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    2019年外研版英语选修7学案:Module 6 Section Ⅱ

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    2019年外研版英语选修7学案:Module 6 Section Ⅱ

    1、Section Introduction no one knows when it came into existence.8.exposure n 暴露;显露10.awareness n 意识;认识;感悟能力aware adj.知道的;意识到的11.propose v 建议;提议proposal n 建议;提议12.assistance n 帮助,援助assist v 协助;帮助assistant n 助手13.estimate v I dont want to get involved.请别把我拉入这场争吵中我可不想牵连进去。7Not only is she pretty but also

    2、 kindhearted.她不仅漂亮,而且心地善良。8What he said is hard to understand.他说的很难让人明白。一、全练语言点,基稳才能楼高.单词拼写1They want to make a contribution (贡献) to their country, their nation, their city.2Its recommended/proposed (建议) that you should consult your doctor.3The campaign aims to raise public awareness (意识) about the

    3、dangers of passive smoking.4According to the archaeologist, everything in existence (存在 ) is reasonable.5I made a request ( 请求) for the information of the current situation.6Exposure ( 暴露) of the body to strong sunlight can be harmful.7My time is precious (宝贵的), and I can only spare you a few minute

    4、s.8Based on the agreement (协议 ), all payments shall be made by the end of the month.9In spite of cries, no one came to his assistance (帮助)10This island is maintained as a reserve for endangered (濒危的) species.单句改错1Our few measures contributed to preserve animals without effect.preservepreserving2He m

    5、ade a proposal that we will raise all the peoples awareness of protecting the environment.去掉 will 或 willshould3The boy was requested to going boating with his schoolmates.goinggo4As far as Im concerned, your advice is of great useful to my study.usefuluse5He recommended my hand in my homework tomorr

    6、ow morning.handhanding6We should try our best to preserve the endangered species extinction.extinction 前加from7I dont think the three sides can arrive an agreement in such a short time.arrive 后加 at8Not only his classmates but also his teacher think highly of him. thinkthinks.选词填空apart from, of vital

    7、importance, contribute to, if not, in danger, be listed as, get involved, cause damage to1.The symbolism of every gesture will be of vital importance during the short state visit.2The pipeline accident can cause damage to the people and equipment around.3He got involved in a heated argument.4If they

    8、 arrive before I leave, well and good.If not, the responsibility will be mine.5All of us will struggle fairly hard to survive if we are in danger.6Apart from some spelling mistakes, the composition is fairly good.7Natural disasters have obviously contributed to the continents economic crisis.8Her de

    9、ath would be listed as an accident.课文语法填空Zhoukoudian is 1.a small village about 50 kilometres southwest of Beijing. Prehistoric human bones were found there 2.which changed Chinas knowledge of its history. Zhoukoudian 3.was listed (list) as a world heritage site in December 1987. It has provided ama

    10、zing evidence about the process of evolution. Today, however, Zhoukoudian is 4.in serious danger. Parts of the cave have been badly affected by rain and 5.exposure (expose) to the air. Some areas are almost pletely (complete) covered in weeds, 7.causing (cause) serious damage. Pollution from nearby

    11、cement factories has also contributed 8.to the problem. UNESCO has recommended that the site 9.(should) be closed (close) and repaired. If nothing is done to repair it, it could be removed from the list. So, not only the government but also the ordinary people should try their best 10.to raise (rais

    12、e) money to save it.串点成篇微表达文化遗产是文化与历史的象征。它们是我们人类的宝贵(precious)遗产,而且保护(preserve)文化遗产是至关重要(of vital importance)的。然而一些人对此毫无作为(contribute . to .)甚至危害我们的文化遗产。当我旅行的时候,我见到一些历史遗迹(remains)岌岌可危,这让我感到非常吃惊。因此,我提议(propose)我们每一个人都应该参与其中,为保护文化遗产做些什么。除此之外 (apart from),政府也应该拨发一些资金来对它们进行维护(maintain)。Cultural relics ar

    13、e a symbol of culture and history. They are precious heritage for us mankind and it is of vital importance to preserve them. However, some people contribute nothing to protecting them, even cause damage to the relics. When I was travelling, I could see some historic remains were in danger, which cam

    14、e as a great shock to me. So I propose that every one of us (should) get involved and do something for the protection of cultural relics. Apart from it, the government should allocate some funds for maintaining them.二、勤练高考题型,多练自能生巧.完形填空Summer was supposed to be free of worries for a high school grad

    15、uate like me. No studying, no 1 . I even had a good 2 , so I could go off with some money in my pocket. But one afternoon 3 crowded in: Id never been on my own before. How would I 4 it out there in the big, scary world?“See you tomorrow, ” I said to my boss. Moms car 5 in the burning sun. I got 6 th

    16、e wheel and headed home. Then 7 went black.I opened my eyes in a 8 room. Mom was there. I tried to sit up, but I couldnt move. Mom and the police officers 9 told me the truth: The 10 was all my fault. Id made the 11 mistake of my life. Witnesses had seen me make a left turn on Route 37 right into th

