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    译林版高中英语选修七(江苏)课件:Unit 4 Period Four

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    译林版高中英语选修七(江苏)课件:Unit 4 Period Four

    1、Unit 4 Public transport,基础自测,课文预读,内容索引,要点探究,当堂达标,Period Four Project,基础自测,.重点单词 1. vi.出现,产生(过去式)(过去分词) 2. n.骑自行车的人v.骑自行车;运转n.自行车;循环 3. n.行人,步行者adj.行人(使用)的,arise,arose,arisen,cyclist,cycle,pedestrian,4. adj.好斗的,挑衅的adv.好斗地,进取地n.侵略 5. n.& vi.& vt.撞车;碰撞;倒闭;崩溃 6. vt.处以罚金adj.美好的;杰出的;健康的;晴朗的 7. adj.喝醉的n.醉汉

    2、v.喝,饮n.饮料,aggressive,aggressively,aggression,crash,fine,drunk,drink,8. vt.违犯,违反;侵犯n.违犯;侵犯 9. n.拐弯处v.旋转,使转动 10. n.负荷,负载;大量vt.装载 11. n.刹车,车闸vt.用车闸减速,刹车 12. n.人行横道;十字路口;穿越v.横跨;横渡,violate,violation,turning,turn,load,brake,crossing,cross,.重点短语 1. 起因于,由引起 2. 目的是,旨在 3. 符合于,适用于 4. 和有关 5. 注意,当心,arise from,be

    3、 aimed at,be true of,in connection with,watch out for,.重点句式,of road accidents. 以下是引起道路交通事故的一些主要原因,1.完全倒装句,Below are some of the major causes,that we avoid accidents by paying attention to road safety. 我们所有的道路使用者都有责任注意道路安全,避免交通事故。,2.It is up to sb.to do sth.,It is up to all of us road users to make s

    4、ure,课文预读,.课文阅读理解 1.The purpose of this text is mainly to . A.analyze the causes of traffic problems B.conclude the solutions to traffic problems C.make people aware of traffic problems and advise how to solve them D.blame the traffic problems on vehicle drivers,答案,1,2,3,4,5,2.Which of the following

    5、is NOT drivers fault to lead to traffic problems? A.Speeding. B.Heavy traffic. C.Overtaking other vehicles. D.Not paying attention to surrounding traffic.,答案,1,2,3,4,5,3.What does “This lack of control is an invitation to accidents.” most probably mean? A.This lack of control can prevent traffic pro

    6、blems. B.This lack of control can result in traffic problems. C.This lack of control proves successful to prevent traffic accidents. D.Traffic accidents happen every day without any control.,答案,1,2,3,4,5,4.How can a cyclist prevent a traffic accident? A.Riding too close to vehicles. B.Signalling whe

    7、n turning onto the correct side of the road. C.Riding along the pavement. D.Riding with overloads.,答案,1,2,3,4,5,5.What shouldnt a pedestrian do when he crosses the road? A.Looking both ways. B.Listening for cars. C.Running across the road. D.Waiting for green lights.,答案,1,2,3,4,5,.课文阅读填空,aimed,pass,

    8、surrounding,Assume/Think/Consider,hurt/harm,carried,poor,unable,Run,responsible,要点探究,The number of road accidents and the deaths arising from those accidents has increased over the past year. 在过去的一年中,道路事故数量以及由此造成的死亡人数有所增长。,重点词汇,arise vi.发生,产生;形成;起身;起义 arise from sth.因某事而产生、引起;缘自;出身于。还可用作arise out of

    9、 sth.表示“因某事而产生/引起”。这是一个由“动词介词”构成的短语动词,表示主语与from的宾语间的因果关系,但不失本义“发生”的意思,其主语常用抽象名词,例如argument/problem/question/ quarrel等。,归纳拓展,(1)Unexpected difficulties arose in the course of their experiment. 在他们进行试验的过程中,产生了意想不到的困难。 (2)Several new industries arose in the town. 城里出现了好几种新行业。 (3)Emotional or mental pro

    10、blems can arise from a physical cause. 身体上的原因可能会引起情绪或精神上的问题。,语境助记,(1)The generation gap usually the lack of communication between parents and children. A.arising from B.arises from C.resulting from D.results in,答案,解析,解析 句意为:代沟通常是由于父母与子女之间缺少沟通造成的。句中缺少谓语,故排除A、C两项。arise from因某事而引起,符合句意。result in导致。,题组训

    11、练,(2)Every year accidents from carelessness while driving result in many deaths. A.rising B.arousing C.raising D.arising,答案,解析,解析 句意为:每年由于粗心驾驶引起的交通事故造成了很多死亡。arise from意为“由引起”,符合题意。rise升起;arouse唤起;raise提高。,be true of符合于,适用于 come true实现,达到,This is true of everyone as accidents affect drivers of vehicl

