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    牛津译林版七年级下英语Unit8 Study skills 教案

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    牛津译林版七年级下英语Unit8 Study skills 教案

    1、英语 (七年级下册) Unit 8 PetsStudy skillsI. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. learn about the Internet and use the Internet to find information;2. use the search engines to find information by typing in the key words.II. Focus of the lesson and pre

    2、dicted area of difficultyFind information by typing in the key words.III. Teaching proceduresStep 1 Presentation1. About the Internet T: Look at the two pictures. What do they stand for? The Internet.What is the Internet? The Internet is an international computer network. It connects computer networ

    3、ks all over the world.2. Group discussion T: Now lets talk about the following questions. You may discuss them in groups of four.(1) What can people get from the Internet?(2) Whats on the Internet?(3) Whats on the websites?(4) What can we use to find the information you need?【设计意图:通过问题的呈现,让学生对因特网有一定

    4、的了解,并且导出搜索引擎,今日主题。 】3. Watch and answerT: Boys and girls, are you interested in searching for information on the Internet? Next, well watch a video about how to use the search engines to search for the information on the Internet. Watch it carefully.【设计意图:通过一段教学视频,让学生对搜索引擎有一定的了解。 】T: After watching

    5、the video, you may know the search engines well. Then Id like you to ask and answer the questions in pairs.(1) What helps us find information quickly and easily?(2) What can we do if we want the search engine to help give us a list of relevant websites to look at?(3) Can you tell me some names of th

    6、e search engines?(4) What can we find with the search engines?【设计意图:学生进一步了解搜素引擎,为下面自己独立查找信息做准备。 】Step 2 Practice1. Circle the correct letterT: Millie and her friends are using search engines to find information. Help them choose the best keywords.2. Search your own informationT: Boys and girls, Id l

    7、ike you to use the search engines to find information for me.(1) The advantages of keeping pets.(2) Introduction to the film Harry Potter.【设计意图:让学生输入关键词,利用搜索引擎查找信息。 】3. Group workT: Read the passage on the screen, and use the knowledge we have learned today to look for some information that you are

    8、interested in. You may talk about it in groups of four.【设计意图:开放性练习,让学生进一步熟练运用今日所学内容,并且用于日常情境对话。】Step 3 ConclusionT: Boys and girls, do you often surf the Internet? Can you use the search engines to find the information now? Is the Internet good or bad for us?If we can use the Internet wisely, of course the Internet will be of great help to us and we can learn a lot from the Internet.【设计意图:情感目标,让学生合理使用因特网。 】IV. Homework1. Revise what we have learnt today.2. Use search engines to search for more information.


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