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    1、聚焦考点温习理解代词的基本概念 代词是代替名词的词。按其不同的含义及作用分为 9 类:人称代词、物主代词、指示代词、反身代词、相互代词、疑问代词、不定代词、连接代词和关系代词等。一、人称代词人称代词有主格和宾格之分。通常主格作主语,宾格作宾语。人称代词还可作表语。作表语时用宾格。二、物主代词1.表示所有关系的代词叫物主代词。物主代词分形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词。2. 形容词性物主代词的作用相当于形容词,可在句中作定语。3. 名词性物主代词的作用相当于名词,在句中可用作主语、宾语和表语。三、指示代词指示代词包括:this,that,these,those。2. that 和 those 指

    2、前面讲到过的事物,this 和 these 则是指下面将要讲到的事物。3. 有时为了避免 重复提到的名词,常可用 that 或 those 代替,例如:Television sets made in Beijing are just as good as those made in Shanghai4. this 在电话用语中 代表自己,that 则代表对方。四、反身代词英语中用来表示“我自己” ,“你自己”,“他自己”,“ 我们自己”,“你们自己”等意义的代词称为反身代词,也有人称之为自身代名词,其形式如表所示。反身代词可以在句中作宾 语,表语,同位语。五、相互代词表示相互关系的代词叫做相互

    3、代词。相互代词有 each other 和 one another 两种形 式。在当代英语中,each other 和 one another 没有什么区别。相互代词可在句中作宾语,定语。作定语用 时,相互代词用所有格形式。六、疑问代词疑问代词有 who,whom,whose,what 和 which 等。疑问代词用于特殊疑问句中,一般都放在句首,并在句子中作为某一句子成分。七、不定代词不是指明代替任何特定名词的代词叫做不定代词,在句中可作主语、表语、宾语和定语。1. some 与 any 的区别2. few, a few, little, a little 在用法上的区别3. other,

    4、the other, another, others, the others 4. every 与 each 的区别。5. all 和 both 的用法。八、连接代词连接代词主要包括 who, whom, what, which, whose, whoever, whatever, whichever, whosever 等,它们在句中可用作主语、宾语、表语、定语等,可以引导主语从句、宾语从句和表语从句,如:I dont know who he is. 我不知道他是谁。What he says sounds reasonable. 他说的话听起来有道理。The question is who(

    5、m) we should trust. 问题是我们该信任谁。九、关系代词关系代词是一种引导从句并起连接主句和从句作用的代词。关系代词有 who, whose, whom, that, which. 它们在句中可用作主语,表语,宾语,定语。 在主句中,它们还代表着从句所修饰的那个名词或代词。名师点睛典例分类类型一、人称代词和物主代词【例 1】Im surprised at the new look of hometown.AI Bme Cmy Dmine【举一反三】1. Dad, could you please teach _English?Sure! But its more importa

    6、nt to learn it by_Amy, yourself Bme, you Cmy; you Dme, yourself2. -Where would you like to go tomorrow, Beijing or Xian? - is OK. Its up to you.AEither BNeither CBoth DAll3. -Who is the lady in red?-Miss Gao. She teaches English.Awe Bus Cour Dours类型二、指示代词和反身代词【例 2】_ are my brothers .AHe BSheC These

    7、DThat来源:Z*xx*k.Com【举一反三】1. The population of Beijing is larger than _of Wuhan.Ait Bone Cthat Dthose2. Hi , Kate ! This is my brother and _ are my parents . Nice to meet you .Athis BthatC you D these3. Our teachers always tell us that we must to ca lm down when a natural disaster happens.Atell oursel

    8、ves Btell yourselfC say to ourselves Dsay to yourself来源:Z#xx#k.Com类型三、不定代词及相互代词【例 3】Good friends alwa ys help _.Athe other Bother Ceach other Dother each【例 4】Peter, we are good friends. We can help _.Yes, youre right.Aother Beach Ceach other【点睛】不定代词的应用是初中英语考察的重点,熟记每个代词的用法,注意每个代词之间用法含义上的不同。解题时结合语境具体分

    9、析,选择正确答案。【举一反三】1. They put the food into _ bags.Aeach other Beach others Cone others Done another2. I have seen two foreign films. One is made in Canada, and _ is made in the USA.Aanother Bthe other Cother Dthe others3. Henry was happy because _ his three sons came back home on Fathers Day.Aboth Bal

