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    鲁教版六年级英语下册Unit 5 How do you get to school? Section A课件

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    鲁教版六年级英语下册Unit 5 How do you get to school? Section A课件

    1、How do you get to school?,Unit 5,Section A 1a-2e,boat. boat. take a boat,How do you get to school?,train. train. take the train,bus. bus. take the bus,subway. subway. take the subway,taxi. taxi. take a taxi,bike. bike. ride a bike,chant,train,subway,bus,bike/ bicycle,take the train,ride the bike,tak

    2、e the bus,take the subway,take + the/a + 交通工具 + to + 地点= get/go to + 某地 + by + 交通工具 e.g.He often takes the subway to work.= He goes to work by subway.,乘坐某种交通工具去某地,take the subway 乘坐地铁take 用法,Language points,注意: 当home, here, there 作地点时, 不加to。 Linda takes the bus home. 琳达乘公交车回家。,Practice,1. I take the

    3、 train to school.= I get to school _. 2. She takes the subway to school. (同义句)She _ to school _ _.,by train,gets,by subway,3. Jenny rides the bike to school= Jenny gets to school _ _.,4. Mr. Wang walks to school. (同义句)Mr. Wang _ to school _ _.,gets,on foot,by bike,Match the words with the pictures.,

    4、2. take the bus _,3. take the subway _,4. ride a bike _,5. walk _,1. take the train _,a,d,e,b,c,1a,I ride my/ a bike to school.,How do you get to school?,He walks to school.,How does he get to school?,1b,Listen and write the numbers next to the correct students in the picture.,1. Bob,2. Mary,3. John

    5、,4. Paul,5. Yang Lan,6. Jim,2,3,4,5,6,take the bus,take the train,1c,Make conversation with your partner.,ride a bike,walk,A: How do you get to school? B: I take the subway.,She _.,takes the subway,How does Mary get to school?,He _.,takes the train,How does Bob get to school?,He _.,How does John get

    6、 to school?,takes the bus,They _.,How does Paul and Yang Lan get to school?,walk,fifty-eight,one hundred and three,How long?,Twenty-five minutes.,How far?,Ten kilometers(公里).,nine hundred,B: It takes him twenty minutes.,20 minutes,A: How does Tom get to school?,B: He walks to school.,A: How long doe

    7、s it take?,A: How does Jack get to school?,B: He takes the bus to school.,A: How long does it take?,B: It takes about 30 minutes.,Write the correct number next to the word.,sixty-one _ seventy-two _ eighty-four _ ninety-nine _ one hundred and five _ two hundred _,61,72,84,99,105,200,2a,Listen and re

    8、peat the numbers.,84 105 99 200 72 61,Listen and Write,Listen and complete the chart.,take the bus,walk,20 minutes,2b,Listen again. Check your answers in 2b.,2c,one hour and 30 minutes,60 kilometers,2 kilometers,I _.,How do you get to school?,2d,It takes _.,How long does it take ?,Its about _.,How f

    9、ar is it from to ?,Student A is Jane and Student B is Tom. Use the information in 2b to make conversations.,Read the conversation and fill in the blanks.,take the bus,ride the bike,20 minutes,Reading,2e,15 minutes,10 kilometers,2e. Role-play the conversation.,Lisa: Hey, Jane. Is this your new bike?,

    10、Jane: Yes, I ride it to school every day. How do you get to school? Lisa: I usually take the bus. Jane: How far is it from home to school? Lisa: Im not sure about 10 kilometers? The bus ride takes about 20 minutes. How long does it take you to go to school? Jane: About 15 minutes by bike. Its good e

    11、xercise. Lisa: Yeah. Well, have a good day at school. Jane: You, too.,Lisa: How long does it take you to get to school? 丽萨:你到学校需要用多少时间?Jane: About 15 minutes by bike. 简:骑自行车大约15分钟。,It takes + 人 + 时间 + to do (事情) 是一个十分常用的句型,其中动词 take 表示“花费(时间)”。例如:It usually takes me five to ten minutes to get there

