -How often do you have history lessons?-_, Monday, Wednesday and Friday.A. Every day B. Every other day C. Every three days D. Every few days( )16. - People born under the same animal sign have similar hobbies and personalities.-_. I think thats just a c

    12、oincidence (巧合). A. Yes, I agree with you. B. Thats true.C. Im afraid I cant agree. D. You are right in some ways.( )17. Though I _ his words this time, I dont _ him.A. believe in; believe B. believe; believe in C. believe; believe D. believe in; believe in( )18. The 14-year-old boy looks nice _blac

    13、k and the violet sweater looks good _ the 16-year-old girl.A. good; on B. in; on C. on; in D. in; with( )19. Tom said he would tell us _.A. exciting something B. excited somethingC. something exciting D. something excited( )20. I was _ tired yesterday because of the _ work you told me to do.A. too m

    14、uch; much too B. too much; too muchC. much too; too much D. much too; much too三、阅读理解。 (20 分)It is said that people born under different star signs have different characteristics. Here are four people born under different star signs. Taurus Tom, an old man from England, has enough money to buy anythi

    15、ng, but he is not willing to spend money on something he needs and wants. He has few friends and an old dog is his only partner. He is really tightfisted and lonely.GeminiJack, born on 9th June, is a 16-year-old English boy. “A Gemini is a curiousand clever person, and I am just this kind of person,

    16、” he said. My lucky colour is orange. I believe that my star sign decides what will happen to me in my life. Cancer Mary was born on 1st July. She loves her family and cooking is her favourite. The French girl cares about nothing but business. She is hard-working. VirgoLucy was born on 23rd August a

    17、nd is modest and practical. The girl from Australia is studying in a college(大学).She likes reading and hopes that she can be a scientist in the future.( )1. Who is from England and likes orange best? A. Tom. B. Jack. C. Mary. D. Lucy.( )2. We can know that Jack is according to the materials.A. lonel

    18、y B. hard-working C. clever D. modest ( )3. Whats the meaning of the underlined word “tightfisted” in Chinese?A. 富裕的 B. 吝啬的 C. 奢侈的 D. 豁达的( )4. Whats Marys star sign?A. Taurus . B. Gemini. C. Cancer. D. Virgo.( )5. Which of the following is NOT true according to the materials?A. People born under dif

    19、ferent star signs have different characteristics. B. Tom is an old English man with lots of money.C. Jack believes that his star sign can decide his life. D. Mary is hard-working and wants to be a scientist.Alexandra Nechita was born on August 27, 1985. Her star sign is Virgo. Alexandra Nechita was

    20、ten when her paintings became famous all over the world. She visited Britain, France, Italy, Japan, Australia, New Zealand and her familys native place (祖籍) Romania where 5,000 fans came to see her at the airport. Alexandra is practical and organized. She is a good student. Her studies always come f

    21、irst. She only starts painting after shes done her homework. She works on two or three paintings at a time. The paintings sell for thousands and Alexandras parents have given up their jobs to work for their daughter. Life for the Nechita family is very different from what it was like a few years ago

    22、. Alexandras father Nike left Romania for political (政治的) reasons in 1985. At first he tried his best to learn English and had different kinds of low-paid jobs. In 1987, he brought his wife and Alexandra, who was then 18 months old, to America. The family was very poor. Alexandra began to draw at th

    23、e age of three.She was drawing for four or five hours a day. Soon people liked to buy her paintings and she had her first art show at the age of eight. Stories about this child appeared in the newspapers and on television. The family now live in a large house with a swimming pool. And she spends lot

    24、s of time on her hobbies travelling and painting. Her mother said, “We started without anything, but thanks to Alexandra, we have everything we ever dreamed of.”Alexandra Nechita Date of August 27, 1985Star sign Hobbies and paintingCharacteristics practical and Her lifeHer father her in 1985.She was

