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    1、12019 年辽宁省中考英语模拟试卷说明:1.全卷满分 120 分,考试时间 120 分钟。2.请将答案写在答题卡上,否则不给分。一、听力测试(25 分)I. 听句子,选择最佳答语。(5 分) 1. A.It was great. B. Not at all. C. I think so.2. A.For three years. B. Three years ago. C. It was wonderful. 3. A.Very much. B. He cant stand it. C. Reading English novels.4. A.About two weeks. B. Twic

    2、e a month. C. In a week.5. A. Sorry to hear that. B. Its OK. C. Good luck.II. 听简短对话和对话后的问题, 选择最佳答案。(5 分)6. A. Pop music CDs. B. Country music CDs. C. Rock music CDs.7. A. China. B. Canada. C. America.8. A. In a school. B. In a shop. C. In the movie theatre.9. A. Soccer club. B. Volleyball club. C. B

    3、asketball club.10.A. Hell stay at home. B. Hell go to the park. C. He cant decide.III听描述,选出与其相符的图片,其中有一幅图片是多余的。(5 分)A B CD E F11._ 12._ 13._ 14._ 15._IV. 听较长对话,选择最佳答案。(5 分)听第一段对话,作答第 16 至 17 小题。16. Where is Mikes hometown? A. In Sanya. B. In Shanghai. C. In Beijing.17. When are Marys family planning

    4、 to visit Hainan Island? A. During the winter holiday. B. On weekends. C. During the summer holiday. 2听第二段对话,作答第 18 至 20 小题。18. Whats the matter with Alice?A. She had a bad cold. B. She fell off the bike. C. She had a hard time learning Chinese. 19. What is Alices problem?A. She cant write well. B.

    5、She cant speak well. C. She cant read well.20. What does Mike advise Alice to do?A. Join a Chinese club. B. Listen to some music. C. Take a long walk.V. 听短文,选择最佳答案。( 5 分)21. What did Bill probably do in the company(公司?A.A boss. B.A secretary(秘书). C.A driver.22.Why was the boss pleased with Bill?A.Be

    6、cause he went to work on time. B.Because he worked very hard.C.Because he made no mistakes.23.What did Bill do when he couldnt sleep well?A.He asked his boss for a leave. B.He went to his boss for advice.C.He went to see a doctor.24.Where on earth(究竟)was Bill those two days?A. At home. B. In the com

    7、pany. C. In the hospital.25.When did Bill return to the office?A. On Wednesday. B. On Friday. C. On Sunday.二、单项填空(15 分)26. -Whos _ woman in blue, do you know?-Oh, shes _ friend of Annas.A. the; a B. an; the C. a; the D. the; an27. - Which of the two shirts would you like?- . I dont like their styles

    8、.A. Either B. Both C. None D. Neither28. -I didnt see you at the beginning of the party last night. Where were you?-I on my history report at that time.A. worked B. work C. was working D. am working329. Although Flight MH370 has been missing for months, we do believe it _ some day in the future.A. w

    9、ill find B. wont find C. will be found D. wont be found30. -I forgot to bring my e-dictionary. Could I use yours?- Yes, you .A. can B. must C. could D. should31. -_ fine day it is today!-Yes, the sunshine is beautiful that Id like to go hiking with you.A. How; such B. What a; very C. How; so D. What

    10、 a; so32. Dont waste food! all the vegetables on the plate.A. Wash up B. Eat up C. Put up D. Clean up33. - Could you tell me ?- By getting online and typing the information you want to search for.A. how to get the information quicklyB. if I can get the information quicklyC. where can I get the infor

    11、mation quicklyD. how can I get the information quickly34. We ever saw people do shopping on their mobile phones in the past, but now millions of people use their phones to shop online.A. sometimes B. usually C. hardly D. almost35. Its nice _ Tom to tell me the news because its very important me.A. f

    12、or, of B of, to C. for, to D. of, of36. - Can I speak to Mrs Green?- Sorry, wrong number. Please to 114 and check the number.A. put out B. put off C. put through D. put away 37. Jimmy broke his leg. , he will have to be away from school for two or three months.A. As usual B. As a result C. In order

    13、that D. First of all 38. Most people are building a paper factory near here. They are worried the river will get polluted.A. for B. with C. agai nst D. beyond39. - The air pollution is terrible.4- It will be w orse _ we take action to protect the environment.A. if B. unless C. until D. when40. - My

