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    牛津译林版八年级下英语Unit5 Grammar 教案

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    牛津译林版八年级下英语Unit5 Grammar 教案

    1、Unit 5 Good manners GrammarI. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. use “to be + adjective + enough + to-infinitive” to describe a persons personality and abilities;2. use “to be + too + adjective + to infinitive” to express a negative result.II

    2、. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: discussion, express, make everyone laugh, on her own, join the discussion, express himself clearly, all the main points, be busy with2. New structures: You are old enough to learn about manners.British people are too polite to shout loudly in public.The U

    3、K is too far away for Jenny to go there on her own.III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficultyLearn to use “to be + adjective + enough + to-infinitive” to describe a persons personality and abilities.Learn to use “to be + too + adjective + toinfinitive” to express a negative result.IV.

    4、 Teaching proceduresA Using enough toStep 1 Lead-inFree talk T: How do British people behave in public?S: Theyre polite enough to obey traffic rules.Theyre patient enough to wait till others move. In the underground theyre kind enough to give up their seats for pregnant women, elderly people or wome

    5、n with children.【设计意图:通过谈论英国人的礼貌行为,导入第一个语法点 enough to 的用法。 】Step 2 Presentation 1. Design a two-day holiday in the UK(1) Before leaving“You are old enough to learn about good manners at home and abroad.”(2) Day 1: visit Helen Whats Helen like?What did Helen do?【设计意图:通过设计到英国的旅行,分别介绍两个语法点,第一天到朋友 Helen

    6、 家,自然引导出 enough 的用法。 】2. Introduce the structureT: Can you find the similarity? They all have the structure “to be + adjective + enough + to-infinitive”. We can use the structure to describe a persons personality and abilities.【设计意图:寻找四个句子的相似点,列出语法结构。 】3. Words used to describe a persons personality

    7、 and abilities 4. Explain the use of enough Step 3 Practice1. Complete the conversationT: Complete Jenny and Helens conversation, using “adjective + enough + to-infinitive”.2. Look and sayT: Look at the pictures and describe them using “adjective + enough + to-infinitive”.3. Make sentencesT: Suzy wa

    8、nts to tell her parents what she thinks about her friends. Help her make sentences using “to be + adjective + enough + to-infinitive”.4. Complete the sentencesT: Complete the sentences by using the adjectives on the left and the phrases on the right.【设计意图:在阶段练习中侧重了一些基础的语言点的检查,并且在第二组练习中加强了知识的综合运用能力,这

    9、样让学生阶梯式攀登,不知不觉掌握所学的语法。 】B Using too . toStep 1 Presentation 1. Day 2: visit LondonT: On the second day, Helen showed me around London. On the street, I met many British people. British people are polite. They dont push in before others. British people are gentle. They dont shout or laugh loudly in p

    10、ublic.British people are patient. They dont touch you or push past you if youre in their way.2. Rewrite the sentences with too . toT: We have another way to say the three sentences.British people are too polite to push in before others.British people are too gentle to shout or laugh loudly in public

    11、.British people are too patient to touch you or push past you if youre in their way.T: Sometimes we need to add “for someone” before the to-infinitive.The Big Ben is too far away. I cant go there on my own.= The Big Ben is too far away for me to go there on my own. 3. Work out the ruleWe often use “

    12、to be + too + adjective + to infinitive” to express a negative result.【设计意图:通过设计虚拟的英国的旅行,展示含有 too . to 的句型,让学生感悟并推断出规律。 】Step 2 Practice1. Complete the passageT: Helen is introducing the places of interest in the UK. Please help her complete the introduction.【设计意图:通过设计英国景点的介绍,适当练习 too . to 句型,让学生在练习

    13、所学语法的同时,也了解英国的景点及其文化。 】2. Rewrite the sentencesT: The radio show is over. Millie wants to write about that in her diary. Help her rewrite the sentences with “to be + too + adjective +to infinitive”.3. Talk about the picturesT: Talk about the pictures with “to be + too + adjective + toinfinitive”.【设计

    14、意图:设计多项练习使不同层次的学生都有回答问题的机会,提高课堂参与度。 】Step 3 Extended learning1. Jennys diaryT: Jenny has been back to China. Please complete her diary.T: Pay attention to these two sentences. Can you think of another way to express them? 【设计意图:通过完成日记,练习本节课的语法,同时也延伸出语法间的转换关系。 】2. enough to/too . toHe is not old enou

    15、gh to do the work. = He is too young to do the work.The problem is too difficult for me to work out. = The problem isnt easy enough for me to work out.3. Complete the sentences4. Complete the article 【设计意图:为不同层次的学生设计不同难度系数的练习,且练习颇具新意。可加宽学生的知识面,并促进他们思维能力的发展。 】5. SummaryV. Homework1. Review the two sentence structures.2. Try to use “enough to” and “too to” to talk about your best friends personality and abilities.


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