    10、lC either Dneither类型四、疑问代词1. _ your telephone number ?Its 8766-7859 .AWheres BWhatsC Hows DWhat【举一反三】1. - is your favorite season?来源:-I like spring best.AHow BWhere CWhen DWhat2. _ are your family rules?Er, I must help to do the dishes and clean my room.AHow BWhat C Why3. -_ are you going to the mov

    11、ies with this weekend?- My parents.AWho BWhere CWhen DWhat类型五、关系代词及连接代词1. What about asking someone _serious movies?Awho like Bwho likes Cwhom like Dwhom likes【点睛】定语从句的解题把握好基本的概念及关系代词关系副词分别指的人或物时所对应的不同的用法。对 于关系代词还是关系副词的选择,则要看定语从句中如果缺少主语、宾语就用关系代词,既不缺主语也不缺宾语则用关系副词作状语。【举一反三】1 - Playing basketball is th

    12、e only thing _ Ive ever wanted to do. Im serious about it.- But you should know_ study is the most important thing for you now.Athat ; that Bwhich ; that Cwhat ; which Dthat ; what2. The bike _ my mother bought for me yesterday doesnt work .Awho Bthat Cwhere Dwhat3. What do you think of the picture?

    13、It reminds me of the days _ I spent in the countryside.Awhen Bwho C that DWhere4.Many people talk about “Didi“. I really wonder .To order a taxi through it on your mobile phone.Awhen I can use it Bwhat it is used forC where people use it Dwho uses it most课时作业能力提升1. -_is your sweater?-Black and white

    14、.AWhat colors BWhat color CWhats the color DWhat are the colors2. -_ is this bag?-Its _.AWho; her BWhose; her CWho; hers DWhose; hers3. There is a phone on the floor. _ is it?Oh, it _ Alice.AWhose; belongs BWho; belongs toC Whose; belongs to DWho; belongs for4. -_ your aunt? -She is a doctor.AWhos B

    15、Whats CHows DWhens5. -Do you know the man passed away on October 30, 2018?- Jin Yong, one of the greatest Kung Fu fiction writers in China.Awho Bwhat Cwhich Dwhom6. What does “teacher“ mean to you,Daniel?A teacher is the person makes all other occupations(职业)possible.Awho Bwhich Cwhom Dwhat7. Kids,

    16、I hope youll remember the good old days _ we spent together in junior high though its time to say goodbye.Awho Bwhat Cwhich Dwhose8. Only the dream _ can help others will bring happiness in return.Awhich Bthat Cwho Dwhat9. The number of people_were killed in the accident been announced yet.Athat; ha

    17、vent Bwho; hasnt Cwhich; hasnt Dwhom; havent10. She asks me I have returned the books to the library, and I admit(承认) I havent.Awhen Bwhere Cwhether Dwhat聚焦考点温习理解代词的基本概念 代词是代替名词的词。按其不同的含义及作用分为 9 类:人称代词、物主代词、指示代词、反身代词、相互代词、疑问代词、不定代词、连接代词和关系代词等。一、人称代词人称代词有主格和宾格之分。通常主格作主语,宾格作宾语。人称代词还可作表语。作表语时用宾格。二、物主代词

    18、1.表示所有关系的代词叫物主代词。物主代词分形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词。2. 形容词性物主代词的作用相当于形容词,可在句中作定语。3. 名词性物主代词的作用相当于名词,在句中可用作主语、宾语和表语。三、指示代词指示代词包括:this,that,these,those。2. that 和 those 指前面讲到过的事物,this 和 these 则是指下面将要讲到的事物。3. 有时为了避免重复提到的名词,常可用 that 或 those 代替,例如:Television sets made in Beijing are just as good as those made in Shang

    19、hai4. this 在电话用语中代表自己,that 则代表对方。四、反身代词英语中用来表示“我自己” ,“你自己”,“他自己”,“ 我们自己”,“你们自己”等意义的代词称为反身代词,也有人称之为自身代名词,其形式如表所示。反身代词可以在句中作宾语,表语,同位语。五、相互代词表示相互关系的代词叫做相互代词。相互代词有 each other 和 one another 两种形 式。在当代英语中,each other 和 one another 没有什么区别。相互代词可在句中作宾语,定语。作定语用时,相互代词用所有格形式。六、疑问代词疑问代词有 who,whom,whose,what 和 whic