    12、by bus. 乘坐公交车去那儿我通常要花五到十分钟的时间。,做某事花费某人多长时间。 It takes somebody some time to do something. It takes me ten minutes to get to school by bike. 骑车去上学花费我十分钟时间。,其中“时间”可用long(长久)、a short time(短时)等来表示。另外,“人”和“所做的事情”则可视具体的上下文进行省略。例如:,It doesnt take long to walk there. 走着去那儿花不了多长时间。 Itll only take you a short

    13、time. 只花你一小会儿时间。,2) “by + 交通工具”属固定介词短语,表 示“乘坐、使用某种交通工具”。例如:by bus 乘公交车by train 坐火车 by bike 骑自行车,请注意,英语中 on foot 表示“步行;走路”,而不是 by foot 或 on feet。,every 意为“每一”。如:every day 每天 every week 每周我爷爷每天乘公共汽车去图书馆。 My grandpa goes to the library by bus every day.,20 minutes,2 hours,12 minutes, How long does it t

    14、ake you to school? It takes me 10minutes to get to school by bus.,10 kilometers 20 minutes,Role-play the conversation.,15 minutes,Yes, I ride it to school every day.,Hey, Jane? Is this your new bike?,1. 你怎样去学校?我骑车去学校。2. 她怎样去学校?她乘火车去学校。,How do you get to school?I ride the bike (to school). = I get to

    15、 school by bike.,How does she get to school?She takes the train (to school). = She gets to school by train.,Exercise,一、将下列句子译成英语。,1. Tom takes the bus to school.,2. I walk to school every day.,Tom gets to school by bus.,I get to school on foot every day.,3. They go to the USA by plane.,They take the

    16、 plane to the USA.,二、写出下列句子的同义句。,They ride their bikes to school. (就画线部分提问),2. It takes 50 minutes to get here. (就画线部分提问),_ _ _ get to school?,_ _ _ it take to get here?,How do they,How long does,三、句型转换。,five kilometers 10 minutes,seven kilometers 25 minutes,two kilometers 8 minutes,Make conversatio

    17、ns with one of the pictures below.,Thank you very much!,Section A 2 Grammar focus-3c,1. ride a bike = by bike 骑自行车 2. take the subway = by subway 乘坐地铁 3. take the train = by train 乘坐火车 4. take a plane = by plane 乘坐飞机 5. take the bus = by bus 乘坐公车 6. walks = on foot 走路、步行 7. get to 到达,昨天我们学了什么?,8. Ho

    18、w far is it from to ? 从到多远?9. How long does it take? 需要多长时间? 10. It takes sb. some time to do sth.花某人多长时间做某事,一、阅读Grammar Focus部分。,I ride my bike.,How do you get to school?,How does she get to school?,She usually takes the bus.,It takes about 15 minutes.,How long does it take to get to school?,No, sh

    19、e doesnt. She goes by bike.,Does Jane walk to school?,Do they take the bus to school?,No, they dont. They walk.,Its only about two kilometers.,How far is it from your home to school?,1. How do/does + 某人 + _ ? 某人怎么去某地? how是疑问副词, 本句中用来提问_ 等。你叔叔通常怎样去香港?_,二、探究乐园。,出行方式,get to 某地,How does your uncle get t

    20、o Hong Kong?,2. 回答方式有两种: A: 某人 + take(s) + _ + to 某地。 B: 某人 + get(s) to 某地 + _我叔叔乘飞机去香港。_,the 交通工具,by 交通工具,My uncle takes the plane to Hong Kong.,My uncle gets to Hong Kong by plane.,3. it takes sb. some time to do sth. 意为:_步行大约要花我15 分钟的时间。_做作业大约花费简30分钟的时间。_,It takes me about 15 minutes to walk.,It

    21、takes Jane 30 minutes to do her homework.,某事花费某人时间,4. 如果对时间段提问的话,就用_ + does it take sb. to do sth.? 句型。,How long,How long does it take to walk to school?,How long does it take to do her homework?,5. 对两地间的距离提问下列句型:_ + is it _ 某地 _ 某地?从他家到服装店多远?_ is it _ his home _ the clothes store?从北京到上海有多远?_ is _ f

