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    1、高考提能练 Unit 3 高考仿真检测卷第一部分:听力(共两节,满分 20 分)第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 5 分)听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1Why does the man let the woman look after his dog?ATo be on vacation.BTo move to a new place.CTo change a job.2Where does the conver

    2、sation probably take place?AIn the waiting room.BAt the mans home.CIn a restaurant.3What does the man think of the lunch?AGood. BVery bad. CJust soso.4How much will the man pay for all?A$14. B$17.5. C$21.5What did the man order?AA cellphone. BA camera. C A mail.第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)听下面 5 段对话或

    3、独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。6What kind of dress does the woman get?AA cotton one.BA wool one.CA silk one.7How much is the change?A$10. B$6. C$16.听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 10 题。8When did the woman have t

    4、he overcoat?AYesterday.BThe day before yesterday.CThis morning.9Who went shopping with the woman?AHer sister.BHer workmates.CHer boyfriend.10When will the woman marry?ANext week. BNext month. CNext year.听第 8 段材料,回答第 11 至 13 题。11What are the two speakers talking about?AA seaside trip.BSwimming in the

    5、 sea.CProblems about travel.12What caused the difficulty eating on the beach?ASeawater and wind.BSand and pebbles.CRain and sand.13How did they create a windfree barbecue?ABy putting up a table in the pebbles.BBy digging a big hole in the sand.CBy digging a big hole in the pebbles.听第 9 段材料,回答第 14 至

    6、16 题。14How much will the man pay for his hotel room?A$88. B$80. C$200.15Why does the man not reserve the room on the 21st?AIt is expensive.BIt is full.CIt is a smoking room.16What kind of the room does the man book at last?ANonsmoking, 22nd.BNonsmoking, 20th.CSmoking, 20th.听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。17

    7、Who stays with the children when the speaker goes out?AHis mother.BHis wifes mother.CThe servant.18Why do the speakers children dislike eating in restaurants?AThe food is not delicious.BThey have to be quiet for a long time.CThe food is not enough.19Why doesnt the speakers father get fat?AHe works f

    8、or a long time.BHe doesnt eat much.CHe doesnt eat meat.20Why does the speakers father eat again after he is back from the restaurant?AHe is hungry.BHe is not used to the food.CHe likes the food at home.答案:15 ACACA 610 ACACB1115 ABCAA 1620 BBBAA听力材料(Text 1)M:I am sorry to interrupt you, but can you h

    9、elp me look after my dog when I am on vacation?W:No problem. And my dog needs a friend, too.M:Thank you. I will return in two weeks.(Text 2)W:Have you ordered yet?M:No, Im just looking at the menu. Are you hungry?W:Yes. Right now I could eat a sandwich.(Text 3)W:Do you like all the meals in the dini

    10、nghall?M:No, just lunch.W:Hows the food?M:Oh, not bad.(Text 4)M:Two tickets for adults and two for children please.W:Adult $7 and half for children.M:Can I use my creditcard?W:Of course. Dial your password please.(Text 5)W:The cellphone you ordered has arrived. It is so fast.M:They sent it by expres

    11、s mail.W:Where did you find it?M:On the Internet.(Text 6)M:Can I help you?W:Yeah, Im looking for a dress for myself. Id like either silk or cotton.M:We dont have any pure silk. But this cotton one is very nice.W:Id like that very much. Any different sizes?M:Yes, from size 7 to size 10. What size do

    12、you want?W:Size 9 exactly.M:Here you are.W:How much is it?M:It was $95 last week, but its on sale now, you just pay $84 for it.W:Here is the money.M:$100, OK, heres your change.W:Thank you.(Text 7)M:How beautiful your overcoat is!W:Thank you.M:You bought it yesterday?W:Right, at a shop only selling

    13、Korean clothes.M:I like Korean clothes. They look simple but lovely.W:Yeah, the styles are always well designed.M:Who went with you?W:Bob bought it for my birthday.M:Bob, your boyfriend? He has a good eye.W:Yeah, well marry next month.M:I see. No wonder you are so happy every day.(Text 8)M:You have

    14、returned from the sea. Had a good time?W:Sure. You should have gone there, too.M:But I had to finish my paper then.W:We had wonderful meals there.M:Easy and delicious?W:Not easy, there is sand and pebbles everywhere.M:How to deal with them then?W:Luckily we brought some beef from London.M:You are al

