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    人教新课标英语选修7《Unit 4 Period Three》课件

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    人教新课标英语选修7《Unit 4 Period Three》课件

    1、Unit 4 Sharing,语法导学,内容索引,达标检测,GrammarRevise the Attributive Clause (restrictive),语法导学,语法感知,课文原句感知,1.I know youre dying to hear all about my life here,so Ive included some photos will help you picture the places I talk about. 2.The boys had never come across anything like this before started jumping

    2、out of the windows.,which,who,3.But last weekend another teacher,Jenny,and I did visit a village is the home of one of the boys,Tombe. 4.We walked for two and a half hours to get therefirst up a mountain to a ridge from we had fantastic views and then down a steep path to the valley below.,which,whe


    4、在先行词之后,如果先行词再跟介词短语作定语时,定语从句置于后面。,I dont like people who always think of themselves. 我不喜欢那些总是为他们自己着想的人。 I saw a book on the desk whose cover is yellow. 我看见了书桌上一本封面是黄颜色的书。 一、关系代词引导的定语从句 1.常用的关系代词:that,which,who,whom,whose,as(在从句中作主语、宾语、定语、表语),2.意义及作用,Is he the man who/that wants to see you? 他是那个想见你的男人

    5、吗?(who/that在从句中作主语) He is the man whom/that/who I saw yesterday. 他就是我昨天见的那个人。(whom/that/who在从句中作宾语) The package (which/that) you are carrying is about to come unwrapped.你拿的那个包裹快要散开了。(which/that在从句中作宾语) The girl whose parents are both teachers is working hard.这个父母都是教师的女孩学习很刻苦。(whose表示那个女孩的,在从句中作定语) H

    6、e lives in a room whose window faces south. 他住在那个窗户朝南的房子里。(whose表示那个房子的,在从句中作定语),3.定语从句先行词为事或物时,只能用that不用which引导的情况: (1)先行词是最高级或被最高级修饰时。 That is one of the most interesting books that are sold in the bookshop. 那是这家书店出售的最有趣的书之一。 (2)先行词是序数词或被序数词修饰时。 The first thing that we should do is to get some foo

    7、d. 我们该做的第一件事是弄点吃的。,(3)先行词是不定代词all,few,little,much,anything,nothing,something等时。 Nothing that the teacher does doesnt influence his students. 老师所做的事情没有不影响到学生的。 (4)先行词既有人又有物时。 The writer and his novel that you have just talked about are really well known. 你刚才谈起的那位作家以及他的小说确实很出名。,(5)先行词被the only,the ver

    8、y,no,one of,few,little,all,every等修饰时。 My necklace is not the only thing thats missing. 我不只是丢了一条项链。 (6)在由which等引导的问句中,为避免重复,常用that。 Which is the movie that you like best? 哪部电影是你最喜欢的?,4.然而,在下列情况下却只用which而不用that: (1)当先行词表示事物意义,并且在从句中作介词的宾语,那么就只能用which。 The world in which we live is made of matter. 我们生活

    9、于其中的世界是由物质组成的。 (2)在非限制性定语从句中,当关系词表示事物意义时,只能用which。 The sun heats the earth,which makes it possible for plants to grow. 太阳给予大地热量,这就使植物的生长成为可能。,二、关系副词引导的定语从句 1.常用的关系副词:when,why,where(在从句中只作状语) 2.意义及作用,I will never forget the days when I was forced to drop out of school. 我永远也忘不了我被迫辍学的那些日子。 I dont know

    10、the reason why he came so late. 我不知道他来得那么晚的原因。 The room where he used to live has now been turned into a museum. 他过去住的那所房子现在变成了一座博物馆。 注意:并非先行词表示时间、原因、地点时都分别用when,where,why来引导相应的定语从句, 若关系词在修饰表示时间、原因或地点的先行词的定语从句中充当主语、宾语等而不是状语时, 需用which或that引导相应的定语从句。,Do you still remember the days which/that we spent

    11、together in school? 你还记得我们一起在学校度过的那些日子吗? The reason that he gave for his being late is unreasonable. 他为迟到给出的理由不合理。 This is the place which we visited last time. 这是我们上次去过的地方。,三、“介词关系代词”引导的定语从句 1.关系代词的选定 如果先行词指事(物),关系代词就用which,指人用whom。 This is the classroom in which we studied last year. 这就是我们去年学习用的教室

    12、。 This is the pilot for whom I bought a camera. 这个就是我给他买照相机的飞行员。,2.介词的选定 (1)根据先行词来选用介词。 The reason for which I came here is that I want to get your help.我来这儿的原因是我想得到你的帮助。 The farm on which I once worked has taken on a new look. 我曾经工作过的农场呈现出一派新景象。 (2)根据定语从句中的谓语动词或形容词来选用介词。 The person to whom this let

