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    1、,Unit 7 Shanghai Is in the Southeast of China,陕旅版(三年级起点)六年级下册,Part A Think and chooseLets talk Part B Lets playAsk and answer, Lets play, Ask and answer,Lets talk,Lets talk 视频, Think and choose,Free talk,Do you like traveling?,Warm-up/Revision,Think and choose,Do you like traveling?,b,e,a,c,d,Presen

    2、tation,1.Where does David hope to go?2.Where will they go?3.How will they go?,Read the dialogue think about the questions,思考,Mom: David and Kitty,come on.Were having a meeting. David: What are we going to talk about. Mom:About our holiday.Where would you like to go? David:I hope to go somewhere by t

    3、he sea.How about Hainan? Mom:Oh,no!Hainan is in the south of China.Its too hot in summer. Kitty:How about Shanghai?Its in the southeast.Its by the sea and its not too hot.,David:Great!There are many places of interest,and I like big cities. Mom:Then,shall we fly to Shanghai? David:Id like to take a

    4、train.We can enjoy the beautiful places along the way. Kitty:I think so. Mom:Ok.Lets go by train.,1.Where does David hope to go?Answer:Hainan. 2.Where will they go?Answer:Shanghai. 3.How will they go? Answer:They will go there by train.,There are many places of interest in Shanghai. 在上海有很多有趣的地方。,重点句

    5、型一,Orienal Pearl TV Tower The Old City Gods Temple 东方明珠塔 老城隍庙,About Shanghai,Orienal Pearl TV Tower is a place of interest in Shanghai.,David and Kitty,come on. 大卫、凯特,来吧。,【例句】 Come on.Dont be shy.,重点句型二,1.用来催促别人,意为“快点”,如:Come on. Well be late for school. 2.用于挑战或激怒对方,意为“来吧”“试试吧”。如:Come on. Im not afr

    6、aid of you. 3.用于体育竞赛等场合鼓励队员,意为“加油”。如:Come on, Jack.,小贴士,关于come on,Come on,Mike,you can do your best.,Thanks.,We can enjoy the beautiful places along the way. 我们可以沿途欣赏美丽的风景。,重点句型三,Lets talk,点击“Lets talk”,跟我一起读吧!,视 频,Act or Actress,分角色朗读对话,Li Shan:I hope to go to the West Lake. Alice:Where is the West

    7、 Lake? Li Shan:Its in Hangzhou. Alice:Is Hangzhou in the north of China? Li Shan:No.Its in the south.,A:Where did you go last summer? B:I went to Lhasa. A:Where is Lhasa? B:Its in the west of China. A:What do you think of the people there? B:They are very friendly.,Ask and answer,Where did you go la

    8、st summer?,I went to Beijing.,Where is Beijing?,Its in the north of China.,一、连词成句。,1. south,is,Haikou,the,of,in,China(.),Haikou is in the north of China.,2.many,are,places,there,interest,in,of,Shanghai (.),There are many places of interest in Shanghai.,Test,二、请将对话补充完整。,Mom: David and Kitty,_ _.Were

    9、having a meeting. David: What are we going to talk about. Mom:About our holiday.Where would you like to go? David:I hope to go somewhere by the sea.How about Hainan? Mom:Oh,no!Hainan is in the_ of China.Its too hot in summer. Kitty:How about Shanghai?Its in the _.Its by the sea and its not too hot.,

    10、come on,south,southeast,David:Great!There are many _,and I like big cities. Mom:Then,shall we fly to Shanghai? David:Id like to take a train.We can enjoy the beautiful places _the way. Kitty:I think so. Mom:Ok.Lets go by train.,places of interest,along,重点句型,Where is.?,Hainan is in the south of China.,There are many palaces of interest.,Sum-up,3,Homework,1.背诵Lets talk 内容。 2.用所学句型描述中国地图。,Thank you!,


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