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    (江苏省)牛津译林版高中英语必修3:Unit1 Period Three学案(含答案)

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    (江苏省)牛津译林版高中英语必修3:Unit1 Period Three学案(含答案)

    1、Period Three Task.重点单词1 n距离;远处adj.遥远的;冷淡的2 n雷,雷声3 n闪电4 n三角形;三角形物体5 n波浪;vi.& vt.挥手;摆动6 adv.在头上方7 n&vt.&vi .轻拍,轻敲8 n套装;vt.适合,满足需要adj.合适的9 vt.使连在一起,把 附在上;认为重要10 n缺陷;伤残adj.残疾的;有缺陷的11 adj.抱有希望的adv.有希望地12 vi.&vt.小声说;私下说13 vt.&vi.咬(过去式)(过去分词).重点短语1 在远处2 启航前往3 取得进步4 算出;制定出5 把接纳为6 把应用到7 根据8 使某人惊讶的是9 偶遇.重点句式1

    2、主语be形容词不定式He was outgoing and .他非常外向而且听他讲故事非常有意思。2norbe 动词/助动词/ 情态动词主语Now hes no longer hungry, !现在他不再饿了,我也不再饿了!重点词汇1In the distance I could hear thunder and see lightning coming.我能听到远方传来的雷声,能看见闪闪的雷电。归纳拓展(1)in the distance 在远方from a distance 从远方/处at a distance 隔一段距离,从远处keep sb.at a distance 对冷淡;与保持一

    3、定距离keep ones distance from sb./sth.与保持距离,疏远in/within walking distance 步行就能到;很近(2)distant adj.远离的;远处的;疏远的;冷淡的语境助记(1)I saw some smoke in the distance.我看到远处有些烟。(2)Many guests came from a distance.许多客人来自远方。(3)It is difficult to get to know her because she always keeps everyone at a distance.要了解她很难,她老是对每

    4、个人都保持一定距离。(4)My parents live in/within walking distance of me.我父母住在我步行就能到的地方。题组训练(1)Mr Smith fell in love with his classmate Mary.But Mary was always distant him and from him.Afor;kept her distanceBof;kept him at a distanceCtowards ;kept her distanceDtowards;kept him at a distance (2)Ann likes to ke

    5、ep people at distance.So many people often think twice before they talk with her. Aa;a Bthe;/Ca; / Da;the2The sea became very rough and the ship began to struggle in the heavy waves.海面变得很不平静,轮船开始在巨浪中挣扎。归纳拓展wave n波浪;vi.&vt.挥手;摆动;使略呈波浪形;卷(烫) 发wave to/at sb.向某人招手wave sb.goodbyewave goodbye to sb.向某人挥手告

    6、别语境助记(1)She watched the waves breaking on the rocks.她看着海浪拍打岩石。(2)The inspector waved his arms to try his best to keep steady.(2015湖南)检查人员挥舞着胳膊是为了努力保持平衡。(3)He waves his fist at his son angrily.他气愤地向他儿子挥着拳头。题组训练(1)一句多译最后他不得不离开并向父母挥手告别。At last he had to leave and .At last he had to leave and .(2)I had

    7、my hair in the beauty shop.Awave Bto waveCwaved Dwaving3It was a man in a metal suit.那是一个穿着金属衣服的人。归纳拓展(1)suit n套装;vt.适合;满足需要;衣服、颜色等与某人相称或适合(2)suitable adj.适合的,适宜的be suitable for/to 适合于语境助记(1)For a wedding reception,male guests usually wear black suits and white shirts.在结婚喜宴上,男宾客通常穿黑西装、白衬衣。(2)This ar

    8、rangement suits us perfectly.这个安排对我们来说太合适了。(3)This piece of clothes is suitable for you.这衣服很适合你。易混辨析 suit ,match,fit(1)suit 多指衣物等的颜色、款式适合某人,也指合乎需要、口味、性格、条件、地位、时间等。(2)match 多指事物之间大小、色调、形状、性质等方面的搭配。(3)fit 多指大小、形状合适,引申为“吻合,协调” 。题组训练(1)用 suit,match,fit 的适当形式填空The size of the shirt me well and its color

