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    (江苏专用)牛津译林版高中英语必修5:Unit1 Period Two学案(含答案)

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    (江苏专用)牛津译林版高中英语必修5:Unit1 Period Two学案(含答案)

    1、Period Two Word power & Grammar and usage.重点单词1 n娱乐,消遣2 adv.& adj.在线(的)3 n身份4 adj.荒唐的,怪诞的.重点短语1 熬夜2 毫无疑问3 想出,提出4 使某人振奋5 宁愿6 而不是7 渴望做某事8 推迟.重点句式1not only.but also.He is , ,so everyone likes him.他不仅有礼貌,而且心胸宽广,也不失幽默,所以大家都很喜欢他。2would rather.than.You know I study algebra and arithmetic!你知道我宁愿去看牙科医生也不愿去学代

    2、数和算术!重点词汇1Neither of us is quietthats for sure!我们两人都不是安静的人那是肯定的!归纳拓展(1)neither pron.两者中无论哪一个都不 ,常见结构为: neither.nor.表示“既不也不” ,连接的并列结构主要有:并列主语、并列谓语、并列状语和并列宾语(表语) 。(2)当 neither.nor.连接并列主语时,谓语动词的数要与邻近的主语保持一致。(3)neither 表示 “两者”的完全否定,而 both 与 not 搭配则构成“两者”的部分否定;在表示“三者(或以上)”的完全否定时,用 none,no one,nothing 等,而

    3、表示“三者(或以上) ”的部分否定时,用 not 等否定词与 all,every,always 等搭配。语境助记(1)That is neither my fault nor yours.那既不是我的错亦非你的错。(2)He neither drinks nor smokes.他既不喝酒也不吸烟。(3)Neither you nor she is good at drawing.你和她都不擅长绘画。题组训练(1)无论他们还是他都不是完全正确的。they he wholly right.(2)汤姆来得正是时候,既不太早也不太晚。Tom came at the right time, too ea

    4、rly too late.(3)The research group produced two reports based on the survey,but contained any useful suggestions.(2015福建,21)Aall BnoneCeither Dneither2We stay up at night and talk about many things.我们晚上会聊许多事情,睡得比较晚。归纳拓展stay up 熬夜,不睡觉;保持留在原位;挺住stay still 静止不动stay with 和呆在一起stay out 不在家;避开语境助记(1)We st

    5、ayed up till midnight studying English.我们一直学英语到午夜。(2)Strong houses may stay up through the earthquake.坚固的房子可能会在地震中保存下来。(3)Dont stay still;there is a guest.别呆着了,客人来了。题组训练(1)为了完成我的报告,我打算熬夜。I am going to to finish my report.(2)他父亲叫他避开麻烦。His father told him to .(3)我母亲这星期来我们家住。My mother this week.(4)He h

    6、as left out the most important reason why he last night.Astayed up Bput upCpicked up Dkept up3I have no doubt he will succeed.我毫不怀疑他会成功。归纳拓展no doubt 无疑地;很可能beyond/out of doubt 毫无疑问地without doubt 无疑地Theres no doubt that.毫无疑问注意:(1)doubt 作动词时:在肯定句中接 whether/if 引导的宾语从句。在否定句、疑问句中接 that 引导的宾语从句。(2)doubt 作

    7、名词时:在肯定句中接 whether 引导的同位语从句。在否定句中用 that 引导同位语从句。语境助记(1)No doubt,I have learned a lot from him.无疑地,我从他身上学到了很多。(2)He is,without doubt,the greatest golfer in Japan.毫无疑问,他是日本最优秀的高尔夫球手。(3)We all doubt whether/if John will come on time.我们都怀疑约翰会不会准时来。题组训练(1)He has some doubt (我是否会准时来)(2) (毫无疑问) a cure for

    8、AIDS will be found someday.(3)John will probably be late for the train,won t he? .Theres little time left.ANo way BNo wonderCNo problem DNo doubt4See how many positive and negative adjectives that describe personality you can come up with.看一看你能够想出多少表示积极和消极的描绘个性的形容词。归纳拓展come up with 想出,提出(主意、答案等 ),该短