    20、h 等。疑问代词用于特殊疑问句中,一般都放在句首,并在句子中作为某一句子成分。七、不定代词不是指明代替任何特定名词的代词叫做不定代词,在句中可作主语、表语、宾语和定语。1. some 与 any 的区别来2. few, a few, little, a little 在用法上的区别3. other, the other, another, others, the others 4. every 与 each 的区别。5. all 和 both 的用法八、连接代词连接代词主要包括 who, whom, what, which, whose, whoever, whatever, whicheve

    21、r, whosever 等,它们在句中可用作主语、宾语、表语、定语等,可以引导主语从句、宾语从句和表语从句,如:I dont know who he is. 我不知道他是谁。What he says sounds reasonable. 他说的话听起来有道理。The question is who(m) we should trust. 问题是我们该信任谁。九、关系代词关系代词是一种引导从句并起连接主句和从句作用的代词。关系代词有 who, whose, whom, that, which. 它们在句中可用作主语,表语,宾语,定语。 在主句中,它们还代表着从句所修饰的那个名词或代词。名师点睛典

    22、例分类类型一、人称代词和物主代词【例 1】Im surprised at the new look of hometown.AI Bme Cmy Dmine【来源】重庆市 2018 年中考英语试题【答案 】C【举一反三】1. Dad, could you please teach _English?Sure! But its more important to learn it by_Amy, yourself Bme, you Cmy; you Dme, yourself【来源】内蒙古呼和浩特市 2018 年中考英语试卷【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意“爸爸,你能教我英语吗? 当然!但更重要的

    23、是自己学习“ 第一个空,动词 teach教后用宾格 me 我第二个空,learn it by oneself 自学故选: D【点睛】这里要分清名词性物主代词,形容词性物主代词,主格或宾格、反身代词的用法,结合语境选择合适答案2. -Where would you like to go tomorrow, Beijing or Xian? - is OK. Its up to you.AEither BNeither CBoth DAll【来源】2018 年江苏扬州中考英语试卷 2018 年 6 月份【答案】A3. -Who is the lady in red?-Miss Gao. She t

    24、eaches English.Awe Bus Cour Dours【来源】2018 年江苏扬州中考英语试卷 2018 年 6 月份【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意: 穿红衣服的女士是谁?高小姐。她教我们英语。考查代词辨析题。teach(教)是及物动词,需接宾格代词做宾语;we 是主格代词,our 和 ours 分别是形容词性和名词性物主代词,皆可排除。us 我们,宾格形式;根据句意语境,可知选 B。类型二、指示代词和反身代词【例 2】_ are my brothers .AHe BSheC These DThat【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:这些是我的兄弟。A. He 他;B. She 她;C

    25、. These 这些;D. That 那个。根据 are 判断,主语应为复数形式,these 是 this 的复数形式,其它选项都是人称代词或指示代词的单数形式,故答案选 C。【举一反三】1. The population of Beijing is larger than _of Wuhan.Ait Bone Cthat Dthose【答案】C【点睛】this 指示代词,这,单数;它的复数是 these 这些;that 指示代词,那,单数;它的复数those 那些;my 形容词性的物主代词,后接名词,例如:my bag;mine 名词性物主代词,后不用接名词,例如:This book is

    26、mine。it 可代指除以外的东西,也可以指不明性别的人,可代替前面提到过的东西,有时用于固定句型或代指天气,距离,时间等,有时做形式主语或形式宾语;one 通常用于前面提到过某类事物中的一个,it 代指上文提到的那一个。2. Hi , Kate ! This is my brother and _ are my parents . Nice to meet you .Athis BthatC you D these【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意: 嗨,凯特!这是我弟弟,这(些)是我父母。 很高兴见到你。考查代词辨析题。系词 are 需跟复数人称, this 和 that 都是单数人称,可排除

    27、 AB 两项。根据 Nice to meet you .,可知是介绍别人, you 不合句意,故选 D。3. Our teachers always tell us that we must to calm down when a natural disaster happens.Atell ourselves Btell yourselfC say to ourselves Dsay to yourself【答案】A类型三、不定代词及相互代词【例 3】Good friends always help _.Athe other Bother Ceach other Dother each【答案

