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    (江苏省)牛津译林版高中英语选修六:Unit1 Period Four学案(含答案)

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    (江苏省)牛津译林版高中英语选修六:Unit1 Period Four学案(含答案)

    1、Period Four Project.重点单词1 n(戏剧、小说等的 )情节背景;场景;环境vt.布置,安排2 n邀请vt.邀请3 adj.拥挤的n人群;v.拥挤4 adj.貌似官方的adj.长相好的5 n怒气,怒,怒火adj.生气的adv.生气地6 vi.& vt.鞠躬;低头;(使)弯曲;n.鞠躬;船头7 vt.撕,扯; n.眼泪8 vi.猛冲;突然出现;爆裂9 adj.空手;一无所获10 vi.怒目而视;发出炫目的光.重点短语1 为腾出地方2 发生;进行;继续3 加入某人(一起做某事)4 冲出去5 立刻6 闯进;突然闯入7 将某物呈献给某人;颁发某物给某人8 对怒目而视9 递出;拿出;伸

    2、出10 尽可能快地.重点句式1as if 引导的条件状语从句中的省略Of course.(moves over Tony)当然。(挪了挪,好像是要为托尼腾出地方 )2must have doneNo.I to tell you.对。我一定是忘记告诉你们了。.课文阅读理解1How many characters are in the play The invisible bench?AOne. BTwo.CFour. DFive.2In the play The invisible bench,who enters last?AMike. BAnn.CCathy. DPaula.3In the

    3、play The invisible bench,who “moved the bench”?AMike. BAnn.CPaula. DCathy.4In the play The important papers,what on earth does the King want?AA newspaper. BA magazine.CA roll of toilet paper. DA dictionary.5In the play The important papers,the servant can call the King “ ”AYour Majesty BYour Highnes

    4、sCDarling DBoth A and B.课文阅读填空Play The invisible bench The important papersThe 1. of the comediesPhysical:Actors use their bodies to perform the play.Prop:Actors use propstoilet paper and some other papers to perform the play.2. Five students The King,the Queen,the 3.Setting A park The palacePlot So

    5、me students 4. to be sitting on an invisible bench and 5. The King wants some toilet themselves quite a lot.One of them moves the bench without being noticed,so the others all fall down when the 6. is told.paper,7. he says that he wants important papers.Because he is the King,the servant 8. the impo

    6、rtant papers for some official documents.Finally,the servant understands him and 9. him what he wants.Funny pointSince the bench can not be 10. ,nobody knows whether it is there unless someone speaks it out.A play in which such words are used:important papers and toilet paper.课文阅读简答1What kind of pla

    7、ys are they? Comedy or tragedy?2In the second play,why were the others unable to understand the King? 重点词汇1tears the paper in two 把报纸撕成两半归纳拓展tear v撕裂,撕碎;n.眼泪tear.in two 把撕成两半tear.into pieces 把撕碎tear at sth.撕扯某物(强调动作)tear down 拆除语境助记(1)She tore at the cloth but couldnt tear it.她撕这块布,但没有撕开。(2)They are

    8、 tearing down these old houses to build a new office block.他们正在拆除这些旧房子以便建一座新的办公楼。题组训练(1)这纸容易撕碎。The paper .(2)Reynolds 把合同撕成了两半。Reynolds the contract .(3)A lot of buildings along the road will be to make room for the new highway.Atorn away Btorn downCtorn up Dtorn apart2Servant bursts in,next to Quee

    9、n ,emptyhanded and looking worried.仆人冲上舞台,来到王后身边,两手空空,神色焦虑。归纳拓展burst in 突然闯入burst into 闯入/闯进;突然起来burst into laughterburst out laughing 突然大笑起来burst into tearsburst out crying 突然大哭起来语境助记(1)Robbers often break in at midnight.强盗经常在半夜破门而入。(2)He burst into tears,while she burst out laughing.他突然哭了起来,而她却大笑起

