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    1、1顺义区 2019 届初三第一次统一练习英 语 试 卷知识运用(共 14 分)一、单项填空(共 6 分,每小题 0.5 分)从下面各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. Is that your dictionary, Tom? No. Its not _. I think its Sams.A. I B. me C. mine D. my 2. My aunt is coming to Beijing _ May 16. A. in B. on C. at D. to3. _ is Mom, Jack? Im not sure. Maybe in the

    2、garden.A. Where B. How C. What D. Which4. Nancy is of the three girls, but she is the youngest. A. tall B. taller C. tallest. D. the tallest5. Dont turn on the TV. Grandma _now. Asleeps B. has slept C. is sleeping D. slept6 Would you like to see the film The Wondering Earth with me? Im sorry I _it t

    3、wice.A. see B. have seen C. am seeing D. saw 7. The students_ an English class when the visitors came.A. were having B. had C. is having D. have8Maria will help you with your math if she _ home earlier.A. comes B. come C. came D. will come考生须知1本试卷共 10 页,共五道大题,39 道小题,满分 60 分,考试时间 90 分钟。2在试卷和答题卡上准确填写姓

    4、名、 准考证号、 考场号和座位号。3试题答案一律填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。4在答题卡上,选择题用 2B 铅笔作答,其他试题用黑色字迹签字笔作答。5考试结束,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。29. She was very happy because they _ her to the party.A. invite B. are inviting C. will invite D. invited10. Peter, go home at once, _ your parents will be worried. All right. A. and B. or C. but D. s

    5、o11. Today Chinese _ by more and more people around the world.A. speak B. was spoken C. spoke D. is spoken 12 Would you please tell us _the Expo 2019 in Yanqing? Next month.A. when will you visit B. why you will visit C. when you will visit D. why will you visit二、完形填空(共 8 分,每小题 1 分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从

    6、短文后各题所给的 A、B 、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。Partners in ArtNo one sat next to Leon. Thats why when I shot into the classroom just before the bell, the only 13 left was beside him.Ms. Priestley said, “Sit down, Nimmy.” I dont think Ms. Priestley likes me. I am terrible in art.“Today were going to draw a fantasy p

    7、icture,” Ms. Priestley said. “This will be 14 !” Leon said. Thats why no one liked to sit by Leon. He was too excited.I drew wild zigzags and two lines across the page. “What are you drawing?” Leon asked.I sighed (叹息着说). “Mountains and a river.”“Thats not fantasy. Why not make it a dragon instead?”

    8、I looked 15 at him.“The mountains could be the scales (鳞片) along its back, the river could be a long tail,” Leon smiled hopefully.To my surprise, I could 16 the dragon take shape. And I started drawing the body. Ms. Priestley was moving around the classroom. “Thats a very nice 17 , Nimmy.” Ms. Pries

    9、tleys voice made me jump.I smiled shyly, because it wasnt totally my idea, “It was Leons,” I said.3Ms. Priestleys smile grew wider. “Excellent, Leon. We must always be willing to share our ideas.” Then Ms. Priestley continued, “ Nimmy, why dont you 18 Leon some advice?”On Leons paper was a space far

    10、m. “Its nice,” I offered.“And” Ms. Priestley said encouragingly.“Maybe maybe you could add some levels. Each level for something different,” I added.Leon 19 happily.“See, its not so hard,” Ms. Priestley said, and walked on. I breathed. Maybe I could be OK in art. “We should be partners in art,” Leon

    11、 said. “We give each other good ideas.”I smiled . I 20 my name on his picture and Leon signed on mine. “Now were partners in art.” 13. A. gift B. picture C. seat D. pencil14. A. successful B. interesting C. difficult D. impossible15. A. angrily B. happily C. shyly D. helplessly 16. A. think B. add C

    12、. make D. see17. A. idea B. chance C. plan D. advice18. A. share B. invite C. offer D. find19. A. laughed B. nodded C. checked D. marked20. A. drew B. told C. spelled D. penned阅读理解(共 36 分) 三、阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的 A、B 、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。 (共 26 分,每小题 2 分)AWhich Movie Will You See?Excelsior Dock Cinem

    13、a Wed, May 1, 2019 Miss BalaAction | Drama | Thriller | 104 minGloria finds a power she never knew she had when she is drawn into a dangerous world of crime. Surviving (生存) will require all of her creativity and strength.Director: Catherine HardwickeStars: Gina Rodriguez, Thomas DekkerPrice: $7 for