    28、】C【解析】【详解】句意:好朋友总是互相帮助。A. the other 指两者中的另一个;常与 one 连用; B. other 其他的,后跟名词; C. each other 互相; D. other each 没有这个短语。这里朋友之间应该是互相帮助。故选 C。【点睛】考查代词辨析,必须了解四个选项的用法及句意。the other 表示“两者之中的另一个” ,常与 one 连用,构成“onethe other”;the other 修饰可数名词的复数,表示“其余全部的” ,特指某一范围中其他的人或事物。other+单数名词,其前必须有 one,any ,no ,every 等词修饰。如:M

    29、ary is cleverer than any other girl in the class.other 后跟可数名词的复数,others=other+名词,其后不能再跟名词。each other 互相,one another 互相。【例 4】Peter, we are good friends. We can help _.Yes, youre right.Aother Beach Ceach other【答案】C【解析】句意: 彼得,我们是好朋友。我们可以相互帮助。 是的,你是对的。考查相互代词的用法。A. other 别的,其它的;B. each 每个,各自;C. each othe

    30、r 互相,彼此。help each other 相互帮助。故答案选 C。【点睛】不定代词的应用是初中英语考察的重点,熟记每个代词的用法,注意每个代词之间用法含义上的不同。解题时结合语境具体分析,选择正确答案。【举一反三】1. They put the food into _ bags.Aeach other Beach others Cone others Done another【答案】B【解析】句意:他们把食物放进彼此的包里。A. each other 彼此; B. each others 彼此的; C. one others 没有这种形式,有 one anothers 的形式“彼此的”

    31、;D. one another 彼此。空格后有名词,所以这里应该是作定语修饰名词 bags,所以应该用所有格的形式。故选 B。点睛:考查代词的区别。each other 和 one another“互相”;它们的所有格都是在其后加s;根据空格与名词之间的关系来判断空格处词的形式。2. I have seen two foreign films. One is made in Canada, and _ is made in the USA.Aanother Bthe other Cother Dthe others【答案】B3. Henry was happy because _ his th

    32、ree sons came back home on Fathers Day.Aboth BallC either Dneither【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:Henry 很开心,因为他的三个儿子在父亲节这天都回家了。 A 项,both“ 两者都” ;B项,all“所有,全部” ,用于三者或三者以上;C 项,either“ 两者中的任意一个” ;D 项,neither“两者都不” 。根据句意“Henry 很开心,因为他的三个儿子在父亲节这天都回家了, ”故 all 符合题意。答案为 B。【点睛】both, either, neither, all, any, none 的用法与区别:这些词

    33、都可用作代词或形容词。其位置都在 be 动词之后,行为动词之前或第一助动词之后。both (两者都),either(两者中任何一个),neither (两者都不) 。以上几个词的使用范围为两个人或物。both 与复数连用,either 与单数连用。all (所有的,全部的人或物) ,any (任何一个) , none (都不) 。 以上几个词的使用范围为三者以上。故 both 的反义词为neither;all 的反义词为 none。类型四、疑问代词1. _ your telephone number ?Its 8766-7859 .AWheres BWhatsC Hows DWhat【答案】B

    34、【举一反三】1. - is your favorite season?-I like spring best.AHow BWhere CWhen DWhat【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意: 你最喜欢的季节是什么?我最喜欢春季。 How 如何,Where 哪里, When何时,What 什么。根据 I like spring best.可知此处询问最喜欢的季节是什么,故用疑问词what,故选 D。2. _ are your family rules?Er, I must help to do the dishes and clean my room.AHow BWhat CWhy【答案】B【解析

    35、】来源:ZXXK3. -_ are you going to the movies with this weekend?- My parents.AWho BWhere CWhen DWhat【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意: 这个周末你将要和谁一起去看电影?我的父母。 Who 谁,Where 哪里,When 何时,What 什么。根据 My parents.可知此处对人提问,故用疑问词 who。故选 A。类型五、关系代词及连接代词1. What about asking someone _serious movies?Awho like Bwho likes Cwhom like Dwhom

    36、likes【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:问一个喜欢严肃电影的人怎么样?考查定语从句。本句定语从句的先行词是someone 不定代词,是人,故用 who 或 whom 引导这个定语从句,引导词在定语从句做主语,可知用 who 引导,先行词是不定代词,故谓语动词用单数,结合句意可知填 who likes;选 B。【点睛】定语从句的解题把握好基本的概念及关系代词关系副词分别指的人或物时所对应的不同的用法。对于关系代词还是关系副词的选择,则要看定语从句中如果缺少主语、宾语就用关系代词,既不缺主语也不缺宾语则用关系副词作状语。【举一反三】1 - Playing basketball is the on

