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    牛津译林版高中英语必修4:Unit3 Section Ⅱ教学案(含答案解析)

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    牛津译林版高中英语必修4:Unit3 Section Ⅱ教学案(含答案解析)

    1、Section_ Welcome_to_the_unit_ its near the shops and the railway station.为了方便起见,我们买了这栋房子,它靠近商店和火车站。If you feel that I am suited for the job, please inform me of the time of an interview at_your_convenience.如果你认为我适合这项工作,请在你方便的时候通知我面试时间。Will it be convenient for you to_come in the morning?你上午方便来吗?名师指津

    2、 convenient 作表语时,不可用人作主语,而要用物作主语或用 it 作形式主语。如“当你方便的时候”应翻译成 when it is convenient for/to you,而不是 when you are convenient。6(教材 P43)For example, firefighters could use RealCine to train safely, without the risk of gettinginjured in a burning building.例如,消防队员可以利用 RealCine 技术安全地进行训练,而不必冒着在燃烧的大楼里受伤的危险。 in

    3、jure vt.损害,伤害(1)injury n 伤;伤口;伤害do sb. an injury do an injury to sb.使某人受伤害(2)injured adj. 受伤的the injured 受伤者,伤员Three people were badly injured in the accident, including a 12yearold girl.这次事故中有三人严重受伤,其中包括一个 12 岁的女孩。She was taken to hospital with serious headinjuries.她因头部重伤被送往医院了。Dont lift that toolb

    4、ox youll do_yourself_an_injury!别搬那个工具箱,会砸着你自己的!Many of the_injured are still in a serious condition.许多伤员的状况仍然很严重。辨析比较 injure, harm, hurt, woundinjure “使受伤;伤害” ,尤其指在事故中受到的伤害harm “危害;使受伤害” ,常用于抽象事物hurt “弄痛;使受伤” ,可指肉体上,更多用于感情上的伤害wound “伤害;使受伤” ,主要指用枪、刀、剑等武器对身体造成创伤选择上述单词填空I was deeply hurt by the way sh

    5、e just ignored me.It wouldnt do her any harm to work a bit harder.Two people were injured when the car hit the bus.The bullet wounded his arm at the war.7(教材 P45)This may be true in the long term. However, the cost of building a VR studio is quite high, and this seems like a real disadvantage.从长远来说,

    6、这可能是真实的。但建一个 VR 工作室的费用相当高,这似乎是个真正的缺点。 disadvantage n缺点;不利因素,障碍(1)at a disadvantage 处于不利地位put sb. at a disadvantage 使某人处于不利地位(2)advantage n. 优势,优点,好处take advantage of 乘机利用;欺骗(be) to ones advantage/disadvantage对有利/不利have/gain/win an advantage over sb.胜过某人The present situationputs us at a serious disad

    7、vantage.目前的形势使我们处于严重不利的地位。She took_advantage_of the childrens absence to tidy their rooms.她趁孩子们不在时收拾了他们的房间。Men usually have_an_advantage_over women when hunting for jobs.找工作时,男性通常比女性有优势。What he said was to_your_advantage.他所说的话对你有利。词 汇 对 点 训 .单项填空1Im _ that many readers are favourably impressed with

    8、your writings.Aconfirmed BconfidentCindifferent Dconfused解析:选 B 句意:我有信心许多读者都对你的作品印象非常好。由语境可知“我有信心(be confident)许多读者” 。confirmed “被证实的,习惯的” ;indifferent “冷漠的” ;confused“困惑的” 。2The engine of the car went out of order and the bad weather _ the helplessness of the driver.Aresulted in Badded up toCadded

    9、to Dresulted from解析:选 C 句意:汽车的发动机出现了故障,恶劣的天气更增加了司机的无助。由语境可知恶劣的天气增加(add to)了司机的无助。result in“导致” ;add up to“总共有,加起来是” ;result from“因为,起因于” 。3You should take _ of this opportunity and try to make a good impression on them.Acare BadvantageCcharge Dplace解析:选 B 句意:你应该利用这次机会并且尽量给他们留下一个好印象。take advantage of

