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    牛津译林版八年级下英语Unit8 Task 教案

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    牛津译林版八年级下英语Unit8 Task 教案

    1、Unit 8 A green world TaskI. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. use notes to organize their ideas;2. use new words and expressions learnt in Unit 8 correctly;3. write a passage about going green. II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases:

    2、simple, step, power2. New structures: Here are some simple steps to take.Follow these small steps, and you can make a big difference to the Earth!III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty1. Plan how to use details to support the topic.2. Review the first draft.3. Write an article abo

    3、ut going green in easy and clear English.IV. Teaching proceduresStep 1 Lead-in Go over A3 on page 116 T: These days Sandy has written a note to Mr Wu about the survey on students daily habits. Lets read it again. T: We can see there are three paragraphs. Do you know what each paragraph is about?T: L

    4、ets have a clear look at the structure. The first paragraph is the introduction and it gives us the general information of the survey.Paragraph 2 is the results of the survey. It mainly tells the facts of the survey.In Paragraph 3, Sandy states her opinion.【设计意图:通过再读综合技能中 Sandy 给吴老师的信,让学生总结文章的框架。 】S

    5、tep 2 Presentation 1. Mr Wus adviceT: Mr Wu thinks Sandy did a good job and he wants her to give a presentation on how to go green according to the survey. He gives Sandy some advice and also something about the writing process.2. Explain Writing ProcessT: Writing is a step-by-step process. Here are

    6、 the four steps. Lets see one by one.3. Millies Prewriting T: Millie, Sandys friend, is very interested and she wants to write about Your Planet Needs You like that. Lets discuss it with her. How many parts will be included? What are they?T: Now Millie has made the following notes. She is going to w

    7、rite it.【设计意图:根据吴老师给出的建议,让学生与 Millie 一起进行写作前的构思,讨论更多简单易行的环保方法与措施。 】4. Read Millies writing T: Here is Millies writing for the presentation. What do you think of it?5. Learn five questions about writing T: Ask yourself the following questions. They can help you evaluate others writings.If you want to

    8、 make someone do as you say, you need to start with a sentence that states your opinion. Remember to use the word should. Write body sentences that include your supporting facts. End with a sentence that restates your opinion as an order or call to action, such as “follow these small steps”.Step 3 W

    9、riting 1. Read Millies writing again T: Now go back to Millies writing, please. The underlined parts are the main ideas of each paragraph. And the circled ones are different kinds of transitions.【设计意图:以范文为例,帮助学生进行分析,引导学生注意写作特点。 】2. Find some useful structures T: Lets read Sandys writing again and fi

    10、nd some useful expressions we can use when writing.【设计意图:学生通过再读文章,学习有用的短语及句式。 】3. Learn Keys to Writing Process T: Before writing, please have a close look at Keys to Writing Process. Attention, please. Editing becomes important after youve revised your first writing. When you edit, you make sure yo

    11、u have followed the rules for using punctuation, capitalization, spelling and grammar. 【设计意图:写作前与学生一起回顾四步骤的各个要点。 】4. Provide six questions for revisingT: Here are some key things you have to think about during your writing.【设计意图:通过六个自问自答的问题,帮助学生写作及修改。 】5. Some more information T: Some more informati

    12、on for you. Now you can start to write step by step.6. Notes for prewriting T: This table may help you prewrite.【设计意图:给学生提供更多参考信息以及要点框架,为写前构思降低难度。 】7. A sample writing T: Heres a sample writing for you to read.Step 4 Summary T: Why do we write?T: Becoming a good writer needs plenty of writing practice.【设计意图:讨论写作带来的好处,鼓励学生爱上写作,并不断的尝试写作。 】V. Homework1 Read your writing again and revise it if necessary.2 Prepare for a presentation.


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