    9、语通常接 a plan/a proposal/an idea 等作宾语。come up 走近;出现;(太阳、月亮)升起come to life 活跃起来,恢复生气come out 出版;出来;露出;开花come across 偶然遇到语境助记(1)He would always come up with a new idea for increasing sales.他总能提出新的提高销售量的主意。(2)The town came to life after sunrise.日出之后,这个城镇恢复了生气。(3)These animals only come out at night.这些动物只

    10、在夜晚出来。题组训练(1)用 come 短语的正确形式填空The sky was dark blue when the moon .I an old school friend in Oxford Street this morning.Your most recent book last year.The scientists are beating their brains trying to a solution to the problem.(2)I cant go for a picnic with you because something urgent has .What a s

    11、hame!Acome up Bcleared upCstayed up Dended up5Im so glad I have persuaded you to apologize to Rachel.能成功地说服你向雷切尔道歉,我真是太高兴了。归纳拓展persuade vt.说服,劝说;使相信Error!说服某人做某事Error!说服某人不做某事Error!使某人相信某事注意:persuade ,advise 这两个词都有“劝说”的意思,不同的是:persuade 表示“劝说并使之听从” ;若只表示劝说的动作而不强调“使之服从”的结果,要用 advise 或 try to persuade。

    12、语境助记(1)I persuaded him to give up the attempt.我说服了他放弃这次尝试。(2)It will be difficult to persuade them that theres no other choice.很难让他们相信别无选择。(3)He made vain efforts to try to persuade his son.他努力说服儿子,但枉费了一番口舌。题组训练(1)用 advise,persuade 的正确形式填空We him to give up smoking,but he was not .(2)Its not easy to

    13、(说服他不出国)(3)His friends him to see a doctor,but he refused all of them.Apersuaded BadvisedCinsisted Dsuggested6Mum discourages me from chatting online.妈妈阻止我网聊。归纳拓展(1)discourage vt.劝阻,阻止;使失去信心,使泄气discourage (doing) sth.阻止(做 )某事discourage sb.from doing sth.阻止某人做某事(2)discouraging adj.令人气馁的(3)discouraged

    14、 adj.气馁的(4)encourage vt.鼓励语境助记(1)The difficult work discouraged Alan and he left school.过难的功课使 Alan 失去了信心,他退学了。(2)We discourage smoking in this school.我们阻止在这所学校里吸烟。(3)The Offshoring Act establishes tariffs to discourage companies from laying off their workers.停止离岸法案通过设立关税来阻止公司裁减员工。题组训练(1)用 discourag

    15、e 的正确形式填空I think he felt because of the result.(2)我母亲是个中学老师,她劝我不要干这行。My mother is a middle school teacher,and she entering the field.(3)It is generally accepted that smoking is harmful to our health.We ought to be focusing on kids from smoking.Adiscouraging BinspiringCpersuading Dencouraging经典句式1He

    16、is not only polite,but also openminded and humorous ,so everyone likes him.他不仅有礼貌,而且心胸宽广,也不失幽默,所以大家都很喜欢他。归纳拓展not only.but also.不仅而且 (1)用于连接两个性质相同的词或短语。(2)当 not only.but also.连接两个主语时,谓语动词的数原则上与其相近的主语保持一致。(3)为了强调,可将 not only 置于句首,此时其后接的句子通常要用部分倒装的形式(but also后面的分句不倒装)。(4)also 有时可以省略。语境助记(1)Not only the

    17、 students but also their teacher is enjoying the film.不仅学生们在欣赏这部影片,他们的老师也在欣赏这部影片。(2)We were not only hungry,but also tired.我们不但饿了,而且也累了。(3)His name is known not only in Japan,but in China.他不仅在日本出名,而且在中国也出名。题组训练(1)不仅那位老师,还有学生们都反对该项计划。the teacher the students against the plan.(2)他们不但需要衣服,而且还缺水。they ne

