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    1、鄂州市2016 年初中毕业生学业考试英语试题学校:_考生姓名:_ 准考证号:_注意事项: 本试题卷共8页,满分120分,考试时间120分钟。2、答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名,准考证号写在试题卷和答题卡上,并将准考证号条形码粘贴在答题卡上的指定位置。3、选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。答在试题卷上无效。4、非选择题用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔直接答在答题卡上对应的答题区域内。答在试题卷上无效。5、考生必须保持答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,请将本试题卷和答题卡一并上交。第一部分 听力测试.听力测试(共三节,20小题,满分

    2、25分)第一节:听描述或对话,选图画。听下面2段描述和3 段对话,听完以后,从 A、B、C三幅图画中选出正确的一幅。每段描述和对话读一遍。(共5小题,每题 1分,计5分)第二节:听对话,选答案。听下面4段对话,根据所提的问题,从 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。(共10小题,每题1分,计10 分)听第六段材料,完成第6、7小题。6. What is the man doing?A. He is buying a dictionary B. He is asking the way C. He is taking a bus7. What should the man do a

    3、t the second crossing?A. Walk along the road to the end B. Turn left C. Turn right听第七段材料,完成第8至10小题。8. Who is Mr. Smith?A. Hes Miss. Greens father B. Hes Miss. Greens classmateC. Hes a science teacher9. What does Tom want to borrow from Miss Green?A. He wants to borrow a VCD B. He wants to borrow a b

    4、ookC. He wants to borrow a magazine10. What do Toms classmates think about the life on Mars?A. They think it very interesting B. They find it a little boringC. They hope they could go to Mars听第八段材料,完成第11、12小题。11. What will the man do this afternoon?A. Watch a football match B. Watch a basketball mat

    5、chC. Watch a boxing match12. Why doesnt the woman like boxing?A. She considers it too cruel B. She thinks it too boringC. She finds it too difficult听第九段材料,完成第13至15小题。13. What happened yesterday?A. A car accident B. A fire C. An earthquake14. What did Zhao Mei do?A. She sent Mrs. Lee to the hospitalB

    6、. She saved Mrs. Lee out of fireC. She called the police and put out the fire15. How long did Zhao Mei have to stay in hospital?A. Two weeks B. Three days C. A week第三节:听短文,选答案。听下面一段短文,根据短文内容选出最佳答案。短文读两遍。(共5小题,每题2分,计10 分)16. When will the summer camp begin?A. At 9:30 am on August 2nd B. At 11:30 am o

    7、n August 2ndC. At 9:30 am on August 12th17. Who can take part in the summer camp?A. Children aged 613 B. Children aged 714 C. Children aged 81418. How much should each child pay if he /she wants to take part in one activity?A. 15 yuan B. 50 yuan C. 150 yuan19. Which of the following activities is NO

    8、T mentioned in the talk?A. Sports B. Interest Groups C. Music World20. What is the telephone number?A. 8856-2188 B. 8865-1288 C. 8821-5688第二部分 语言知识.单项选择(共15小题,每题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。21. I remember there _ a lot of fish in Yanglan Lake. Now it has been polluted.-What a pity! I think we should

    9、 play a role in protecting the environment.A. are used to have B. are used to be C. used to have D. used to be22. Did John get Number 1 in the math exam?-Yes, no one did so_ as him.A. good B. well C. better D. best23. -Could you tell me some information about the hotels in your city?-Why not _ on th

    10、e Internet?A. look for it B. to look for it C. look it up D. to look it up24. The po pulation of China is larger than _ of India.-Yes, but Indias population is increasing rapidly.A. it B. one C. that D. this25. Who looked after your sick grandmother in hospital?-My father did that _. He didnt want a

    11、nybody elses help.A. in fact B. in person C. in total D. in disagreement26. Why did he get up so early to work?-In order to _ the heavy traffic in the city.A. avoid B. stop C. cancel D. solve27. -Could you show me the method of cooking the tasty cookies?-Please follow the _ on the cookbook.A. direct

    12、ion B. attention C. introduction D. instruction28. -As China grows stronger and stronger, Chinese _ in more and more schools out of our country.-Thats true. As a Chinese, I feel very proud.A. teaches B. has taught C. is taught D. was taught29. - What will the weather be like tomorrow?-It _ be rainy,

    13、 cloudy or sunny. Who knows?A. must B. might C. should D. cant30. Hi, Mr. Zhang, do you often come here to climb the mountain?- Yes, _ exercise. You see, Im healthier than before.A. to get B. getting C. get D. gets31. Oh, my god! Ive left my keys in the room. Ill have to get in_ the window.-Its dang

    14、erous. Youd better wait for your mom to come back.A. past B. over C. across D. through32. -It rained _ and lasted for a long time.- Thats terrible. Even some streets were full of water.A. hardly B. strongly C. heavily D. lightly33. -Im very nervous the night before the big exam .- _. Im sure you can

