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    牛津译林版五年级下英语Unit2 Story time 教案

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    牛津译林版五年级下英语Unit2 Story time 教案

    1、Unit 2 How do you come to school?Story timeTeaching contents 教学内容Story time Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标1. 能听懂、会说、会读 bus,taxi, metro,on foot 等交通工具类单词及词组。2. 能初步运用句型 How do/does come to school? 及回答 I by/on 3. 学生能够在理解的基础上有感情地朗读并合作表演故事。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教

    2、学重点和难点教学重点:1. 能听懂、会说、会读 bus,taxi, metro,on foot 等交通工具类单词及词组。2. 能初步运用句型 How do/does come to school? 及回答 I by/ on .3. 能较流利、有感情地朗读故事。教学难点:1. 能初步运用句型 How do/ does come to school? 及回答 I by/ on .2. 学生能够在理解的基础上有感情地朗读并合作表演故事。Teaching procedures 教学过程:Step1 Warm-up1. Free talkT: Good morning, boys and girls.

    3、First, lets have a brainstorming. Where do these animals live?T:Where do fish live?S:They live in the water/river.T:Where do birds live?S:They live in the tree.T:Where do these three bears live?S:They live in the forest.T:Where do pandas live?S:They live in China.T:Where do kangaroos live?S:They liv

    4、e in Australia.【设计意图:通过“ 大脑风暴 ”的形式,结合旧知,引出新授句型 Where do.live?为下面课文的学习作铺垫。 】Step 2 Presentation and practice1. Reveal the themeT: Who are they?S: They are Su Hai, Yang Ling, Mike and Liu Tao.T: Where do they live? Well know where they live from Story time. So today lets learn “Unit 2 How do they come

    5、 to school?” 【设计意图:从 Where do the animals live?自然过渡到本课主题,揭示本课教学内容。 】2. Watch and answerT: Watch the video and try to find the answers to these two questions. (PPT 呈现问题并播放动画)T: Who lives in the new home?S: Su Hai lives in the new home.T: Yes. Its very big and Su Hai likes it very much.T: Does Su Hai

    6、live near school?S: No, she doesnt.3. Read and underlineT: Su Hai lives in the new house. Its not near school. Where does she live?Please read the part on page 16 and underline the key words.S: She lives on Moon Street, near City Library. (教授 moon, street, near, city) T: Su Hais home is far from sch

    7、ool. (教授 far from)T: How does Su Hai come to school?S: She comes to school by bus. (教授 by bus)【设计意图:带着问题观看课文视频和阅读课文,引导学生在看和读的过程中找出关键词句,配合直观的图示,完成“near、far from、Moon Street、City Library”及相关句型的新授。 】4. Try to sayT: So Su Hai can sayS: I live on Moon Street, near City Library. Su Yang and I come to scho

    8、ol by bus.T: And we can sayS: Su Hai lives on Moon Street, near City Library. She and Su Yang come to school by bus.【设计意图:学生根据所掌握的信息,分别用第一人称和第三人称表述苏海的居住地和上学方式,进一步巩固一般现在时的运用。 】5. Try to askT: Weve known where Su Hai lives and how she comes to school. What about the other students in Story time? What

    9、questions can you ask if you want to know? You can ask with the question words “where” and “how”.S1: Where do you live, Mike? How do you come to school?S2: Where does Mike live? How does he come to school?【设计意图:引导学生思考如何用 where 和 how 对地点和方式来提问,突出教学重点和突破教学难点。 】6. Read and locateT: Heres a map and ther

    10、e are three points on it. Read Story time and locate Yang Lings, Mikes and Liu Taos home.S: A is Yang Lings home. B is Mikes home and C is Liu Taos home. (教授 sunshine, town)T: Can you describe where they live?S: Yang Ling lives near school. Mike lives in Sunshine Town. Liu Tao lives on Park Street.

    11、【设计意图:根据课文信息在地图上标出杨玲、迈克、刘涛三人的居住地,将文字与图片结合帮助学生理解和概括。 】7. Read and matchT: They three live in different places. So they come to school in different ways. How do they come to school? Please read the passage on Page 17 and do the match.S: Yang Ling comes to school on foot. Mike comes to school by metro.

    12、 Liu Tao comes to school by taxi.T: Yes, because Liu Taos father is a taxi driver. (新授 on foot, by metro, by taxi)【设计意图:结合教材上的连线题,将人物与交通方式进行匹配,在完成 on foot、by metro、by taxi 的教学的同时,帮助学生理解课文中各人的上学方式。】Step 3 Consolidation1. Read and circleT: Now, please read the whole passage by yourself and circle the

    13、right answers in the sentences.2. Lets read.(1) Read after the tape(2) Read in groups in the way you like【设计意图:通过自读、跟读、小组读等多种朗读方式,帮助学生巩固课文内容,加深对课文的理解,养成良好的朗读习惯。 】Homework 家庭作业1. Copy the new words and try to recite them.2. Act Story time with your friends.Teaching aids 教学准备教学准备:光盘,PPT,板书,相关道具。 板书设计:

    14、 Unit 2 How do you come to school?Who? Where ? How.? Yang Ling Su YangMikeLiu Tao说课本课为第 2 单元第 1 课时,教学内容为 Story time。本课的教学目标设定为:by busmetrotaxion footnearfar frommoonstreetsunshinetown学生在学习语篇的过程中掌握交通方式及地点类词汇,以及主要句型 Where do/doeslive?和 How do/doescome to school?及其问答,并能熟练朗读课文。首先,教师用 Where do the animal

    15、s live?这一话题让学生初步感知 where句型的问答,自然引出本课人物,揭示主题。接着以苏海为主线,带着问题看课文视频和朗读前半部分课文,在看和读的过程中寻找答案,并逐步达成词汇与相关句型的学习。然后,再次读课文找到其他三人信息,结合地点标注、连线、圈词这三个学习任务,完成课文后半部分的教学。最后,引导学生通过多种朗读方式巩固课文,加深理解,基本达到熟读的程度。由于本课属于语篇教学,因此,词汇与句型的教学不能脱离语篇和语境,必须始终与课文内容融合,学生在完成教师精心设计的问答、标注、匹配、圈划等学习任务的过程中,循序渐进地掌握课文内容。课文的层次比较清晰,主线明确,因此,经过层层铺垫和解析,在巩固环节让学生进行信息表的填写难度比较适中,多数学生能够顺利完成,对照信息表,学生也能进行简单的课文复述。此外,本课中还有涉及到 live in 和 live on 的运用,live 是学生已经很熟悉的单词了,但是之前一直都是用 live in,本课引入 live on . Street,需要向学生强调 live in 和 live on 的具体用法和区别。


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