    22、rom Beijing _ Shanghai?,How far,from to,to,How far it,How far,from to,How does Mike get to school? _ How long does it take to get home? _ How far is it from here? _ Do your friends go to school by bus? _ Does your dad drive to work? _,a. Yes, they do. b. No, he doesnt. c. He rides his bike. d. Its f

    23、ive kilometers. e. About 15 minutes.,Match the questions with the answers. Then practice them.,3a,1. drive to + 地点 开车去某地Does your uncle drive home? 你叔叔开车回家吗? 2. get, go 等词后面跟地点名词时要用介词to。get to school 去学校 go to the library 去图书馆,Language points,当他们后面跟 home, here 等副词时, 不用 to。How does your brother get h

    24、ome? 你弟弟怎样到家的?,方法指导,1. 为特殊疑问句, 对出行方式提问, 故用c作答。 2. 特殊疑问句, 对时间提问, 故用e作答。 3. 特殊疑问句, 对距离提问, 故用d作答。 4. 一般疑问句, 主语为第三人称复数, 故用a作答。 5. 一般疑问句, 主语为第三人称单数, 故用b作答。,school/you/get to/do/how_? 2. to/school/get to/does/how long/take/it _? 3. school/your/ from/it/is/how far/ home/to_? 4. you/to/walk/do/school_? 5. r

    25、ide/their bikes/do/school/your friends/to _?,Use the words to make questions.,3b,1. 看句子末尾的标点,可知这五个句子都是问句。 2. 先在所给的词汇中找特殊疑问词或助动词等。 3. 判断该句是一般疑问句还是特殊疑问句。 4. 特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词 + 助动词 + 动词(词组) + 其他? 5. 一般疑问句: 助动词 + 动词(词组) + 其他?,2. How long does it take to get to school?,1. How do you get to school?,3. How far

    26、is it from your home to school?,4. Do you walk to school?,5. Do your friends ride their bikes to school?,1. How do you get to school?_ 2. How long does it to get to school?_ 3. How far is it from your home to school?_,Then answer the questions.,It takes about twenty minutes.,I ride my bike to school

    27、.,Its about five kilometers.,4. Do you walk to school?_ 5. Do your friend ride their bikes to school? _,No, I dont.,Yes, they do.,How far is it from your home to school?,Its about five kilometers.,Ask your classmates questions and write their names in the chart. The first student to fill in all the

    28、blanks wins!,3c,Do you walk to school, Grace?,Yes, I do.,Do you take a bus to school, Tom?,No, I dont. But Jack takes a bike to school every day.,How do you get to school, Cindy?,I ride my bike to school.,How long does it take to get to school, Mary?,It takes about an hour to get to school.,How long

    29、 does it take to get to school, Jane?,It takes about ten minutes.,Linda,Grace,Jack,Cindy,Mary,Jane,Make a survey in your group.,5 kilometers,No, I dont.,take the bus,10 minutes,In my group, S1 lives about five kilometers from school. He goes to school by bus. It takes about ten minutes to get to sch

    30、ool.,S2 lives about ,S3 lives about ,Report,Make a report about your classmates.,一、选词填空, 注重用恰当的形式。,how long, about, how far, live, walk, drive,My school is near. So I always _ to school. 2. The bus ride usually takes _ 25 minutes. 3. Mr. Bush usually _ home.,walk,about,drives,4. My aunt _ ten kilome

    31、ters from school. 5. A: _ is it from your home to school?B: About nine kilometers. 6. A: _ does it take to get to his school?B: About half an hour.,lives,How far,How long,1. Do your parents drive to work? (作否定回答) _ 2. Mary goes to school by bike? (划线部分提问) _ 3. Linda lives ten kilometers from school.

    32、 (划线部分提问)_?,二、句型转换。,No, they dont.,How does Mary go to school?,How far does Linda live from school,4. I take an hour to get to her home. (划线部分提问)_? 5. Eric, rides/to/school/every/his/day (连词成句)_.,How long does it take to get to her home,Eric rides his bike to school every day,1. Copy words, phrases and sentences. 2. Interview your parents how to get to work, and give a report.,Homework,Thank you!,


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