    10、来。题组训练(1)一名男子挥动着一把枪闯入房间。A man waving a gun.(2) When the woman heard the bad news,she crying.Aburst out Bburst inCburst with Dburst up3He glares at Queen.他怒视着王后。归纳拓展glare vi.怒目而视;闪耀;发出炫目的光; n.强光;怒视glare at 对怒目而视语境助记(1)The sun glared out of the blue sky.太阳从蓝天中发出耀眼的光。(2)Why are you glaring at me?你为什么对我

    11、怒目而视?易混辨析 glare,look,gaze,stare,glance(1)glare(由于愤怒而)瞪着或怒 视。(2)look 看着( 没有任何感情色彩) 。(3)gaze(由于兴趣、感慨、喜欢或惊奇而 )目不转睛地凝视。(4)stare(由于好奇、无礼、傲慢而)睁大眼睛凝望,盯着或瞪着看。(5)glance 快速地看某人或某物一眼。题组训练用 glare,look,gaze,stare, glance 的适当形式填空(1)She at the man when he interrupted her.(2)He at the word trying to remember its me

    12、aning.(3)He secretly at the pretty girl across the table.(4)She went to the window to at the first color along the grey sky.(5)He didnt at the blackboard but played with a knife.4holds out a roll of toilet paper 拿出一卷卫生纸归纳拓展hold out 拿出;(食物等)维持;抵抗;抱有(希望)hold on 不挂断(电话);坚持住hold on to 抓紧,不放开hold back 阻挡

    13、;隐瞒hold up 举起;延误;耽搁;抢劫语境助记(1)The woman held out her papers and began to read.那个妇女拿出她的论文开始读起来。(2)We should hold on in the face of hardships.在困难面前我们应该坚持。(3)My father said that if we believe something was true,we should hold on to it.父亲说如果我们相信某事是真的,我们就应该坚持。题组训练(1)用 back,up ,out 填空Will the car hold till

    14、 we reach London?The doctors hold little hope of his recovery.They must do something to hold rushing fans.I held my hand to show that I had a question.(2) I as long as I could from telling her the news.Aheld back Bheld onCheld out Dheld up经典句式Of course.(moves over as if to make room for Tony)当然。(挪了挪

    15、,好像是要为托尼腾出地方 )归纳拓展(1)此句中的 as if to make room for Tony 是省略形式,其完整形式为 as if he is to make room for Tony。当 as if/though 从句的主 语与主句的主语一致或从句的主 语为 it,且从句谓语含有 be 动词时,从句可以省略主语或 it 及 be 动词。(2)as if/though 引导的从句是用虚拟语气, 还是用陈述语 气, 应该根据具体情况而定。如果从句表示的意思与事实完全相反,或者 纯粹是一种假设,通常用虚拟语气。与过去事实相反,从句谓语动词 用过去完成时。与现在事实相反,从句谓语动词

    16、 用过去时(be 动词用 were)。与将来事实相反,从句谓语动词 用“would/could动词 原形” 。It looks as if/though 引导的表语从句若表示真实情况,不用虚拟语气。语境助记(1)他表现得若无其事。He behaved as if nothing had happened.(2)天看起来要下雨。It looks as if it is going to rain.题组训练(1)她看起来似乎是冰做的。It looks as if she ice.(2)这会议好像开不完似的。It seemed as if the meeting .(3) The two stude

    17、nts talked as if they friends for years.Ashould be Bwould beChave been Dhad been.单词拼写1I received an i to the birthday party of my classmate.2The earth will be very c and there will be a little room for each person in the near future.3The Japanese (鞠躬 ) to each other when they meet.4Some boys (急奔) ou

    18、t of the classroom as soon as the class ended.5In China,it is regarded as impolite to visit someone (空手的) 6Our story has its s in ancient China.7Dont pull the pages so hard or they will (撕破 )8I felt warm and (暖和舒适的) sitting by the fire.选词填空burst in,glare at,hold out,go on,make room for9Please step a

    19、side a little to me.10We didnt say anything,but stood there each other.11The door was burst open,and an angry man .12As time ,she grew prettier.13We were short of water but could for another day.完成句子14The girl listened (她已经变成了石头似的)15Ill look at your plan and reply (尽快)16They (肯定已经完成) the task by the