    25、 brought to America by her father in 1987. They lived a life then. She began drawing at the age of .Her first art was held in 1993 and soon she became famous.Their life has greatly because of her paintings.四、动词填空。 (10 分)1. The book _(borrow) from the library last Thursday is very interesting.2. What

    26、 a creative artist! He _(impress) the whole country with the sculpture.3. We cant afford _(fall) behind our classmates.4. We can go and play tennis only when your report _(finish).5. We all hope you _(win) the basketball final this weekend.6. He watched the results of the test and then _(draw) a con

    27、clusion.7. They kept _(watch) the beautiful scenery out of the window.8. The Jiangs _(clean) their house when we went to visit them this morning.9. The disabled shouldnt _(look) down on in any country.10. Daniel thinks that Lisas personality is suitable for _(be) an engineer.五、完成句子。 (15 分)1、现在越来越多的公

    28、司在重视他们的产品质量。Now _ the quality of their products.2、你想推荐 Helen 作学生会的新主席吗?Would you like _ the Students Union?3、他们很难在这么短的时间内想出新的方法。Its difficult _ a new way in such a short time.4、Simon 从不害怕在一大群人前做演讲。Simon _in front of many people.5、这个小男孩花了两分钟把蛋糕分成了八份。The little boy spent two minutes _ eight pieces.6、努

    29、力学习,否则你要落后于你同学了。Study hard, _.7、你能告诉我为什么你昨天缺席会议了吗?Can you tell me why you _?8、你们不仅要三思而行,还应接受别人好的建议。You should _.9、我希望他会同意我们的观点 。I hope he _.10、孩子永远不会嫌玩具多。 A kid can never _.六、短文填空。 (5 分)Dear Mr. WuI am writing to r_ Wu Yan as the new monitor of our class. I think she will be an excellent monitor bec

    30、ause she has many good personal qualities. Wu Yan is very p_ and she never gives up e_. Wu Yan is also a h_ person. She is always (80) r_ to help others. She often does e_ work for our class. This is very important. If the monitor can think much of o_, the other students will be glad to listen to he

    31、r. Wu Yan is also a c_ person. She always gets good marks in her tests. All the subjects s_ very easy to her.I think Wu Yan has all the qualities a good monitor should have. I hope that you can a_ with me.Yours sincerelyLi Ming七、书面表达(10分) 假设你叫李明,你们班级要选拔新班长,你想向班主任王老师推荐张航。请根据表格内容,写一封80词左右的推荐信给王老师。信的开头

    32、和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。姓名 张航特长 精通电脑,擅长演讲性 格 、 品 质 自 信 、 勤 奋 、 谦 虚 、 有 条 理 、 乐 于 助 人个人事迹 经常花很多时间组织课外活动,从不介意为班级做额外的工作,总是尽最大努力帮助同学,深受同学们欢迎。Dear Mr Wang, Im writing to recommend Zhang Hang as our new monitor._I hope you can consider my recommendation.Yours sincerely,Li Ming参考答案:一、1. impatient 2. practical 3. pow

    33、erful 4. carelessness 5. connected6. interested 7. creative 8. suitable 9. energetic10. ourselves11. shape 12. praise 13. general 14. standard 15. calendar 16. livelier 17. divided 18. speech 19. appeared 20. order二、1-5 CABBC6-10DDADC11-15 CDDBB16-20CBBCC三、BCBCDbirth, Virgo, travelling, organized, l

    34、eft, poor, three/3, experiences, show, improved/changed四、1. borrowed 2. has impressed 3. to fall 4. is finished 5. will win6. drew 7. watching 8. were cleaning 9. be looked 10. being五、1. more and more companies are paying attention to2. to recommend Helen as the new chairperson of3. for them to come

    35、 up with4. is never afraid of making a speech5. dividing the cake into6. or you will fall behind your classmates7. were absent from the meeting yesterday8. not only think twice but also accept others advice9. will agree with us10. have too many toys六、recommend, patient, easily, helpful, ready, extra, others, clever, seem, agree七、略


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