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    1、2019 浙江省义乌市中考英语冲刺试卷(三)考 生 须 知 :1 . 本 试 题 卷 分 卷 一 (选 择 题 )和 卷 二 (非 选 择 题 )两 部 分 。 请 考 生 使 用 规 定 用 笔 , 将 所 有试 题 的 答 案 涂 、 写 在 答 题 纸 上 。 做 在 试 题 卷 上 无 效 。2 . 全 卷 共 8 页 ,6 大 题 。 满 分 为 95 分 。 考 试 时 间 为 100 分 钟 。温 馨 提 示 :答 题 前 请 仔 细 阅 读 答 题 纸 上 的 “注 意 事 项 ” 。卷 一说 明 :本 卷 共 有 两 大 题 ,30 小 题 ,满 分 45 分 。1、完形填空

    2、(本题有 15 小题,每小题 1 分,共计 15 分)阅 读 下 面 短 文 , 然 后 从 各 题 所 给 的 四 个 选 项 中 选 出 一 个 最 佳 答 案 。Once, in a small village, there lived a family with eight children. Two of the children loved1 very much, but the family was so poor that it was impossible to send 2 of them to study at the art college at the same ti

    3、me. After some discussion, the two boys finally 3 a plan. They would toss(抛) a coin. The loser would go down into the mines(矿井) and, with the earnings(薪水) , he would 4 his brother all through college. Then, when the brother who won the toss 5 his four-year studies, he would support the other brother

    4、 so that the brother could continue his studies at the college.6 , James won the toss and Jack went down into the mines. James worked with all his heart and his paintings were much 7 than those of most of his teachers. By the time James 8 , he could make a lot of money for his paintings.9 James retu

    5、rned, the family held a big dinner for his great success. Soon after the meal began, James 10 up from his seat to drink a toast(敬酒) to his dear 11 . He said,” Jack, now you can go to the art college and your 12 will come true. I will take care of you.”“ Brother, the four years in the mines has done

    6、too much to my hands, so its too 13 . Now I cant even hold a glass,” Jack said softly.To 14 his great love and respect, James drew his brothers hands with 15 towards the sky. He called his drawing “The Praying Hands”, which became very famous years later.( )1.A. painting B. training C. schoolwork D.

    7、 money ( )2. A. any B. all C. both D. neither( )3.A. looked out B. worked out C. took out D. got out ( )4. A. support B. accept C. follow D. admire( )5. A. enjoyed B. continued C. managed D. finished( )6. A. Quickly B. Suddenly C. Finally D. Lately( )7.A. better B. bigger C. cheaper D. stranger ( )8

    8、. A. cared B. graduated C. waited D. promised( )9. A. Before B. When C. Though D. Since( )10. A. picked B. turned C. looked D. stood( )11.A. brother B. sister C. father D. mother ( )12. A. message B. chance C. dream D. practice( )13 A. cool B. late C. terrible D. helpful( )14. A. feel B. share C. no

    9、tice D. show( )15.A.legs B. feet C. arms D. fingers二、阅读理解(本题有 15 小题,每小题 2 分,共计 30 分)阅读下面四篇材料,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。AI am a Kid Reporter, Linda Scott. I took part in the third yearly State of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (SoSTEM) event on Wednesday January 21.Before SoSTEM started, I int

    10、erviewed Charles Bolden. He was an astronaut (宇航员) and has been to space four times. “I enjoy watching young people take their ideas and turn them into reality,” he said.Next I spoke to Dr. Ellen Stofan. She spoke about her lifelong interest in science. “When I was in the middle school, I knew I wan

    11、ted to be a scientist, but I wasnt sure what kind,” she told me. As she grew up, she became interested in space. Her advice to young people who want to become a scientist is to “follow your dreams”.My third interview was with Megan Smith. She talked about encouraging more girls to step into STEM fie

    12、lds. She told me that women have always been part of amazing scientific discoveries, even though sometimes history records have left women out.Finally, I interviewed Kathy Pham, who is working to improve health care for more Americans through IT services. I asked her advice for young people who want

    13、 a career (职业) in computer science. She advised kids to join in groups working on science and technology and to read more books on the subject.After the interview, we had a free talk. When I asked which technology careers were going to be most in need in the next 10 years, Dr. Stofan noted that care

    14、ers having something to do with energy sources (能源) are certainly going to be needed.My biggest take-away from the event was that the future holds many wonderful chances for people interested in STEM. Just as the computer scientist Kathy Pham said: “Whatever your love is whether its clothing, space