    10、“利用” ,其余三项均不符合句意。4Women should share the same rights with men according to the law, but _ there is great room for improvement.Ain return Bin realityCin turn Din exchange解析:选 B 句意:根据法律,女士应该和男士享受同样的权利,但是事实上(in reality)这还有很大的提升空间。 in return“作为报答” ;in turn“依次,轮流地” ;in exchange“交换” 。5They were _ at the _

    11、 child, for he was so addicted to the Internet that he stayed up till 12 oclock every night.Adisappointed; disappointedBdisappointing; disappointingCdisappointed; disappointingDdisappointing; disappointed解析:选 C disappointed“失望的” ;disappointing“使人失望的,沮丧的,令人扫兴的,使人不痛快的” 。由句意可知 C 项正确。6There are 30 peopl

    12、e _ in the traffic accident but the injured _ rescued at once.Ainjure; were Binjuring; wasCinjure; was Dinjured; were解析:选 D 句意:在这次交通事故中有 30 人受伤,但伤员马上得到了援救。injured是过去分词短语作定语,相当于 who were injured; the injured 指一类人,谓语动词用复数形式。7Most people didnt accept the theory when it was first _.Aset about Bset offCp

    13、ut forward Dput out解析:选 C set about“着手” ;set off“出发” ;put forward“提出” ;put out“扑灭” 。由句意“当这个理论最初被提出时,大多数人不接受”可知选 put forward。8Our teacher always gives us two or three tips before _ the answers.Agiving up Bgiving awayCgiving in Dgiving off解析:选 B 这里用 give away 表示“泄露” 。A 项意为“放弃” ;C 项意为“屈服,让步” ;D 项意为“发出,

    14、放出 (光、热等)” 。.选词填空put forward, take advantage of, add to, be disappointed at, be confident about, give out, for convenience, in reality1She took_advantage_of the summer holiday to learn music.2The gas gave_out an unpleasant smell and all of them had to cover their noses.3She put_forward a proposal wh

    15、ich shocked the people present.4The heavy rain added_to the difficulty in rescuing the buried people.5For_convenience,_the two groups have been treated as one in this report.6We thought he was serious but in_reality he was playing a trick on us.7The mother is_disappointed_at her sons failure in the

    16、examination.8The publisher is_confident_about the magazines success.1. he or she will enjoy a feeling of happiness and a sense of achievement upon reaching the top.到达顶峰时,他或她将会享受到一种愉悦感和成就感。(1)uponprep.“在后立即,一就” ,其后应接名词或动名词,不接句子,可与on 互换。Upon hearingthe news of the air attack most people headed for the

    17、 border.一听到空袭的消息,大多数人便前往边境。Upon_returning/his _return from Beijing, he began his research work.他一从北京回来就开始了他的研究工作。(2)表示“一就”的常用词( 组)有:directly/instantly, as soon as, immediately/hardly . when ., no sooner . than ., the moment/minute/second/instant 等。Hardly had I got home when_I_fell_ill.我一到家就病倒了。No so

    18、oner had_I_arrived _at_school_than it began to rain.我刚到学校就下起了雨。He said hed phone you the moment he got home.他说他一到家就给你打电话。名师点津 当 hardly, no sooner 位于句首时,它们所在的句子要使用部分倒装。2In scientific studiesit has been shown that VR can be a good treatment for people who have social problems.科学研究表明,虚拟现实可以为有社交障碍的人提供一种

    19、好的治疗。It has been shown that .是“Itbe过去分词that .”句型。该句型的分析如下:(1)句型框架:it 是形式主语,that 从句是真正的主语(2)常用过去分词:said, thought, reported, believed, hoped, suggested 等(3)句型转换:该句型大多可转换为“Sb./Sth. be过去分词to do”(hoped 和suggested 除外 )It is hoped that the number of deer will increase soon.人们希望鹿的数量会很快增加。It is believed that