    9、my tie,so it me.Red and black are colors that me very well.(2)When it comes to talking about football,his favorite sport,with David,any time will him.(2017清江中学高一月考)Asuit Bfit Cmatch Dget4During the operation,Mr Liu had a new hand attached.在手术过程中,刘先生被安上了一只新的手。归纳拓展attach vt.使连在一起;把附在上;使依附,使依恋;认为重要atta

    10、ch A to B 把 A 连接到/附在 B 上attach importance/significance to.重视;认为 重要/有意义be attached to.被连接到 上;附属于;喜欢,爱慕语境助记(1)I attached a photo to my application form.我在申请表上附了一张照片。(2)You attached great importance to what that man said.你太重视那人所说的话了。(3)This middle school is attached to a teachers college.这所中学附属于一所师范学院。

    11、(4)He is deeply attached to the old typewriter.他非常爱惜那台旧打字机。题组训练(1)Parents much importance to education.They will do their best to give their children that priceless gift.Apay BapplyClink Dattach(2)Chinese culture a particularly high value to the idea that families should live together.(2017清江中学高一月考

    12、)Adevotes BattractsCattaches Dapplies5Mr Lius doctor has worked out a safe treatment plan for him.刘先生的医生已为他制定了一个安全的治疗方案。归纳拓展work out 制定出;解决;计算出;弄清楚;锻炼身体work at 从事;致力于;钻研work on 继续工作;不断工作语境助记(1)I think we should work out a plan to deal with this situation.我想我们应该制定出一项计划,用来对付这种情况。(2)I believe that you

    13、can work out this problem by yourself.我相信你能独自做出这道题。(3)Mr White keeps fit by working out for half an hour every morning.怀特先生每天早晨锻炼半小时以保持身体健康。(4)He has spent the last two years working on a book about childcare.过去两年来他一直致力于撰写一本关于儿童保育的书。题组训练(1)We were supposed to move into our new classroom building at

    14、the beginning of this month,but things didnt as planned.Awork out Bcarry outCmove out Dget out(2)Every morning the students on the playground.Its good for their health.Abreak out Brun outCfigure out Dwork out经典句式1He was outgoing and very interesting to listen to.他非常外向而且听他讲故事非常有意思。归纳拓展这是“主语be形容词不定式”结

    15、构,在这个结构中,不定式常与句中的主语构成动宾关系,该不定式用主动形式表示被动意义。在该结构中,动词必须是及物动词;若是不及物动词,要在该动词后加上适当的介词,使之构成及物动词短语。语境助记(1)The boy is difficult to teach.这个男孩很难教。(2)The house is comfortable to live in.这房子住着挺舒服。(3)I am not a person who is hard to get along with.我不是一个难以相处的人。(4)I think the ice is too thin to skate on.我认为这冰太薄,不能

    16、在上面溜冰。题组训练(1)A nightshirt (摸起来很舒适的) will make us sleep well.(2)The story was not interesting enough .Ato be published Bto publishCfor publishing Dpublished2Now hes no longer hungry,nor am I!现在他不再饿了,我也不再饿了!归纳拓展此句中的“nor am I”为倒装结构,表示前面所说的情况“no longer hungry”也适用于“我” 。(1)so, nor 和 neither 常用于“so/neither

    17、/norbe 动词/助动词/情态动词主语”这种句式,表示前面所说的情况也适用于另一人或物。若前面是肯定的句式,则用 so;若前面是否定的句式,则用 nor 或 neither。(2)当前面的句子中有几种不同形式的谓语或是既有肯定又有否定形式时,要表示相同情况,必须使用句型“So it is with.或 It is the same with.”,不能使用 so 或 neither/nor 引起的倒装句。此句型可用于肯定句也可用于否定句,陈述两种或两种以上的情况。语境助记(1)Times have changed,so have I.时代变了,我也变了。(2)I dont like singi