    15、 make it.A. Take it easy B. Take your timeC. Go ahead D. Enjoy yourself34. -The light in his office is still on. I wonder _.-Maybe at midnight again.A. if will he stop working B. if he will stop workingC. when will he stop working D. when he will stop working35. Who won the first prize in English sp

    16、eech contest?-The prize went to the girl _ speech was the most natural and fluent.A. that B. who C. whose D. 不填.完型填空(共10小题,每题1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从A、B 、C、 D四个选项中选出最佳选项,使短文意思完整、通顺 。I did very badly at school. My headmaster thought I was 36 and when I was 14, he said, “You are 37 going to be anything but a

    17、 failure.”After five years of 38 jobs, I fell in love with a very nice middle-class girl. It was the best 39 that could have happened to me. I decided to do something positive with my life because I wanted to prove to her what people said about me was 40, especially her mother, who had said to me, “

    18、You have failed at everything you have ever done.” So I tried hard with my 41 and went to college, my first novel 42 while I was at college.After college I taught during the 43 in high schools and attended evening classes at London University, where I got a 44 in history. I became a lecturer at a co

    19、llege and was t hinking of giving up that job to write full time when I was offered a part-time job at Leeds University. I began to feel proud of myself-it was a working-class boy who had left school early, now teaching at the university.My writing career(生涯) 45 when I realized my own style. Now I a

    20、m rich and famous, have been on TV, and met lots of film stars. But what does it mean? I just wish all the people that have put me down had said, “I believe in you. You will succeed.”36. A. bright B. useful C. simple D. hopeful37. A. never B. sometimes C. often D. seldom38. A. low B. poor C. good D.

    21、 useful39. A. support B. happiness C. surprise D. thing40. A. wrong B. right C. stupid D. foolish41. A. experiment B. experience C. writing D. practice42. A. came on B. came in C. came back D. came out43. A. day B. night C. month D. year44. A. graduation B. pass C. degree D. success45. A. took off B

    22、. put off C. gave off D. got off第三部分: 阅读理解.阅读理解(共20小题,每题2分,满分40分)阅读下面四篇材料,根据其内容,选择正确答案或完成阅读任务。AAll I Want for Christmas Is YouBy Mariah Carey; illustrated by Colleen MaddenAge: for 3-7 yearsPrice: $17.99On sale: Dec. 10, 2015Pages: 32Mariah Careys All I Want for Christmas Is You, one of the best-sel

    23、ling and most famous songs of all time, brings Christmas joy to many listeners of all ages every year. And now its beautiful lyrics will bring the same holiday spirit to readers of all ages in this one-of-a-kind picture book about a young girl whose greatest Christmas wish is for a new little dog!A

    24、Bears YearBy Kathy Duval; illustrated by Gerry TurleyAge: for 4-8 yearsPrice: $18.99On Sale: Nov. 27,2015Page: 40In this book, readers will fo llow a mother bear and her kids through the course of a year. Deep in her den under the heavy snow, Mama and her newborn babies sleep soundly. When spring ar

    25、rives, the bears wake up, and summer comes, Mama teaches her young ones to fish. Then, in fall, the leaves turn gold, food grows less and less, and the family prepares for hibernation and the coming winter.The Only ChildBy GuojingAge: for 5-9 yearsPrice: $22.99On sale: Dec. 1, 2015Pages: 112A little

    26、 girl-lost and alone follows a stag deep into the woods, and like Alice, down the rabbit hole, she finds herself in a strange world. And home and family are very far away. How will she get back there?46. Who wrote A Bears Year?A. Mariah Carey B. Colleen Madden C. Kathy Duval D. Gerry Tu rley 47. Its

    27、 Dec.8th. Mr. Black wanted to give his little daughter a book as Christmas present, and hed better buy_.A. All I Want for Christmas Is You B. A Bears YearC. The Only Child D. The Perfect Dog48. What does the underlined word “hibernation” mean?A.迁徙 B.冬眠 C.运动 D.物品49. The Only Child is mainly about_.A.

    28、 a young girls Christmas wish B. the only girl in a familyC. a girl lost her way in a city D. a lost girl lived in the forest50. We can find the information in_.A. a clothes store B. a bookstoreC. a movie theater D. a school libraryBA famous study was done in a school by a professor from a universit

    29、y. At the start of the school year, the teachers were given the names of five children. They were told that these five were the most excellent students in the class. But the fact was that these students were only average, and they were not the best students at all. Well, guess what? At the end of th

    30、e year, all the five average students scored among the highest in the class.What made these average students change so much to become top students? The only difference was the change in their teachers attitude. Because the teachers believed that these five kids were top students, they expected more

    31、from them. And so these five average students became to believe and expect more from themselves. So they worked harder to do as well as they could.Do you know? If you expect the best from people, theyll usually want to give you their best. A great leader said, “Treat a person just how he appears to

