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    1、八年级英语(JJ下)教学课件,Lesson 15: The Zoo Is Open,Unit 3,1. Be able to use the words and phrases: danger, dangerous, mainly, bamboo, giraffe, instead of, wake up 2. To learn to describe your experiences of visiting zoos 3. To learn to write some notice with some useful words and expressions,Learning Targets

    2、,Lead in,Tongue twisters,1、Seven sheep sleep.,2、Freshly-fried flying fish.,3、A tidy tiger tied a tie tightly to tidy her tiny tail.,bear,1. Have you visited a zoo? 2. What animals did you see in the zoo?,peacock,elephant,lion,giraffe,panda,tiger,monkey,swan,zebra,danger dangerous mainly bamboo giraf

    3、fe instead of wake up,n. 危险;风险 adj. 危险的 adv. 主要地;首要地 n. 竹子 n. 长颈鹿 代替;不是而是 叫醒,Words and Expressions,Think about it!What animals do you think are dangerous? Why?What rules should we obey at the zoo?,gentle animal,fierce animal,Presentation,What signs did they see at the entrance? Do you remember any o

    4、ther signs you have seen or read before?,some signs,No Parking!,For your safety, PLEASE pay attention to zoo safety rules. Never forget, even for a moment, that these animals are very dangerous. When a visitor follows the safety rules, zoos are a wonderful and safe environment. When the rules are br

    5、oken, people can get hurt and killed.,Listen and answer the correct answers.,1.What day is today? 2.Where do they go? 3.What time is it when they arrive? 4.What do they see at the entrance?5.What animals do they see?,Saturday.,The zoo.,A quarter to eleven.,A sign.,A bear and some giraffes.,Read and

    6、answer the questions.,What day is it?2. Why cant they take photos?3. Why doesnt Edmonton Zoo have any pandas?,It is Saturday.,Because cameras may scare the animals. When animals are scared, they can be dangerous.,Because pandas eat bamboo. They dont have any bamboo in Edmonton.,Listen and tick the c

    7、orrect answers. 1. What day is today?Saturday Sunday 2. Where do they go?The zoo. The park. 3. What time is it when they arrive?11:15 a.m. 10:45 a. m.,Lets Do It!,1,4. What do they see at the entrance?A photo. A sign. 5. What animals do they see?A bear and a panda. A bear and some giraffes.,Fill in

    8、the blanks with the correct forms of the words or phrases in the box.,danger nearly instead of go through take photos wake up,This box is too big. It cant the door.,go through,2,2. We took the plane the train to travel there. 3. Excuse me, can I here? Its beautiful! 4. The boys are playing soccer on

    9、 the street. Its very. 5. I never remember my dreams when I _. 6. It was 10:00 p.m. when he got home last night.,instead of,dangerous,nearly,take photos,wake up,Have you ever visited a zoo? Write a story about your trip to a zoo. Dont forget to answer these questions: When did you go to the zoo? Who

    10、 went to the zoo with you? What animals did you see? What animals did you like best? Why? Did you feed any animals? Are zoos good for animals? Why or why not?,PROJECT: WERE GOING TO THE ZOO!,Tips of the composition,Past indefinite tense (一般过去时),I,Last summer, I went on a trip to Beijing Zoo.,We enjo

    11、yed ourselves at the zoo.,The zoo is open! open 开着的,营业的,办公的,敞开的,开阔的例:He slept in the room with the window open last night. 昨晚他在这个房间睡觉,窗户没关。His coat was open. 他的大衣敞开着。,Language points,Language points,2. Its nearly noon. nearly adv. 几乎,差不多,将近 nearly 和almost都表示“几乎,差不多”,在多数情况下,两者之间没有什么差别。一般来说,almost表达的程

    12、度比nearly更接近一些。,例:The wind was so strong that people were nearly blown away as they waited for buses. 风刮得很厉害,等候公共汽车的人们几乎要被风吹走。 We were late, and almost missed the train. 我们迟到了,差点错过那趟火车。,3. Wake up, Mr. Bear! wake up 唤醒,弄醒。该短语为动副型短语,当其宾语为人称代词宾格时,要放在wake和up之间;如果其宾语为名词时,则放在 wake和up之间或up之后均可以。例:My mother

