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    北师大版高中英语必修3课件:Unit 9 Period Six

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    北师大版高中英语必修3课件:Unit 9 Period Six

    1、Unit 9 Wheels,单元语法Present perfect continuous,内容索引,Period Six Grammar & Writing,单元写作A report,单元语法 Present perfect continuous,.用所给动词的正确形式填空 1.People (enjoy) the benefits of cycling in Amsterdam for years. 2.Solar racers (come) to Australia for years for the World Solar Car Challenge. 3.You (design) so

    2、lar racing cars for a long time.,语法感知,语法导学,have been enjoying,have been coming,have been designing,4.I (design) five or six different cars so far. 5.I (build) a new car with a team from Queensland University.,have designed,have been building,.使用for或since以及现在完成进行时为每个情形写一句话,例:There seems no end to the

    3、 civil war in that country,which began three years ago.The two sides are still fighting. The two sides . 1.Paul is trying to set a new world record for playing the piano.He started 32 days ago,and he is still playing. Paul .,have been fighting for three years,has been playing the piano for 32 days,2

    4、.The police have arrested a man.They began questioning him early this morning,and they are continuing to do so. The police . 3.That dog is a real nuisance(讨厌的东西).It began barking half an hour ago,and it hasnt stopped since. That dog . 4.Our friends are going on holiday to India soon.Their preparatio

    5、ns started months ago. Our friends .,have been questioning a man since early this morning,has been barking for half an hour,have been preparing (for their holiday to India) for months,5.They cant decide what they should do about the rising crime.Its a big problem.Discussions began last year and have

    6、 not yet finished. They _ _.,have been discussing (the problem of) the rising crime since last,year,一、现在完成进行时 现在完成进行时由“have/has been现在分词”构成。 1.现在完成进行时的用法 (1)现在完成进行时表示动作从过去某一时刻开始一直延续到现在或离现在不远的时间,其动作是否继续下去,则由上下文而定。这个时态多用于延续性动词,如live,learn,lie,stay,sit,wait,stand,rest,study等,并常和all this week,this month

    7、,all night,all the morning,recently等时间状语以及since和for引导的时间状语连用(与since和for连用时,动作常会继续下去)。,语法精析,I have been waiting for an hour and he still hasnt turned up. 我已经等了一个小时了,可他还没来。 Ive been writing letters all this morning. 我写了一上午的信。 How long have you been living here? 你在这里住了多久了?,(2)有时现在完成进行时所表示的动作并不是一直在不停地进行

    8、,而是在断断续续地重复。这时现在完成进行时可用于瞬间动词。 Hes been shaving since last year. 他从去年开始就一直刮脸。 You have been saying for a year that you will study abroad. 整整一年你都在说要出国学习。,2.现在完成进行时中时间状语的省略 现在完成进行时在上下文清楚时亦可不用时间状语。 这种现在完成进行时多指“刚才”或“近来”发生的动作,一般不再继续,并往往含有一种直接的结果。 Youve been working too hard. 你工作太辛苦了。(直接结果可能是你一定很累了) Youve

    9、been smoking again. 你又抽烟了。(暗含结果是你身上有烟味) Whos been insulting you? 谁欺负你了?(对方可能在哭),3.现在完成进行时的感情色彩 现在完成进行时和其他进行时态一样,也可以带有感情色彩。 I have been wanting to meet you for a long time. 和你见面是我盼望已久的事。 Too much has been happening today. 今天发生太多事了。,二、现在完成时与现在完成进行时 现在完成进行时是兼有现在完成时和现在进行时二者基本特点的时态。由于它有现在完成时的特点,所以它可以表示某一

    10、动作对现在产生的结果或影响;由于它有现在进行时的特点,所以它也可以表示某一动作的延续性、临时性、重复性、生动性乃至感情色彩。,现在完成时和现在完成进行时的比较: 1.现在完成进行时可以表示动作的重复,而现在完成时一般不表示重复性。 Have you been meeting him recently? 你最近常和他见面吗? Have you met him recently? 你最近见过他吗?,2.现在完成进行时有时含有感情色彩,而现在完成时一般是平铺直叙。 I have been waiting for you for two hours. 我一直等了你两个小时。(可能表示不满) I hav

    11、e waited for you for two hours. 我等了你两个小时。(说明一个事实) 3.现在完成进行时强调动作,而现在完成时强调结果。 Who has been eating the oranges? 谁一直在吃橘子呀?(还剩余一些) Who has eaten the oranges? 谁把橘子吃了?(强调吃得一个不剩),4.有些动词不能用于现在完成进行时,但可用于现在完成时。如:表示状态的动词:be,have,exist等;表示感情的动词:like,love等;表示感觉的动词:see,hear,know等。 He has had a cold for a week. 他已经

