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    牛津译林版八年级下英语Unit6 Task 教案

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    牛津译林版八年级下英语Unit6 Task 教案

    1、Unit 6 Sunshine for allTaskI. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. organize the ideas before writing; 2. write a letter to ask for help.II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: introduction, disease, operation, survivor, give a helping ha

    2、nd2. New structures: need our help.Its important/dangerous/ for to . If all of us can give a helping hand, may .Thank you for your help/support.III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficultyDevelop the students writing ability.IV. Teaching proceduresStep 1 Lead-in1. Show the learning aims

    3、 T: Today we will learn Task. Lets have a look at the learning aims.2. Look and discussT: There are many people who need our help around us. Look at the pictures and discuss: Who needs help? What kind of help do they need? How can we help? T: When someone is in trouble, we should give him/her a help

    4、ing hand. We can write a letter asking for more peoples help. 【设计意图:通过看图讨论,创设情境,导入新课。】Step 2 Pre-writing1. Learn about Peters planT: Peter wants to write a letter to ask others to help a middle school student. First he organizes his ideas from general to specific. 【设计意图:分析范文提纲,了解写信前可按总分方式列提纲以及提纲所包含的

    5、主要内容。】2. Read and learn the structureT: Peter writes down his letter. Now read his letter and find the structure: Greeting, Main body and Signature.T: Take a close look at the main body. It has five paragraphs. Please underline the topic sentence and think about the main idea to each paragraph. 【设计意

    6、图:解析范文结构,帮助学生了解求助信的格式。通过搜索主题句确认段落大意,了解正文构成要素。】3. Read and underline the useful expressionsT: When writing our own letters, we can use some of the expressions from Peters letter.【设计意图:充分利用教材,赏析范文的遣词造句,帮助学生收集后续写作所需词汇和句型,搭建写作框架。】4. Write section by sectionBeginning: Introduce the people or group in nee

    7、d briefly and directly. Practice: Introduce the people in need.Main body: (1) Introduce the information about the people or group in need clearly. State the trouble in detail. Dont forget to tell the readers what kind of help they need. Practice: 81-year-old Mr Sun needs help. Please Choose the best

    8、 one. (2) Call on the readers to give a helping hand. Practice: Write down how to help Mr Sun. Ending: In this part we should express thanks sincerely. Practice: Express your thanks in different ways.【设计意图:通过指导信件三个部分的写作侧重点和写作方法,帮助学生了解如何写倡议信。设计四个写作小练习,一步一步指导学生写什么,怎么写,将写作难度降低,分解到各个片段练习中,为学生的整体写作铺设台阶。】

    9、Step 3 While-writing1. Have a discussionT: Work in groups of three and discuss your letter from three parts. These five questions can help you.【设计意图:组织学生围绕五个问题开展小组讨论,为后续写作确立提纲。】3. Write the first draftT: Write your first draft now. Be sure to have a clear organization, practical ideas, specific word

    10、s and rich expressions. Dont forget to write your ideas from general to specific. Its helpful to have a look at the outline of Peters letter. (Play the background music)【设计意图:根据提纲各自独立完成初稿,实现写作任务的整体输出。】Step 4 Post- writing1. ReviseT: Revise your structure, main ideas and details first. Do this alone

    11、by moving parts to right order, cutting out unnecessary parts and add new materials.2. EditT: Read your writing more slowly and look for other mistakes in grammar, clearness, spelling, punctuation and capitalization. Follow the steps and edit your writing in pairs. Use a dictionary or a computer for

    12、 help.3. FinishT: Now lets make a final copy. Rewrite the draft in your best handwriting. 【设计意图:通过指导修订和校订初稿,让学生在个人自改和同伴互改过程中不断完善自己的习作。指导完稿,让学生完整地输出一篇习作。通过示范和指导写作的五个步骤,将过程取向写作教学模式和本课写作内容有机结合,使学生的输出水到渠成。】4. AssessT: Share and assess your letter according to the assessment table. 【设计意图:设计量化评价表,使学生的评价能够

    13、有章可循,有可操作性。通过评价进一步发现问题,享受写作的快乐,进一步提高学生写作的兴趣。】Step 5 Summary1. SummaryT: So far, we have had a better understanding about how to write a letter to ask for help. Lets review what we have learnt in this period.2. Topic distillationT: There are many people who need help around us. The more we give our love, the better our world will be.【设计意图:课堂总结,巩固已学知识,进行情感升华。】V. Homework1. Search more information about people in need and write a letter to ask more people to help them. 2. Make necessary changes in your writing based on the assessment table and rewrite it in your exercise books.


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