    15、or cars today you can find a STEM field where you can do something you like.” 16. How many people did Linda interview before SoSTEM started?A. There. B. Four. C. Five. D. Six. 17. When Dr. Stofan was young, she wanted to become _.A. a reporter B. a teacherC. a scientist D. an astronaut18. Kathy Pham

    16、 advised kids who want a career in computer science to _.A. talk with famous people B. write a scientific reportC. read more books on the subject D. make scientific discoveriesBWe are pleased to announce(宣布 ) the results of our competition to create a new school festival for students to celebrate th

    17、is year.This competition,which we have had twice,has been a huge success.But this year,we have had more entries(参赛作品) than ever before!We have received many wonderful suggestions,including one that suggested there should be a festival of shoes!This was certainly a creative idea,but not surprisingly

    18、,our judges(裁判) likes other suggestions more!The winning suggestion was from Henry Chan,who suggested that there should be a festival of bicycles.It was the judges favourite.Henry,who is in Grade Eight,said that he went to school by bicycle every day and enjoyed taking bicycle trips very much.He add

    19、ed that so much public bicycles were in use in our city that it would be a shame not to celebrate themAs part of the festival,a bicycle trip will be organized in the city.Then students will hold a ten-metre bicycle riding competition,in which anyone who can ride the slowest wins.Whats more, you stud

    20、ents are called on to ride bicycles to school as often as possible.The Bicycle Festival will start on June 18th and last two days.We hope you will take part in the festival and do your bit to protect our environment!19This announcement is made to _Ajudges BParents Cteachers Dstudents20The underlined

    21、 word “them” in Paragraph 3 refers to “_”Aideas Bshoes Cbicycles Dcompetitions21After this years Bicycle Festival,what will happen most probably? AFewer people will use public bicycles.BMore students will ride bicycles to school.CThe Bicycle Festival will be held every year.DBicycle trips to other c

    22、ities will be organized.22Whats the best title for the announcement? ACare for the EnvironmentBEntries from Creative StudentsCSuggestions to the StudentsDResults of New Festival CompetitionCBorn in Ghana,West Africa,in 1989,Freddy Adu has become one of the most promising young soccer players in the

    23、world.Soccer fans have been crazy about him since 2003,when he became the youngest player to join a professional sports team in the United States.The next year,he became the youngest athlete ever to play in an allstar game,a match in which the best players from many professional teams compete.As a c

    24、hild,Adu did what many children in Ghana love to doplay soccer.His mother recognized her sons talent and encouraged it by providing soccer balls,which were expensive for them.Since he had soccer balls,other children always came looking for him and played together.Education was very important to Adus

    25、 mother,and she wasnt sure that her son could receive a good education in Ghana.So she tried hard and moved to Maryland,U.S. in 1997,when he was eight years old.His new school friends soon noticed his talent for soccer,and the parents of one friend encouraged him to join a soccer club.This was his f

    26、irst time playing organized soccer,and he helped his team from the Potomac Soccer Association win a tournament in Italy in 2000.One professional Italian team was so impressed by Adu that they offered him $750,000 to play for them.Adus mother refused the offer and thought that her eleven-year-old son

    27、 needed to finish school first.Adu did finish high school at the age of 14.Nowadays,he is playing professional soccer and living with his mother in a house he bought for her.His salary with the DC. United team is $500,000 a year,and Adu is also paid to advertise products such as sports shoes and dri

    28、nks.Adu is happy that his mother no longer has to work at two jobs,and his fans are happy that they can watch him play their favourite sport for many years to come.23Freddy Adu was _ years old when he became the youngest ever all-star team player.Aeight Bten Cthirteen Dfifteen24Adus mother helped hi

    29、m develop his talent by _Amaking him play soccer every dayBfinding him a soccer coachCoffering him soccer ballsDmaking him join the school team25Which is the correct order of the following events? aAdu became the youngest professional soccer player in the USA.bAdus family moved to the United States.

