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    1、Period one ReadingTeaching goals 1.Target Language a. 词汇和短语sunburn, struggle, super, expand, circulate, equip, export, ridof, be satisfied with, lead alife, search for, would rather, thanks to, with the hope of, rather thanb. 重点句子This special strain of rice makes it possible to produce one-third mor

    2、e of the crop in the same fields. P10He cares little about spending the money on himself or leading a comfortable life. P10He also doesnt care about being famous. P10He feels it gives him less freedom to do his research. P10His other hobbies include playing mah-jong, swimming and reading. P10Wishing

    3、 for things, however, costs nothing. P102. Ability goals Enable students to learn more about agriculture, countryside and farming. By talking they can exchange their experience with each other. By reading they will realize the role that agriculture plays in human life. In fact this world faces a ser

    4、ious problem-starvation. So after reading the passage about Dr Yuan students will know the importance of his achievement to man. Of course they will learn from Dr Yuan some noble character.3. Learning ability goals Help students learn how to describe Dr Yuan Longping including his personality.A. Tea

    5、ching important points1. Help to comprehend the text and grasp the main idea of the text.2.Grasp the usage of some words and expressions.3.How to help students make up their minds to make contributions to motherland in the future like Dr Yuan.B. Teaching difficult points 1.How to help students learn

    6、 more about agriculture.2.Help students really master the usage of words and expressions.C. Teaching aids A tape recorder, a projector and a computer.D. Teaching procedures splendide.g. Youll like her, shes super.You look super in your new clothes.It was super of you to help.6) expand v(cause sth to

    7、) become greater in size, number or importancee.g. Metals expand when they are heated.Why not try to expand your story into a novel?7)circulate v(cause sth to) pass from one person, place, etc to anothere.g. People who circulate false news are to be blamed.Yet reports of this kind have been circulat

    8、ed by our newspapers.The news of the enemys defeat quickly circulated round the town.7) equip vsupply sb/sth (with what is needed, for a particular purpose)e.g. Now all fishing boats are radio-equipped.They cant afford to equip their army properly.Please equip yourself with sharp pencil and a rubber

    9、 for the exam.9)export vsend(goods) to another country for salee.g. India exports tea and cotton to many different countries. This company has a large home market but doesnt export.10) ridof make sb/sth free from(sb/sth unpleasant)e.g. We all wish that we would rid the world of famine.The farmer rec

    10、ently tried to rid the house of rats.11) lead a life, live a lifee.g. Now we are leading a happy life.In the old days farmers led a terrible life in the country.12) be satisfied with, be content withe.g. The young lady isnt satisfied with the peaceful life.Are you satisfied with his answers?13) woul

    11、d rather, prefer toe.g. Id rather walk than take a bus.Id rather you knew that now, than afterwards.Step 5 Listening and Post-readingAt first, let students listen to the tape, and then finish the exercise in Comprehending. In Step IV and V, we have involved some questions in Exercise 3, so teachers

    12、can choose some questions to do. For Exx 1 and 2, teachers can leave some time for students to finish and then check the answers with the whole class.Step 6 Summary and HomeworkToday we talked about agriculture. And we also read about Dr Yuan Longping. We have known much about the great scientist. O

    13、F course we have learned some words and expressions about farming. Please try to grasp these words and expressions after class. Now please look at the poem on the screen:Farmers weeding at noon,Sweat down the field soon.Who knows food on a tray,Due to their toiling day.Do you know it? Read it and sa

    14、y whot does it mean?(Its 悯农 written by Li Shen.)The title is A HARD-WORKING FARMER. This is my gift to you. Please read it together. OK, hope you can remember it when you are having your dinners. Besides, Id like you to think: even if Dr Yuans dreams come true, can this really solve the starvation?