    12、感冒一周了。 I have liked jazz since I was a teenager. 从青少年起我就喜欢爵士乐了。 I have known her for a long time. 我认识她已经很长时间了。,5.与一段时间连用时可以用现在完成时也可以用现在完成进行时;但与次数连用时只能用现在完成时,不能用现在完成进行时。,It hasnt rained for six weeks. 已经六个星期没下雨了。 It has been raining since yesterday and it is still raining. 从昨天起,雨就没停过,而且现在还在下。,He has

    13、rung me up five times since 12 oclock. 从十二点后,他已经给我打了五次电话。 He has been ringing me up all the morning. 他整个上午一直在给我打电话。,6.这两种时态都可以表示动作的延续,区别在于:现在完成进行时更强调动作的延续性,可以说是现在完成时的强调形式。 We have been living here for ten years. We have lived here for ten years. 我们在这里住了十年了。,7.在没有时间状语的情况下,现在完成进行时表示动作仍在进行,而现在完成时则表示动作到

    14、现在已经结束。 The students have been preparing for the exam. 学生们一直在为考试做准备。(还在进行) The students have prepared for the exam. 学生们为考试做了准备。(已经结束),.用所给动词的正确形式填空,高考链接,1.Chinas high-speed railways (grow) from 9,000 to 25,000 kilometers in the past few years.(2018北京) 2.Since 2011,the country (grow) more corn than r

    15、ice. (2018全国) 3.Sarah (tell) that she could be Britains new supermodel,earning a million dollars in the next year.(2017全国),have grown,has grown,has been told/was told,4.Dashan,who (learn) crosstalk,the Chinese comedic tradition,for decades,wants to mix it up with the Western stand-up tradition.(2016

    16、江苏) 5.I (read) half of the English novel,and Ill try to finish it at the weekend.(2016北京) 6.Despite the previous rounds of talks,no agreement _ (reach) so far by the two sides.(2015天津) 7.Marty (work) really hard on his book and he thinks hell have finished it by Friday.(2015陕西),has been learning,hav

    17、e read,has been reached,has been working,8.In the last few years,China (make) great achievements in environmental protection.(2015北京) 9.Where is Peter? I cant find him anywhere. He went to the library after breakfast and (write) his essay there ever since.(2015福建) 10.Since the time humankind started

    18、 gardening,we (try) to make our environment more beautiful.(2014湖南),has made,has been writing,have been trying,.单句改错(每小题仅有1处错误),1.I had grown not only physically,but also mentally in the past few years. (2017全国,短文改错) 2.I have been missing you very much after I went to college a year ago. (2012重庆,短文改

    19、错) 3.Unfortunately,by the time I got back,they have finished the scene and the actor couldnt be seen anywhere.(2011陕西,短文改错),have,since,had,1.It is the most instructive lecture that I (attend) since I came to this school. 2.Years ago we didnt know this,but recent science (show) that people who dont s

    20、leep well get ill easily. 3.The two friends (chat) on the Internet for three hours,and they will go on till next morning. 4.How long you (work) in the factory? Since 1990.,.用适当的词或所给词的适当形式填空,达标检测,have attended,has shown,have been chatting,have been working,5.The first use of atomic weapons was in 194

    21、5,and their power _(increase) enormously ever since. 6.Do you regret not having gone abroad? Not at all.I (not,earn) as much,but Im glad to contribute to our motherland. 7.Oh no! Were too late.The train (leave). Thats OK.Well catch the next train to London.,has,been increased,havent earned,has left,

    22、8.In order to find the missing child,villagers (do) all they can over the past five hours. 9.The manager (tell) the workers how to improve the program since 9 am. 10.Look! Somebody (clean) the sofa. Well,it wasnt me.I didnt do it. 11.He (do) the work for two hours. 12.She (recite) the words all the

    23、morning.,have been doing,has been telling,has cleaned,has been doing,has been reciting,13.I work in America now,but I (work) in Japan for ten years. 14.In the last few years,thousands of films (produce) all over the world. 15.A great number of trees (plant) in the past few years in the city.,worked,

    24、have been produced,have been planted,16.你的衣服满是灰尘,我想你刚才一直在打扫教室吧。 Your clothes are covered with dust.You ,I think. 17.你看起来又瘦又累,你近来工作一定很辛苦。 You look thin and tired.You too hard. 18.五年来你一直在说你能成功。you can succeed for five years.,.完成句子,have been cleaning the classroom,have been working,Youve been saying,19

    25、.这个月我一直在访问中国的几个城市。 I some cities of China this month. 20.这本书我已读了两小时了,但我还没读完。 I for two hours,but I havent finished it. 21.他一直等了你一整天。 He you for a whole day. 22.你做这个实验多少次了? 三次。 How many times the experiment? Three.,have been visiting,have been reading this book,has been waiting for,have you done,23.我

    26、们已经学习了第二单元。 We Unit 2. 24.她是我见过的最漂亮的女孩。 She is the most beautiful girl I . 25.今天下午我踢了一小时的足球。 This afternoon,I football for an hour.,have already learnt,have ever seen,have played,China is a country with time-honored civilization dated back more than 4,000 year.Basic elements for the modern world suc