    30、cAdus mother noticed his special ability to play soccer.dAdu is paid to advertise sports shoes and drinks.Abcda. Ba cbd.Cdca b. Dc bad.26What can we learn from the passage?AAs a child,Adu taught other children to play soccer in his hometown.BAdu moved to the USA because there were no soccer teams in

    31、 Ghana.CAdu helped his team win a tournament and got $750,000 in Italy in 2000.DAdu gets more than $500,000 a year and lives happily with his mother now.DA “Gap Year” is a period of time when a student takes a break before going to university.It is often spent travelling or working.It can give young

    32、 people useful learning experiences and new skills.Gap years are popular with European and Australian students,but remain less popular in America.However,in recent years,more and more American students are preparing for college by taking a gap year.The advantages of taking a gap year are as follows:

    33、Learn about the World and YourselfAlthough you dont have to go abroad to experience gap years,most gap year students catch the chance to travel abroad.You are able to work out who you are and what you are for.The experiences of different cultures offer you interesting lessons.You can learn more abou

    34、t the world and get to know yourself better.Face Challenges and Have FunA gap year is not only a time to take a vacation,but also a time to face challenges.Gap year students usually work,volunteer or take service projects.You have to learn how to get along in the real world.This process isnt always

    35、easy,but it is an important part of growing up.Only in this way can you enjoy life and have fun.Save Money and Improve Your College Admission ChancesTheres a common thought that gap years are only for rich students,but its not true.Actually, taking a gap year can save your money.Gap year students of

    36、ten take a part-time job.Besides,at the end of a gap year,students are much more likely to know what to study in college.Clear learning goals can keep the students working hard instead of wasting time and money playing.Imagine an admission officer trying to admit (录取) only one between two students.B

    37、oth of them are excellent and have high grades.However,one student has much practical experience or has volunteered in his vacation.Who do you think the admission officer will choose?27A “Gap Year” means _ in the passage.Agoing abroad in a year for further educationBtravelling around the world in a

    38、yearCtaking a break before going to a universityDdoing a parttime job to make money during a vacation28Besides having fun,gap year students have to face the _Amoney BinformationCvacations Dchallenges29Having a gap year may make you _Abecome very richBremain less popularCexperience foreign culturesDh

    39、ave no chance to break30The last sentence implies (暗含) that _ will probably be admitted by the admission officer.Aeither of the two studentsBthe student with high gradesCneither of the two studentsDthe student with a gap year experience试卷 (非选择题题共 50 分)三、词汇运用(本题有 15 小题,每小题 1 分,共计 15 分A.用方框中所给单的透当形式填空

    40、,每词仅用一次(每空一词) 。wise, below, Africa, invent, express31The world changed faster after the of the computer.32My son is older and after eight years in the business.33In my hometown ,the temperature is always zero in winter.34Last month,Premier(总理) Li Keqiang visited several countries.35Now more and more

    41、 foreigners are an interest in learning Chinese.阅读下面短文,然后根据括号内所给汉语意思写出单词的正确形式(每空一词) 。Climbing a mountain is hard work.But one step after another finally brings a person to the 36_(顶点).Along the way, he can stop and look around.And the 37_ (更高的) he climbs, the more wonderful his view(视野) is.If he kee

    42、ps 38_(攀登), he will have a new world before him.He will have a new 39_ (方式)of thinking everything.Now learning a foreign language is something 40_(像)climbing a mountain.This new language can give you a new view of life.And it is more than a look at the surface of things.It can open the way into peop

    43、les minds and hearts, into a culture very 41_ (不同) from the one of your own.This will make you 42_ (更富有) even in things that money cant buy.Even though you never set foot on a ship or a plane, you can be an armchair 43_ (步行)through books.Like the mountain climber who stops now and then to 44_ (欣赏) t

    44、he scenery around him, everyone who is interested in reading will find 45_ (快乐)in books as he fights on to learn more and more of that new language.四、语法填空(本题有 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共计 10 分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。Will it matter if you dont take your breakfast?A short time ago,a test was given in

    45、 the United States.People of different 46 (age),from 12 to 83,were asked to have a test.During the test,these people were given all 47 (kind) of breakfasts and sometimes they got 48 . breakfast at all.Scientists wanted to see how well 49 (they) bodies worked when they had had different kinds of brea

    46、kfasts.The results show that if a person eats a right breakfast,he or she will work 50 (well) than if he or she has no breakfast.If a student has fruit,eggs ,bread and milk 51 going to school, he will learn more quickly 52 listen more carefully in class.The results also show that having no breakfast

    47、 will not 53 you lose weight.This is because people become so 54 at noon that they eat too much for lunch.So they will gain weight instead of 55 (lose) weight. 五、任务型阅读(本题有 5 小题,每小题 1 分,共计 5 分)阅读下面短文,从方框中所给的 AD 四个选项中选择正确的答案,并将其序号填入56 59 题,使短文意思连贯,然后回答 60 题。American schools are quite different from those in China. (56) But in America, students must choose their courses and teachers at the beginning of the term.Choosing is very important for your grades in America. So in the first term, dont choose


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