    18、ng and nor/neither does Jack.我不喜欢唱歌,杰克也不喜欢。(3)Julia likes playing the piano,but she cant play it well.So it is with/It is the same with Marala.朱莉娅喜欢弹钢琴,但是弹不好。玛瑞拉也是这样。题组训练(1)He dances very well. (你也是 )(2)Mary never does any reading in the evening, .Aso does JohnBJohn does tooCJohn doesnt tooDnor does

    19、 John(3)Mike is sixteen years old and he has a sister of seven.Wow! !ASo am I BSo do ICSo have I DSo it is with me.单词拼写1She (小声说) to me that someone was moving upstairs.2He suffers a lot from his (伤残)(2015 四川)3 (附上) a recent photograph to your application form.4Boldness(大胆) means a decision to b off

    20、 more than you are sure you can eat.(2015天津)5The travellers in the desert saw a lake and trees growing beside it in the d ,but they didnt exist actually.选词填空work out;apply.to;set off;wish for;be suitable for6We had wanted to finish our task by noon,but it didnt quite .7If you further explanation,you

    21、d better apply in person to the director.8He called another girl,who he believed the position.9We early to avoid the traffic jam,and it took us only half an hour to get here.10Now a lot of new technologies can solving problems in industry.完成句子11这是她第一次听说这样的事。This was the first time such things.12我们看到

    22、她在和邻居聊天。We saw her her neighbors.13我喜欢学习英语,安娜也是。I like learning English, Anna.14直到他告诉我我才意识到出了什么事。I didnt realize till he told me.15这些标志很难看清楚。These signs .单项填空16 the World Table Tennis Championships in Suzhou cost a lot,it will surely bridge the distance between people throughout the world.(2016盐城市南洋

    23、中学高一期中 )AWhen BWhile CIf DAs17The programme showed those doctors and nurses special importance to any potential symptoms in the population.(2016盐城中学高一期中)Aattached BcontributedCled Dindicated18In many peoples opinion,that company,though relatively small ,is pleasant .Ato deal with Bdealing withCto be

    24、 dealt with Ddealt with19Not having promoted the new digital camera successfully,the company should its original marketing methods.(2017泰州二中高一检测)Awork out Breflect onCdepend on Dcarry on20She should have been warned of the danger of her journey last month. ,but she wouldnt listen to me then.(2016邗江中

    25、学高一期中 )ASo had she BSo she hadCSo she was DSo was she写作指导讲故事属于记叙文写作的范畴。记叙文是以记人叙事为主要内容,以叙述为主要表达方式的文体。在高考英语书面表达中,记人和记事常常是相互联系的。记叙文包括人物介绍、故事、游记、报道、典故、日记等。看图作文也多属于这一类。写记叙文时还应特别注意:1六要素(人物、时间、地点、事件、原因和结果 )完整;人物和事件是叙述的主体。2清楚明白,情节完整,但不要过分发挥,以防言多必失。3时态是一个值得注意的现象。通常事件发生的时间是确定时态的关键。过去的事件和行为用一般过去时,兼用别的过去时态,必要时也

    26、用现在时态。叙述经常性的事情时,以一般现在时为主。总之,下笔前一定要统观全局,确定好时态基点。4写作时的逻辑顺序。写作时可以以时间为线索,也可以以空间为顺序,注意时间状语和地点状语的使用。5尤其应注意的是,写作故事性的记叙文时,要多用形容词和副词,以使人物形象更加鲜明生动。更要多使用动词,准确描写出行为的过程,从而刻画出人物性格。常用表达1The other day,I was driving along the street when.2On the way to school,I saw an old woman walking toward me.3When I got to the s

