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    1、 12017-2018 江苏省南京市鼓楼区树人中学八年级下册期末阶段测试一、听力部分(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,计 15 分)A) 听下面 10 段对话。每段对话后有 1 个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。(每段对话读两遍)1. What is he good at?A. B. C. 2. Which of the following are they talking about?A B C 3. Where are the two speakers talking now? A. B. C. 4. How is Linda going to the cinema

    2、 tonight? A. B. C. 5. Which city did Sandy visit last?A. Paris. B. London. C. New York.6. When does Jims birthday party begin?A. At 5:00. B. At 5:30. C. At 4:30.7. What is Jacks sister?A. A nurse. B. A teacher. C. A student.8. Who does the red pen belong to?A. Betty. B. Mike. C. Lily.9. What can we

    3、learn about this young lady?A. She hasnt got married. B. She is very shy. C. She has a sense of homour.10. Whats the date today?A. Sep 9th. B. Sep 10th . C. Sep 11th.B) 听下面 3 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。 (每段对话或独白读两遍)听第 1 段材料,回答第 1112 小题。11. When is Jacks fathers birthday?A. This Su

    4、nday B. This Thursday C. This Saturday.12. What are they going to do for Jacks fathers birthday?A. Theyre going to have a party.2B. Theyre going to have a picnic.C. Theyre going to have a big dinner.听第 2 段材料,回答第 1315 小题。13. What are the man and woman doing?A. They are talking on the phone.B. They ar

    5、e having their summer holiday.C. They are watching the weather report14. Whats the weather like in Sanya now?A. Hot and windy. B. Hot and wet. C. Wet and windy.15. Where are Mikes family going to spend their holiday?A. In Hainan. B. In HongKong. C. In. Qingdao.二、单项填空(共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)16. -Is

    6、doctor Wang _ UNICEF volunteer? - Yes. He has worked for it for years.A. the B. / C. an D. a 17. - It is meaningful _ us to do something for people in need. - Yes. Its really nice _ you to think so.A. for; of B. of; for C. for; for D. of; of18. I couldnt walk any fast because a lot of people were _.

    7、A. in some ways B. in this way C. in my way D. on my way19. - It is not my_. Im after Tom and Lucy. - You have good manners.A. turn B. task C. channel D. opinion20. - What do you think of the fire accident in that shopping mall?- I knew nothing about it _ I watched TV and read newspaper last week.A.

    8、 after B. until C. as soon as D. since21. - _ is Sunshine For All held? - Only a year. Its held every November.A. When B. How long C. How often D. How soon22. Kitty is chatty and she always _ while other people are talking.A. cuts in B. cuts down C. carries on D. carries out23. - How beautiful this

    9、kind of computer is! Where did you buy it? - It _ in that shop. It _ well.A. sells;is sold B. sells; sells C. is sold; is sold D. is sold;sells24. - Why is the boy crying over there? -He wants the balloon in the tree, but he is _ to reach it.A. too short B. short enough C. so short D. such short25.

    10、- Haze(雾霾) has been a serious problem in our city in the past few months.- Yes. The situation will be worse if nothing _ to fight pollution in the future.A. has done B. will be done C. is done D. does26. - Excuse me. Could you please tell me _ my car? - Sure.Park it right here.A. how to stop B. wher

    11、e to park C. where to stop D. when to park27. - The government is thinking of building a bridge across the lake.- I think the environment will be _ if there is too much traffic.A. protected B. produced C. prevented D. polluted28. - Hello. May I speak to Marry? - Sorry, she _ to the supermarket. May

    12、I take a message?A. has been B. has gone C. went D. goes29. - If I work hard at my lessons from now on, can I learn them well? - Sure._.A. All rivers run into sea. B. Every day is not Sunday.C. Better later than never. D. Practice makes perfect.30. - Would you mind me having another pie? - _. Help y

    13、ourself.A. No, you wouldnt. B. Of course. C. Sorry, youd better not. D. Certainly not.3、完形填空(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)3One day, my grandfather went fishing, and let me come with him. He handed the rod(钓竿) to me, held my arms and taught me how to throw my 31 into the water. Our bobbers(浮标) floated tog

    14、ether 32 we sat there, hoping for a bite.The sun warmed us. We sat and talked. “I remember when I could sit here and watch the fish 33 in the water,” he said. “Sometimes, theyd jump out and 34 beside me. I didnt need a rod and bait (饵) at the moment.”“We have to be 35 .” he continued. “The fish may

