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    1、人教版小学六年级英语下册 unit2 last weekend 单元测试卷 Part B (1)词汇积累练一、看图,补全短语。(20 分)1go to a_ 2.go_ 3read a_ 4.go_5go_二、你能找出不同类的一项吗?(15 分) 来源: )1.A.book Bpencil Cgo( )2.A.yesterday BMike Ctomorrow( )3.A.went Bwash Cclean( )4.A.Mike BMu Lan C fish( )5.A.basketball Bfootball Csports语句应用练三、用所给词的适当形式填空。(15 分)1I_(go) h

    2、iking last Sunday.2I like_(read)books.3Did you_(play)basketball?4She_(clean) the room yesterday.5They_(cook) noodles together last week.四、给下列句子选择正确的答句。(20 分)( )1.Where did you go?APlayed football. BShanghai. CI go to Shanghai.( )2.What did Mike do?AHe did his homework. BShe did her housework.CHe goe

    3、s to school.( )3.Did Wu Yifan go fishing?AYes ,he did. BNo,she didnt. CYes,she didnt.( )4.When did you read a book?AI readed a book at 6:00. BI read a book yesterday.CTomorrow.( )5.How did you go to school?AOn feet. BBy foot. COn foot.五、你能找出下列句子中的错误吗?找出来并改一改。(20 分)( )1.What does Amy do yesterday?_A

    4、B C D( )2.I readed a book._A B C D( )3.She washes clothes last_night._A B C D( )4.I went fish last_Saturday. _A B C D( )5.Did you went to a park?_A B C D竞赛提升练六、选择填空。(10 分)( )_is the first day of the week.ASunday BSaturday CMonday答案全析全解一、1.park 2.swimming 3.book 4.fishing 5hiking二、1.C 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.C

    5、三、1.went 2.reading/to read 3.play 4.cleaned 5cooked四、1.B 2.A 3.A 4.B 5.C五、1.B did 2.B read 3.B washed 4C fishing 5.B go六、AUnit 3 Last WeekendPart B (2)词汇积累练一、根据图片补全短语。(20 分)1do morning_ 2._TV3clean the_ 4._football语句应用练二、火眼金睛,选一选。(18 分)( )1.What_you do yesterday?Ado Bdoes Cdid( )2.I_fishing.Awent Bg

    6、oes Cgoing( )3.Did you_books?Areaded Breads Cread( )4.Did you help_clean their room?Athem Bthey Ctheir( )5.I went swimming _ the weekend.Ain Bon Cfor( )6.What time is it?Let me_Awatch Blook Csee三、句子大变身。(24 分)1Did Amy wash the clothes?(作肯定回答)_2I read books yesterday(就画线部分提问)_3I like playing_football(

    7、就画线部分提问)_4Mike did his homework yesterday.(变为一般疑问句)_5Is the book Anns?(作否定回答)_6I went hiking last weekend.(变为否定句)_情景交际练四、把下列句子按照正确的顺序排列。(12 分)ANo,I didnt.BI went fishing.CDid you clean your room?DDid you read books?EYes,I did.FWhat did you do yesterday?正确的顺序是:F_ _E C _五、根据首字母提示补全短文。(18 分)Yesterday w

    8、_ my birthday.My father g_ up early and bought(buy 的过去式)a big birthday c_ for m_My mother c_ noodles for me.Then we w_ to a park.I w_ fishing.I p_ football with my friends.In the evening I ate (eat 的过去式)good food and w_ TV.C 部分 拓展练六、选出画线部分读音不同的一项。(8 分) ( )1.A.fear Bpear Chear Dbeer( )2.A.hair Bchair

    9、 Cshear Dair( )3.A.floor Bpoor Csure Dtourist( )4.A.visited Bplayed Cclean ed Dstayed答案全析全解一、1.exercises 2.watch 3.room 4.play二、1.C 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.C三、1.Yes ,she did. 2.When did you read books? 3.What do you like? 4.Did Mike do his homework yesterday? 5.No,it isnt. 6.I didnt go hiking last weekend

    10、.四、F B D E C A五、was ,got,c ake,me,cooked ,went,went,played ,w atched六、1.B 2.C 3.A 4.AUnit 3 Last WeekendPart B (3)词汇积累练一、根据图片补全短语。(24 分) 来源: 2.do_3go to a_ 4.play_5water the_ 6.do the_语句应用练二、火眼金睛,选一选。(24 分)( )1.I studied math with_Ahe B his Chim( )2.The dog jumped _ the lake.Ain Bon Cinto( )3.He swa

    11、m_the kite.Ato Bat Cin( )4.It was a_day.Awind Bwindy Cwinds( )5.My father_riding a bike.Alike Blikes Cliking( )6.We read_tongue twisters together.Afun Bfunnier Cfunny三、句子大变身。(32 分)1A dog saw the kite.(变为一般疑问句)_2Was today a fun day?(作肯定回答)_3I went hiking last_holiday(就画线部分提问)_4I walked to Mikes home

    12、in the morning.(变为否定句)_5Did you go swimming on the weekend?(作肯定回答 )_6It is a cat.(变为复数句子)_7She can cook the meals.(变为一般疑问句)_8I like playing football.(变为否定句)_阅读理解练四、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。(20 分)Last weekend, John and his parents went to a park.In the park,John met his classmates.They played chess.They climb

    13、ed a mountain.They went fishing,too. John and his parents had lunch at a restaurant.They ate good food.They were very happy.And they were tired, too.( )1.John and his parents went to a park last weekend.( )2.John went swimming in the park. 来源: )3.John climbed a mountain with his classmates.( )4.They

    14、 had lunch at home.( )5.They were very tired.答案全析全解一、1.kites 2.homework 3.park 4.basketball 5flowers 6.dishes二、1.C 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.B 6.C三、1.Did a dog see the kite? 2.Yes,it was. 3When did you go hiking? 4.I didnt walk to Mikes home in the morning. 5.Yes,I did. 6They are cats. 7.Can she cook the meals? 8.I dont like playing football.四、1.T 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.T


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