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    牛津译林版七年级下英语Unit6 Study skills 教案

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    牛津译林版七年级下英语Unit6 Study skills 教案

    1、Unit 6 Outdoor fun Study skillsI. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. learn the usage of the English dictionary;2. know the words in a dictionary are in alphabetical order;3. find words in the dictionary quickly.II. Focus of the lesson and pre

    2、dicted area of difficultyLearn how to use a dictionary.III. Teaching proceduresStep 1 Lead-in1. Have a guessT: It cant speak or write, but it has much knowledge. When you have problems with learning, it can give you lots of help. What is it?S: Its a dictionary.T: Yes, thats right. I think a dictiona

    3、ry is one of the most valuable tools. 【设计意图:通过猜谜的方式导入,有效激发学生的兴趣。 】2. Free talk T: Do you have an English-Chinese dictionary? Can you show me your dictionary? Have you ever read your dictionary carefully?T: Today, lets try to understand it further. 【设计意图:让学生自然地拿出词典,关注词典。 】Step 2 Presentation Try to u

    4、nderstand your dictionary(1) Choose the right dictionary.Learners Dictionary or Advanced Learners Dictionary?(2) Study your dictionary.T: The words in a dictionary are in alphabetical order, from A to Z. Do you know why?T: It helps us find words quickly. If two words start with the same letter, we l

    5、ook at the second letter of the word we want to look up.【设计意图:作为过渡,简要说明词典里单词的排列规则,并举例说明,帮助理解。 】Step 3 Practice 1. Fill in the blanks according to the sequence of the letters 2. Write the numbers 1-8 in alphabetical order3. Choose the right answer【设计意图:通过多种练习形式,帮助学生掌握词典中单词的排列顺序。 】Step 4 Presentation

    6、1. Guide words T: Turn to page 77 and find out what the guide word is. 2. Finish Part B【设计意图:解释引导词的功能,并提供实例操练学生的应用能力。 】Step 5 Practice 1. Look up the words in the dictionary【设计意图:让学生练习如何查阅生词,可用图片说明生词含义,加深学生印象。 】2. Read the comicsT: There are some new words in the comics. You can look up the news wor

    7、ds in your dictionary. 【设计意图:以漫画图片及内容为载体,再次训练学生查阅字典辅助理解文本的能力。 】3. Enjoy an essay T: Read the essay about happiness. If there are some new words, you can guess their meanings according to the context or look up the words in your dictionary. 【设计意图:从词、句再到文章的理解,围绕板块主题层层递进。 】4. DiscussionT: Nowadays onli

    8、ne dictionaries are popular. Do you like to use paper dictionaries or online dictionaries? Have a discussion with your partner and express your opinion to the class.【设计意图:拓展关于在线词典的信息,让学生思考并抒发自己的观点。 】T: Dictionaries are really useful. Do you know what information we can get from the dictionary?【设计意图:引导学生更多地关注字典的其他丰富用途。 】IV. Homework1. Sing the Alphabet song.2. Find five words in your dictionary, and try to read their definitions and the sentences given.


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