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    牛津译林版七年级英语上册Unit4 My day Welcome to the unit课件(共39张PPT)

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    牛津译林版七年级英语上册Unit4 My day Welcome to the unit课件(共39张PPT)

    1、Unit 4 My day,Welcome to the unit,1.谢谢你帮助我们. 2.收到他的来信 3.I have _(几个) friends. They make me happy. 4.-Would you like _(一点)rice ? -Yes, please. 5._(少数) people can live up to 200 years old. 6.He has _ (little/a little)lovely pet dog. 7.There _(be) a kind of shopping baskets. 8.There _(be) all kinds of

    2、shopping. 9.He lives _ _ _ (远离)the school. 10.It is 2 kilometres _(far away/away )frommy home to the school.,Thank you for helping us. =Thanks for your help.,get a letter from him,a little,a little,Few,is,are,a few,far (away) from,away,Dear Millie, 谢谢你的来信. I 在希望中学学习now. 我们学校小. We 只有几间教室. We没有图书馆,but

    3、 we有阅览室. Sometimes we在那读书.我们的操场在教室前面. It 不大. We下课后经常在那里玩. 我们的老师都很好. We 非常喜欢他们. I 住的离学校远. I 每天步行上学. It 花我大约一小时到校. 万事如意, Liu Yi,Lead-in,What time do you usually get up?When do you go to school every day?,wake vi. vt. 醒,醒来;唤醒 wake up 醒来 shall modal v. 表示提出或征求建议 hill n. 小山 seldom adv. 很少,不常seldm out adv

    4、. (从里)出来,向外,外出 go out 出去,New words and expressions,have breakfast / lunch / dinner 吃早饭/中饭/晚饭 need vt. 需要 rest n. 休息,歇息 just adv. 只是 have fun 玩得高兴 have lessons 上课 after-school activity课外活动 ktvti,homework n. 家庭作业hmw:k go to bed 去睡觉 usually adv. 通常 ju:uli never adv. 从不 be late for 迟到 start vt.&vi. 开始 q

    5、uarter n. 一刻钟 kw:t(r) past perp. 晚于,Look and answer,What is Eddie doing?,Listen and answer,What is Hobo doing?2. What does Eddie do after breakfast?3. What does he do after lunch?4. What does Hobo think of some dogs?,Hobo is waking up Eddie/waking Eddie up.,He sleeps after breakfast.,He needs a good

    6、 rest after lunch.,Hobo thinks some dogs just dont know how to have fun.,Read and act,Do you want to be a lazy student?,Presentation,Talk about the activities we do in a day.,What do we often do at school?,do morning exercises,have lessons,do after-school activities,go to bed,eat breakfast / lunch /

    7、 supper,What do we do at home?,get up,do homework,watch TV,get up,have breakfast,go to school,do morning exercises,have lessons,have lunch,My day,do after-school activities,go home,have supper,watch TV,do homework,go to bed,A day,Look at Millies diary,- What time does Millie get up? - She _ - What d

    8、oes she do at 7.30 a.m.? - She _ ,Lets have a talk:,When does Millie go to school every day? What time does Millie start lessons every day?,Listen and answer,Read and act,Aunt: Millie, when do you go to school every day? Millie: I usually go to school at 7:20. Im never late for it. Aunt: Good. What

    9、time do you start lessons? Millie: At a quarter past eight. Aunt: Do you enjoy school, Millie? Millie: Yes. I enjoy it very much.,Language points,1. wake up 醒来, 叫醒,wake them/him/her/us up 把叫醒,wake up early 醒得早,Mum wakes me up early every day. 妈妈每天早早把我叫醒。,wake up Millie / wake Millie up 把米莉叫醒,指某人有 种表

    10、达,指宾格有 种表达,两,一,2. Is it time for breakfast? 早餐时间到了吗?,Its time for 做的时间到了。,Its time for class/ school/ /bed/lunch / the meeting. 上课/上学/睡觉/午饭/会议时间到了。,Its time to do sth. 该干了。,Its time to have lunch. = Its time for lunch. 该吃午饭了。 Its time to go to school. = Its time for school. 应该去上学了。 Its time to have

    11、class. = Its time for class. 应该上课了。 Its time to have the meeting. = Its time for the meeting. 该开会了。,Its time for sb. to do sth. 该某人干某事了。,Its time for us to have supper. 我们该吃晚饭了。 Its time for them to leave. 他们该离开了。 Its time for you to clean the blackboard. 你该擦黑板了。,3. after breakfast 早饭后,after lunch/

    12、supper/ class/ school/the meeting 午饭后/ 晚饭后/ 下课后/ 放学后/ 散会后,They often play football in the playground for an hour after school every day. 他们常常每天放学后在操场上踢足球一小时。,4. Some dogs just dont know how to have fun. 一些狗就是不知道如何找乐。,how to have fun结构是“疑问词+动词不定式”,在句中做know的宾语。 have fun 玩乐= have a good time=enjoy ones

    13、elf know how to do this work 知道如何做这件事 know how to play tennis 知道如何打网球 1.他玩的开心。He has fun.=He has a good time.=He enjoys himself. 2.他游泳开心。He has fun swimming.=He has o good time swimming.,5. be late for 迟到,Jim is often late for work. 吉姆上班总是迟到。,6. a quarter past eight 8:15 a quarter to eight 7:45past

    14、超过 to 差 读一读(1)6:40 (2)6:20 (3)3:18 (4)9:25 (5) 10:47 (6)2:02 (7)1:58,Its time for/to do sth. 2. wake up 3. go walking 4. have fun 5. after breakfast 6. have lessons 7. get up 8. go to bed 9. go home 10. do morning exercises 11. go to school 12. do after-school activities 13. be late for 14. a quarte

    15、r past eight,翻译下列词组,1.Millie has some money in her bag. (同义句) There some money in bag. 2.The model plane is Nick and Peters. (划线提问)the model plane? 3.Are these orange oranges? (改为单数)来源:学.科.网orange orange ? 4.She has some hair clips in her locker. (否定句) She hair clips in her locker. 5.There is only o

    16、ne woman over there. (划线提问)are there?,is,her,Whose is,Is this an,doesnt have any,How many women,Its time _ (get) up, Eddie.Some students dont know how _ (have) fun.,to get,Remember: Its time to do sth/ for sth疑问词+to do,用所给词的适当形式填空,to have,Mum _ _ _ early every day. 妈妈每天早早把我叫醒。 2. Its time _ _ _ _. =

    17、 Its time _ _. 该去上学了.我该上学了。,wakes me up,to go to school,for school,完成下列句子,Its time for me to go to school.,3. Its time for _ to _ _. 我们该吃晚饭了。 4. Can you tell me _ _ _ the word? 你能告诉我怎样拼这个单词吗?,us,have supper,how to spell,5. we _ _ in the hills? 我们去山里散步好吗? 6. He _ _ _. _ _ forschool. 他很少出去。他上学很少迟到。,Sh

    18、all,go walking,seldom goes out,Hes seldom late,7. She _ _ after the second lesson every day. 她每天第二节课后做早操。 8.How about _ _ _ at 4 oclock?. 四点钟做课外活动怎么样?,does,morning exercises,doing after-school activities,Act the conversation in pairs after class. 2. Preview the new words in Reading.,Homework,Thank you !,Good bye !,


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