    20、Lydia never tells lies.Lydia is believed never to_tell lies.我们相信莉迪娅绝不说谎。It_is_said_that he is studying abroad.He is said to be studying abroad.据说他正在国外学习。It is thought that the three foreigners have travelled a lot.The three foreigners are thought to have_travelled a lot.人们认为这三名外国游客周游过很多地方。名师点津 在 “Sb

    21、./Sth.be过去分词to do”结构中,不定式可根据语境用进行式(不定式动作正在进行)或完成式(不定式动作发生在谓语动作之前)。句 型 对 点 训 完成句子1据报纸报道,这两个国家之间的谈话正取得进展。It_is_reported_in_the_newspaper_that talks between the two countries are making progress.2他一看到我,就微笑着朝我走来。On_seeing_me,_he walked up to me, smiling.3一看到这张聚会照片,她就陷入了对过去的美好回忆中。No_sooner_had_she_seen t

    22、he gettogether photo than she got lost in the old sweet memories.4已经证明你的计划是实用的。It_has_been_proved_that your plan is practical.串点成篇微表达我总是学不好理科,这增添了(add to)我父母的担忧。我向我的物理老师求助,他给我提出了(put forward)一些关于如何学好理科的建议。他鼓励我不要丧失信心(lose confidence),并告诉我从长远来看(in the long term),努力学习终有回报。为了考上大学,我下定决心努力学习。上周我获得了物理竞赛一等奖

    23、。不仅我的物理老师对我的进步很满意,我的父母也为我感到骄傲(not only . but also .)。I was always weak in the science subjects, which added to my parents worry. So I turned to my physics teacher for help and he put forward some suggestions on how to learn the science subjects well. He encouraged me not to lose confidence and told

    24、me that hard work was sure to pay off in the long term. I was determined to study hard in order to go to college. Last week I won the first prize in the physics competition. Not only was my physics teacher satisfied with my progress, but my parents were also proud of me.一、打牢语言基础,基稳才能楼高.单词拼写1I dont l

    25、ike to live in the neighbourhood (邻近的地方) of an airport its too noisy there.2The museum has only one main entrance so it will be easy to secure (使安全) the paintings against thieves.3All of us should care more about the disabled (有残疾的) and give them as much help as we can.4Three people were killed and

    26、five injured (受伤) in the crash.5The famous director is preparing to make an adventure film with one of the biggest Hollywood studios (工作室)6I hope my lack of experience wont be to my disadvantage (不利因素,障碍)7The reality (现实) is that young people will not go into teaching unless salaries are higher.8Ada

    27、m always plays an active part in volunteer activities while Peter tends to play a more passive (被动的 ) role.9My grandparents have become tired of urban (城市的) life and are considering spending the rest of their life in the countryside.10Scott is quite confident (自信的) that there will be no problems in

    28、achieving this project on time.单项填空1She was confident _ her becoming popular with the students.Aof BtoCfor Din解析:选 A 句意:她确信她能受学生欢迎。 be confident of“对充满信心” ,为习惯搭配。2_ is known to us all, good friends _ happiness and value to our life.AIt; add BAs; add upCIt; add up DAs; add解析:选 D 由句中逗号可知,该句为定语从句,故用 as

    29、; add . to .“把增加到上” ;add up“加起来” 。故选 D。3The _ look on his face suggested he was _.Adisappointing; disappointedBdisappointed; disappointingCdisappointing; disappointingDdisappointed; disappointed解析:选 D 句意:他脸上失望的表情表明他很失望。用ed 形式的形容词修饰 look, face, voice 等,表示主语( 人) 感到怎么样也用ed 形式的形容词。所以答案为 D。4The computer