    14、friend has achieved his goal after years of hard work.- Great! _.A. One tree cant make a forest B. Where there is a will, there is a wayC. Many hands make light work D. A friend in need is a friend indeed三、完型填空(20 分)ADo you think winter is too cold in your hometown? A visit to Oymyakon(地名:奥伊米亚康)migh

    15、t change your mind.One of the coldest inhabited places on the earth is a small town in Siberia(西伯利亚) called Oymyakon. Temperatures there can reach as_41_as -67.78 in winter. The common winter temperatures are around -50. And only about 500 people call the cold town “home”. People there mainly eat me

    16、at in winter. Vegetables and fruits are unable to _42_in the freezing temperatures. The ground is _43_frozen in the winter. Cars are often in danger of freezing over. If cars arent left_44_ outside, they must be kept in warm garages to _45_the damage. People there _46_as little time outdoors as poss

    17、ible to avoid the temperatures. Once outside, they will try and _47_the cold as quickly as they can.Usually the outdoors is _48_and lonely, with only three hours of sunlight in the winter. _49_,in summer the town can get up to 21hours of sunlight and temperatures can _50_to 22.78 in July. 41.A.cold

    18、B. high C. low D. tall42.A.plant B. save C. survive D.eat43.A.sometimes B. seldom C. never D. always44.A.repairing B. running C. driving D. stopping45.A.prevent B. cure C. treat D. correct 46.A. cost B. take C. spend D. pay47.A.get off B. get up C. get through D. get out of 48.A.dark B. sunny C. cle

    19、ar D. afraid49.A.Although B. However C. So D. And50.A.rise B. raise C. reduce D. cut5BJosette Duran was surprised when her son Dylan, 14, asked her to pack him a(an) 51_ snack in his school lunch. When she asked him why, his reply was truly touching. “I asked, why? Are you not getting full? Whats go

    20、ing on? And he said, No, I want to take one for my friend,” Duran remembered. It turned out that Dylan had a classmate whose family 52 needed help. The boys single mother had recently lost her job and could no longer afford her sons lunches. After learning this, Duran was even willing to reach out t

    21、o them. “I was homeless a few years ago. I know how 53 it is to ask for help. You get sad and feel embarrassed (尴尬),” said Duran.When the young boys mother learned of Durans warm heart, she called her up and 54_ to pay her back for everything, but Duran couldnt accept it. “I dont think I did anythin

    22、g _55 ,” Duran said, “I just think I did what a human being is 56_ to do.”The kindness doesnt 57_ there. Duran is the coach of the girls volleyball team of the local school. Her team raised $400 to cover the cost of all the extra lunches Duran had made out of her own pocket. But Duran refused to kee

    23、p the cash, and 58_, donated it to the snack bar at her sons school. “Now everyone can eat,” Duran said, “What makes me especially 59_ is that it all started with my son. Being kind doesnt have to come in the form of money; just know that if youre having a good day while someone else is having a bad

    24、 day, you should 60_ that.” 51. A. delicious B. extra C. simple D. healthy52. A. really B. hardly C. finally D. simply 53. A. lucky B. dangerous C. silly D. hard54. A. refused B. managed C. regretted D. offered55. A. special B. necessary C. interesting D. impossible 56. A. allowed B. reminded C. sup

    25、posed D. invited 57. A. happen B. succeed C. stop D. change 58. A. instead B. besides C. anyway D. however 59. A. hopeful B. proud C. thankful D. surprised 60. A. fix B. discover C. remember D. doubt 四、阅读理解(40 分)6AHomesick is a compound word made up of HOME and SICK. You know what each word means on

    26、 its own, of course. But think about what the words mean when they are used together. Homesick means SICK FOR HOME. Now think for a minute about SEASICK. If you change the word home in the definition(释义)to the word sea, would the definition fit SEASICK? Seasick means SICK BY THE MOVEMENT ON THE SEA.

    27、 When you are homesick, the only place you want to be is at home. When you are seasick, the last place you want to be is at sea. Have you ever heard of a person being heartsick? Heartsick doesnt mean that something is wrong with a persons heart. People are heartsick when they are hurt deep inside an

    28、d when they feel as if their hearts are broken. But, on the other hand, we have such compound words as handshake, handstand, and handbag. Perhaps you may write definitions for them. 61. The work SEASICK means“ ”. A. to be eager to go to the sea B. what has nothing to do with the sea C. to be sick be

    29、cause of the sea D. that the sea is terrible 62. When we say a person is heartsick, we mean that . A. his heart is sick B. his heart needs testing C. hes sorry at heart D. hes terribly disappointed and sad 63. “The last place you want to be” is . A. where you want to be mostB. where you want to be l

