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    2019牛津译林版九年级英语上Unit4 Study skills 教案

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    2019牛津译林版九年级英语上Unit4 Study skills 教案

    1、Unit 4 Growing up Study skillsI. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. guess the meaning of a word by its formation;2. review different ways of forming wordsprefixes, suffixes and compound words.II. Teaching contents1. review different ways of f

    2、orming wordsprefixes and suffixes; 2. guess the meanings of compound words and some words after putting prefixes and suffixes.III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficultyHow to guess the words meanings by the formation.IV. Teaching proceduresStep 1 Free talkHow do you feel after learnin

    3、g about Annie Frank and her book?T: Boys and girls. How do you feel after learning about Annie Frank and her book The Diary of a Young Girl?S: I feel very sad/sorry.T: Did she enjoy a happy life as we do?S: No. T: What did Annie write about in her diary?S: She wrote about her thoughts, her feelings,

    4、 her hopes and her dreams for the future.【设计意图:以 Free talk 自然导入新课。 】Step 2 Read the passage and guess the meanings of the words1. Read and answer some questionsT: Annie wrote about her feelings. How did she feel?Please read the passage on page 59 and answer some questions.T: How did Anne feel at tha

    5、t time? S: She felt bored and unhappy.T: How do you know?Her boredom with being away from the outside world. Her unhappiness with living in a small place all year. T: Which word does “boredom” come from? S: Boreboredom.T: Did she feel afraid? S: Yes. T: Why was she afraid?S: She was afraid of being

    6、discovered and killed by the Nazis.T: How do you know?S: Her fear of discovery and death.T: Which word does “discovery” come from?S: Discoverdiscovery.T: Was the story true?S: Yes. It was not an imaginary story. It was a true experience of a teenager in wartime.T: Imagineimaginary. Wartime is a comp

    7、ound word. T: What does it mean?S: It means “the time during the war”.T: Did the book sell well?S: Yes. It became a best-seller as soon as it was published. Soon it was read by people worldwide.T: There are two compound words here. Can you find them?What does “best-seller” mean? S: It means “a book

    8、that sells well”. T: What about “worldwide”?S: It means “all over the world, around the world”.2. Match the words with the meanings【设计意图:由谈论 Annie Frank 和她的日记引出本课教学内容,引导学生阅读语篇猜测词义,初步培养学生根据词的构成猜测词义的意识。 】Step 3 Explain how to guess the meanings of words by formation1. Suffixes, prefixes and compound w

    9、ordsT: What do you do when you read and come across a new word?S: I look it up in the dictionary.T: You can guess the meaning by its formation. Look at these words: careful, formation, boredom, discovery, imaginary.Do the meanings change with suffixes?No, they dont. The meanings remain the same.Some

    10、times a suffix changes a words part of speech, but the meaning remains almost the same. So if you know the meaning of the root word, you can guess the meaning of the word.T: What about these words? Do the meanings remain the same?No. The meanings are changed. So sometimes a suffix or a prefix change

    11、s the meanings of words.T: And often two words put together and form a new word, a compound word, and we can guess the meanings from the two words. Some compound words have a hyphen (-), such as well-known, hard-working.【设计意图:引导学生归纳如何根据词的构成猜测词义。一些后缀不改变词义,所以根据词根就能猜测词义;一些前缀后缀改变词义;合成词由两个单词构成,可以根据两个单词猜测

    12、词义。 】2. BrainstormingT: Work in groups. Try to think of more words with suffixes and suffixes.-ist (artist) _-al (musical) _-ness (illness ) _-ful (useful) _-ion ( action) _-ment (agreement)_im- (impolite) _un- (untidy) _【设计意图:以头脑风暴的形式帮助学生复习巩固一些已学的前缀后缀和合成词,构建关于构词法的图式。 】Step 4 PracticeT: Boys and gir

    13、ls, Here is another article about Annie Frank. Can you guess the underlined words by their formation?Annie Frank was born in a European country. She lived a pitiful life, which was completely different from ours. It was an unforgettable experience that had no peacefulness all the time. It may seem u

    14、nbelievable to people in peacetime. However, though she was in the Nazi camp, her hopes and dreams were unaffected. Her book was a big success after its publication. And we can read different translations in many languages.【设计意图:自编一篇关于 Annie Frank 的短文,引导学生阅读语篇猜测词义,训练和培养学生根据词的构成猜测词义的能力。 】V. Homework1. Find more words with suffixes or prefixes, more compound words and try to guess the meanings.2. Preview Task.


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