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    牛津译林版英语八年级下Unit5 Study skills课件

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    牛津译林版英语八年级下Unit5 Study skills课件

    1、Unit 5Good manners,Study skills,Revision,Translation.,1. 你可以把事情向他解释一下。You can _. 2. 公共标志可以让我们远离危险。_ can _ danger.,explain it to him,keep us away from,Public signs,3. 我们必须警告人们勿在此钓鱼。We must _ here. 4. 我们不应该随地乱扔纸屑。We _ the ground with paper.,warn people not to fish,should not litter,candle,pain,kndl,n.

    2、 蜡烛,pen,n. 疼痛,Look and learn,What useful tips does Jenny offer in the school radio show?When in Rome, do as the Romans do.Do you know the Chinese meaning of this sentence?This is an English saying. Today were going to learn more English sayings.,Warming up,Using English sayings (使用英语谚语),A saying is

    3、a short wise statement that usually gives advice or expresses some truth about life.,谚语是一个通常给出建议或表达生活真理的简短且富含智慧的陈述。,When in Rome, do as the Romans do.,(When you are in a foreign country or a situation you are not familiar with, you should behave in the way that people around you behave.),Many tradit

    4、ional sayings are still in general use today. Sometimes they are a great help if you need some wise words to express you ideas. They make what you say or write simple and vivid (生动的).,很多传统的谚语现在仍然经常使用, 有时如果你需要一些睿智的言语来表达你的想法,那么它们作用很大,它们让你的表达简单而传神。,c. you have to do something before others in order to

    5、be successful,b. when one bad thing happens to you, other bad things happen soon after,d. if lots of people share the work, it will make a job easier to complete,everybody will be lucky or successful sometime in their life.,f. risk losing everything all at one time,e. what other people have always s

    6、eems better than yourown,Part A,Sandy collected some sayings. Help her matchthe sayings with their meanings.,sksesfl,adj. 成功的,adv. 在某时,不久以后,rsk,vt. 冒险做,the early bird catches the worm,早起的鸟有虫吃。,wm,n.软体虫,蠕虫,it never rains but it pours,不鸣则已,一鸣惊人 / 祸不单行,many hands make light work,人多活轻./ 众人拾柴火焰高,every do

    7、g has its day,凡人皆有得意日 / 风水轮流转,put all your eggs in one basket,孤注一掷,the grass is always greener on the other side,邻家芳草绿 / 隔岸风景好 。,Part B,1. Action speak louder than words. 2. No pain, no gain. 3. A friend in need is a friend indeed. 4. Practice makes perfect. 5. Burn the candle at both ends.,熟能生巧。,B.

    8、 Mr Wu has prepared some sayings for the students. Help the students complete the sentences with the correct sayings.,蜡烛不能两头点/精力不可过分耗。,行动胜过语言。,一分耕耘,一分收获/不劳无获,患难见真情。,gen,n.收获,ndid,adv. 真正地,n. 练习,训练,实践,no pain, no gain,Practice makes perfect,3. Do not try to do many things at one time. Otherwise, you

    9、will become tired out. Remember, you cannot _.,burn the candle at both ends,4. He always gives his friends help when they need it because he knows that_.,a friend in need is a friend indeed,5. Dad never says that he is good at cooking, but in fact heis. He always cooks delicious meals for us, that i

    10、s, _.,1. Just as the saying goes, “_.” My cousin has made his dream come true after years of hard work.,2. _. If you keep practising speaking English every day, you will be better at it.,actions speak louder than words,不久之后 2. 冒着一次性失去所有的风险 3. 冒险做某事 4. 早起的鸟儿有虫吃。 5. 不鸣则已,一鸣惊人/ 祸不单行 6. 人多活轻/ 众人拾柴火焰高。 7

    11、. 凡人皆有得意日 / 风水轮流转 8. 孤注一掷,soon after risk losing everything all at one time risk doing sth. the early bird catches the warm. it never rains but it poursmany hands make light workevery dog has its dayput all your eggs in one basket,Phrases,9. 邻家芳草绿/隔岸风景好 10. 行动胜过语言 11. 一分耕耘一分收获/ 不劳无获 12. 患难见真情13. 熟能生

    12、巧 14. 蜡烛不能两头点/精力不可过分耗,the grass is always greener on the other side actions speak louder than words no pain, no gaina friend in need is a friend indeed practice makes perfect burn the candle at both ends,Language points,1. successful,adj. 成功的,success,n. 成功,e.g. Hard work brings us _, but if we arela

    13、zy, we wont be _. (success),successful,success,2. soon after,不久之后,e.g. They met in May and became good friends_(不久之后),soon after,3. risk,vt. 冒险做,sth.,冒着 的风险,doing sth.,冒险做某事,Can you _ _ _ _ save people?(冒着生命危险).,risk,your,life,to,2) No one risk _(go) there.,going,1) Well take our holiday _in August,

    14、 I think.,4. sometime,adv. 在某时,多用一般过去时或一般将来时。,some time,“一段时间,一会儿”,sometimes,“几次,若干回”,adv.“有时,不时,间或”,常用一般现在时,some times,2) My mother _ drives to work. 3) I have stayed in the town for _. 4) I have been to the museum _.,sometime,sometimes,some time,some times,5. pain,痛,疼痛,不可数 n.,candle,蜡烛,可数n.,6. ind

    15、eed,adv.真正地,e.g. I was _(的确) glad to hear that.,indeed,猜测一下英语谚语对应的汉语表达。,1. A cold hand and a warm heart.2. Birds of a feather flock together.3. Dont judge people by their appearance.,刀子嘴,豆腐心。,物以类聚,人以群分。,不可以貌取人。,Exercises,4. It is better to trust the eye than the ear.5. It is never too late to mend.,百闻不如一见。,亡羊补牢,犹未晚矣。,1. Remember the new words and the sayings in this lesson. 2. Preview the next lesson.,Homework,


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