    27、tation ,the train had already left.4I was so excited that I didnt know what to say.5What a surprise he gave me!6It was an unforgettable experience and it made a deep impression on me.典题示例假定你在开学的第一周参加了军训,请按下面的提示用英语叙述你军训第一天的情况。1当起床铃响起的时候,我还在睡梦之中。我迅速起床,穿好衣服,匆忙赶往操场。教官要求我们在五分钟内完成准备动作。2教官对我们要求非常严格。一个动作要反复

    28、操练一直到他满意为止,但休息时,他和我们一起唱歌、跳舞、讲故事。我们相处得非常融洽。3训练非常艰苦。烈日炎炎,我全身都湿透了,但我们还得继续训练。其中还有位同学晕倒了。4军训既增强了我们的体质,也磨炼了我们克服困难的意志。参考词汇:军训 military training;教官 drillmaster写作步骤Step 1 审题谋篇1写作体裁:记叙文。2时态:叙述部分用一般过去时;感受部分用一般现在时。3人称:第一人称。4布局:(1)训练前准备;(2)训练过程;(3) 感受。Step 2 联想词汇1起床铃 2一就 3匆忙赶往操场 4对要求严格 5反复操练 6与相处得融洽 7晕倒 8增强体质 9磨

    29、炼意志 10克服困难 Step 3 句式升级1一听到起床铃,我迅速起床,穿好衣服,匆忙赶往操场。,I rose immediately,dressed quickly and then rushed to the playground.(时间状语从句),I got up quickly,got dressed and then ran to the playground in a hurry.(on/upon doing)I got up at once,dressed well in a short time and then hurried up to the playground.(ha

    30、rdly.when 引起的倒装句)2一个动作要反复操练一直到他满意为止。An action was forced again and again to make him satisfied.(被动语态)We had to drill an action again and again .(until 引导的状语从句)3烈日炎炎,我全身都湿透了,但我们还得继续训练。The sun was .But we still went on drilling.(so.that.)Although my clothes were all wet ,we still went on drilling.(bec

    31、ause of)4军训既增强了我们的体质,也磨炼了我们克服困难的意志。The military training strengthens our determination to overcome difficulties .(as well as),it also strengthens our determination to overcome difficulties.(not only 引起的倒装句)Step 4 连句成篇答案精析基础自测.1.distance;distant 2.thunder 3.lightning 4.triangle 5wave 6.overhead 7.tap

    32、 8.suit; suitable 9.attach 10disability ;disabled 11.hopeful;hopefully 12whisper 13.bite; bit;bitten.1.in the distance 2.set sail for 3.make progress 4work out 5.accept.as. 6.apply.to.7according to 8.to one s surprise e across.1.very interesting to listen to 2.nor am I要点探究重点词汇1(1)C 句意为:史密斯先生爱上了他的同学玛

    33、丽,但是玛丽总是对他很冷淡且与他保持距离。be distant towards sb.对某人冷淡;keep ones distance from.与保持一定距离。(2)C 句意为:安喜欢与人保持一定的距离。所以,在和她交谈之前,很多人都要认真思考一下。keep sb.at a distance 与某人保持一定的距离;think twice 三思。2(1)waved his parents goodbyewaved goodbye to his parents(2)C wave 在本句中意为“ 使(头发)呈波浪形,烫( 发)”; waved 为过去分词作宾补,构成“have sth.done 使

    34、某物被”结构。3(1)fits;matches;suits suit(2)A 句意为:当和大卫谈到他最喜欢的一项运动足球的时候,对他来说任何时间都行。suit 多指衣物等的颜色、款式适合某人,也指合乎需要、口味、性格、条件、地位、时间等。根据题意,此处是指时间上适合某人,故选 A。4(1)D attach (much) importance to sth.是固定搭配,意为“(非常) 重视”,所以选 D 项。(2)C 句意为:中国文化特别重视家庭成员应该共同生活的观点。attach a particularly high value to 高度重视;devote.to 致力于;attract.t