    30、eastC. where you go the last D. the last place you go to 64. The definitions of handshake, handstand and handbag are . A. easy to know B. difficult to know 7C. impossible to learn D. unnecessary to learn 65. The author wanted to tell us that . A. there are many compound words in English B. the build

    31、ing of compound words is interesting C. the definitions of some compound words are hard to guess D. not all the compound words are what they seem to be BGabriel Garcia Mrquez ,who was awared the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1982,passed away at the age of 86 on April 17,2014. The world paused to rem

    32、ember the cultural giant.Garcia Mrquez was born in Colombia, but he spent most of his adult life in Mexico City. As one of the most famous writers, he was widely regarded as “a giant of 20th-century literature”. Garcia Mrquez wrote in a style called “magical realism” In such works, people live a dai

    33、ly life in a certain period of time in history. But meanwhile, magical things happen to them.Garcia Mrquez is best known for his 1967 novel, One Hundred Years of Solitude, which has sold about 50 million copies. It tells the tale of the small and isolated town of Macondo which was separated from the

    34、 outside world of its founding and its troubled history over a hundred years. The story is a metaphor for the development of Colombia since the 19century. As Colombian President Juan Manuel Santons said, Garcia Mrquez wrote about “the very essence of the Latin American beings ”.66. Garcia Mrquez was

    35、 born in the year _.A. 1914 B. 1928 C. 1967 D. 1982 67. We can know from Paragragh2 that Garcia Mrquez_.A. was born in Mexico City B. spent most of his adult life in Colombia C. had a writing style called “magical realism ” D. was famous but lived a simple daily life 68. The underlined word “isolate

    36、d” means _ _.A. 隔绝的 B. 安逸的 C. 喧嚣的 D. 繁华的69. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about Garcia Mrquez?A. He was the winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1982 B. His novel One Hundred Years of Solitude was a great success.8C. He was widely known as “a girl of 20th-century literature ”.D. Magical

    37、things happened to him during his stay in Mexico City.70. The writer quotes from the President to _.A. praise Garcia Mrquez for his achievement B. show the deep sadness of the President C. explain the writing style of Garcia Mrquez D. describe the character of Garcia MrquezC When you cough or sneeze

    38、, youd better turn your head away from others and cover your mouth with the full part of your hand. And then, you should say, “Excuse me.”This seems so simple, but it is surprising how many kids have never been told to do this. Actually, I notice adults all the time who cough and sneeze in public wi

    39、thout placing a hand over the mouth. One important thing I point out to the kids is that after they sneeze or cough on their hands, they should wash their hands as soon as possible. If not, they will be passing those germs (细菌) along to everything and everyone they touch.If you come to a door and so

    40、meone is following you, hold the door. If the door opens by pulling, pull it open, stand to the side, and allow the other person to pass through first, then you can walk through. If the door opens by pushing, hold the door after you pass through.After a few weeks of seeing kids try to get through do

    41、ors in the school and watching them enter restaurants as the door hit other people, I knew I had to discuss the problem with my students. Teaching them small acts of kindness, such as letting someone else go through a door first as they hold it open, may seem unimportant, but it can go along way tow

    42、ard helping students realize how to be polite and thank others. Once theyve been told, theyre halfway there.When we have to go up moving stairs, we will stand to the right. That will give others who are in a hurry a choice of walking up the left-hand side of the moving stairs. When we are going to e

    43、nter a lift, the underground, or a doorway, we will wait for others to exit before we enter.After college when I moved to London, I was surprised at how polite everyone was in the subways. I was even more touched when I traveled to Japan. In both places, people made efforts to make way for others. O

    44、n moving stairs, everyone stood to the right and walked to the left. On lifts, everyone would stand 9over to the side and allow others to exit before they would begin to enter.71When you cough or sneeze, you shouldnt _.A. touch everything B. pass the germs to othersC. point out to the kids D. A.B.C7

    45、2If you come to a door and someone is following you, youd better _.A. hold the door B. pass through C. close the door D. stand to the side73Why should we stand to the right of moving stairs?A. Because its dangerous to stand to the left.B. Because its a traffic rule which we must follow.C. Because we

    46、 must wait for others to move first.D. Because we should make way for people in a hurry.74From the passage we can know the writer is a _.A. doctor B. traveler C. student D. teacher75The passage is mainly about _.A. the rules of acts in public B. the ways of communication in publicC. the good manners of thanking othersD. the knowledge of social lifeDAlfredo Moser is a Brazilian worker who is skilled at repairing machines. His


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