    13、 wakes me up at six every morning. 妈妈每天早上在6点钟叫醒我。My father wakes my brother up every morning. 我爸爸每天早上都叫醒我弟弟。,不定代词是不明确指代某个特定的人或物的代词。不定代词可以代替名词和形容词,表示不同的数量概念。不定代词没有主格和宾格之分,在句中可做主语、宾语、表语、定语等。 不定代词作主语不定代词作主语时,要明确这个不定代词是单数还是复数。 Both of us are good at English. 我们俩都擅长英语。,Grammar 不定代词,不定代词作定语 作定语时,有的修饰可数名词,

    14、如many, few; 有的修饰不可数名词,如much, little;有的既可 以修饰可数名词又可以修饰不可数名词,如 some, any等。 例:I have some bread. 我有一些面包。 There are many people here. 这里有很多人。,不定代词作表语Thats all for today. 今天就讲到这里。Its too much for me.这对我来说太多了。 不定代词作宾语You can only speak for yourself, not for others.你只能为你自己说话,不能为其他人说话。This one is too small.

    15、 Please show me another.这个太小了。请给我看看另一个。,辨析:some与any a. some常用于肯定句中,any多用于否定句、疑问句或条件状语从句中,两者都可以修饰或代替可数名词或不可数名词。例:Some say yes and some say no. 一些人说是,一些人说不。I dont like some of them. 我不喜欢他们中的一些人。I dont like any of them.我不喜欢他们中的任何一个人。 b. any 也可用于肯定句中,表示“任何”。You may go there at any time.你随时可以去那儿。Any chil

    16、d needs love. 任何一个孩子都需要爱。,注意:some在下列情况下也可以用于疑问句 a. 表示请求或邀请时。 Would you like to have some milk? 你想要一些牛奶吗? b. 认为肯定的可能性大,期望得到肯定回答时。 Can you lend him some picture-books? 你可以借给他一些图画书吗?,1.Its polite to take _ flowers as a gift when you go to visit a friend. A. little B. any C. some,Practice,2There is _ br

    17、ead at home. Would you please get _ for us? Ano;some Bnot;some Cfew;some Dlittle;any,1. In time of war a soldiers life is full of d_. 2. My l_ brother never cleans his room. 3. I was _ (几乎) killed in the accident. 4. Please _ _ _ (不要拍照) at the zoo. 5. _ _ doing it himself, he got a man to do it.,Fil

    18、l in the blanks.,anger,azy,nearly,dont take photos,Instead of,Retelling Time,Retell the story. (Pay attention to when, who, where, what and why. ),一、根据提示完成句子。 1. But fear is also a _ (危险). 2. Pandas live _ (主要地) in China. 3. The _ (竹子) grows in the south of China. 4. We saw a big g_ in the zoo last

    19、week. 5. Did he f_ the bird? It is hungry.,danger,mainly,bamboo,iraffe,eed,Exercise,1.他可能会有危险。He might be _ _. 2.他们穿过门口看到了一个标志。 They _ _ the entrance and see a sign. 3.你代替我去开会好不好? Will you go to the meeting _ _ me? 4.在五点时请叫醒你妈妈。 Please _ _ your mother at five.,in danger,go through,instead of,wake up

    20、,二、完成句子。,1.Sometimes Mr. Brown feeds his little dog _ meat and bones. Sometimes he feeds something else _ it.A. to; to B. on; with C. with; to D. with; for 2. She stopped the boy from _ the tree.A. climbing B. climb C. to climb D. climbs 3. Would you like _?A. take photos B. take photo C. to take ph

    21、oto D. to take photos 4. The teacher pointed _ many mistakes in my homework.A. to B. at C. out D. in,C,A,D,C,三、单项选择。,Summary,1. Learned many new words and phrases: danger, bamboo, instead of, wake up. 2. Learned the use of indefinite pronoun.,Homework,Review Lesson 15. 2. Write a story about your trip to a zoo.,


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