    18、ed clothing, they are also short of water.(3)The computer was used in teaching.As a result,not only ,but students became more interested in the lessons.Asaved was teachers energyBwas teachers energy savedCteachers energy was savedDwas saved teachers energy2You know I would rather visit the dentist t

    19、han study algebra and arithmetic!你知道我宁愿去看牙科医生也不愿去学代数和算术!归纳拓展(1)本句是简单句,would rather do.than do.宁可也不(2)would rather宾语从句,表示“宁愿(某人) 做某事” ,此时从句要用虚拟语气,一般过去时表示对现在或将来动作的虚拟;过去完成时表示过去要做而实际没有做的动作。语境助记(1)He would rather die than betray his friends.他宁死也不出卖他的朋友们。(2)We would rather rent the house than buy it outri

    20、ght.我们宁可租这幢房子,也不愿直接买下它。(3)I would rather you did it now.我宁愿你现在就做这件事。题组训练(1)我宁可死也不会向海伦道歉。I to Helen.(2)Your aunt invites you to the movies today.I would rather she me tomorrow than today.Atells BtoldCwould tell Dhad told.词形变换1He is a (gift) athlete.2He has a habit of making (humor) remarks,so we all

    21、like him.3The most (discourage) thing is to be misunderstood by others.4His chief (amuse) is reading novels.5He would rather stay poor than get money in a (honest) way.完成句子6我相信你是诚实的。I that you are honest.7她最终说服他去了医院。Finally she him going to the hospital.8他的父母试图阻止他去当演员。His parents him an actor.9工人们不仅

    22、想要涨工资,还想要减少工时。the workers want to increase their pay, they also want to reduce working hours.10我宁愿你明天来。I would rather tomorrow.单项填空11 in the world China is a great country with a long history and rich history.(2017启东中学高二月考)AThere is no doubt;ifBIt is no doubt;thatCThere is no doubt;thatDIt is no dou

    23、bt;whether12Frankly,Id rather you anything about it for the time being.Ado Bdont doCdidnt do Dwill not do13Maybe you could be an inventormaybe even good enough to an idea for the next iPhone or new medicine for cancer.Aput up with Bkeep up withCcatch up with Dcome up with14The shy girl felt and unco

    24、mfortable when she couldnt answer her teachers questions.(2017盐城龙冈中学高二调研)Aamazed BawkwardCcurious Damused15Not only a school for his hometown that year,but a helping hand to the people in the earthstricken area.Ahe built ;he lentBhe built;did he lendCdid he build;did he lendDdid he build;he lent语法感知

    25、动词不定式.用所给动词的正确形式填空1Almost everyone wants (make) friends and develop friendships with others.2I was shocked (find) a piece of paper on my desk.3He accused me of some really bad things just (hurt) me.4Why not (come) to join us?5Its always fine (receive) a letter from a friend far away.单句改错(每小题仅有 1 处错误

    26、 )1I have nothing to do but to watch TV.2Youd better to tidy your room.3He was made work thirteen hours a day.4They were the last guests arrive.5We dont allow hunt in the reserve.语法精析动词不定式动词不定式由“to动词原形 ”构成。这里的 to 是不定式标志,没有词义。不定式具有名词、形容词或副词的某些语法功能,又有动词的时态和语态的特点及作用。常见的形式如下表所示(以及物动词 do 为例) ,不及物动词没有被动语态

    27、。语态时态 主动 被动一般式 to do to be done进行式 to be doing /完成式 to have done to have been done完成进行式 to have been doing /一、不定式的时态和语态1一般式表示的动作,有时与谓语动词表示的动作同时发生,有时发生在谓语动词的动作之后。例如:He seems to know this.他似乎知道这事。I hope to see you again.I hope that Ill see you again.我希望再见到你。2进行式表示动作正在进行,与谓语动词表示的动作同时发生。例如:He seems to b