    13、ter was addressed died three years ago. 这封信的收信人三年前就去世了。,China is a beautiful country of which we are greatly proud. 中国是个我们为之感到非常骄傲的美丽国家。 The colourless gas without which we cannot live is called oxygen. 这种无色的、离了它我们无法生存的气体就是氧气。 (3)根据句意确定介词。,注意:很多情况下关系副词可以用“介词which/whom”来代替。 The day when I met the fam

    14、ous pop star was the greatest day of my life.The day on which I met the famous pop star was the greatest day of my life. 见到这位著名歌星的那天是我一生中最重要的日子。 This is a hall where the medical conference will be held.This is a hall in which the medical conference will be held. 这是将召开医学会议的礼堂。,高考链接,.用适当的关系代词或关系副词填空,1

    15、.The government started a soiltesting program gives specific fertilizer recommendations to farmers.(2018全国) 2.Many westerners come to China cook much less than in their own countries once they realize how cheap it can be to eat out.(2018浙江) 3.The little problems we meet in our daily lives may be ins

    16、pirations for great inventions.(2017北京),that/which,who/that,that,4.I live next door to a couple children often make a lot of noise.(2016北京) 5.The boss of the company is trying to create an easy atmosphere _ his employees enjoy their work.(2015天津) 6.I am looking forward to the day my daughter can rea

    17、d this book and know my feelings for her.(2014湖南) 7.A company profits from home markets are declining may seek opportunities abroad.(2014山东) 8.Please send us all the information you have about the candidate for the position.(2014陕西),whose,where,when,whose,that,1.They also had a small pond which they

    18、 raised fish. (2018全国,短文改错) 或They also had a small pond which they raised fish. (2018全国,短文改错) 2.Around me in the picture are the things they were very important in my life at that time:car magazines and musical instruments. (2017全国,短文改错),where,.单句改错(每小题仅有1处错误),that/which, in,3.The dishes what I cook

    19、ed were Moms favorite. (2016四川,短文改错) 或The dishes what I cooked were Moms favorite. (2016四川,短文改错) 4.Whats more,a good friend is willing to offer the help to which you need,or can at least give you some advice.(2010重庆,短文改错),which/that,达标检测,.单句语法填空,1.Lets meet at the same place we did yesterday. 2.It i

    20、s the most important task should be finished soon. 3.The office he works is on the second floor. 4.That is the reason he is leaving so soon. 5.Is this the car which you paid a high price?,as,that,where,why,for,.单句改错(每小题仅有1处错误),6.The reason why he showed us that day didnt make sense. 7.We should take

    21、 measures to protect the environment which we live. 或We should take measures to protect the environment which we live. 8.It was the first film which I saw in that remote village. 9.She is one of the students who is hard-working in our class. 10.I admire those whom often help the poor people in need.

    22、,that/which, in,where,that,are,who,.完成句子,11.我仍旧记得我来北京的那天。 I still remember . 12.在那边读报纸的人是谁? Who is the man ? 13.迈克尔杰克逊在2009年去世了,他的音乐仍然非常流行。 Michael Jackson died in 2009.,the day when I came to Beijing,that is reading the newspaper over there,whose music is still very popular,14.我们昨晚看的电影非常棒。 The film

    23、 was wonderful. 15.想去微机室的人把名字写在这里。 Those write your names here.,which/that we saw last night,who want to go to the computer room,.语法填空,(2018四川眉山中学高二期中) As a working mom with three young sons,keeping the house clean is 16. big challenge.Although we clean the house every week,one hour later after 17.

    24、(clean) our bedrooms and bathrooms are back to their messy look.When 18. (ask),my boys will help neaten their room,clear their plates from the table and pick up their school junk.But I need to remind them 19. it again and again.,cleaning,a,asked,of,If I dont remind them,I will step over all the thin

    25、gs 20. make my house look like a garbage can.This is quite a change from my pre-kid years when I never 21. (leave) any waste in the house. When last week I found a program 22. (call) “Share a Healthy Habit” on a newspaper,I saw a great chance to engage my sons in cleaning chores.Why not encourage th

    26、ese 23. (behave) during the summer,while school is out and their life is 24. (relax)?,that,left,called,behavio(u)rs,relaxing,The goal for my boys is to clean their own dorm room by themselves when they are free.The rewards for clean habits start young and continue as they get 25. (old),so I need to start my plan as soon as possible.,older,


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