    14、allTime: 1:30 pm, 3:30 pm, 6:10 pm, 8:20 pm, 9:35 pm How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden WorldAnimation | Action | Adventure | Comedy | Family | Fantasy | 104 minSeeing a movie can be a treat at the weekend or on an evening.4Hiccup must find “The Hidden World”, a secret Dragon Utopia (理想国) before a

    15、 tyrant (暴君) named Grimmel finds it first.Director: Dean DeBloisStars: Jay Baruchel, America Ferrera, F. Murray Abraham, Cate BlanchettPrice: $10 for adults; half price for children under 12Time: 11:40 am, 2:30 pm, 6:35 pm, 8:50 pm, 11:20 pm Apollo 11Documentary (记录片) | 93 minA look at the Apollo 11

    16、 mission to the moon led by commander Neil Armstrong and pilot Buzz Aldrin.Director: Todd Douglas MillerStars: Buzz Aldrin, Neil Armstrong, Michael CollinsPrice: $12 for adults; half price for seniors above 60 and children under 12Time: 2:30 pm, 6:35 pm, 9 pm, 11:10 pm GlassSci-Fi | Thriller (惊悚片) |

    17、 129 minSecurity guard David Dunn uses his supernatural abilities to track (追踪) Kevin Wendell Crumb, a man who has 24 personalities.Director: M. Night ShyamalanStars: James McAvoy, Bruce Willis, Samuel L. JacksonPrice: $8 for adults; half price for children under 12Time: 12:50 pm, 5:35 pm, 7:50 pm,

    18、9:20 pmOpening Hours: 7 am 2 am (Next day)Location: 26 Water St., Excelsior, MN 55331Tele: (952) 697-0868Online booking only.21. The Movie Miss Bala _.A. lasts for 140 minutesB. is only shown in the morningC. was directed by Gina RodriguezD. tells a survival story22. If youre a fan of animals, which

    19、 film would you most like to watch?A. Glass.B. How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World.C. Apollo 11.D. Miss Bala.523. A family with two adults and a 10-year-old child want to watch the movie Glass, they will pay _.A. $ 20 B. $ 21 C. $ 25 D. $ 30BAn Unforgettable ExperienceIt was the week before C

    20、hristmas, and there were a lot of people waiting in a long queue at the post office hall. It seemed that no one was moving. I came to the self-service machine where the queue was much shorter.I dont like self-service because Im not good at it. The machine always asks me something I dont know how to

    21、answer. I hate this. I like the old-fashioned way: hand to hand, human to human. I think it is fast and friendly.The woman in the front of the queue was clicking away at the screen. And the clicks were surprisingly loud. There were many signs of hesitation(犹豫) on her part. I felt sorry for her: The

    22、machine could smell fear and nervous. The next person took a long time, too. I breathed deeply. By the time it was my turn, I was so nervous that I felt the beat of my heart.I felt a growing pressure and I tried to minimized (减少) the seconds between clicks. Finally it was time to slide in a credit c

    23、ard. The machine didnt take it. “Trying putting it in the other way,” the gentleman behind me suggested. No good.“Ive got a different card,” I said, and looked for it in my handbag, beginning to sweat. The machine wanted a PIN (个人密码) , but not the one I suggested.“Start over,” I clicked; I tried the

    24、 first card again.Oh, no. I had to start all over again.“Im sorry,” I said, looking back, embarrassed. “You all go ahead.”“Dont give up,” said the nice man behind me. “Try it again. Were all friends here, right?”Seeing smiling on their face, I tried again, clicked carefully and introduce my credit c

    25、ard as if I were presenting it to the queen. Finally, I made it!I couldnt have been happier. Everyone burst into applause (鼓掌). Comfort and joy! ( 328)24. Before Christmas the post office _.A. was very large B. was very busyC. got a new machine D. had a party at the hall 25. How did the author feel

    26、while waiting for her turn?A. She felt a little bored. B. She felt very relaxed.C. She felt a little excited. D. She felt very nervous.26. What did the man behind the author do?A. He encouraged the author.B. He laughed at the author.6C. He did it for the author.D. He rushed the author. C Do you run

    27、away when you hear a bee buzzing? Many people do. A bee sting hurts and some people are allergic 过敏症的 to bee venom. But did you know that bees are very important to humans? Honeybees do more than just make honey. They fly around and pollinate flowers, plants, and trees. Our fruits, nuts, and vegetab

    28、les rely on these pollinators. One third of Americas food supply is pollinated by the honeybee. Honeybees pollinate plants that give us fruit and vegetables.Have you seen or heard a honeybee lately? Bees are mysteriously (神秘地)disappearing in many parts of the world. Most people dont know about this