    28、e eating something.他好像正在吃什么东西。3完成式表示的动作发生在谓语动词表示的动作之前。例如:Im sorry to have given you so much trouble.很抱歉,给你添了那么多的麻烦。He seems to have caught a cold.他好像已经得了感冒。4完成进行式表示动作从过去开始延续至说话的时候。例如:She is known to have been working on the problem for many years.我们知道她研究这问题有好几年了。二、不定式的作用1作主语Too see is to believe.眼见为

    29、实。不定式作主语,往往用 it 作形式主语,真正的主语不定式放至句子的后面。Its so nice to hear your voice.听到你的声音真高兴。Its necessary for you to lock the car when you do not use it.不用车的时候,锁车是有必要的。2作宾语大致上有两种情况:(1)有些及物动词用不定式作宾语,结构为“动词不定式 ”。例如:The driver failed to see the other car in time.司机没能及时看见另一辆车。(2)“疑问词不定式”结构可作介词的宾语。例如:Were talking abo

    30、ut how to overcome the present difficulties.我们正在讨论如何克服当前的困难。She gave me lots of valuable advice on how to lose weight.她就如何减肥给我提出了许多好的建议。3作宾补有些动词可以用不定式作补语。有这种用法的动词有:advise, allow,cause,challenge,command,drive(驱使),enable, encourage,forbid,force,instruct ,invite,like/love,order,permit,make,let,have,wan

    31、t,get,warn ,persuade,request,send,tell,train,urge 等。例如:Father will not allow us to play on the street.父亲不让我们在街上玩耍。The officer ordered his men to fire.长官命令士兵们开火。4作表语不定式可放在系动词后面作表语。例如:His dream is to be a doctor.他的梦想是成为一名医生。5作定语不定式作定语通常要放在被修饰的词后面,往往表示未发生的动作。例如:Are you going to the conference to be hel

    32、d next week?你准备参加下周举行的会议吗?6作状语(1)作目的状语常用结构为 to do,only to do,in order to do,so as to do,so (such)as to.。例如:He ran so fast as to catch the first bus.他飞快地跑以便赶上第一班车。I come here only to say goodbye to you.我来仅仅是为了向你告别。(2)作结果状语表示没有预料到的或事与愿违的结果,不定式要放在句子后面。He searched the room only to find nothing.他搜查了房间,结果

    33、什么也没发现。(3)表原因She wept to see the sight.她一看到这情形就哭了。(4)表理由和条件He must be a fool to say so.他那样说真是傻。You will do well to speak more carefully.如果你说话再小心一些,你将会做得很好。注意:1.省去 to 的动词不定式(1)情态动词(除 ought 外)后。(2)使役动词 let,have,make 后;感官动词 see,watch,look at,notice,observe,hear,listen to,smell,feel,find 等后。但被动语态中不能省去 t

    34、o。例如:The boss made them work the whole night.They were made to work the whole night.老板让他们整夜干活。I saw him dance.He was seen to dance.我看见他跳舞。(3)would rather,had better 句型后。(4)Why./Why not.句型后。(5)help 后可带 to,也可不带 to。(6)but 和 except 后。but 前有实义动词 do 时,后面出现的不定式不带 to。比较:He wants to do nothing but go out.他只想

    35、出去玩。He wants to believe anything but to take the medicine.除了吃药,他什么都信。(7)由 and,or 和 than 连接的两个不定式,第二个 to 可以省去。Id like to lie down and (to) go to sleep.我想躺下睡觉了。(8)通常在 discover,imagine ,suppose,find,consider 等词后作宾补时,可以省去 to be。例如:He is supposed (to be) nice.他被认为是个好人。2to 可以用作不定式的标志,也可用作介词。下面的 to 都用作介词:a

    36、dmit to object to be accustomed tobe used to stick to turn to(开始)look forward to be devoted to pay attention tocontribute to apologize to devote oneself towhen it comes to题组训练完成句子1我发现和他一起工作很有意思。I find .2在这种情形下,讲实话是最好的办法。is the best method in this situation.3他在寻找一间房间居住。He is looking for a room .4那是解决