    15、Why? This is the homework. Think it over. Next time Ill ask some of you to give your opinion in the class. Another one is to finish the exercises in learning about Language. Exercise 1,2 and 3 are about useful words and expressions. Finish them.Period two Words and GrammarTeaching goals 教学目标1. Targe

    16、t language 目标语言a. 词汇和短语sunburnt, hunger, expand, circulate, struggle, export , output, satisfied , strain , rid of , lead a .life, would rather , thanks to b .语法The-ing form as subject and object. 2. Ability goals 能力目标Enable students to master the usage of the words and expressions above and use the

    17、 ing form as subject and object correctly and freely.3. Learning ability goals 学能目标Help students learn how to use these words and expressions freely to express their ideas and use theing form as subject and object as they like. They can also practise actively and attentively do that they reach their

    18、 goals A. Teaching important points 教学重点The usage of the important words and the-ing form used as subject and object .B. Teaching important words points How to use the words and expressions and the-ing form freely .C. Teaching method Explaining , discussing and practicing .D. Teaching aids A project

    19、or and a computer.E. Teaching procedures the other is to do some exercises in the discovering useful structures in page 12.Task 1A. The following sentences are from the text. There are some useful structures in them . Let students translate them and pay attention to these boldface words .1,he cares

    20、little about spending the money on himself or leading a comfortable life . p 102.He also doesnt care about being famous. P 103.His other hobbies include playing mah-jong ,swimming and reading . p 104.Wishing for things , however , costs noting . p 10 B.Complete the sentences with the given words in

    21、proper forms. 1. Fancy Mary _ (do ) a thing like that !2. _ ( take ) physical exercise every day is profitable to our health .3. That is a matter of importance , it wants _ ( handle ) carefully .4. Her not _ (come back ) made us disappointed .5. I must apologize for _ ( not let )you know ahead of ti

    22、me .6. Mr Brown regretted _ (beat ) his son. Check the answers and correct mistakes if there is any and do some explanations at the same time .Task 2 A .Do some exercises: Please do ex 2 on page 12. You are asked to rewrite the following sentences using the -ing form as the subject .Ask some student

    23、s to do them one by one .B. Do Exercise 3. This time join the two halves to sentences.C. Finish EX4 in page 13. Use the following phrases with the ing form to describe a person you admire. Teacher can give students four minutes to write a short passage by themselves and then ask one or two students

    24、to give their answers.Step IV Using Structures A. Finish Exercise 1 on Page 50. Check their answers with the whole class .B. Exercise Now work in pairs or groups to finish this task.Step V HomeworkFinish all Exercises on Page 49. Period three Extensive Reading Teaching language 1.Target language A 重

    25、点词语mineral , reduce , organic , level , whatever , bacteria , refer to , year after year B 重点句型It also refers to crops growing with natural rather than chemical fertilizers. P13Putting this in their fields, they argue, makes the soil P13This is importing because developing a healthy soil reduces dis

    26、eases P13However, using chemical fertilizers is a big problem. P13 Firstly , leaving chemicals in the ground a long time is not good for P13Instead, organic farmers insist on changing crop every two or three years. P14These put the minerals back into the soil, making it rich and healthy P14make sure

    27、 that what is left in the ground after harvesting becomes a P142.Ability goals 能力目标Enable Ss to master the main idea of the text and know the ways of organizing articles.3.Learning ability goals 学能目标Help students learn how to enlarge the words and know the ways of the same topic.A.Teaching important

    28、 and difficult points 1 How to grasp the main idea of the passage.2 How to grasp the words and phrases and be able to use them of the same topic. B.Teaching methods Show questions, read fast, find the main idea carefully and finish all the tasks.C.Teaching aids A recorder and a projector.D.Teaching

    29、procedures second listening to find some key words and write down the required information; finally, check the answers.Teaching important and difficult pointsTrain to get the key words by reading the questions before listening, understand the whole passage and then answer some questions about the te

    30、xt.B.Teaching methodsInstruction and practiceC.Teaching aidsA tape recorder and a projectorTeaching procedures for speaking, they should attend to what they will do. Be careful not be off the point; for writing ,the most important thing is to practise writing using phrases, instead of the whole sent