    35、o 吸引到;apply.to 适用于。根据题意选 C。5(1)A 句意为:我们本应该月初搬进新教室,但是情况不像计划的那样。work out 结果是。所以选择 A。(2)D 句意为:每天早上学生们都在操场上锻炼身体。这对他们的健康有好处。work out锻炼(身体) ,做运动,符合句意。经典句式1(1)that is pleasant to touch(2)B 考查“主语be 形容词不定式”结构,publish 与 story 构成动宾关系,不定式用主动形式表示被动意义。2(1)So do you(2)D 句意为:玛丽晚上从不读书,约翰也是如此。本题考查倒装用法。根据前文中的否定词 never

    36、,排除 A、B 两项。C 项中虽然是否定形式但应该用 either,因此也可被排除。故选 D。(3)D 题干中,前面的句子有两个不同形式的谓语动词 is 和 has,表示 Mike 的两种不同情况,故 D 项正确。当堂达标.1.whispered 2.disability 3.Attach 4.bite 5distance.6.work out 7.wish for 8.was suitable for 9.set off 10be applied to.11.she had heard of 12.chatting with 13.so does 14.what had happened 1

    37、5.are hard to see clearly.16.B 句意为:虽然苏州的世乒赛耗资很大,但它肯定能缩短世界各地人民之间的距离。when 当时候;while 尽管;if 如果;as 尽管,引导让步状语从句要用倒装语序。根据题意选 B。17A 句意为:该项目显示,这些医生和护士特别重视在人群中出现的任何潜在症状。attach (special) importance to sth.是固定搭配,意为“(特别)重视;contribute to 有助于,导致;lead to 导致;indicate 指出,表明。根据题意选 A。18A 考查不定式主动表被动。在某些形容词后经常用不定式的主动形式表被

    38、动,此时,不定式动作和句子的主语存在动宾关系。 19B 句意为:这个公司应该就没有成功销售他们新的数码相机这一情况认真反思之前的营销方法。work out 解决;reflect on 仔细考虑,反思;depend on 依赖,依靠;carry on 继续进行,从事。根据题意选 B。 20C 句意为:她本该被警告上个月旅行中的危险。我告诉她了,但她没有听我的。考查句式“So主语be 动词/ 助动词/情态动词”,表示“的确如此”。根据答语后半句可知设空处表示她的确被警告了,故排除 A 项和 D 项。then 那时,一般过去时的标志,应用一般过去时的被动语态。故选 C。写作专题写作步骤Step 21

    39、the bell for getting up2the moment/as soon as/hardly.when/no sooner.than3hurry up/rush to the playground/run to the playground in a hurry4be strict with sb./in sth.5drill an action again and again/practice repeatedly6get along/on well with.7fall to the ground in a faint/fall down and lose consciousn

    40、ess8build up ones body/improve ones physical fitness/health9strengthen/increase ones determination/mind/will10overcome/go over difficultiesStep 31The moment/As soon as I heard the bell;On/Upon hearing the bell;Hardly did I hear the bell when2to be drilled;until he was satisfied3. so strong that my c

    41、lothes were all wet;because of the strong sun4as well as builds up our bodies;Not only does the military training build up our bodiesStep 4The First Day of the Military TrainingYesterday was the first day of the military training.I was dreaming when the bell for getting up rang.The moment I heard th

    42、e bell,I rose immediately,dressed quickly and then rushed to the playground.The drillmaster asked us to finish preparations within only five minutes.The drillmaster was very strict with us.We had to drill an action again and again until he was satisfied.At break time,he joined us in singing,dancing

    43、and telling stories.We were getting along very well.The sun was so strong that my clothes were all wet.But we still went on drilling.One of my classmates fell to the ground in a faint.The life of the military training is very hard,but I think it is meaningful.Not only does it build up our bodies,it also strengthens our determination to overcome difficulties.


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