    17、e path of a white truck going 60 miles per hour. I was knocked unconscious. 12 , the driver of the truck wasnt hurt.About a week after I left the hospital, a police officer came to the house, 13 me a court date. Mom and I went to see her car. It was completely 14 . On the seat we saw a bandana (手帕)

    18、in blood. “That must 15 the man who helped you, ” said Mom. “We should wash this and return it to him, ” said Mom. Finding the man 16 out to be easy enough. Coming facetoface with someone who had been so kind to me only 17 my guilt. I held back tears.I still had a lot of 18 . The judge asked me to a

    19、ttend a community class on road safety. By the time I left for 19 I was ready for the big world out there. I knew Id be okay, 20 I would be more careful.语篇解读:高中毕业即将上大学的作者,对外面的世界充满了疑问。但是还没等出门就遭遇车祸。作者认为,尽管车祸可怕,但是给了自己一个教训:一切都要小心谨慎。这也为作者即将到来的大学生活积累了经验。1A.homework BhouseworkCperformance Dpractice解析:选 A 高

    20、中毕业的那个暑假是轻松的,因为不用上学,没有“作业” 。2A.sponsor BfriendCjob Dopportunity解析:选 C 有了“工作” ,这样口袋里就能备些钱了。3A.surprises BdoubtsCregrets Dnotes解析:选 B 根据第一段最后一句可知,作者对自己能否适应外面的世界有了些疑问。4A.make BtakeChelp Dlive解析:选 A 作者疑惑,自己一直待在家乡没有出过门,现在要上大学了,怎样才能“成功地”适应外面这个可怕的世界。make it 意为“成功地做成某事 ”。5A.dried BrolledCshone Dsat解析:选 C 根据

    21、下文作者开车可知,下班告别老板之后,作者来到车旁准备开车回家。妈妈的车在阳光下“闪闪发光” 。6A.over BthroughCoff Dbehind解析:选 D get behind the wheel 为固定用法,意为“驾驶” 。7A.everything BsomethingCnothing Danything解析:选 A 根据下文可知,作者出了车祸。因此,眼前一片漆黑。8A.new BbeautifulCstrange Ddark解析:选 C 根据语境,作者在医院里醒来,因此是一个“陌生的”房间。9A.friendly BpolitelyCwillingly Dfinally解析:选

    22、D 妈妈和警察“最终 ”告诉了作者车祸的事实。10A.event BaccidentCchange Dexperience解析:选 B 根据后文的描述可知,此处表示 “事故” 。11A.first BsimplestCworst Dlast解析:选 C 作者犯了今生“ 最糟糕的”一个错误。12A.Unfortunately BAmazinglyCDeliberately DImpatiently解析:选 B 对方司机没有受伤,除了作者,没有其他人受伤,这一点“令人惊奇” 。13A.expressing BofferingCplanning Dassigning解析:选 D 出了车祸,交警核查事

    23、实之后要到法院解决问题,所以交警给作者“指定”了一个上庭日期。14A.destroyed BattackedCinjured Dharmed解析:选 A 车撞得很严重,彻底地 “毁坏”了。destroy “毁坏” ;attack “攻击” ;injure“伤害” ; harm“伤害” 。15A.call in Bbelong toCtake in Dappeal to解析:选 B that 指代上文中的手帕,是那个救作者的人落下的。belong to“属于” ;call in“召来,叫来” ;take in “欺骗” ;appeal to “吸引” 。16A.brought BputCgave

    24、 Dturned解析:选 D turn out“结果是,证明是” ,指找到那个帮助者很容易。17A.established BshowedCstrengthened Dproved解析:选 C 和曾经如此善良地帮助自己的人见面 “加深”了作者的负罪感。18A.chances BchoicesCwonders Dchallenges解析:选 D 根据下句作者还要上驾驶安全课可知,作者还有很多事要做,还要面临很多“挑战” 。19A.college BworkChospital Dhome解析:选 A 呼应文章第一句,高中毕业,要去上 “大学” 。20A.while BbecauseCthough

    25、Duntil解析:选 B 作者知道自己可以适应外面的世界,因为作者会更加小心谨慎。.短文改错My friend Lisa was often unhappy. One day, I asked her how. She said, “My parents love my younger sisters many more. I dont think Im important to them.” After hear that, I said, “Your parents surely love you and your sister equally.” I said that because

    26、I really think so then. Parents usual love all of their children the same. But they sometime act as if they loved the youngest one more. This isnt good. We dont think parents should make their children to think kids are treated differently. They should let their children know that they love all them equally.答案:第二句:howwhy第三句:manymuch第五句:hearhearing; sistersisters第六句:thinkthought第七句:usualusually第八句:sometime sometimes第十句:WeI; 去掉 to第十一句:all 后加 of


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