    12、es as well as cyclists and pedestrians. 这对每个人都一样(重要),因为事故不只是影响到车辆驾驶员,并且还影响到骑自行车的人和行人。,归纳拓展,(1)Many people fear darkness.It is true of Xiao Ming. 许多人怕黑,小明也是这样。 (2)In some countries,the old people are well respected and their children live with them.This is true of China. 在有些国家,老人受到尊重,孩子们和他们住在一起,中国就是这

    13、样一个国家。,语境助记,(1)In Chinese,the same pronunciation with different tones has different meanings.The same (适用于) music.,题组训练,is true of,解析 句意为:只要你努力,你的梦想会成真的,所有的人都如此。come true实现;be true of适用于。,(2)If you make every effort,your dream will ,and this all the people. A.be come true;is true to B.come true;is t

    14、rue of C.realize;is true for D.is realised;is true to,答案,解析,Below are some of the major causes of road accidents in connection with vehicles such as cars,minibuses and lorries,and what drivers should do to prevent them. 以下是涉及车辆比如汽车、中巴和货车的一些道路事故的主要原因,以及为防止事故发生司机们应做的事。,in connection with和有关 have (a di

    15、rect/close) connection with与有(直接的/密切的)联系 have no connection with与无关,归纳拓展,(1)The two affairs are in connection with each other. 这两件事情彼此有关联。 (2)His illness must have some connection with his diet. 他的病想必同他的饮食有关。,语境助记,(1)他问的问题和我们的讨论没有直接关系。 The question which he asked our discussion.,题组训练,had no direct c

    16、onnection with,(2)The manager refused to have his daughter in his department _ showing favor to her. A.in need of B.in connection with C.for fear of D.regardless of,答案,解析,解析 句意为:经理拒绝让他的女儿进入他的部门,唯恐对她表现出偏爱。for fear of唯恐,符合句意。in need of需要;in connection with和有关;regardless of不管。,fine vt.处以罚金;n.罚金,罚款 fine

    17、 sb.for (doing) sth.因(做)某事而处以某人罚金 fine sb. some money罚某人多少钱 a heavy fine重金罚款,Recently the number of people fined for speaking on their mobile phones while driving has increased by 30 per cent. 最近,因驾驶时用手机打电话而被罚款的司机人数增长了30%。,归纳拓展,(1)I would like to warn you in advance that if you smoked here you would

    18、 be fined.(2015湖北) 我想提前警告你,如果你在这吸烟,会被罚款的。 (2)Firms could face fines of up to 5,000. 公司可能面临最多5 000美元的罚款。 (3)He was fined 200 for stealing from the shop. 他因在商场偷窃被罚款200美元。,语境助记,(1)违者须付巨额罚金。 Offenders will be liable to .,题组训练,a heavy fine,(2)The man in uniform me 20 because I parked my car in the no-par

    19、king area. A.charged B.cost C.spent D.fined,答案,解析,解析 句意为:因为我把车停在了禁止停车地段,穿制服的那个人罚了我20美元。fine sb.some money罚某人多少钱。,If you drive after you have consumed alcoholic drinks or are drunk,you are violating the law and risking your own life as well as the lives of others. 如果你酒后或醉酒开车,那么你是在犯法并且危及自己和他人的生命。,(1)v

    20、iolate vt.违犯,违反;侵犯 (2)violation n.违反;违背 (3)violator n.违背者;违反者,归纳拓展,(1)She violated the terms of the contract repeatedly. 她三番五次地违反合同条款。 (2)The policeman rapped the driver for his violation of traffic regulations. 由于司机违反交通规则,警察对他严加批评。,语境助记,(1)她因为违反交通规则而受到罚款。 She was fined for .,题组训练,violating the traf

    21、fic rules,(2)The young lady was very angry because she felt her privacy had been as an actress. A.bothered B.abandoned C.violated D.split,答案,解析,解析 句意为:这位年轻女子非常生气是因为作为一名演员,她感到自己的隐私受到了侵犯。violate侵犯,符合句意。bother打扰;abandon放弃;split分离。,Carrying more than a light load on your bicycle makes it more difficult

    22、to control. 自行车过度负载会使你的自行车更难以控制。,(1)load vt.装载;装入;大量给予;n.负荷,负载,装载;大量 load.with.用装载 load sb.with sth. load sth. on to sb. load sth.into/onto.把装入到 a load of loads of (2)loaded adj.载重的;充满的 be loaded with装满 (3)download vt.下载,归纳拓展,大量赠送某人某物,许多,大量,(1)We loaded the car in ten minutes. 我们十分钟就装好了车。 (2)They lo

    23、aded her with gifts. 他们送了她很多礼物。 (3)Uncle Jim brought a whole load of presents for the kids. 吉姆大叔给孩子们带来了一大堆礼物。,语境助记,(1)用适当的介词填空 The truck carried a load furniture. They were loading a ship coal. The passengers were loaded the bus.,题组训练,of,with,into,解析 句意为:他们用卡车装载成箱的食物并送往灾区。load.with.用装载,符合句意。,(2)They