    27、h as paper,gunpowder,or the magnetic compass originated in China. Today,China is again at the forefront of a world,with Chinese goods reaching all parts of the world.The Chinese culture have also fascinated many people.,.短文改错,dating,years,the,has,and,In the Shaolin Monastery or the Forbidden City of

    28、 Beijing,China has its unique art and architecture that what draw thousands of visitors every year.The Chinese food is equal popular around the world and it is loved by many foreigners.In China,the food can be found in great varieties and was different region to region.So join we and experience all

    29、these.,equally,is, from,us,单元写作 A report,技法点拨,本单元讲的调查报告属于应用文的范畴,旨在将调查结果真实、详细、有条理地呈现出来。有关调查报告的英文书面表达题目多以图表作文的形式呈现。题目往往要求我们根据要求将图表信息以文字的形式呈现出来。 1.结构安排 根据所给图表的数目及题目所要求呈现的信息的种类等确定段落结构。,写作指导,2.开篇 要明确地指出所做调查的目的,这样也就明确了调查报告所要传达的是哪方面的信息。 3.主体段落 主体段落是呈现调查信息的段落,对于图表类调查报告而言,主体段落是最终实现图文转换的段落。写主体段落时要注意以下几个方面: (1

    30、)圈定所要转换的信息时,要在题目的具体要求下提取信息,并对信息进行明确的分类。 (2)重组信息时,要注意根据题目要求去确定信息表述的详略,重要的信息要明确、详细地说明;一般的了解性信息一笔带过即可。,(3)对所给信息的转述要使用不同的表达方法,反映在文章中也就是要使用不同的词、短语、句型等。 4.末段 末段通常用于对调查结果进行总结,也就是根据调查结果推出一个结论,或是针对调查结果发表个人的看法。写此段时要注意结论的客观性、看法的合理性,不可妄加评断。,1.We have made a survey about. 2.In order to work out/find out/.we made

    31、 a survey. 3.The survey we made recently shows that. 4.There are several good things. 5.On the one hand.,on the other hand. 6.There are some advantages/disadvantages about. 7.However,there are many things which could be improved. 8.In conclusion,something need to be done to.,常用句式,9.We can make a con

    32、clusion that. 10.It can be concluded that.,下面是某高中对150名高三学生睡眠时间不足及其原因所做的调查结果。请根据图1提供的信息描述高三学生的睡眠情况,并针对图2中任何一个数据所反映的情况分析原因,并提出你的看法,词数100左右。 参考词汇:图表chart,典题示例,明确要求 这篇习作是一篇有关问题的调查报告,因此时态应以 为主;人称以 为主;写自己的看法时应该合情合理,合乎逻辑。,审题谋篇,确定段落 本篇习作可以从以下几个方面入手: Para.1:首先开门见山地阐述调查的目的,然后对图表1进行描述并分析原因; Para.2:简要描述图表2,分析原因

    33、,并阐述自己的看法。,一般现在时,第三人称,_ _ _ _ _ _,词汇热身,要点词句,1.做调查 2.有足够的睡眠 3.熬夜学习 4.感到更清醒 5.充分利用白天时间 6.以一种有效的方式,make a survey have enough sleep stay up late for studying feel more refreshed make the best of daytime in an effective way,句式升级,1.62%的学生每天睡觉少于7小时,37%的学生能睡七到八个小时。 (一般表达)Sixty-two percent of the students sl

    34、eep for just less than seven hours each day.Thirty-seven percent of them can sleep for seven to eight hours. (句式升级)Sixty-two percent of the students sleep for just less than seven hours each day, thirty-seven percent of them can sleep for seven to eight hours.(并列连词),while,2.我们可以得出大部分高三学生睡眠不足的结论。 (一般

    35、表达)We can conclude that most of the Senior 3 students dont have enough sleep. (句式升级)We can most of the Senior 3 students dont have enough sleep.(conclusion) 3.从图2我们了解到大部分高三学生睡眠不足的原因。 (一般表达)From Chart 2,we learn why most Senior 3 students dont have enough sleep. (句式升级)From Chart 2,we learn most Senio

    36、r 3 students dont have enough sleep.(reason n.),draw a conclusion that,the reasons why,连句成篇,We have made a survey recently about how much time Senior 3 students can sleep every day among 150 students in a senior high school.The result shows that sixty-two percent of the students sleep for just less

    37、than seven hours each day,while thirty-seven percent of them can sleep for seven to eight hours.However,only one percent of the students say they can sleep for over eight hours.We can draw a conclusion that most of the Senior 3 students dont have enough sleep.,From Chart 2,we learn the reasons why most Senior 3 students dont have enough sleep.One of the reasons is that thirty-five percent of the students stay up late for studying.I think it unwise to do so.We should sleep well at night and wake up feeling more refreshed.So we can make the best of daytime and study better in an effective way.,


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