    15、ways considerate.W:We found a nice quiet spot and dug a big hole in the pebbles.M:To create a windfree barbecue?W:Right. It was great fun doing so.M:You are clever.(Text 9)W:Hello. Sunny Hotel. May I help you?M:Yes, Id like to reserve a room for two on the 21st of March.W:Let me see here. Hmm, we do

    16、 have one suite available, complete with a kitchenette and sauna bath. And the view of the city is great, too.M:How much is that?W:Its only 200 dollars, plus a 10% room tax.M:Oh, thats a little too expensive for me. Do you have a cheaper room available either on the 20th or 22nd?W:Well, would you li

    17、ke a smoking or nonsmoking room?M:Nonsmoking, please.W:Okay, we do have a few rooms available on the 20th; were full on the 22nd, unless you want a smoking room.M:Well, how much is the nonsmoking room on the 20th?W:80 dollars, plus the 10% room tax.M:Okay, thatll be fine.W:All right. Could I have yo

    18、ur name, please?M:Yes, Bob Maexner.W:How do you spell your last name, Mr Maexner?M:MAEXNER.W:Okay, Mr Maexner, we look forward to seeing you on March 20th.M:Okay. Thank you and goodbye.(Text 10)M:My wife and I occasionally go to a nice restaurant to eat. My wifes mother lives with us and she stays w

    19、ith the children. This makes it very easy for us to go out for the evening.Last week we went to the restaurant in a new hotel. We had a wonderful meal. First, we had soup and a salad. Then Helen, my wife, had mutton with peas and carrots, and I had a beef steak with potatoes. For dessert, I had some

    20、 icecream and Helen had fresh fruit. We had several cups of coffee after we finished eating. The food was delicious, the quantity was large, and it wasnt too expensive.Our children dont like to eat in the restaurants because they have to sit and be quiet for a long time. They would rather go to thei

    21、r grandmothers farm. Their grandmother my mother prepares everything they like. She usually has fried chicken, corn, and hot biscuits with honey. She always serves plenty of chocolate icecream and cake for dessert.Im always surprised that my father doesnt weigh a lot more when I see how much he eats

    22、. But he works very hard on the farm from about 5 oclock in the morning until it gets dark in the evening.When my parents visit us in the city, we usually take them to a restaurant. I know they enjoy it, but my father always eats something else after he gets home. The quantity may be large in the re

    23、staurant, but it is still not large enough for a hungry farmer.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分 35 分)第一节:单项填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21Is it about time we _ a car?But we still cant afford one.Aget BgotCwill get Dare getting解析:选 B 句意:“是不是到了我们该买辆车的时候了?” “可我们还是买不起。 ”It is about t

    24、ime (that)sb. did/should do sth.表示“该到某人做某事的时候了 ”。22As to what makes a good student, everyone may have an opinion; _, a good student should first be honest and hardworking.Aas for me Bin the long termCon the contrary Dno doubt解析:选 A 句意:至于什么成就一个好学生,每个人都有自己的观点。在我看来,一个好学生首先应该诚实并努力学习。as for me“在我看来 ”;in

    25、the long term“从长远的角度来看” ;on the contrary“相反” ;no doubt “毫无疑问 ”。根据语境可知应选 A 项。23The dog may be a good companion for the old. However, the need to take it for walks may be a _.Adisadvantage BdisabilityCdiscouragement Ddisarrangement解析:选 A 句意:狗或许能很好地陪伴老人。然而,需要带它散步或许是一个不足之处。disadvantage“缺点,不利条件” ;disabil

    26、ity “残疾 ”;discouragement “挫折,泄气” ;disarrangement“扰乱,打扰” 。24_ impression you make at the beginning of _ interview is very important.AAn; an BThe; anCThe; / D/; an解析:选 B 句意:在面试开始时,你留下的印象很重要。在题干中,you make .为impression 的定语从句,根据语境可知,第一个空表示的是特指,而第二个空表示的是泛指。故答案为 B。25It is wise to have some money _ for old

    27、age.Akept up Bgiven awayCturned in Dput away解析:选 D 句意:存点钱防老是明智的。 keep up“保持” ;give away“赠送” ;turn in“上交” ;put away“收起来,存钱以备他日之需” 。根据句意应选 D 项。26Sir, I feel it complicated to apply to a university abroad.Why not read our guide? This is _ the relevant information is available.Awhat BhowCwhere Dthat解析:选