    29、problem. It is called “colony collapse disorder“ (CCD). Some North American beekeepers lost 80% of their hives from 2006-2008. Bees in Italy and Australia are disappearing too.The disappearance of the honeybee is a serious problem. Can you imagine never eating another blueberry? What about almonds a

    30、nd cherries? Without honeybees food prices will skyrocket. The poorest people always suffer the worst when there is a lack of food.This problem affects other foods besides fresh produce. Imagine losing your favorite ice cream! Haagen Daaz is a famous ice cream company. Many of their flavors rely on

    31、the hard working honeybee. In 2008, Haagen Daaz began raising money for CCD. They also funded a garden at the University of California called The Haven. This garden helps raise awareness about the disappearing honeybee and teaches visitors how to plant for pollinators.Donating money to research is t

    32、he most important thing humans can do to save the honeybee. Scientists need money to investigate the causes of Colony Collapse Disorder. Some scientists blame CCD on climate change. Others think pesticides are killing the bees. Commercial (盈利性的) bee migration may also cause CCD. Beekeepers transport

    33、 their hives from place to place in order to pollinate plants year round.Not everyone has money to donate regularly. There are other ways to help the honeybee. Spread the word by telling your friends and family about the problem. Tell your teacher about the disappearing bees too. Maybe your class ca

    34、n write a letter to the government. 27. Honeybees are very important because they produce honey and_.A. sting people B. treat allergies C. pollinate flowers D. buzz everywhere28. Why does the writer mention the Haagen Daaz company? A. To describe what beekeepers will lost without honeybee.B. To tell

    35、 readers why Haagen Daaz is a famous company. C. To show how scientists will investigate honeybee.D. To explain how serious the CCD problem is.729The word “funded” in Paragraph 4 probably means “ _”.A . donated money for B. saved money forC. provided money for D. collected money for 30. What is the

    36、best title for the passage?A. The Disappearing Honeybee B. The Important HoneybeeC. The Problems of Honeybee D. The Investigation of HoneybeeD Why Music Isnt for Everyone?They say music is universal, and it seems to be true since wherever we go, we see people listening, playing or dancing to it. We

    37、tend to think that music is larger than our cultural differences and shows the deeper connections between us.But according to a recent study published in the journal Current Biology, music doesnt speak to everyone. There is a condition, the researchers argue, called “musical anhedonia (音乐快感丧失)”. The

    38、y say that those who have this condition lack the ability to experience pleasure from music.For the study, 30 people listened to the same, mostly classical music pieces. They were then asked to complete a questionnaire on how they felt about the music. At the same time, the researchers measured thei

    39、r heart rate and skin reaction, which are considered physiological (生理的) measures of emotion.According to the researchers, most of the people in the study got pleasure from the music. They had a quicker heartbeat and sweated (出汗) more. However, a small number had very little and even no pleasant fee

    40、ling while they listened. These people had none or very few of the physical signs the others in the study experienced.The researchers say that this means people have different abilities to enjoy music and that “there are people who specifically cant enjoy music at all”, study author Josep Marco-Pall

    41、ares of the University of Barcelona in Spain told Live Science. To study the condition further, another group of scientists, at Columbia University, US, researched brain activities. They found that the key is the blood flow (血流量 ) to the reward system in the brain.“People who got less pleasure from

    42、music had comparatively lower blood flow to areas involved in the reward system of the brain when listening to music,” reported the Daily Mail.The lower blood flow makes it more likely that the brains “reward system” will be inactive. Thus, it will release(释放) less of the “pleasure chemical” dopamin

    43、e (多巴胺 ). As a result, people get less pleasure from music.If the research is correct, according to National Public Radio, there are simply people who just dont get music. They may get pleasure from many things, but a good tune (曲调 ) isnt one of them. 831. What do we know about people with “musical

    44、anhedonia”?A. They usually avoid listening to music.B. They like to listen to certain types of music.C. They believe cultural differences are larger than music.D. They cant feel the pleasure that music brings to others.32. What was the purpose of the study?A. To learn what music people love most.B.

    45、To learn how music influences peoples emotions. C. To see whether music works in the same way for all people.D. To understand the relationship between music and the body.33. What happened to the participants when they listened to music?A. All of them had faster heartbeat and sweated more.B. People w

    46、ho enjoyed music had more dopamine released.C. They showed different physical signs as the music changed.D. People who got less pleasure from music had higher blood flow. 四、阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。 (共 10 分,每小题 2 分)Do you use emoji very often? Its said that emoji is fastest growing language in history. Five billion emojis are sent every day just on some social media, such as Wechat and Facebook. 72 percent of 18- to 25-year-olds find it easier to express their feelings in emoji pictures than through the written word, according to a survey for the TalkTalk mob


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