    32、be on the outside, and youll make him even worse. But treat a person like hes already a success, and yo ull help make him the best he can be.”Like the true story of 7-year-old Johnny, his teacher got so angry with him that one day she said, “Johnny, youre the naughtiest(最调皮的) boy in this class. Im s

    33、ure youll never change.” The next year Johnny had a new teacher. And on the first day of class, she met with Johnny after school and said, “Johnny, Ive heard a lot about you! But do you know that I dont believe a word of it.” And every day after that, this new teacher treated Johnny as if he was one

    34、 of the smartest students even when Johnny did naughty things. Later on, Johnny became a school leader, because thats the power of our belief and attitude towards children.51. The professor started his research by_.A. telling the five students to work harder than ever beforeB. teaching the five chil

    35、dren himselfC. telling the teachers that the five students were the best in the classD. asking the five children to find a new teacher52. The five average students became top students mainly because of_.A. the professors study B. the change in the professors attitudeC. the teachers hard work D. the

    36、change in the teachers attitude53. Why did the writer tell us the story of 7-year-old Johnny?A. To show the importance of encouragementB. To show that the boy was clever enoughC. To let us know the famous boyD. To let us know how good his new teacher was54. According to the story, we can learn that_

    37、.A. the research began at the end of the school yearB. the students scored highest only because they worked hardC. if you expect the most from people, youll get the leastD. little Johnny liked his new teacher very much55. What does the passage mainly tell us?A. If you want to get more, you should ha

    38、ve new teachersB. Attitude and belief can change a personC. A professors study can help you score highestD. Only teachers can make you a top studentCAre you interested in projects and do you want to make a good one? Well, that doesnt come easily. You need to do the following tasks:TALK: You and your

    39、 classmates discuss in detail all that you would like to do to realize your project.WRITE: One of your classmates acts as the secretary(秘书). He or she keeps full notes as your group discusses. Later he or she will sort(整理) your ideas to make them better.PLAN: With the secretarys notes, your group ma

    40、kes a list of everything youll need and who will get, do or research what.DO: Each group member gets and does and researches something on the list. Your group puts together all you have found and tries to make the project better-organized. You prepare to present it in class.Knowing all the above, yo

    41、u may want to try a project. Why not start with this: you can find out more about the history of your city. What did it look like? Which famous people lived there?The title: 56._ good projectsTalk Discuss everything 57._.Write The secretary should 58._while you are discussing.Plan 59._ your needs an

    42、d make everyones task clear.Do Do the research work and make the project 60._.Show Show the result to the world.DNanotech nology is a new type of science that will be widely used in many fields. Do you want to know more about it?Imagine: a television screen has the size and thickness of a piece of p

    43、aper. You carry it around in your pocket and take it out when you want to watch a show. (61)A guitar is so tiny that you cant see it with the human eyes, but you can hear sound when its strings are pulled.(62)Nanotechnology is the science, this kind of science can deal with doing things in a very sm

    44、all way, and it is being studied and developed all over the world. Many scientists say nanotechnology will produce the next industrial revolution(工业革命).(63)也许纳米技术对医学将有最大的影响。Imagine nanobots in medicine. Thousands or even millions of tiny machines can be sent into the human body with specific tasks.

    45、For example, (64)they can be designed to find and destroy cancer cells or viruses(病毒). Other machines may stay in the human body forever to help organs(器官)that are not working properly.When could all of these happen? Scientists predict that most of these are possible in the next 30 years. Thousands

    46、of scientists around the world are working on these micro-machines. Nanotechnology is just around the corner.任务一:将61处翻译成中文。任务二:将62处改成复合句。任务三:将63处翻译成英文。任务四:写出64处“they”指代的内容。任务五:65.找出该文段的中心句。第四部分 语言综合运用及写作.完成句子(共9分,每小题1分,满分9分)根据括号内的英(汉)语提示,完成句子。66.-When is _ (father) Day? On the third Sunday of June.6

    47、7. This morning the traffic was _ (crowd) so I was not late for work.68. Tom went to basketball practice with _ (勇气) rather than fear in his heart.69. Nowadays sky lanterns _ (see) as bright symbols of good luck.70. Erquan Yingyue is one of the most moving pieces of music that I_ (hear). 71. The _(关

    48、键) to success is to learn from mistakes and never give up.72. As students, we should try to master more_ (know) to build our motherland better.73.-Did you watch Euro2016 last night? No, I _ (study) for the exams at that time.74. I think health is a kind of _(财富).补全对话(共3小题,每题2分,满分6分)阅读对话,根据横线后所给标点符号的提示,在横线上填写适当的句子,使对话完整。A: Good morning.B: Good morning.A: I went to Ezhou Museum last weekend. 75. _?B: No, I havent. Did you have a good time?A: Yes, it was interesting. I love all the old things there


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