    28、 C 句意:“先生,我感到申请到国外上大学很复杂。 ”“为什么不看我们的指导呢?一些相关的信息可以在上面获得。 ”从句子结构上分析,where 在此处引导表语从句并在从句中作地点状语。27_ that they will soon become quickselling products in your market.AWe are confident BIt is confidentCIt is sure DWe have confidence in解析:选 A 句意:我们相信这些产品将很快在你方市场上成为畅销品。confident 和sure 的主语通常是人,所以排除 B、C 两项;hav

    29、e confidence in“对有信心” ,后面不可跟 that 从句,因此选 A。28The “Silk Road Economic Belt” and “21st Century Maritime Silk Road”, development strategies _ by President Xi Jinping in 2013, are popular among many countries.Aput forward Bput awayCput out Dput off解析:选 A 句意:“丝绸之路经济带 ”和“2l 世纪海上丝绸之路”习近平主席在 2013 年提出的发展战略,在

    30、很多国家受到欢迎。put forward“提出,提议” ;put away“把收起来放好” ; put out“生产,扑灭” ;put off“推迟,拖延” 。根据题干中的关键信息 development strategies(发展战略) 可知应选 put forward“提出” 。29When he heard the _ news, his _ was very great.Adisappointed; disappointBdisappointing; disappointCdisappointing; disappointmentDdisappointed; disappointmen

    31、t解析:选 C 句意:当他听到这个令人失望的消息的时候,他失望极了。disappointing多修饰事物;disappointed 多修饰人;disappoint vt.使失望;disappointment n失望。30The twins are really alike. I can hardly tell them _.Aaway BdifferentCapart Dout解析:选 C 句意:这对双胞胎真地长得很像,我几乎分辨不出谁是谁。tell . apart“把区分开来” 。31You can often _ about things that are not clearly stat

    32、ed in the text. This is called “reading between the lines”Amake mistakes Bdraw conclusionsCmake a decision Ddraw a comparison解析:选 B 句意:你经常可以对文章中并未清楚说明的事情做出推断,这就是所谓的“读出言外之意” 。make mistakes“犯错误” ;draw conclusions“得出结论” ;make a decision“做出决定” ;draw a comparison“做比较” 。32Many approaches have been _ to co

    33、ntrol the spread of disease.Aadapted BemployedCnegotiated Daccessed解析:选 B 句意:许多方法已被使用来控制疾病的传播。根据句意,应选 B 项。33Today we have chat rooms, text messages and email, but we seem _ the art of communicating facetoface.Alosing Bto be losingCto be lost Dhaving lost解析:选 B 句意:今天我们有聊天室、短信和电子邮件,但是我们似乎正在失去面对面交流的艺术。

    34、seem to be doing sth.“似乎正在做某事 ”,符合语境,故 B 项正确。34Most of us like the _ of using credit cards to buy things, but we may spend more before we know it.Aconvenience BcivilizationCcampaign Dcompetition解析:选 A 句意:我们中的大多数喜欢使用信用卡买东西的便利,但是在我们知道之前我们可能花费得更多。convenience“便利,方便” ;civilization “文明” ;campaign “运动” ;co

    35、mpetition “竞争,比赛” 。根据语境并结合四个选项的含义可知应选 A 项。35In a room above the store, where a party _, some workers were busily setting the table.Awas to be held Bhas been heldCwill be held Dis being held解析:选 A 句意:在商店上面的房间里将举办一场晚会,一些工人正在忙着摆放餐桌。根据主句用的是过去进行时可知,晚会还未举办,是将要举办,所以用过去将来时。故选 A 项。第二节:完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1 分,满分

    36、 20 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。My classmates called me “the alien”, and they avoided me like the plague (瘟疫). As a young boy, I _36_ from a serious skin disease, which filled my arms with scars (疤痕). The true _37_ of my condition, however, was social: I lived a life of lonelin

    37、ess.Doctors predicted (预言) that I would never fully recover, but my parents encouraged me to hope for the future, teaching me that my difficulty could be overcome. I therefore took a(n) _38_ role in fighting against my disease, trying many medications and herbs, and my health _39_ greatly before I g

    38、raduated. I realised that my personal _40_ had led to this improvement. I regained selfconfidence and made many friends at school.Years later, _41_ my personal battle against disease, I learned a great deal about _42_ by overcoming difficulties.I joined the Culture Club as a Special Event Director.