    24、 the trucks with boxes of food and sent the goods to the disaster areas. A.supplied B.provided C.loaded D.unloaded,答案,解析,经典句式,It is up to all of us road users to make sure that we avoid accidents by paying attention to road safety. 我们所有的道路使用者都有责任注意道路安全,避免交通事故。,归纳拓展,Its up to sb.to do sth.表示“由某人决定做某事

    25、”。 up to用法归纳: (1)“多达某个数量”; (2)表示时间限制,意为“直到为止”,相当于until/till; (3)“有资格做,能胜任”; (4)“由决定,取决于”,常用于It is up to sb.to do sth.句型; (5)“做,忙于,从事”,相当于doing或busy doing/with。,(1)Its not up to you to tell me how to do my job. 还轮不到你来告诉我怎么做我的事。 (2)I can take up to four people in my car. 我的汽车最多能带四个人。 (3)I cant go to t

    26、he movieIm up to my eyebrow. 我不能去看电影,我很忙很忙。,语境助记,(1)写出下列句子中up to的汉语意思 Its up to you to decide when we will start. _ She continued to care for her grandfather up to the time of his death. _ He is not up to the job. _ Drought and famine(饥荒) have killed up to two million people here. _,题组训练,由决定,取决于,直到,

    27、能胜任,有资格做,多达,(2)Shall we eat out or stay in? It you. A.up to B.up for C.is up to D.is up for,答案,解析,解析 句意为:咱们是到外面吃饭还是待在家里?你决定吧!be up to sb.由某人决定。,(3)Not only the exams,but also he did not his parents. A.he has failed;live up to B.he failed;come up with C.has he failed;live up to D.did he fail;come up

    28、with,答案,解析,解析 句意为:他不但没有通过考试,还辜负了他的父母。not only置于句首,句子用部分倒装;live up to不辜负;come up with提出。,当堂达标,.单词拼写 1.The was badly injured when the bicycle skidded(打滑). 2.The bus into a tree when it tried to avoid the pedestrians. 3.It looks as if he were (喝醉的). 4.The car in front of me stopped suddenly and I had t

    29、o (刹车). 5.Our company is at the (十字路口);it is easy to find it.,cyclist,crashed,drunk,brake,crossing,.选词填空 be aimed at,arise from,be aware of,watch out for,be true of 6.We felt his sympathy a kind heart. 7.It stopping the black market. 8.The same all other cases. 9. you these complaints? 10. the dog b

    30、ecause it often bites little children.,arising from,is aimed at,is true of,Are,aware of,Watch out for,.完成句子 11.树下站着一个小男孩。 Under the tree . 12.我们有责任帮助那些有困难的人。those in need. 13.那位教授的演讲很成功。 The speech that professor was a great success.,stands a little boy,Its up to us to help,given by,14.到达之后,来个电报。,se

    31、nd me a telegram. 15.面试时表现出色是进入大学的一个重要环节。will be an important part of getting a place at university.,When arriving/When you arrive,Doing well in an interview,.单项填空 16.Once air pollution in most cities,it is hard . A.rises;dealing with B.arouses;to be dealt with C.raises;dealt with D.arises;to deal w

    32、ith,解析 句意为:一旦在大多数城市发生空气污染,就很难处理。arise发生,产生,形成,符合句意。It isadj.to do,主动形式表被动含义。,答案,解析,解析 句意为:二氧化碳是我们和太阳之间的一道屏障,它使地球上的热量不容易释放出大气层,于是地球就变得越来越暖和。barrier障碍,可知应选D。difference不同;comparison比较;connection连接,关系。,17.Carbon dioxide,which makes a between us and the sun,prevents heat from getting out of the atmospher

    33、e easily,so the earth is becoming warmer. A.difference B.comparison C.connection D.barrier,答案,解析,解析 考查情态动词。句意为:我听说他们去年冬天去大山滑雪了。 那不可能的,因为那儿几乎没雪。couldnt表示对过去的否定猜测,符合句意。,18.I heard they went skiing in the mountains last winter. It true because there was little snow there. A.may not be B.wont be C.could

    34、nt be D.will be,答案,解析,解析 句意为:人生就像一辆载满乘客的公交车,每个人都驶向自己的目的地。be loaded with装满;此处loaded with passengers作后置定语,相当于定语从句which/that is loaded with passengers。,19.Life is like a bus with passengers,each man to his destination. A.loading B.to load C.loaded D.having loaded,答案,解析,解析 考查情景交际。句意为:我一直努力学习英语一个月了,但是还是没有太大提高。慢慢来。罗马非一日建成。Its up to you由你说了算;Take your time别紧张,慢慢来;Its a deal就这样定了;It all depends视情况而定。,20.I have been working at English for a month but I havent improved it much. .Rome wasnt built in a day. A.Its up to you B.Take your time C.Its a deal D.It all depends,答案,解析,本课结束,


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