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    人教新课标英语选修八课件:Unit3 Learning about language

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    人教新课标英语选修八课件:Unit3 Learning about language

    1、Unit 3 Inventors and inventions,Learning about language,In groups make word pairs with the same suffix. Add more of your own.Example: n. adj. convenience convenient;independence independentn. adj. _ _ _,cube,cubic,base basic,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,mercy,merciful,fancy fanciful,stain,stainless,care

    2、careless,caution,cautious,poison poisonous,n. adj.,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,2. v. n.,expect,expectation,relax relaxation,produce,production,reduce reduction,identify,identification,satisfy satisfaction,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,3. adj. v.,strengthen,strong,long lengthen,freezing,freeze,disappointing disappoint

    3、,Replace the underlines parts with words that have the same meaning. rewrite the sentence when necessary.,The greengrocer at the corner is probably the easiest and nearest to reach. 2. If you want to apply for a credit card, you must provide officially acceptable identification.,most convenient,vali

    4、d,3. You need to approach that animal with great care as it may bite. 4. She accepts everything during meetings and does not contribute to discussions at all. 5. I found his phone number in the directory and tried to telephone him last night, but there was no reply. Later I found I dialed the wrong

    5、number.,caution,is passive,call/ring him up,6. I dont think of my hometown very much, only sometimes. 7. Luckily the rainfall stopped suddenly before I left. 8. In a courtroom it is sometimes difficult to recognize who is innocent and who is guilty.,now and then.,abruptly,distinguish,Complete the pa

    6、ssage using the correct form of the words or phrase below.,file abruptly valid product seize perfume criterion set about,When I first applied for a patent I was very puzzled by the _. I had produced a new type of lily. I was amazed when my application was _ refused.,criteria,abruptly,The patent offi

    7、cer dealing with my _ explained to me that a new plant variety is not a _ invention as it is a result of adjusting growth scientifically. However, she suggested that I should produce a _ from my new lily. With her encouragement, I decided to _ the opportunity to make a real,file,valid,perfume,seize,

    8、invention, so I _ my studies on developing my _, for which I hope I will succeed in applying for a patent.,set about,product,I. 根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母 或汉语提示,写出该单词的正确形式。 1. With a big red l_ hanging at the door, it presents a festive scene for celebrating the New Year. 2. When the ice is heated above f_ p

    9、oint, it begins to change into a liquid state.,课堂练习,lantern,freezing,3. The advantage of leaving early in the morning is that you will avoid the traffic j_. 4. D_ the district number when you make a long-distance phone call. 5. I have a phone _ (电话簿) but Im afraid its out of date. 6. In addition to

    10、going to the post office, I also went to the _ (蔬菜水 果店).,jam,Dial,directory,greengrocers,7. Although the water level began to drop, there was no decrease in _ (降雨 量). 8. In law, a man is accounted to be _ (无罪的) until he is proved guilty. 9. It is still debatable whether one should leave ones real na

    11、me and show ones _ (身份证明) when buying train tickets.,rainfall,innocent,identification,10. Mother was less able to _ (忍受) cold than I. II. 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. The stewardess asked all the passengers on board to remain _ (seat) as the plane was making a landing. 2. How are the team playing? Theyre playing

    12、 well, but one of them got _ (hurt).,bear,seated,hurt,3. Dont use words, expressions, or phrases _ (know) only to people with specialist knowledge. 4. _ (hide) in that cave, the thief tried to avoid capture. 5. I usually have my clothes _ (wash) on Sundays. I dont wash my clothes myself. 6. Do you know the man with his hair _ (tie) back?,known,Hidden,washed,tied,Homework,Finish Using Words and Expressions on Page 63 of the workbook.,


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