    39、I _43_ a group of six students in organising various activities. I was the most advanced ESL student among the group. So I considered myself the most capable. But I quickly learned my _44_. While preparing for our first presentation, I was _45_ with my team members and often rejected (拒绝) their _46_

    40、. I performed most of their tasks myself, allowing them to _47_ me only with small details. As a result, the presentation was not very successful. The setback (挫折) _48_ me, and I spoke of it to the clubs director. She responded that she _49_ my ability to succeed in the future. This comment filled m

    41、e with _50_, for I realised that I had never trusted my own team members. _51_ they were weak in English, they had many valuable talents. I immediately _52_ my policy, allowing my team members to choose the tasks they desired and to complete them on their own. For our program, we had many meetings,

    42、which gave _53_ to many good ideas. Most importantly, the atmosphere among us improved dramatically. We were _54_ and eager to devote time to the program, and I learned what true leadership is.My experiences _55_ improved my ability to handle challenging situations.语篇解读:本文是一篇夹叙夹议的文章。文章描述了小时候的作者由于得了皮

    43、肤病而遭受了很多委屈和痛苦,没有朋友,也没有自信。后来在父母和老师的开导下,作者逐渐找回了自信,终于赢得了友情和成功。36A.judged BsufferedCprevented Dseparated解析:选 B 根据后文中的信息 “a serious skin disease”可知,我在遭受严重皮肤病的折磨。suffer from “患( 某种)病;遭受折磨” 。37A.pain BsignCvalue Dmeaning解析:选 A 根据前文所述以及后文中的 “I lived a life of loneliness”可知,身体上的疼痛还是次要的,孤独的生活才是真正的痛苦(pain),故选

    44、A。38A.important BdifferentCleading Dactive解析:选 D 根据前文“my parents encouraged me to hope for the future, teaching me that my difficulty could be overcome”以及后文“trying many medications and herbs”可知,在父母的鼓励下,我积极(active)与病魔做斗争,尝试很多药物,故选 D。39A.developed BremovedCincreased Dimproved解析:选 D 根据前文所述可知,我的心态变得积极了,

    45、尝试了很多种药物,结合下文提到的“my personal . had led to this improvement”可推知,此处应该是说在毕业前我的健康也得到了很大改善,故选 improve,意为“改善” 。40A.joy BgoalCwill Dlife解析:选 C 根据前文“I therefore took a(n) _38_ role in fighting against my disease”和后文“I regained selfconfidence and made many friends at school”可推断出,带来这种改善的是我个人的毅力,故选 C, will 在此处

    46、作名词,意为“毅力,意志力” 。41A.over BforClike Din解析:选 C 结合语境可知,此处应该是类比,表示我学到了很多东西,就像(like)我战胜病魔时一样,故选 C。42A.ability BleadershipCquality Dfriendship解析:选 B 根据后文以及下段末句 “I learned what true leadership is”可知,我管理团队,在克服各种困难的过程中学到了很多关于领导能力(leadership)的知识,故选 B。43A.taught BfoundCfollowed Dmanaged解析:选 D 前文讲述了我作为特别活动主管加入了

    47、一个团队,后文讲述的就是我如何管理(managed)这个 6 人团队的,故选 D。44A.mistake BmethodCeffort Dright解析:选 A 后文讲述了我带领的团队失败了,由此可推知,此处表示我意识到了自己的错误,即下文提到的自己很自负,不听取别人意见,故选 mistake,意为“错误” 。45A.satisfied BstrictCpatient Dfamiliar解析:选 B 后文讲述了我对他们的想法不赞成,我自己完成大部分工作。由此可推知,我对他们要求严格,故选 B。be strict with 意为“对 要求严格” 。46A.ideas BtalentsCdesir

    48、es Dtasks解析:选 A 后文提到我自己做了大多数的工作,由此可推知,我应该是拒绝了他们提出的建议,故选 A。idea 意为“主意,想法” 。47A.help BguideCshow Dremind解析:选 A 根据前文“I performed most of their tasks myself”可推知,我只让他们帮(help)我做一些小细节方面的工作,故选 A。48A.disturbed BdiscouragedCencouraged Deducated解析:选 B 根据前文所述,我付出了如此大的努力却换来了失败。据此可推断,这种挫折让我气馁,故选 B。discourage 意为“使气馁


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