    20、 end of last week,hadnt they?17Great changes have taken place in the city since 1990.It (已经呈现新面貌)18The man was walking on the street, (腋下夹着一本书).单项填空 19My grandfather still plays tennis now and then, hes in his nineties.(2016北京,27)Aas long as Bas ifCeven though Din case20The moment the people of Chin

    21、a heard that Beijing,and Zhangjiakou in Hebei province had won the bid for the 2022 Winter Olympic Games,they cheers. (2017南通中学高二月考)Aburst in Bburst toCburst into Dburst out21. The angry teacher the impatient boy who was doing something that had nothing to do with what was being taught.Aglared at Bl

    22、ooked atCglanced at Dgazed at22. Mary wasnt satisfied with the blue dress,so the shopkeeper another dress for her to try on.Aheld down Bheld onCheld out Dheld up23. She doesnt like coats made this kind of cloth,because the cloth easily.Aof;tear Bfrom ;tearCof;tears Dfrom;tears答案精析基础自测.1.setting;set

    23、2.invitation;invite 3.crowded ;crowd 4.officiallooking;goodlooking 5.anger;angry;angrily6bow 7.tear 8.burst 9.emptyhanded 10.glare.1.make room for 2.go on 3.join sb.(in doing sth.)4dash out 5.at once 6.burst in7present sth.to sb. 8.glare at 9.hold out10as fast as possible/one can.1.as if to make roo

    24、m for 2.must have forgotten课文预读.1.D 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.D.1.type/kind 2.Characters 3.Servant 4.pretend5enjoy 6.truth/fact 7.but/while 8.mistakes/takes9brings 10.seen.1.Both of them are comedy. 2.Because the King expressed his opinion in a roundabout(拐弯抹角的) way and he said that he wanted his important pape

    25、rs;the others would mistake them for some official documents.要点探究重点词汇1(1)tears easily (2)tore;in two(3)B 句意为:沿路的许多楼房将被拆除以便为新公路腾地方。tear down 拆除,符合句意。tear away 撕掉,揭穿;tear up 撕毁,撕碎(文件等);tear apart 撕毁;拆散。2(1)burst into the room(2)A 句意为:当那位女士听到 这个坏消息时,她放声大哭起来。burst out cryingburst into tears 突然大哭起来。3(1)g

    26、lared (2)stared (3)glanced (4)gaze (5)look4(1)out out back up(2)A 句意为:我尽可能 长时间 地克制自己,不把消息告诉她。hold back 阻碍,抑制;hold on用力抓住,坚持;hold out 递出,拿出; hold up 阻挠,延误。根据句意可知选 A 项。经典句式(1)were made of (2)would never end(3)D as if 引导的从句表示 对过去情况的虚拟,用过去完成时。当堂达标.1.invitation 2.crowded 3.bow 4.dashed 5.emptyhanded 6.se

    27、tting 7.tear 8.cosy.9.make room for 10.glaring at 11.burst in 12.went on 13.hold out.14.as if she had been turned to stone 15.as soon as possible 16.must have finished 17.has taken on a new look 18.with a book under his arm.19.C 考查状语从句。句意为:即使九十多岁了,我爷爷仍然可以时不时地打打网球。even though 即使,符合题意。as long as 只要;as

    28、 if 好像;in case 万一。20C 句意为:中国人一听到北京和河北省的张家口获得了 2022 年冬奥会的举办权,他们都开始欢呼起来。burst into cheers 大声欢呼。 21A 根据句意可知,愤怒的教 师一定是用愤怒的目光看着没有耐心的男孩,因此选 A 项。22C 句意为:玛丽对那条蓝色的裙子不满意,于是店员拿出另外一条裙子让她试穿。hold out 拿出,伸出,符合句意。hold down 压制,抑制,缩减;hold on 继续, 坚持,不挂断(电话);hold up 举起,支撑,阻挡。23C be made of 由制成,能看出原材料;be made from 由制成,看不出原材料是什么。tear 撕,扯,其主语为 the cloth,故 谓语动词用第三人称单数。


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