    31、ences. Give students a minute to read it and then show a chart on the screen to let them make sure the important points of this passage. Advantage: 1. Healthy and safe2. Free of chemical fertilizers3. Grown away from industrial areas4. Away from dirty water suppliesDisadvantage:1. People dont know a

    32、bout the food and how good it is2. More expensive than other food which is not so safeRead Exercise 2 and then finish the task with the words and expressions below. Make sure that all that the students say is to persuade people to buy their food! So please dont be off this point. Give students some

    33、time to do this. Step Speaking Three minutes later, teacher can collect students ideas. There are two kinds of ways to do this task. One is the sellers speech; he other is dialogue between two students. Students can choose either of them to practise the phrases below.Step Writing In this part the st

    34、udents should not use the whole sentences, using phrases or notes is OK. Ask students to read the instructions, and the example on Page 16 carefully. And then write down their poster. Give students three minutes to practise. And give them enough help, if some of them need it. Three minutes later tea

    35、cher can ask one or two pairs of students to-act out their dialogues. Main heading This explains that you sell green food.Reasons to buy1. ( one reason )2. ( one reason )3. ( one reason )Buy the best fruits hereWe only sell green food in this shop!Best choice at best price!Safe, healthy, clean, fres

    36、h. Far away from any pollution.1. No chemical fertilizer, all organic fertilizers2. Clean air, clean water3. No poison, no pesticides4. Home in heaven4. ( one reason )Why it is good value.Healthy food means healthy life. Far away from diseases, without worries, full of happiness. ( one reason )Step

    37、V Talking The purpose of this task is to let students practice how to persuade others, using some useful expressions below the instructions. There are two points that students should pay attention to. One is that they must know what is the subject they will talk about; the other is that they should

    38、use the expressions to practice presuasive skill. So, there are two tasks to finish the talking. First, teacher should help the students to remember who is Leng Jianli and what did she do. Second, ask the students to practice.the chart will give you more information about Leng Jianli. Maybe it is us

    39、eful to your talking. What Leng Jianli did Plant trees, bushes and other plants in the desert near her farm. Carry water from far away and take very good care of them. Have been working very hard for many years. Turn desert into farmland.Read the instructions in Talking on Page 48. Step Speaking and

    40、 Writing Task on Page 53 If time permits, teacher can do the “Speaking and Writing task on Page 53 in this period, or leave it as homework. Sample writing: A fish farm is a pond or cage in the sea where farmers raise fish. In this case farmers can help fish grow faster to be big enough. This summer

    41、holiday Im going to visit a fish farm near Yingshan lake. A fish farmer has to be careful when he keeps fish in a pond .He must keep the water of the ponds from becoming too dirty. He also is to keep fish very close together.What I am most interested in is to feed fish. I think fish must be fed regu

    42、larly-twice or three times a day. I enjoy the scene in which fish jump up to take food. Besides feeding, the other task I have to do is to try to stop fish being affected by disease. I understand that fish disease are a serious problem. If that happened, all the fish in the pond would die. So I have

    43、 to examine fish for disease. If so,I have to give some medicine to the fish. I imagine Ill be busy on a fish farm and have a good time. Step Homework 1. Finish the Project on Page49 .2. Summing up on Page 16.Period six Teaching goals 1.Target language Word and expressions of this unit.2.Ability goa

    44、ls Enable students to summarize what they learned and make a check by themselves.3.Learning ability goals Help Ss learn how to summarize what they have learned according to the instructions in the Summing up and Checking Yourself.Teaching important and difficult points How to review and conclude wha

    45、t students learned.Teaching methods Help students learn by themselves.C.Teaching aids A projector.Teaching procedures sings a song at Midsummer, and then goes away.布谷鸟,四月来,五月一直在,仲夏唱歌,然后就离开。Always take out the meal-tub, and never putting in, soon comes to the bottom.取粮不储粮,桶底粮光光。No mill, no meal不磨面就没饭吃。


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