    30、was used in teaching.As a result, not only _, but students became more interested in the lessons.Asaved was teachers energyBwas teachers energy savedCteachers energy was savedDwas saved teachers energy解析:选 B 在 not only .but also .句型中,当 not only 置于第一个分句句首时,第一个分句要用部分倒装语序。又因为第一个分句为被动句,因此答案为 B 项。5The ac

    31、cident caused some _ to my car, but its nothing serious.Aharm BinjuryCruin Ddamage解析:选 D 句意:这场事故给我的车造成了一些损坏,但问题不严重。根据短语搭配 cause some damage to .“对造成一些损坏” ,选 D 项。harm“伤害,损害” ,常用于do harm to 短语中;injury“伤害 ”,常用于对人身体的伤害; ruin“毁灭” 。6We all agreed to the plan he _ at the meeting.Ahas put forward Bhad put u

    32、pChad put forward Dput out解析:选 C 从 agreed 判断后面的定语从句应使用过去完成时。 put forward 意为“提出,提议” ,符合语境。7I had hardly got to the office _ my wife phoned me to go back home at once.Awhen BthanCuntil Dafter解析:选 A 句意:我刚到办公室,我妻子就打电话叫我立刻回家。had hardly done something when .为常用固定句型。8He appears careless, but _, he is a ver

    33、y careful person.Ain all Bin realityCin return Din a word解析:选 B 句意:他看起来很粗心,但事实上,他是一个非常细心的人。in reality意为“事实上” ,相当于 in fact。in all“总计” ;in return“作为回报” ;in a word“总之” 。9What shall we use for power when all the oil in the world has _?Agiven out Bput outCheld up Dused up解析:选 A 句意:一旦地球上的石油全部用完,我们将用什么作为能源

    34、?give out和 use up 都有“用光,用尽 ”的意思,give out 后不能接宾语,而 use up 后必须接宾语。put out“扑灭” ;hold up“兴起;停顿” 。10This company has just invented a new kind of machine and they are going to hold a(n) _ about it next week.Aintroduction BpresentationCinstruction Dconstruction解析:选 B 句意:这家公司刚发明了一种新型机器并且将要在下个星期举行关于这台机器的展示会。

    35、A.介绍;B.展示会;C.指示,说明;D.建设。根据句意,应选 B 项。二、勤练语篇阅读,多练自能生巧.完形填空The Great Spirit, in a time not known to us looked about and saw nothing. No colors, no beauty. Time was silent in darkness. There was no sound. _1_ could be seen or felt. The Great Spirit decided to _2_ this space with light and life.From his

    36、great power he started his _3_. He ordered the Great Turtle to come from the waters and become the land. The Great Spirit created the _4_ and the valleys on turtles back. He put white _5_ into the blue skies. He was very happy. He said, “Everything is ready now. I will fill this place with the happy

    37、 movement of _6_ .” He thought and thought about what kind of _7_ he would make.Where would they live? What would they do? What would their purpose be? He wanted a _8_ plan. He thought so hard that he became very tired and fell _9_.His sleep was filled with dreams of his creation. He saw _10_ things

    38、 in his dream. He saw animals crawling on four legs, some on _11_. Some creatures flew with wings, some swam with fins (鳍 ). _12_, there were plants of all colors, covering the ground everywhere. Insects buzzed around, dogs barked, _13_ sang, and human beings called to each other. Everything seemed

    39、out of place. The Great Spirit thought he was having a _14_ dream. He thought, nothing could be this imperfect.When the Great Spirit _15_, he saw a fish swimming in the water. He realized the world of his _16_ became his creation. Everything he dreamed about came true. _17_ he saw the fish make his

    40、home, a dam to provide a pond for his family to swim in, he _18_ knew everything has its place, and purpose in the time to come.It has been _19_ among our people from generation to generation. We must not _20_ our dreams. They are our creation.语 篇 解 读 :这 是 一 篇 神 话 故 事 ,讲 述 了 The Great Spirit 伟 大 的 神