    37、ly thing _ Ive ever wanted to do. Im serious about it.- But you should know_ study is the most important thing for you now.Athat ; that Bwhich ; that Cwhat ; which Dthat ; what【答案】A【解析】来源:Zxxk.Com【详解】句意: 打篮球是我曾经想要做的唯一一件事。我是认真的。 但是你应该知道,现在对你来说,学习是最重要的事。第一空 the only 修饰先行词 thing,因此后面的定语从句用 that 来引导。第二空

    38、动词 know 后面的宾语从句,不缺少成分,故用 that 引导。故选A。2. The bike _ my mother bought for me yesterday doesnt work .Awho Bthat Cwhere Dwhat【答案】B3. What do you think of the picture?It reminds me of the days _ I spent in the countryside.Awhen Bwho C that DWhere【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意: 你觉得这幅画怎么样?这让我想起了我在农村度过的日子。本题考查定语从句的引导词。先行词

    39、是 the days,从句中 I spent 后面缺少宾语,所以应用关系代词,结合选项可知 C 选项符合题意,故答案选 C。4.Many people talk about “Didi“. I really wonder .To order a taxi through it on your mobile phone.Awhen I can use it Bwhat it is used forC where people use it D who uses it most【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:-很多人谈论“ 滴滴”,我真的想知道它是用来干什么的。-是在你的手机上通过它来叫出租车。w

    40、hen I use it 我什么时候使用它;what it is used for.它是用来干什么的;where people use it 人们在哪里使用它;who uses it most 谁使用它最多。根据下面的回答 To order a taxi through it on your mobile phone 可知,这里询问的是 “滴滴”的用途是什么,故应选B。课时作业能力提升1. -_is your sweater?-Black and white.AWhat colors BWhat color CWhats the color DWhat are the colors【答案】B2

    41、. -_ is this bag?-Its _.AWho; her BWhose; her CWho; hers DWhose; hers【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意: 这个包是谁的? 这是她的。A.谁;她;B.谁的;她 C.谁;她的;D.谁的;她的,根据句意可知,问句中用 whose 提问,回答中用 hers 表示,她的包,故选 D。3. There is a phone on the floor. _ is it?Oh, it _ Alice.AWhose; belongs BWho; belongs toC Whose; belongs to DWho; belongs for【答案】

    42、C【解析】【详解】句意: 地板上有一部电话。这是谁的?哦,它是爱丽丝的。考查疑问词和动词短语辨析题。whose 谁的,问物主; who 谁,问人。根据句意可知,第一空询问电话是谁的,应填写 whose,表示物主;第二空指电话属于爱丽丝, belong to 属于,是固定短语,后可跟名词或代词,故选 C。4. -_ your aunt? -She is a doctor.AWhos BWhats CHows DWhens【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意: 你的阿姨是干什么的? 她是一名医生。考查特殊疑问句。Whos 问是谁;Whats 问职业;Hows 问方式/ 状态;Whens 问时间。根据答语

    43、 She is a doctor.,可知问的是职业,故选 B。5. -Do you know the man passed away on October 30, 2018?- Jin Yong, one of the greatest Kung Fu fiction writers in China.Awho Bwhat Cwhich Dwhom 来源【答案】A6. What does “teacher“ mean to you,Daniel?A teacher is the person makes all other occupations(职业)possible.Awho Bwhich

    44、 Cwhom Dwhat【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意: -“老师” 对你来说意味着什么,Daniel?-一个老师就是使所有其他职业成为可能的人。who 引导定语从句,是关系代词,先行词为人,在从句中作主语或宾语;which 引导定语从句,是关系代词,先行词为物,在从句中作主语或宾语;whom 引导定语从句,先行词为人,在从句中作宾语;what 不能引导定语从句。根据句子结构可知,这是一个定语从句,修饰 the person,指人,并且从句中缺少主语,故应选 A。7. Kids, I hope youll remember the good old days _ we spent togeth

    45、er in junior high though its time to say goodbye.Awho Bwhat Cwhich Dwhose【答案】C8. Only the dream _ can help others will bring happiness in return.Awhich Bthat Cwho Dwhat【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:只有帮助别人的梦想才能带来幸福。考查定语从句。根据 Only the dream _ can help others will bring happiness in return.可知,本题考查定语从句,分析句中定语从句的先行词 dream 是物,且有


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