    15、come or they may not. It doesnt matter. Were out in the sun. Its a beautiful day. If it had rained, we wouldnt be here. Were lucky to have the 36 of the sun.”He leaned back against a tree. “Yes, its a great day,” he said.I watched our bobbers. No fish 37 them under that day. It didnt matter. I was w

    16、ith Grandpa. I felt grown up. Just being with him was special.He was well loved by everyone and I wanted to 38 him when I grew up. Hed worked hard all his life for what little he had, 39 he could still find time to laugh.He was an amazing man. In the short time we had together, he taught me many thi

    17、ngs: 40 to bait a hook(钩子), the value of a good laugh, the value of a good friend, respect for my elders, and the importance of working hard and loving harder. The list is long.31. A. line B. rod C. fish D. icon 32. A. if B. because C. unless D. as33. A. sleeping B. swimming C. fighting D. shaking34

    18、. A. sit B. stand C. land D. leave35. A. serious B. patient C. happy D. lonely36. A. coldness B. coolness C. warmth D. heat 37. A. pushed B. pulled C. clicked D. knocked38. A. be like B. learn from C. look for D. care for39. A. and B. but C. or D. so40. A. what B. which C. how D. when四、阅读理解(共 10 小题,

    19、每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)A41. If you are a fan of the Korean actor, you may go to in April.Part 1Kim Soo-hyun, the leading actor in Man From the Stars, from Korea presents in Guangzhou in April. Time: 3:00 pm, April 4 Ticket Price: ¥400-1500Place: Sports Centre Booking: 11185Part 2Disneys Frozen, directed by

    20、 Jennifer Lee and Chris Buck, won the Oscar for animated feature(最佳动画片) in March. The Students Union will replay the film in the hall.Time: 7:30 pm, April 25 Place: the hall in Building A Ticket Price: ¥2 4A. Beijing B. Shanghai C. Guangzhou D. Nanjing42. Part 2 is probably from .A. a novel B. a col

    21、lege poster C. a science book D. a textbookBPeople use their mouths for many things. They eat, talk, shout and sing. They smile and they kiss. In the English language, there are many expressions using the word “mouth.”But some of them are not so nice.For example, if you say bad things about a person

    22、, the person might protest and say “Do not bad mouth me.”Sometimes, people say something to a friend or a family member that they later regret because it hurts that persons feelings. Or they tell the person something they were not supposed to tell. The speaker might say “I really put my foot in my m

    23、outh this time.” If this should happen, the speaker might feel down in the mouth. In other words, he might feel sad for saying the wrong thing.Sometimes when one person is speaking, he says the same thing that his friend is going to say. When this happens, this friend might say:”You took the words r

    24、ight out of my mouth!” Sometimes a person has a bad or unpleasant experience with another person. He might say that experience “left a bad taste in my mouth.” Or the person has possible had a very terrible experience, like being chased by an angry dog. He might say:“I had my heart in my mouth.”Some

    25、people have lots of money because they were born into a very rich family. There is an expression for this, too. You might say such a person “was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.” This rich person is the opposite of a person who lives from“ hand to mouth”. This person is very poor and only has

    26、enough money for the most important things in life, like food.43. When a man says “I had my heart in my mouth”, usually he means he was very _.A. excited B. afraid C.surprised D. satisfied44. Your best friend Tony said what you were going to say, he might say:“_.”A. You were born with a silver spoon

    27、 in your mouth.B. You really put my foot in my mouth. C. You really left a bad taste in my mouth. D. You took the words right out of my mouth.45. Which of the following might be the best title for this passage?A. Different Uses of Mouth B. People and Their Mouths C. Expressions about Mouth D. The Im

    28、portance of MouthCOn March 23, students of Bedford Junior High School dressed up and walked down the red carpet(地毯),just like Hollywood stars. They were attending their own Random Film Festival that evening. They had fun dressing up before showing their acting, editing and film work to the audience.

    29、Bedford Junior High in Texas, the USA, holds the show every year.However, it was for a bigger reason this year. All the money of the donations will be used to help build a handicapped-accessible(方便残疾人的) playground at Douglas Road Elementary School.In fact, this event came from the idea of a student

    30、called Kerragan Grandee, a 14-year-old girl in Grade Eight. Her younger brother Brandon, 7, who is a Douglas Road student with cerebral palsy(脑瘫). “Hes fighting cerebral palsy, but hes still the most positive(积极的) person Ive met,” Grandee told junior-high parents, teachers and students, “I look up t

    31、o him even though hes my little brother.”Carol Perz, the principle of Douglas Road School heard of the idea and was touched by it. She loved seeing the support from the eighth-grade students and their families. “It is really meaningful,” said Perz. “This is a true community project.”Until now, about

    32、 $200,000 had already been raised for the playground-about half of what is needed to do the project. Douglas Road School will try to use the money to make a new playground and it would be suitable for running, carts and wheelchairs. Later, the students named the new playground CP(for cerebral palsy)

    33、 Swagger 5Shipyard.46. The students of Bedford Junior High School dressed up to _.A. make some fun B. attend a film festivalC. see a fashion show D. join the Halloween party47. Kerragan Grandee got the idea of building a special playground because _.A. this is a plan for her schools film festivalB.