    41、 灵 创 造 世 界 的 经 过 。1A.Something BAnythingCEverything DNothing解析:选 D 第一段主要讲述的是 The Great Spirit 创造世界的原因:周围世界空无一物(nothing),于是 The Great Spirit 决定用光和生命来填满这个空间。2A.fill BbuildCarm Dcover解析:选 A 从第二段中的“I will fill this place with .”可得出答案。3A.conversation BcareerCcreation Ddream解析:选 C The Great Spirit 开始创造世界。

    42、这里应用名词形式 creation。4A.islands BmountainsCoceans Dseas解析:选 B 在陆地上造出的应该是山 (mountain),而不可能是岛屿或海洋。5A.kites BplanesCpictures Dclouds解析:选 D 依据常理,The Great Spirit 在蓝天上装点的应该是白云(white clouds)。6A.children BinsectsCanimals Dlife解析:选 D 从下文可知,The Great Spirit 想要创造生命(life)。7A.colors BsoundsCbeauties Dcreatures解析:选

    43、 D The Great Spirit 绞尽脑汁,不知应该造出什么样的生物(creatures) 。8A.native BperfectCreliable Dpersonal解析:选 B 由前面一连串的疑问可知, The Great Spirit 要的是完美的(perfect)计划。9A.ill BasleepCcrazy Dsilent解析:选 B 下一段说 The Great Spirit 在梦中创造生命,由此可知,这里是指睡着了(fall asleep)。10A.strange BnormalCdangerous Dimportant解析:选 A 在梦中,The Great Spirit

    44、 梦见许多稀奇古怪的(strange)东西。11A.two BthreeCfive Dsix解析:选 A 自然界的大多数动物都是四只脚或者两只脚行走的,故选 two 最合常理。12A.However BAnywayCAlso DLuckily解析:选 C 在梦中,The Great Spirit 梦见了动物,也梦见了植物。前后句存在递进关系,用 also 连接。13A.girls BstudentsCbirds Dstars解析:选 C 这句话大意是:在梦中, The Great Spirit 梦见昆虫嗡嗡叫,狗在狂吠,鸟儿(birds)在歌唱,还有人在交谈。14A.bad BgoodCswe

    45、et Dbig解析:选 A 由前一句“Everything seemed out of place.”及后一句“. nothing could be this imperfect.”可知,The Great Spirit 觉得这个梦糟糕透顶 (bad)。15A.calmed down Bfell overCwoke up Dset off解析:选 C 前一段描述的是 The Great Spirit 梦里的所见所闻,这一段是讲述他醒来(wake up)后的所见。16A.love BdreamCimagination Dfamily解析:选 B The Great Spirit 发现,梦(dre

    46、am) 中的一切都变成了现实。17A.Since BThoughCUnless DWhen解析:选 D 当他看见鱼儿在建造新家时,他豁然顿悟。依据语境,这里该用 when引导时间状语从句。18A.then BagainCeven Dhardly解析:选 A 前后句从时间上看存在先后关系,故用 then 连接。19A.reported BannouncedCtold Dwarned解析:选 C 这个故事世代流传。 tell a story 是习惯搭配。20A.realize BquestionCinterrupt Dshare解析:选 B 这个故事告诉我们:不要怀疑 (question)梦想,它

    47、们很可能会变成你的创造。.阅读理解For film lovers who are also animal lovers and people who long for a connection with nature, WolfTotem is a good choice. Based on Jiang Rongs novel of the same name, the 3D film is about Chen Zhen (Feng Shaofeng) and Yang Ke (Shawn Dou) being sent from Beijing to Inner Mongolia in the 1960s to live with local villagers. They are among the 17 million urban (城市的) middle school graduates in the “cultural revolution” (1966 1976), who answered Chairman Maos call to go work and live with local villagers in poor provinces. After sa


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