    37、这个问题的最好办法吗?Is that the best way ?5汽车停下来以便接乘客。The bus stopped .语法感知动名词用所给动词的正确形式填空1He was praised for (do) a good deed.2We were all excited for (be) praised.3After (send) you that letter,I recollected how stupid I was.4It is a waste of time (persuade) such a person to join us.5Their (come) to help wa

    38、s a great encouragement to us.6I apologize for not (have) waited for you.7Do you have any difficulty (in) (understand) spoken English?8It is no use/no good (cry) over spilt milk.9 (climb) mountains is really fun.10Would you mind his (use) your computer?语法精析动名词动名词由动词原形加ing 构成,与现在分词形式相同。动名词可以起名词的作用,在句

    39、中作主语和宾语等;同时,它还保留着某些动词的特征,如有完成式和被动语态,可以有自己的宾语和状语。动名词的否定形式为:not/never 动名词。详情见下表( 以动词 do 为例):肯定式 doing否定式 not doing完成式 having done被动式 being donehaving been done一、动名词的时态和语态1主动语态(1)一般式。动名词的一般式所表示的动作可以是泛指,也可以与谓语动词同时发生。例如:Then for a period of several weeks we practise doing the play.然后这几周的时间我们排练这部戏。(2)完成式。

    40、完成式所表示的动作发生在谓语动词所表示的动作之前。例如:He apologized to me for having broken my glasses.由于打破了我的眼镜,他向我道歉。2被动语态如果动名词的逻辑主语为动名词所表示的动作的承受者,动名词要用被动语态。(1)一般式。例如:He came in without being noticed.他进来了,谁也没有注意到。(2)完成式。表示该动作发生在谓语动词所表示的动作之前。例如:Shes angry about not having been invited.她对没有受到邀请感到生气。二、动名词的句法功能1作主语谓语动词一律用单数形式。

    41、例如:It is no use arguing with him.和他争吵是没有用的。注意:常用 v.ing形式作主语的句型有:It is/was a waste of time doing.做是浪费时间的。It is/was no good/use doing.做是没用的。It is/was hardly/scarcely worth doing.做不值得。It is/was worth/worthwhile doing.做是值得的。There is/was no sense in doing.做没道理。There is/was no use doing.做 无用。There is/was

    42、nothing worse than doing.没有比做更糟的。There is/was no point doing.做无意义。2作表语作表语的动名词与主语通常是对等的关系,表示主语的内容,主语、表语可互换位置。例如:Her job is teaching.Teaching is her job.她的工作是教书。In the ant city, the queens job is laying eggs.In the ant city,laying eggs is the queens job.在蚂蚁王国,蚁后的工作是产卵。3作宾语He is fond of playing footbal

    43、l.他喜欢踢足球。注意:(1)admit,appreciate ,avoid,consider,delay,enjoy,escape,excuse ,face,feel like, finish,forgive,give up,imagine,include,keep , mention,mind,miss,practise,put off,resist ,risk,suggest,cant help,cant stand 等动词和动词短语后可以用动名词作宾语,但不能用不定式。(2)forget,go on,mean,regret,remember,stop ,try 等动词(短语) 可带动名

    44、词或不定式作宾语,但意义上有区别。例如:Error!Error!Error!Error!Error!Error!Error!Error!Error!Error!Error!4作定语动名词作定语修饰名词时,说明被修饰名词的用途,在意义上有“供作之用”的意思。可以用这种定语修饰的名词有:way (of),method (of),art (of),chance (of),opportunity (of),habit (of),hope (of),process (of),possibility (of),importance (of),means (of)等。例如:The cave was a good hiding place for the poor children at that time.在那个时候,这个洞穴对于那些穷孩子来说是一个很好的藏身之处。a walking sticka stick for walking 一根拐棍Your way of looking at things is better.你看事情的方法比较好。5作同位语动名词作同位语时,表示对主语进行解释说明。例如:His habit,listening to the news on the radio,remains unchanged.他在收音机上听新闻


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