    34、the School principle thought it was meaningfulC. her little brother wanted to take part in the school sportsD. She wanted to do something for her disabled but positive brother48. The underlined phrase”look up to” means “_” in Chinese.A. 尊敬 B. 寻找 C. 当心 D. 照顾49. The new handicapped-accessible playgrou

    35、nd _.A. will be built in Bedford Junior High SchoolB. can only help students with cerebral palsyC. will cost less than $200,000 to do the projectD. was named CP Swagger Shipyard by students50.What does this passage mainly talk about?A. Kerragan Grandee and younger brother BradenB. Bedford Junior Hig

    36、h Schools Random Film FestivalC. Raising money for making a new special playgroundD. A handicapped-accessible playground at an elementary school 5、填空(共 30 小题,每小题 1 分;满分 30 分)A)根据括号中所给的音标或汉语写出单词,使句子意思完整正确。51. The little girl isnt old enough to _(表达) herself。52. American English is _(相似的) to British E

    37、nglish.53. After a long _(讨论) with her father, she decided not to take the job.54. He likes playing ball game, _(尤其)football.55. By _(培训) local doctors and nurses, they hope to help more people.56. Im _(期待) a call from his son.57. -Do you know the _(运动员)names? I want to interview them. - Sorry, I do

    38、nt know.58. He lighted a _(/kndl/) and walked into the dark room.B) 根据意思用括号中所给词的正确形式填空。59. Its _(polite) to talk with food in your mouth.60. Toms mother is angry with his poor schoolwork, so please avoid _(talk) about grades here today.61. Every student must pass a _(medicine) examination before goi

    39、ng to high school.62. When I left the hospital, I _(cure) completely.63. Its necessary for parents to communicate _(close) with their children.64. - Are you used to _(get) up early? - Yes, I get up at 6 every morning.65. You are not allowed _(speak)Chinese at the English Corner.C)按要求改写句子。 (每空一词,每空 0

    40、.5 分,共 7 分)66. My mum has to look after my grandfather.(改为否定句)My mum_ _ to look after my grandfather.67. Tom is very careless. He often leaves things on the bus.(改为同义句)Its _ _ Tom to leave on the things on the bus often.68. Its meaningful to take part in charity work.(改为同义句)_ _ in charity work is me

    41、aningful.69. The school hall is too small to hold 500 people.(改为同义句)6The school hall wasnt _ _ to hold 500 people.70. The boss made the workers works for ten hours a day.(改为被动语态)The workers were made _ _ for ten hours a day.71. We can save energy by burning off lights when leaving rooms.(对划线部分提问)_ _

    42、we save energy?72. We will be fined by the by the police because of running the red light.(改为主动语态)The police will _ _ because of running the red light.D) 根据所给汉语完成句子。 (每空词数不限)73. 医生建议这位病人戒烟。The doctor advised the patient _.74. 我父母警告我不要玩火。My parents _ play with fire.75. 我骄傲我是中国人。Im _ a Chinese.76. 李明已

    43、 20 多岁了,但他总是依赖父母。Li Ming is in his twenties, but he always _ his parents.77. 昨天,这些传单分发给街上的人们。The leaflets_ people in the street yesterday.78. 这个房间太黑了,他不能在里面看书。The room is too dark_in.79. 过去我常常周末乘公交去看足球赛。I _ a bus to watch football matches at weekends.80. 她教练的耐心已经磨完了。The patience of her coach has _.6

    44、、阅读填空(共 15 小题,满分 20 分;82-85 每小题 1 分,86-95 每小题 0.5 分)A)根据下面短文内容,在文章地 81-85 小题的空格里填入恰当的单词。注意:每空一词Life is always changing.What will life be like in the future?Here are some predictions (预测).The first prediction is about people.People may live for up to 120 years and keep healthy by using new technology

    45、.The number of people over a hundred years old will go from 135,000 today to 2.2 million by 2050.The second prediction is about money and shopping.Worldwide e-business will become more successful with online shops that sell special products for each person.The products people order will be brought to their houses the next day.The third prediction is about the environment.The technology for making energy from wind and the sun is developing q


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